Just got some very bad news

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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2010
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I don't know why I'm writing this here since this is a brewing forum and I don't know any of you guys personally, but I just got news that my mom was told by her doctor that she has several masses in both of her breasts and it doesn't look good...

There's still chances that it might be nothing (there'll be a bipospy in a very short while), so I try to keep my hopes up, but my aunt left us because of cancer not one year ago, so it hits that much harder.

I know we are all strangers here, but please keep her in your thoughts and payers.
Hey nothing wrong with reaching out for support. Breast Cancer treatment has come a long way, and I hope the best for your Madre. Keep your head up, and don't be afraid to let her know you're scared too. I'm sure she knows she's got a ton of support from you as well.
Last year they found a mass in my mom's breasts as well, it turned out that it was benign. I'll lift a glass none the less and say let's hope its nothing. They found it at least and thats the first step towards survival.
Strangers or not, my thoughts are with your family. My hopes are that it is nothing serious and if it is they caught with enough time to help her.

Keep your head up and tell her all the things that have made her a great mom now.
Thanks everybody for the support. It was a rough day, but she is keeping her head up and we're all hoping it is nothing or something that can be easily treated.
My mother and sister are both breast cancer survivors. Treatment has come so far. My mother had radical surgery decades ago and my sister had minimal surgery with mild chemo. Also more than a decade ago.

Thoughts and prayers are with you your mother and your family.
Your words mean a lot to me guys, seriously.

I know it doesn't help to tell you that breast cancer is more treatable than ever, but it is.

There are so many of us who can relate to what you're going through, and we are here for you in spirit (if not in person). Please know that we're all thinking of you, and those of us who are praying sorts will lift your mom up in prayer.

Do you want to tell us her first name, so we're not praying for her as "jrf1111's mom"? :mug:
Hang in there man. My wife's 3 aunts were all diagnosed with breast cancer within a 2 year span. All 3 were treated and fully recovered. Maybe they caught it early enough.
Lost my mom 35 years ago to this, thought and prayers for your family and I think there has been a few advances in the last three and a half decades! Stay strong for her.
Cancer sucks. Be aggressive with the treatment. Early detection, fast action and aggressive treatment give the best chances at survival.
Sorry to hear it man, my dad just finished up his radiation treatment for prostate cancer. I hope it goes as well for your mom as it did for my dad.
I don't know why I'm writing this here since this is a brewing forum and I don't know any of you guys personally, but I just got news that my mom was told by her doctor that she has several masses in both of her breasts and it doesn't look good...

There's still chances that it might be nothing (there'll be a bipospy in a very short while), so I try to keep my hopes up, but my aunt left us because of cancer not one year ago, so it hits that much harder.

I know we are all strangers here, but please keep her in your thoughts and payers.

Good luck to your Mom & your family, I hope everything turns out well for her.
Regards, GF.
No worries on the appropriateness of your post. No such thing as too much good karma.

While hoping for the best, should she find herself confronted with the "conventional wisdom" of the cancer treatment industry - "Cut, Poison, Burn" is a terrific documentary that examines the status quo treatment business and offers some insight into alternatives.

Also highly recommend that everybody take the time to watch Pink Ribbon, Inc. , a documentary about how breast cancer has been co-opted by corporate greed and non-profit scams to sell everything from fried chicken to credit cards. Guaranteed to make ya think twice next time you see or hear one of their come ons. Meanwhile, even the most well known breast cancer organizations are shown to generally commit less than 5% of their total contributions to actual prevention, 'cuz the sad fact is that he real money is in the treatment.


One of the common elements of these two films is the remarkable fact that doctors receive little to no instruction in basic nutrition ( the fuel that drives the engine, and from which everything grows), but they do get plenty of experience and support in learning what pharmaceuticals to sell. Not saying that modern medicine is all bad and that the answer to everything lies in aroma therapy and acupuncture. Just common sense logic and critical thinking exercise since we are literally what we eat... and for the last half century or so, we've been eating **** (overly processed, additive and contaminant laden "foods" of convenience).

Funnily enough, not a single cancer non-profit (just because it's non-profit doesn't mean ya can't get rich running one) spends one thin dime researching nutrition in evaluating cause and effect. It's all about "finding cures", which is really just ad speak for plowing money into more profitable treatments. And when ya see the ubiquitous Pink Ribbon, you can generally bet that whatever it's attached top is B.S. Seriously... the NFL wearing pink? They can't even get their heads around the idea that punching a woman in the face is not a good thing...unless of course it costs them money.

Sorry for the rant like tangent but I've personal experiences that relate.

Make sure that somebody is with your Mom for any and every interaction with her health care providers. Our current system necessitates having an advocate, and I don't mean a doctor. Don't be afraid to get second and third opinions. Most of them are trained from the same play book, but even within the limited confines of "accepted standards" you will find a great deal of variation in interpretation. Lastly... don't trust anyone. Not to be cynical, but it's a lot simpler to plan on ineptness and incompetence than it is to deal with the consequences after the fact.

Lastly, it's never too late to effect a positive change. Help Mom eliminate any and all contributors to mutant cell development. Cigs, artificial sweeteners, processed sugar and industrial foods are all known and usual suspects. Find an organic CSA and locate local growers of grass fed beef, pork, and chicken. It's not as hard as it seems. Start at your local farmers' market or look for a State web listing. Lots of folks are stepping back to a healthier time, and the rise in the incidence of cancers, heart disease, and diabetes are a pretty good indication of why.

Best of luck and again, sorry for the digression, but cancer has been very prevalent in my family, and I remain convinced that most of it is avoidable.
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Good luck, I hope they caught it early. My wife lost her mother to this at 55 and her 42 year old sister now has it. My wife is undergoing a prophylactic mastectomy with reconstruction in two weeks after she had a scare. I will keep you in my prayers.
Best of luck mate, hope it all works out!

I look forward to hearing good news from you soon. I'll keep your mom and family in my payers.
Hang in there, keep as positive as you can. I'll keep her (and you and the rest of your family) in my thoughts and prayers.
My mother in law lived another 20 years after breast cancer and it wasn't the cancer that took her.
She should be just fine. Sending good vibes her way.

A) Don't let a day go by without you calling and telling her you love her!
B) Ditto for the others around you!

Life likes to throw us curve balls, the best way to hit'em is swing to for the fences!

OK, will come back and edit another time tearing up!

This hits to close to home right now!

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