Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

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It's Pete Carroll, he's been a tool for years.

You know what's weird, though? He's the second-oldest head coach in the NFL. He acts like a child and still looks like he's in his early 40s, but the only coach who's older is Tom Coughlin...who looks like he died two years ago

Finished that thought for you.
...and seattle never throws up the pass if we got the interception had it not been from some BS roughing the passer call.

yes, i get where you're coming from, BS on all sides - but that final drive was absolutely ridiculous.
How the **** is "wide right" not a reviewable play? I thought *every* scoring play was reviewable... :confused: Where's the logic in *not* allowing that to be reviewed? Sure, if it's a question of if the ball goes through the goalposts (which I've never once seen the officials **** up), that's reviewable... but in the situation where you would NEED a closer look - to determine if it went past an imaginary line - that's NOT reviewable? What's the logic in that?

Oh, they ****ed that up once before. It was 4 years ago or so baltimore and cleveland. Cleveland kicked a really long one to try to tie it as time ran out. It looked like the ball bounced off of the crossbar and back. Called no good and game was over. 10-15 ****ing minutes later they reviewed it, said it was good but bounced off the suporrt pole and then back through and pulled everyone else back out onto the field. Some guys were already in the damn shower!

Horribly officiated game, for both sides. The "unsportsmanlike" conduct on Harbaugh was bush-league at that point in the game, but they also threw a flag on McCourty for a complete phantom pass-interference play (not on the last drive, on the drive where Baltimore drove for the TD). I would *really* hope that a high-visibility game like this gets the regular officials back; this was a joke. They just didn't know what to call.

Yeah, it was just an embarresment but really I think the refs were equally as bad on both sides.

I know this is the wrong place to ask, but I haven't seen the replay of it yet. Was that pick of brady at the end that was called back for interference clean? From where I was and every replay they showed in the stadium it looked like he didn't even touch him.

I have to say - Baltimore's crowd kind of sounds like a bunch of drunk soccer hooligans. I kind of wish Foxboro sounds like that more often.

That place can really get rocking. Towards the end there a ton of people had already left and it was still deafening. As loud as it was, it still isn't the loudest I have heard that place get.

Yeah, they might not get as loud as Seattle but they are close and they aren't in a dome and don't pipe in crowd noise through the PA system.

waaaa waaaa waaaa

What was that?

(I think the refs were horrific for both teams. I just like posting stuff like that so guys like McBrewski can read as a real comment and then have an aneurism over a Pats fan blaming the refs for the loss)

Damn, that takes all the fun out of it.

Incidentally, I'm guessing it's a $100k fine for grabbing that p*ssy on his way off the field. Julian Edelman's the only one who's allowed to grab pussies.

With what the NFL said last week about being a warning to all players and coaches to tone it down, I wouldn't be surprised if he gets suspended a game.

Why not? The Patriots went from this to the gutter in a season.


In other news, Cape is now happy.


As much as the Packers game ended on a bad note, at least it wasn't out of ****ing control like Baltimore-New England. I was expected a full-blown melee to break out, Pacers-Pistons style, before all was said and done. And, even though they got the call wrong, they DID at least review the play.

That game was crazy both on and off the field. I got to 2 or 3 games a year usually and I have never seen even close to that many fans get kicked out before. I have maybe personally seen 3 or 4 total in all the games. 4 people in my section along got tossed and another guy got a warning.
Ratings are up and attendance is great. That's all the owners care about. If people keep buying tickets and watching commercials they'll be happy to just come out on the 50 yard line, flip us all the bird and walk away.
Maybe I didn't go back far enough, but is DesertBrew here with us this morning? I know how pissed I am about this call last night and I'm no Packers fan. I can't imagine how I'd be feeling this morning if I was a Packers fan. Ridiculous!!! Pure and simple.
I said earlier that I was over the replacement refs we need the real ones. I only remark to loving tonight because we won I don't care how and don't really need to have a reason because in the league we are 2-1

You should <bleep> care. You should feel dirty as <beep>! Next time, it could go against your <bleep> <bleep> team. I'd love to see how you react then!
Just curious... if Jennings so clearly had possession of the ball, why wasn't he able to man up and take it from Golden Tate anyway? :D
Just curious... if Jennings so clearly had possession of the ball, why wasn't he able to man up and take it from Golden Tate anyway? :D

Jennings caught the ball. Tate had one hand, his left on it, his right was completely seperated from the ball. It was an interception. The Pack held the Hawks line the whole second half, there was a ****ty PI call against Seattle on GB's TD drive, a missed personal foul on Browner, a lame roughing the passer on GB on the interception, a horrible PI call on Sam Shields, and a final play that was a blown call of epic proportions. However this game ended would have been questionable because it was so badly called, much like the Pats/Ravens game, but because the final play was so egregious people are pissed. I'm glad it played out that way. I was hoping they'd give Tate the TD because it was so obviously wrong, the reason I wanted that was that the NFL needs to fix this. It's not just this game, it's every game. ****ing Jim Harbaugh got 2 extra challenges against Minnesota, I'm a Niner fan, but that is ****ing inexcusable.
CheezeBalls said:
WAAAAAAAAAHHHHH we sucked all night, but there was a bad call so we deserve to win. WAAAAHHHHHHH those 8 sacks don't count because of reasons!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!

I'd also like to be on the record that Mike McCarthy was a complete vagina in the post game press conference. His team got flat robbed. He should have walked to the podium with a $50,000 check and said "here's my fine money. Now let's discuss the fact that we got ****ed over and these officials have no business being out there. First question?"
TheDudeLebowski said:
Just bought a ton of stock in Green Bay Blue Cross Blue Shield. I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of broken legs today.

I know this isn't serious, but all that added liability would drive the stock price down, if anything ;). Short the ****er!
jennings caught the ball. Tate had one hand, his left on it, his right was completely seperated from the ball. It was an interception. The pack held the hawks line the whole second half, there was a ****ty pi call against seattle on gb's td drive, a missed personal foul on browner, a lame roughing the passer on gb on the interception, a horrible pi call on sam shields, and a final play that was a blown call of epic proportions. However this game ended would have been questionable because it was so badly called, much like the pats/ravens game, but because the final play was so egregious people are pissed. I'm glad it played out that way. I was hoping they'd give tate the td because it was so obviously wrong, the reason i wanted that was that the nfl needs to fix this. It's not just this game, it's every game. ****ing jim harbaugh got 2 extra challenges against minnesota, i'm a niner fan, but that is ****ing inexcusable.

I'd also like to be on the record that Mike McCarthy was a complete vagina in the post game press conference. His team got flat robbed. He should have walked to the podium with a $50,000 check and said "here's my fine money. Now let's discuss the fact that we got ****ed over and these officials have no business being out there. First question?"

I immediately turned to NFL Network after the game just to watch the post game press conferences from both coaches. I was really hoping McCarthy would have laid into the "Refs".
very true... only the last bad call is remembered.

Exactly. The refs were crap all night and made MANY bad calls that affected the outcome of the game. Anyone saying that the last play gave the game to seattle is an idiot. There were bad calls earlier that gave it to Green Bay. If the last call gave the game away, then it just gave it back. The PI call was BS and the replay that gave the first down to Rodgers was BS as well. It should have never gotten to the point where it did at the end.

The cheeseballs want to cling to that last play to try to claim moral victory where there is none and everyone else wants to (rightly, I admit) bring the wrath down on the scabs and the owners and what better way to do that than to claim the refs cost a team a victory. If the game had been called correctly, the WHOLE GAME then it would have been a very different game, but Seattle still would have won.
This was too good not to post... http://espn1420.com/an-open-letter-to-roger-goodell-from-the-birds-nest/

An Open Letter to Roger Goodell – From the Bird’s Nest
jay walker By: Jay Walker | 2 hours ago

Dear Commissioner,

Remember the movie Misery?

Yeah, me too.

Saw the movie and read the book. Frightening stuff.

Almost as scary as the nightmare you’ve made of the National Football League.

Just to refresh your memory, in the movie, Annie Wilkes (Kathy Bates) learns that her favorite author and captive Paul Sheldon (James Caan) has been leaving his room and snooping around the house while she’s away. She decides to make sure he won’t be able to do it again by breaking both his ankles with a sledgehammer. (Hey, that’s kinder than Stephen King’s book, where she chops off his foot and cauterizes it with a blowtorch.) As she explained to Sheldon, the process was called “hobbling.”

Well, congratulations, Mr. Commissioner. You’ve succeeded in hobbling the National Football League.

Look, I gotta confess, I’m a Saints fan. So, you had already taken a sledgehammer to one of my ankles before last night. You used everything in your power (and we found out you have wayyyyyyy too much of that) to cripple the New Orleans Saints’ franchise. And, to this day, we’re still waiting to see the mountain of evidence that proves the Saints had a “bounty program,” which is now being called “pay for performance.” We, here in Louisiana, call it a sham.

No, until we see that evidence, we can only assume your motive was, well, the same as when a dog nuzzles himself.

You did it because you could.

So, as Saints fans, we’ve had to watch a rudderless ship get tossed about. No head coach. No interim head coach.

And, after three games, no wins.

Now, just when we thought it couldn’t get worse, last night you swung the sledgehammer a second time and in so doing, hobbled the National Football League.

You know what I’m talking about.

People who follow the NFL closely knew it would happen. We knew it would happen when the preseason started and we saw what your idea of a “replacement” official was. We knew it would happen when you said they’d be better once the season started (we actually chuckled at that one). We knew it would happen when the regular season started and we saw call after call get bungled by guys who just aren’t qualified to officiate football at its highest level.

Well, last night it happened.

Officiating incompetence cost a team a win in the NFL.

We could see it coming, certainly.

The officials called 24 penalties that were accepted for a total of 245 yards. And, some of the calls boggled the mind.

In the next to last drive of the game, there was a shaky roughing the passer call on third down that gave the Seahawks new life. Later in that drive, an obvious offensive pass interference call was called on the defense. Seattle didn’t score on that drive, but the change in field position set up the winning drive.

Ah, the winning drive.

We all saw the final play. We saw Golden Tate commit one of the most blatant offensive interference calls in NFL history. We saw Arkansas State’s M. D. Jennings get both hands on the football and possess it. We saw Tate’s arm trying to secure the ball. We saw one official about to signal touchback. We saw another signal touchdown. We don’t know how they decided what the ruling on the field would be, which, of course, was going to decide how this game ended.

I’m guessing Rock Paper Scissors.

And, there it was for all the world to see.

Despite all of your pontificating. Despite all of your spin. ..we found out last night what we’d been fearing ever since the preseason.

The emperor has no clothes.

And the NFL’s nakedness was exposed to everyone.

And to add to the farce, the teams were made to come back onto the field and try the extra point. Because, after all, we have to keep credibility for the bookies, er, fans.

(Oh, did you know that between $150 and $200 million dollars shifted because of that call last night? The 3.5 point favorite should have covered, winning by five. Oops.)

So, I’m writing to tell you I’m done. Last night was the final straw, the nail in the coffin, the whateverbadcliche you want to use.

For the foreseeable future, my Sundays will be different.

Maybe I’ll take a walk in the park. Maybe I’ll take the wife and twins and we’ll go for a Sunday drive. Both of my adult daughters are moving into new homes. Maybe I’ll help them hang pictures.

But here’s what I won’t do.

I won’t watch the NFL. Not Sunday afternoon, not Sunday night. Not Monday night, and not Thursday night.

I never thought I’d see the day when I would say this…..but you’ve made the NFL totally and completely unwatchable.

And, I’m not going to be subjected to it any more.

And you know the really sad part? The deal with the officials will get done. The Saints will eventually be at full strength, both in personnel and coaching. And you will beat your chest and announce that, once again, all is right with the NFL.

But Commish…..you can go ahead and perform surgery again and again on those ankles. I have news for you.

Forever, your league will walk with a limp.
Are you blind, deluded or stupid? Only one play? The refs were flawless before that? Nothing they did altered the game? LOL Keep cryin'. I'm living off your cheesy tears.

Not a Packers fan. Can you not READ? it's right there in my username jackass. I'd love to see your reaction this morning had the roles been reversed. I can't wait for the 49ers to punish the Seachickens. Just take a step back and ask yourself who is truly the one that is deluded. It's a rhetorical question BTW.
Not a Packers fan. Can you not READ? it's right there in my username jackass. I'd love to see your reaction this morning had the roles been reversed. I can't wait for the 49ers to punish the Seachickens. Just take a step back and ask yourself who is truly the one that is deluded. It's a rhetorical question BTW.

The roles were the other way around or do you not remember the Seahawk/Steeler Superbowl? The refs were horrible in that game and they affected the outcome of the game. But I'm man enough to admit that my team played like absolute CRAP and didn't deserve to win. If they'd played their game, then they'd have put it away and the officials wouldn't have mattered.
btw.... replacement refs were the best thing to happen to this thread in a while. Good fuel to be obnoxious. LOL :mug: now back to the jackassery :D

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