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Hey, who's got a 11 TB drive in their PC :)

Dan, you truly are always full of wonder and life. I sure you wouldn't be surprised to find out that many of have been there. I avoid most liquor as a result of an old romantic that brought me to my lowest point my sister pointed out I was becoming my father, I quit drinking for almost 2 years. Had a single bottle of home brewed beer;) I still watch myself, we are our own Angels and Demons when we look at our self in the mirror. Stay strong and enjoy the tropical life.
Hey, who's got a 11 TB drive in their PC :)

I'm guessing you do PP! I remember my first BIG PC, 540 meg hard drive...Wait is that correct? :)

Dan, you truly are always full of wonder and life. I sure you wouldn't be surprised to find out that many of have been there. I avoid most liquor as a result of an old romantic that brought me to my lowest point my sister pointed out I was becoming my father, I quit drinking for almost 2 years. Had a single bottle of home brewed beer;) I still watch myself, we are our own Angels and Demons when we look at our self in the mirror. Stay strong and enjoy the tropical life.

Beaks! Thanks for the support. Not totally sure how I'm going to handle this situation. It's nice to know though that, so many good people here are supportive; that goes a long way. In many ways, crazy or not, this internet place I feel closer to people than my own blood brothers and sister, family.

My wife, I've spoken of her a bit over the years. She's a hard ass, needs to be to be married to me. Life isn't always perfect with the two of us. She's a lot more like a drill Sergeant these days than a lover. I deserve that I suppose.

I'm a rambling..

I'll always raise a glass to cheer, might be of water, or it could be a beer. But once raised it's to celebrate good times. Not to get drunk, or waste my dimes
Shoot, my dumb rhyming keeps trying. As long as my soul is alive, I am NOT dying.

I'm guessing you do PP! I remember my first BIG PC, 540 meg hard drive...Wait is that correct? :)

Beaks! Thanks for the support. Not totally sure how I'm going to handle this situation. It's nice to know though that, so many good people here are supportive; that goes a long way. In many ways, crazy or not, this internet place I feel closer to people than my own blood brothers and sister, family.

My wife, I've spoken of her a bit over the years. She's a hard ass, needs to be to be married to me. Life isn't always perfect with the two of us. She's a lot more like a drill Sergeant these days than a lover. I deserve that I suppose.

I'm a rambling..

I'll always raise a glass to cheer, might be of water, or it could be a beer. But once raised it's to celebrate good times. Not to get drunk, or waste my dimes
Shoot, my dumb rhyming keeps trying. As long as my soul is alive, I am NOT dying.


May she be what you need when you need her:mug:
My wife, I've spoken of her a bit over the years. She's a hard ass, needs to be to be married to me. Life isn't always perfect with the two of us. She's a lot more like a drill Sergeant these days than a lover.

That made me laugh. Sounds like my wife. That's middle age for you bud. Middle age is a LOT worse for the ladies for a few reasons, namely their child-rearing days are over (they live for that) and their looks are vanishing. For guys, we don't care too much about any of that.

I can't propose any solution for you other than to show her you care. Plan a picnic or a day at the spa for you two. Be spontaneous (man, that disappears when you get older).

Don't worry, things are unfolding just as they are supposed to. Try to be at peace with yourself. It's contagious.
Sometimes I'm not a man of many words, but Dan you're a good guy. I wish you the best in life and with your new adventures. It doesn't matter if you're drinking beer or water, I will always raise my glass to yours! Cheers my friend!
Sometimes I'm not a man of many words, but Dan you're a good guy. I wish you the best in life and with your new adventures. It doesn't matter if you're drinking beer or water, I will always raise my glass to yours! Cheers my friend!

I truly love this place, this sight on HBT and all of you.

Fun story, started out a pain and ended up good.

I moved to Hawaii about a week before my driver's license expired. I figured I'd get a new one here since this is my new home. I just turned 50 so I've been a licensed car driver 34 years and licensed motorcycle rider about 15.

I went to the local DMV, stood in line for around 2.5 hours. Got to the window, showed the gal my CA license. She said I needed a SSC card, birth certificate, passport, or a bunch of other things to prove my identity. I said "how about my military retired ID" Nope, they don't honor that. So I sent off for a birth cert. It arrived after CA license expired a few days later.

I went back to the DMV, stood in line for another 2.5 hours, and was told that since my CA license was now expired I had to be treated as a new driver. I took two very long tests (car and motorcycle). I passed them both which surprised me a bit on the motorcycle one. Some of the questions on that test were very vague and the answers were poor. I seriously wondered what moron wrote the test? I doubt the person ever rode a motorcycle a day in their life.

I passed both.. Yey!! Now all I have to do is complete road tests. The motorcycle one I just need to show up at O' dark thirty and stand in line. Akin to buying concert tickets in the old days.. camp out overnight to get a place in line.

The car test, I can camp out two days before and hope I'm one of the 6-7 people they give a test to or I can schedule a test for August 10th.

I figured I'd just schedule the car test for the tenth and take my chances showing up early for my bike test. I was okay with that. It sucks but what can you do?

So, just a few moments ago I went out to check the mail. Lo and behold what do you think was in my mailbox? Two hard copy, bonified original licenses. One for a car, one for a motorcycle (don't ask me why Hawaii gives two different licenses, they just do)

Maybe somebody in the bureaucracy actually noted that I'd been successfully driving for 34 years and he/she waived the stupid road test. That's groovy!

I'm fully licensed again.. hooray!
Congrats Dan! Now you have two official Govt issued forms of ID. Your legal.

Curious...whats gas going for over there?
Congrats Dan! Now you have two official Govt issued forms of ID. Your legal.

Curious...whats gas going for over there?

Haha.. Thanks Doug.

Out in town the cheap gas is around $4.39/g. I'm lucky to have Barbers Point (an old Navy base the navy decided to give back to Hawaii but still maintains a barber shop and quick stop type gas station) There I currently pay $4.09 per gallon of 87 octane.
Hey, who's got a 11 TB drive in their PC :)

I remember our first home computer. It was a MacIntosh. It had a plug in 30MB hard drive that was about the size of a cigar box and weighed at least a few pounds. I could store about 10 of my favorite songs on it if I could rig up some straps to carry it around and get it to work with my phone.

I made leek, pork, red pepper any other veggie that was on sale soup. I didn't eat yet so I'm going to have a bowl and crash. You guys should stop by for a bowl of soup someday.
Hey all - heading down to New Orleans for some work..

Anyone have a suggestion to some bars/restaurants?
In the 1970's my dad built a computer with 10" discs that was the size of a whole room. I believe it had a total memory of 512K. It had one text game called Adventure. Still the best game ever. "You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike..."

No TV and No Beer make Homer something something...

Good evening Dan. How's the island?

Hi LRB! Right now the island is hot, hot, hot. The trade winds have disappeared and my wife tells me what we have now are Kona winds, hot and dry and volcanic ash from the big island - they call it Vog But I'm not complaining. Paradise is kind of nice.

Aloha brother!
It's 5:30 pm, or close to it on the west coast. Cheers friends! I doubt you'll ever understand how much you helped me out, I'll never forget that and do look forward to many more years of friendship. :)

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It's 5:30 pm, or close to it on the west coast. Cheers friends! I doubt you'll ever understand how much you helped me out, I'll never forget that and do look forward to many more years of friendship. :)


Whoever directed that video should be shot. Half the band in suit jackets, the other half in tshirts and bell bottoms, terrible lighting in the studio and the dream sequence / wind tunnel part with Gold was weird.

But I like the song!
I may never have time to catch up with posts here but I heard through the grapevine that a couple people were wondering if I was dead or alive. Alive!!!!! And blackberries are in season here in North Florida a month early. You know what that means... more blackberry wine. Last year it was gone by the new year and didn't have time to properly age but damn, it was good stuff.

So.... I killed the oppossum, I already said that, I got 19 new chicks this year, hopefully most of them are laying hens. And... the dirty details... I just unloaded 4 tons of horse manure by myself with a pitch fork.
That made me laugh. Sounds like my wife. That's middle age for you bud. Middle age is a LOT worse for the ladies for a few reasons, namely their child-rearing days are over (they live for that) and their looks are vanishing. For guys, we don't care too much about any of that.

I can't propose any solution for you other than to show her you care. Plan a picnic or a day at the spa for you two. Be spontaneous (man, that disappears when you get older).

Don't worry, things are unfolding just as they are supposed to. Try to be at peace with yourself. It's contagious.

Best wishes to Dan!

PP, I've got to disagree about the middle aged lady stuff! I'm enjoying my freedom from children and ogling. LOL. ;)

Hi BobbiLynn! Keep shovelin that shoeshine!
Hey LRB!

Your new bed is under the starlit sky? Surrounded by nature? Sounds pretty great! Stay warm. First time I camped in the mountains I had a great sleeping bag but the ground was hard and cold. Next time was with an air mattress. Made all the difference in the world.

Sorry if I missed a read-between-the-lines meaning and the roof actually blew off your house. :eek:

Loaded up the trailer for the first big job this year. What a relief. It has been a very slow start this year. Would you ever guess a gas station requires that much conduit underground? It actually surprised me seeing it all in one pile.

Glad it sounds like everyone is doing well. I am going to have a few beers then hit the hay so I can get on the road early.
Tonight I'm just laying in my bed looking at the stars and the moon, I can't help but wonder, "Where the heck is my ceiling?"

My boys are loving our hikes. We will be doing some tenting soon. I want to load up our little fishing boat, and find a little island somewhere to camp for a night or two. You won't find me at a public campsite.

You're a pretty cool dad. Your sons are going to remember the camping trips with fond memories. I never camp in common grounds either. Can't stand trying to get away just to be surrounded by multi-thousand dollar homes on wheels.

You're a pretty cool dad. Your sons are going to remember the camping trips with fond memories. I never camp in common grounds either. Can't stand trying to get away just to be surrounded by multi-thousand dollar homes on wheels.

I'm the same way. We usually just hike into the state parks and set up . Only exception is memorial day weekend when the whole extended family goes together as a reunion of sorts and we essentially rent out the entire camp ground.
It must be a Monday, because I feel like I was run-over by lschiavo's truck! The first day back to work after a relaxed weekend always kicks my butt these days! I can't seem to quench my thirst, either. Homebrew is helping to remedy that!

Glad you got yourself a good job lschiavo!

Cheers everyone!
Hey Late Nighters

It was a long weekend for me, a relaxing weekend would have been nice. We took in about 60,000 lbs of food from the USPS Stamp out Hunger Food Drive at the food bank that I work at on Saturday. We had about 100 volunteers working throughout the day and were steadily working from about 8 to 8. It was long, but good day.
A Monday it was. 15hrs in an airport. I could have driven home faster... Cheers to still be in the airport.
I posted this on the classic tunes thread. It is an awesome thread in my opinion. But I wanted to share this here. Cheers!

When I was very young, 7 or 8, early 1970's, I "helped" my dad paint the front porch of our gigantic house that was built in 1902.

Air conditioning didn't exist in 1902 and nearly 70 years later that hadn't changed. Midwest summers get extremely hot so in the evenings people sat on the front porch until the house cooled down enough to sleep. This was common in my small town. While sitting out there people would walk past the house and say hello, or might even walk up to the porch and chit chat..

The song Sitting by the Dock of the Bay, by Otis Redding played while Dad and I painted the porch one fall. This song and the smell of oil based paint and turpentine always brings me back to that special time with my Dad. My folks both passed away over a decade ago, they were way to young and I still miss them everyday.

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Sorry to hog this thread - Not really :D Pretty sure George Clooney (sp) sung this in a movie or it could be the guy I always mix him up with.

Doesn't matter.. I love this song. There's like 7 or 11 musicians playing and singing. Love the art, love the tune.

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