Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

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To get Mariotta, the Eagles would need to get from #10 to at the very least #6. They'd also need to convince one of those teams to take the $13 million that's left on Bradford's contract. I'm not saying it couldn't happen but the Eagles would have to give up way then Bradford and swapping 1sts.
I know the Jets are stupid, honestly retarded, but no franchise should flip the 6th pick for the 10th and a QB coming off multiple season ending ACL injuries (oh and he's got $13 million coming this season).
I know the Jets are stupid, honestly retarded, but no franchise should flip the 6th pick for the 10th and a QB coming off multiple season ending ACL injuries (oh and he's got $13 million coming this season).

I know it'll take more than that. I'm sure it'll cost future picks too. But it's so obvious that chip is going to do whatever it takes to land him. He's not exactly put himself in a prime negotiating position...
Well Revis got his ring and now he is going for money. Can't blame him for that but to the Jets. He must be real desperate for money lol At least go to a team that has a chance at another ring. I guess it is better than going to Jacksonville.
It was nice having him, but the Pats are only a couple pieces from going back to back. There are always value players after free agency to be had. Puts a bit more priority on signing Browner back if possible.
The AFC east sure did have an interesting day. Miami's D line is going to be stout. The bills were already stout on D, we'll see if they can get someone to throw the ball. And the Jets they uh, well they signed Revis.
Jeezus, when you look at the nut the Jets ponied up, that seems to check out.
That's sh!tload of guaranteed money in the first two years.

Shakespeare, that ironic rascal, now would have him blow up an ACL in pre-season OTAs...

Cheers! ;)
All Revis gives a **** about is money. He doesn't give a **** about winning and he doesn't care about how titles. Those are nice. All he cares about is being the highest paid CB in the NFL. The Pats should be smart, recognize that they got what they needed out of Revis, and either get a fair deal worked out or move on.

I'm a ****ing prophetic genius.
Also, boohoo. Someone finally followed through in the Patriots Way and used cut throat negotiations to get their maximum value. I'm sure Woody will cry writing a check for ten grand to the NFL.

But, but, but, mooooooooom!!! Tammmmpering!!!!!
The AFC east sure did have an interesting day. Miami's D line is going to be stout. The bills were already stout on D, we'll see if they can get someone to throw the ball. And the Jets they uh, well they signed Revis.

... there's still only two quarterbacks worth a damn in the whole division, and they both play for New England.
So the reports that Eagles and Rams swapped first rounders was wrong. I don't know what the hell chip is planning now. Is Sam Bradford at $13mil an upgrade over nick files? Ugh.
So the reports that Eagles and Rams swapped first rounders was wrong. I don't know what the hell chip is planning now. Is Sam Bradford at $13mil an upgrade over nick files? Ugh.

Just loading up to make the ultimate check mate of trading for kapernick
Also, boohoo. Someone finally followed through in the Patriots Way and used cut throat negotiations to get their maximum value. I'm sure Woody will cry writing a check for ten grand to the NFL.

But, but, but, mooooooooom!!! Tammmmpering!!!!!

Sooooooo they cheated is what you're saying and apparently you're totally fine with that.

Hmmm. Interesting.
Is making an off the cuff comment that everyone and their mother was thinking cheating, or is videotaping your opponents practices, deflating game balls (allegedly, allegedly!!!), and getting the NFL to make up two rules protecting your QB?

Sorry, keep crying about tampering. First, the Pats declined Revis' team option. Second, the Pats offered Revis more overall money than the contract he signed with the Jets. There is no case for tampering but if Kraft sucks Goodell long enough, hard enough, and sufficient vigor you'll get a 5th or 6th round pick. Trust Belicheck to draft well to replace that secondary. Oh wait, that hasn't gone so well over the years.
Dude, speaking of delusional:

When are you ever going to accept the FACT that the whole "videotaping your opponents practices" was a bogus story that was quickly recanted on the front page of the very newspaper that originally printed it? It never happened.

Deflategate? Hah.

And "getting the NFL to make up two rules protecting your QB"? I'm sure one of those is the "no hitting the QB below the knee", and that's been documented for years as originating with one of the first season ending injuries for Carson Palmer. Sure, the Pats benefitted, but every team that fields a QB (so, basically everyone but the Jets over the past few seasons) did too. What's the other one?
Dude, speaking of delusional:

When are you ever going to accept the FACT that the whole "videotaping your opponents practices" was a bogus story that was quickly recanted on the front page of the very newspaper that originally printed it? It never happened.

If it never really happened then why did the NFL fine Bellichik $500k and take a draft pick?
If it never really happened then why did the NFL fine Bellichik $500k and take a draft pick?

Are you really this much of a moron? Like, this is a level beyond Hoppy-ness. I'm assuming you must live in a group home of some kind, so there's someone around who can help you wipe your ass.

They were fined/docked a pick because they videotaped teams' signals from the wrong location. The same signals that all eighty thousand people in the stands could see. They filmed them from over there, instead of over there where it was legal. Had nothing to do with any (retracted) allegations of filming a practice.
If it never really happened then why did the NFL fine Bellichik $500k and take a draft pick?


Another one who doesn't understand AT ALL what SpyGate was actually about, and you probably try to throw this thing that you don't understand in Pats' fans faces, doncha?

The Pats were fined (both the team and the coach) and the team lost a draft pick because, during GAMETIME, they had a cameraman operating in a spot on the sideline he wasn't supposed to be. He could have been literally almost anywhere else, getting the exact same footage, and the whole thing never happens.

Which is why it's such a dumb-ass thing for the Pats to have done. They gained zero benefit from it that they couldn't have gained 100% within the rules (put the same guy, with a telephoto lens, in the coach's box, and it's 100% legal), and for doing this stupid thing that gained them no benefit they and their fans will forever need to re-explain what the actual "issue" was and deal with people who still insist that the 3 Superbowls that preceded Spygate are somehow tainted - when in fact it was perfectly legal to have a camera person on the sideline filming right up until 2006 (hint, those first 3 Superbowls were 2001, 2003, and 2004, in case you can't keep up).
Spin it however you want, but you are trying to tell me that the pats accidentally made a minor rules infraction and were then fined $500k and had a first round draft pick taken away. Sure. There must be a long list of other instances of huge fines and penalties for other teams' minor rules infractions.

And I'm the moron?
Spin it however you want, but you are trying to tell me that the pats accidentally made a minor rules infraction and were then fined $500k and had a first round draft pick taken away. Sure. There must be a long list of other instances of huge fines and penalties for other teams' minor rules infractions.

And I'm the moron?

Hey, Suh gets fined all the time and all he does is accidentally step in the wrong spot. He could have literally stepped on any other part of the field and it would have been legal. He gained nothing from doing it either! Not cheating!
Spin it however you want, but you are trying to tell me that the pats accidentally made a minor rules infraction and were then fined $500k and had a first round draft pick taken away. Sure. There must be a long list of other instances of huge fines and penalties for other teams' minor rules infractions.

And I'm the moron?

look up the Denver Broncos some time... They're a team that plays in Colorado. Payton Manning has played for them for a couple years.

Sorry... Peyton Manning is a Quarterback (that's the guy who throws the ball)
Still not seeing any $500k fines and forfeited draft picks for minor rules infractions.

Big penalties against the Broncos for circumventing the salary cap, but that is a big deal, not like accidentally using a video camera in the one spot they were asked not to for no apparent advantage whatsoever.

Got me!
Which is exactly why that punishment was as pants-on-head retahded...

It was a case of a new Commissioner (remember, he had only held his position for a hair over a year when SpyGate happened), and he was looking for some strong case to drop the hammer on and let everyone know he wasn't going to be a pushover. And, all of a sudden, Belichick made a bone headed move in ignoring this new rule change regarding cameras, and since just about everyone who wasn't a Pats fan at the time hated the Pats, they were a perfect target.

Whichever way you look at it, the rule they were punished for breaking was for having a cameraman on the sideline, most likely taping signals (admittedly, there's not a whole helluva lot else he would've been doing there). Had they had that same guy in the coach's box, no rule would've been broken and we never would have had this BS to deal with for all these years. It's the one thing Belichick has done that has ticked me off in the long term...
OMG, you must be a yoga guru statslinger, because the ethical gyrations to which you'll go to minimize the spygate offenses remind me of this guy:
Exactly what am I minimizing? The rule was "you can't tape from the sideline, but you can still tape from other approved locations (the coaches box being one of them)". They kept someone on the sideline anyway. Exactly what do YOU think they could've taped from the sideline that they couldn't have taped from the coaches box, or any of the other still-approved locations?

Yes, it was a rule.

Yes, it was stupid to break it.

No, I really don't believe any benefit was gained by doing it that couldn't have been gained by following the then-current rules. Which is exactly why it was a dumb rule to break. Hell, maybe the punishment was justified just for the sheer stupidity of the thing.