Game of Thrones

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S05E08. GoT just became the Walking Dead. The dead have leaders who apparently want to toss their undead hats into the already-crowded list of megalomaniacs that want the Iron Throne.

Prediction: white walkers burn a Sherman-sized path south to King's landing, bite Queen Cercei and re-install her as queen; she'll (impossibly) become even more evil, though an undead romance will blossom between her and one of the white walking leaders. I'm thinking Here Come the Mummies play at the wedding:

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The Queen, she grooves me all night long!

My Funky Little Baby!

Great song, great band. If you like horns, don't miss seeing them in concert. They are NONSTOP Funk and rock the whole night through.

My wife was commenting on the Walking Dead thing. I thought it was pretty cool.

Now we know Valyrian Steel can kill a White Walker. I'm guessing Dragon Fire can also kill them (Possibly that's what imparts Dragon Glass with it's ability to kill them as well.

And the White Walkers are pretty badass.
Dragon Fire to kill the armies of undead, so they don't rise again, Dragon Glass and Valyrian steel to kill White Walkers
The Queen, she grooves me all night long!

My Funky Little Baby!

Great song, great band. If you like horns, don't miss seeing them in concert. They are NONSTOP Funk and rock the whole night through.

My wife was commenting on the Walking Dead thing. I thought it was pretty cool.

Now we know Valyrian Steel can kill a White Walker. I'm guessing Dragon Fire can also kill them (Possibly that's what imparts Dragon Glass with it's ability to kill them as well.

And the White Walkers are pretty badass.

Yea, I love their sound. Funk and horns and mummies, it's all there. Some infections songs, I remember when I first heard them I couldn't get Tip Toe out of my head.
Oh Zone is one of my favorites. I love a bunch of them.

When they sing, "Bump, Bump, Bump" in the night y'all, I can't help but do the hip thrust.

Anyway, watched the last ep last night and I think that giant is really cool. I can't believe he didn't lay waste to a WHOLE LOT MORE of the undead. He just needs a huge flyswatter!
Oh Zone is one of my favorites. I love a bunch of them.

When they sing, "Bump, Bump, Bump" in the night y'all, I can't help but do the hip thrust.

Anyway, watched the last ep last night and I think that giant is really cool. I can't believe he didn't lay waste to a WHOLE LOT MORE of the undead. He just needs a huge flyswatter!

I thought the giant was going to get bit and become undead. That would be an issue for the black men.
I thought the giant was going to get bit and become undead. That would be an issue for the black men.

Whats to say that there arent already undead giants? I am sure GRRM is holding them in the wings for when the battle gets heated and winter finally comes. I mean, if they can have undead horses, where are the other undead woodland creatures?

How scary would that be. You finish decimating an army of undead men/women/children. Then wave after wave of undead bugs/rodents/etc come after you.

Zom-bambi is going to eat your face!
The Hardhome episode was the first GOT episode that has gone in different direction from the books that is vastly superior to anything GURM wrote in DoD, IMO. I look forward to seeing where they go in the final two episodes this season. Hopefully, we get to see Ser Robert Strong!
The Hardhome episode was the first GOT episode that has gone in different direction from the books that is vastly superior to anything GURM wrote in DoD, IMO. I look forward to seeing where they go in the final two episodes this season. Hopefully, we get to see Ser Robert Strong!

I had to look him up in the wiki to remember who he was. I have a suspicion, but won't voice it here. I always wondered in the books about that other guy.

I think Sansa is going to be even more eager to leave now that she knows her brothers are still alive.
People getting all upset about the bonfire last night....just stop. Stannis and his wife are hardcore followers of R'hllor. Stannis will do anything, anything at all, to get what rights belong to him. A sacrifice was required to save his men, advance on Winterfell, and continue his cause. If he did nothing, he believed that he and his men would all die and that his cause would be over. Davos didn't even try to convince him otherwise. It's no different than Old Testament God demanding that Abraham sacrifice Isaac, except that R'hllor really likes blood sacrifices. It was a tough, tough scene to watch but now we know that Stannis will do anything to win and that should make for some entertaining episodes and maybe some real demonstrations of R'hllor's power beyond demon shadow babies. Hardhome + this last episode in my opinion are far superior to what GURM wrote in a DoD.
This was a definite watch-only-once episode. I liked how it advanced the plot, but I honestly didnt like anything about it.

Well... except for Prince Doran being himself, and Bronn taking a cheap shot to the nose and nothing more drastic.
People getting all upset about the bonfire last night....just stop. Stannis and his wife are hardcore followers of R'hllor. Stannis will do anything, anything at all, to get what rights belong to him. A sacrifice was required to save his men, advance on Winterfell, and continue his cause. If he did nothing, he believed that he and his men would all die and that his cause would be over. Davos didn't even try to convince him otherwise. It's no different than Old Testament God demanding that Abraham sacrifice Isaac, except that R'hllor really likes blood sacrifices. It was a tough, tough scene to watch but now we know that Stannis will do anything to win and that should make for some entertaining episodes and maybe some real demonstrations of R'hllor's power beyond demon shadow babies. Hardhome + this last episode in my opinion are far superior to what GURM wrote in a DoD.

Davos didnt say anything cause he was sent away on a BS mission cause he would be the only one to stand up to Stannis about burning his daughter.
Pretty sure Davos knew what was going to go down considering he tried halfheartedly to convince Stannis to let her go with him on the mission to Castle Black AND then he immediately gave her a goodbye present in the very next scene.
I was so down after that scene with Stannis but was then lifted so high with Drogon showing up to save the day I almost forgot about it.... but then didn't.... and was bummed again.... but then thought about the dragon.... and was excited... and then thought about the end of the last book and was bummed... but then thought about mother ****ing dragons and was happy.... such conflicting emotions from last night.
I was so down after that scene with Stannis but was then lifted so high with Drogon showing up to save the day I almost forgot about it.... but then didn't.... and was bummed again.... but then thought about the dragon.... and was excited... and then thought about the end of the last book and was bummed... but then thought about mother ****ing dragons and was happy.... such conflicting emotions from last night.

This was my experience exactly
there will have to be a bunch of wall stuff going on in the last episode of the season.. from what i remember that has the most left from the books.. oh and a bit from kings landing and arya.. looks like we'll be all caught up and then some after the next one.. now as long as GRRM keeps his promise to have the next book out by the next season premier (crossing fingers)
Pretty sure Davos knew what was going to go down considering he tried halfheartedly to convince Stannis to let her go with him on the mission to Castle Black AND then he immediately gave her a goodbye present in the very next scene.

lol what? are we watching the same show? He didnt have a clue... think about how bad he pushed back on Stannis when he wanted to kill Robs bastard. you think he wouldnt say anything if they were going to burn Shireen when he obviously loved the little girl. There isnt one indication in the show that he knew what was going to happen.
I strongly disagree. He makes an attempt to get Shireen to go with him to Castle Black following the raid, and Stannis the Mannis shoots him down. Davos knew that Melisandre had been itching to burn someone for quite some time now and that Davos, himself, was the only person who might be able to protect Shireen. In the very next scene Davos is giving Shireen a gift for teaching him to read and even Shireen is confused as to why he's giving her a gift now. It's obvious that Davos at the very least suspects that something could happen while he's away.

I don't know who Rob's bastard is but perhaps you're thinking of Gendry, the illegitimate child of Robert Baratheon and a Kingslanding whore? Davos was able to intervene in that matter because he had a trump card to play: The coming battle between the King Beyond the Wall and the Nights Watch. There's no trump card to played. With Gendry, they were all comfortably on Dragonstone waiting for the Joffrey's fleet to eventually land and lay siege. Now, they're trapped between Winterfell and the Wall with no food and it's snowing several feet a day. It's a completely different situation. My hope is that when Davos does "find out" that he finds his way to Skagos...
lol what? are we watching the same show? He didnt have a clue... think about how bad he pushed back on Stannis when he wanted to kill Robs bastard. you think he wouldnt say anything if they were going to burn Shireen when he obviously loved the little girl. There isnt one indication in the show that he knew what was going to happen.

I have to agree with Darwin on this. He may not have known precisely what was going to happen, but he obviously knew Shireen was in some kind of serious danger.

This is evinced by his attempt to get Stannis to allow him to take Shireen and her mother to a safe place. And he gave her that carved horse in a very emotional manner.

I kind of feel sorry for Stannis. He's tried very hard to do the right thing to become king. He's gone past that and has made some tough (some would say wrong) decisions on the advice of the Red Woman, each time hoping for the expected outcome. A small sacrifice that each time only became bigger and bigger.

And look what he's done now.

A REAL King wouldn't have to rely on voodoo magic to gain his power. He probably feels he should have been able to come into his own on his own and here he is giving up everything that matters to him and still seems to be falling further behind in his quest to gain the throne.
there will have to be a bunch of wall stuff going on in the last episode of the season.. from what i remember that has the most left from the books.. oh and a bit from kings landing and arya.. looks like we'll be all caught up and then some after the next one.. now as long as GRRM keeps his promise to have the next book out by the next season premier (crossing fingers)

GRRM is doing everything he can to finish the WoW except for actually writing it. I can't fault him for taking the money from HBO and running with it, but the chances of him finishing the WoW before the start of next season are very slim. He's 66 years old and morbidly obese. At the pace that he's been writing, which is slow as hell, he's not going to finish the WoW let alone the series. It sucks to say stuff like that but it's the truth. It took Stephen King getting nearly killed to finish the Dark Tower Series; I don't know if GRRM will be that fortunate.

A DoD was delayed for years because of procrastination aka "the Meerenese knot". What's his excuse now?
think Stannis' entire purpose has been to clear the way for Dany's return to Westeros.

kill individual claimants to the Iron Throne and now weakening any army that may stand against her.
My wife was more pissed after last night's episode than she was with Stannis's daughter!

Pretty good episode, but I thought they jumped around an awful lot. Probably needed to tie up the loose ends before the break, but still.

And the naked mile scene seemed REALLY dragged out! I mean, I didn't mind, but it felt unnecessary to show Cersei naked sooo much.
Yeah last nights episode was basically everyone getting fu*ked

i just starred at the TV screen for a couple min after the end. I was just sitting there like.... WTF did that just happen....
I did the same thing, but then I usually sit there and listen to the theme song. Great music.

Last night's ending music was pretty somber.

I think my wife's finally REALLY understanding that nobody is safe in Martin's world! :grin:
Wow, last night was too much. I mean, I knew what was coming having read everything but from a storytelling standpoint it just seemed like it was too much for one given episode. Way too jumpy for my taste with just too many things going on. That paired with the fact that there were a few episodes this season (maybe somewhere around 6-8, I don't really recall specifically) that just seemed slow and I think they could have sped up Arya, or Sansa or Cersi, to make them more interesting rather than cramming everything into one episode at the end.

As for the season as a whole I just didn't think it was that great. It was easily my least favorite. The Sand Snake story line was terrible.... just straight up terrible, boring and full of silly games and unnecessary jailed boobies. Jamie's quest was silly and seemed great on paper but turned out to be nothing of consequence. There were a lot of cheesy timing moments that just seemed unrealistic. To name a few: John arriving at the exact same time as the attack on the Wildlings, Brienne looking away (for the first time in months) to miss Sansa's candle, The Sand Snakes and Jamie both arriving at the same time, etc. Now that I think about it a lot of these stemmed from the HBO writers and producers and not the books. I don't mind any changes, but at least they should be done well.

Another thing that bothered me was John's conversation with Sam about the army of the Dead. Not that he shouldn't tell Sam but I don't know, maybe he should tell his second in command or hmmm.... perhaps the entire Nights Watch.... You're not the only one fighting the army of the dead Johnny boy.... you know nothing.... you need a few lessons in leadership, communication, distribution of tasks and not falling for lame traps when everyone clearly hates you.
Yeah I didnt care for it much either. I'm a book reader as well, so I knew (as much as one can know in this adaptation) the major events that were coming. Too many cliffhangers and pointless shenanigans. Dorne was terrible. Sansas arc I don't care for either. Arya and Jon's were good, but anti-climactic overall.
Wow, last night was too much. I mean, I knew what was coming having read everything but from a storytelling standpoint it just seemed like it was too much for one given episode. Way too jumpy for my taste with just too many things going on. That paired with the fact that there were a few episodes this season (maybe somewhere around 6-8, I don't really recall specifically) that just seemed slow and I think they could have sped up Arya, or Sansa or Cersi, to make them more interesting rather than cramming everything into one episode at the end.

As for the season as a whole I just didn't think it was that great. It was easily my least favorite. The Sand Snake story line was terrible.... just straight up terrible, boring and full of silly games and unnecessary jailed boobies. Jamie's quest was silly and seemed great on paper but turned out to be nothing of consequence. There were a lot of cheesy timing moments that just seemed unrealistic. To name a few: John arriving at the exact same time as the attack on the Wildlings, Brienne looking away (for the first time in months) to miss Sansa's candle, The Sand Snakes and Jamie both arriving at the same time, etc. Now that I think about it a lot of these stemmed from the HBO writers and producers and not the books. I don't mind any changes, but at least they should be done well.

Another thing that bothered me was John's conversation with Sam about the army of the Dead. Not that he shouldn't tell Sam but I don't know, maybe he should tell his second in command or hmmm.... perhaps the entire Nights Watch.... You're not the only one fighting the army of the dead Johnny boy.... you know nothing.... you need a few lessons in leadership, communication, distribution of tasks and not falling for lame traps when everyone clearly hates you.

Yeah, but those were really nice jailed boobies... :cross:

And now, of course, we are hearing that Cersei's nakedness was a body double with her face digitally inserted into the scene.

Well, duh!
I wasn't really impressed with the last episode just as I wasn't really impressed with the last few chapters of DOD. HBO has made a big deal of saying that the show is differing from the books by will end in the same place so why end on the same terrible cliffhangers as DOD? The ending with Jon was poorly done. The pink letter route would made more sense. It's like the writers didn't think of the huge wilding army on the wrong side of the wall when writing that scene.....

As for Stannis....I don't buy it. Maybe it'll be similar in WoW but I doubt that. It seemed horribly rushed and went counter to his reputation as the top military commander in Westeros. Also, the idea that Brienne would be able to find him alone in the woods before anyone else...doubtful. She's literally the best people finder in the history of Westeros - Arya, Sansa, and now Stannis. I also have my doubts that Brienne did "her duty". It cut to a scene where Ramsay finishes off a wounded soldier. HBO will show that and not the other?

The Arya / Meryn Trant storyline was confusing. It's sad that HBO had to make Meryn Trant into a sadistic pedophile to remind everyone why he deserved Arya's justice. They honestly could have cut that whole plot out and kept her storyline similar to DOD.

No Ironborn? Is Balon still alive on the show?

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