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That one was definately worth staying up for. I didn't watch Sportscenter yet, but that Jenkins catch had to be a web gem, and probably #1. That win is a definate steal, now the series looks pretty good. I hate staying up a few extra innings deep and having your team lose, it just leaves a bad taste in your mouth as you head to bed. Instead I was dreaming about Brewers and October.
Another strong showing tonight, especially against previously unbeaten (and practically unhittable) "Lights out" Rich Hill.

I'm up 3-2 in the bet. Going for the sweep tomorrow afternoon. I'll be up (working nights) watching it.

Man it is good to hear the Scrubs fan whine over the radio. :D
This looks good. Been a while...


Let the rest of the division beat on each other.
That's a beautiful chart! It feels so good to be in that position. Last night my husband said he'd like to go to a game this summer, just because it's more fun to go when they're playing well.

Maybe my free Ben Sheets bobblehead doll (dressed as a hockey player, given as a freebie at an Admirals game) will be a collectors item!
I am an AL Tigers fan, but I have adopted the Brewers as my fav. NL team, especially since I went to WI last week. They are a similar team to the tigers.
Pumbaa said:
I hate to be the "nay" sayer but it's only April . . . and May has NEVER been good to the Brewers

Oh yea, many a year they came flying out of the gates and then... I just didn't want to be the guy to state that to bird :p.
Pumbaa said:
I hate to be the "nay" sayer but it's only April . . . and May has NEVER been good to the Brewers

Likewise with the Cubs, April has NEVER been good to the Cubs. Nor has October. Hmm...September has sucked too. May, June and July are iffy.
I was about to post "pitchers dual" and then I saw the sheets groin announcement. You and cheese I suspect are at .500
Ugh, Sheets hurt already? It's only April! This little groin twinge will likely sideline him till the all-star break. He's almost as brittle as Kerry Wood.:mad:
Bernie Brewer said:
Ugh, Sheets hurt already? It's only April! This little groin twinge will likely sideline him till the all-star break. He's almost as brittle as Kerry Wood.:mad:

No kidding. He's hurt way more than he plays.

There goes my hopes of my bobblehead increasing in value.........
Sheets had an MRI today. He's expected to make his next scheduled start- I think on Tues against St. Louis.

BTW for you out-of-market Brew Crew fans, Monday's game against St. Louis is on ESPN, I think it is a 6:05 Central Time start. There's your chance to watch on TV instead of listening.
Another nice come from behind win last night.
I like the way they've been getting them, just keep it close against the starters and then light up the bullpen. Whatever works!
This team is really coming together.

Nice win tonight--complete game from Suppan. First ever for the Brewers to have two 4 game winners in the month of April. Prince Fielder is amazing.

You have to wonder how into the game the Cards were, heart goes out to them.
12 - 2 whooping today. Have a .654 winning percentage is best in the league YTD.

Who are these guys?
and there was me thinking this was a thread about brewing. Grown men hitting a ball with a big stick. Not complex. I like to watch darts, much more entertaining...:rolleyes:
dibby33 said:
and there was me thinking this was a thread about brewing. Grown men hitting a ball with a big stick. Not complex. I like to watch darts, much more entertaining...:rolleyes:

lol, yeah, there's complexity.
'A triple 20'
"Another Triple 20!'
"Great Bloody Hell it's his umpteenth millionth triple 20 in a row!'

Hey I'm excited, going to Miller Park Friday (Jim Gantner Bobblehead night :rockin: ) and then again Sunday with SEWAGE. Actual important games against Pittsburgh, whoda thunk it?
I don't know I've ever been able to say this in the month of May, The Brewers have the best record in baseball! The last time I might have been able to say that I wasn't old enough to talk.
Another win. 4-0 over Cardinals. 18 - 9 best record in baseball.

I wish October wasn't so far away. Gotta keep a positive attitude.

1957, 1982, 2007. This is the year.
Short Drive said:
Another win. 4-0 over Cardinals. 18 - 9 best record in baseball.

I wish October wasn't so far away. Gotta keep a positive attitude.

1957, 1982, 2007. This is the year.

I've had the opportunity to watch several of their games so far. Not only are the Brewers a solid team, but they have the added benefit of being in a pretty weak division. Unless they're bit by the injury bug, I don't think they have any competition in the central.
uwmgdman said:
I don't know I've ever been able to say this in the month of May, The Brewers have the best record in baseball! The last time I might have been able to say that I wasn't old enough to talk.

You couldn't talk in 1987?

They had a pretty good record at this point of the season that year as well.

I'm really happy for Milwaukee--as it is a great baseball city that has suffered for many years of bad baseball teams.

This team still isn't playing its best baseball either--so here's to staying healthy and keep it up!
rdwj said:
I've had the opportunity to watch several of their games so far. Not only are the Brewers a solid team, but they have the added benefit of being in a pretty weak division. Unless they're bit by the injury bug, I don't think they have any competition in the central.

I think I disagree about the Central being a weak division. the only reason it only took 83-ish wins last year to win the division is because of the unbalanced schedule. teams play each other 18 times apiece, plus with there being six teams, that's even more time away from the rest of the league. So you have six teams beating up on each other all year. BTW as far as competition goes, I'm worried about the $300M Cubs. They'll be there at the end to contend with.
I wish the White Sox were in a weak division - trust me!! In 2005, that was the case and it worked out pretty good. Since then, unfortunately, several power-house teams have emerged.

I agree that the Cubs are your biggest competition, but they have a very average rotation outside of Zambrano and a pretty weak pen. They can hit, but history has shown that you can't slug yourself to a pennant.

From what I've seen, the Brewers are pretty balanced. They have a serviceable rotation, a nice pen and a good mix of hitters. They also seem to have the intangibles where they just seem to work well together.
rdwj said:
From what I've seen, the Brewers are pretty balanced. They have a serviceable rotation, a nice pen and a good mix of hitters. They also seem to have the intangibles where they just seem to work well together.

I agree, but I don't want to say it too loud for fear of jinxing it. Last year I told everyone that would listen that the Crew would win 90 or better. Then half the team got hurt, and down they went into their second- half swoon. I'm getting real excited again, but trying to keep as much of an even keel as possible. It's hard, though- I've only been waiting 25 years!!!!
Would it not have been better to have gone around the rabbit post for the half pike before even thinking about the outfield lob shot. Simple really.
I'd talk smack but I'm a Cubs fan. I can't take delight in other people's getting their hopes up and having them shattered into a million little pieces. (See any Brewer's fan in July and you'll know what I mean)

It's still verrrrry early is all I'm sayin!
Big Al said:
I'd talk smack but I'm a Cubs fan.
I'm sorry to hear that.

Big Al said:
(See any Brewer's fan in July and you'll know what I mean)

It's still verrrrry early is all I'm sayin!

We can revisit this comment then. For the first time in my life where I'm old enough to remember, I can confidently say with a straight face, "nothing to worry about, this team will be in the playoff hunt come September, most likely still leading the division". This group is for real.
Dude said:

Can I do it while wading in my pool? Pretty nice art work for a pee your pants site. One guy commented about watching Yount hit his 3000. I was there too, I'll have to scan the ticket stub with the certificate you got if you had your ticket stub. I actually had 4 tickets and was short notice so only me and one other guy went so I got an original ticket not cut in half. Where the heck did I put that...

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