Game of Thrones

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I've been thinking about going back and re-watching (with wife this time). So, I thought I'd revive this thread.

GRRM said in January that he didn't make his end-of-year deadline to finish the book. So, some (?) Season 6 will be improvised. Not sure how that will mesh with whatever GRRM does actually print. Best case GRRM advises the screenwriters. I guess the old guy is tired.

Anybody jonesing for GoT talk, this article is interesting regarding who's made the best initial move to get the throne:
I've been thinking about going back and re-watching (with wife this time). So, I thought I'd revive this thread.

GRRM said in January that he didn't make his end-of-year deadline to finish the book. So, some (?) Season 6 will be improvised. Not sure how that will mesh with whatever GRRM does actually print. Best case GRRM advises the screenwriters. I guess the old guy is tired.

Anybody jonesing for GoT talk, this article is interesting regarding who's made the best initial move to get the throne:

Pretty much every plot is passed the books now. The show will be in entirely uncharted territory. When he signed the deal with HBO he gave them his end-game goals for the show. So it should end up in roughly the same way, but the ride will be totally different.
Pretty much every plot is passed the books now. The show will be in entirely uncharted territory. When he signed the deal with HBO he gave them his end-game goals for the show. So it should end up in roughly the same way, but the ride will be totally different.

Yea, I got a pirated copy of that final episode. Robert Baratheon wakes up, rolls towards his wife, Daenerys, and says "Honey, I had the wildest dream". :)

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Pretty much every plot is passed the books now. The show will be in entirely uncharted territory. When he signed the deal with HBO he gave them his end-game goals for the show. So it should end up in roughly the same way, but the ride will be totally different.

I've given up on the book series-the last one was so convoluted and boring that I'm going to stick with the HBO series as the definitive plot. I'm not sure he will live long enough to finish the books anyway.
I've been thinking about going back and re-watching (with wife this time). So, I thought I'd revive this thread.

GRRM said in January that he didn't make his end-of-year deadline to finish the book. So, some (?) Season 6 will be improvised. Not sure how that will mesh with whatever GRRM does actually print. Best case GRRM advises the screenwriters. I guess the old guy is tired.

Anybody jonesing for GoT talk, this article is interesting regarding who's made the best initial move to get the throne:

Well, supposedly GRRM has told the show's producers how the series ends. At this point, the show has diverged enough from the books that, quite frankly, it was going to be a different story no matter what. Quite honestly, I doubt the old man will finish the series, he's 67 and doesn't look like he's in the greatest shape in the world, and given his writing pace we won't see book 7 until 2025, if we ever see it. He's claimed he has it in his will that nobody else gets to finish it...but who knows if that's true or not.
Well, supposedly GRRM has told the show's producers how the series ends. At this point, the show has diverged enough from the books that, quite frankly, it was going to be a different story no matter what. Quite honestly, I doubt the old man will finish the series, he's 67 and doesn't look like he's in the greatest shape in the world, and given his writing pace we won't see book 7 until 2025, if we ever see it. He's claimed he has it in his will that nobody else gets to finish it...but who knows if that's true or not.

I'm not sure how putting that into your will would make that enforceable. All you could is set up an estate with the one goal of persecuting/shutting down people who attempt to publish the material under some sort of copyright/trademark infringement. Since he's already let the proverbial cat out of the bag to the show runners, who gives a flying f8ck about the books?
I couldn't care less if the two were different. I enjoyed the books for what they were, and the show for what it is. There was already enough divergence to make them separate in my mind.

At this moment I'm not even paying attention to the show. I hate spoilers! When it comes back, I'll tune in.
I'm not sure how putting that into your will would make that enforceable. All you could is set up an estate with the one goal of persecuting/shutting down people who attempt to publish the material under some sort of copyright/trademark infringement. Since he's already let the proverbial cat out of the bag to the show runners, who gives a flying f8ck about the books?

Just saw this today. He didn't say he'd stop the TV series, just the books. As far as how those sorts of things work, since he owns the intellectual property (or IP) it is part of his "estate" when he dies. Whoever controls the estate gets to determine how its IP is used, save in certain instances where the will that created the estate dictates how the estate will be used. As an example, you can setup an estate that says that the only way any piece of property owned by your estate can be sold is if all of your surviving children agree to the sale, if this is violated the dissenting child(ren) can sue via the estate. So, let's say the publisher decides to just publish what they can of the remaining transcripts of George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, Martin's estate can sue the publisher to prevent the publication and the controller of said estate would be obligated to do so via the will. Think of an estate as a semi-autonomous legal creation, it can compel legal action even after its creator has died.

As far as the books, I'd rather like to see them completed. The show and the books diverge in some pretty key areas; entire groups have been cut out or merged together in the show in order to make it less complex and confusing and multiple, seemingly important characters are missing too. On the other side of the coin, the TV series has added a lot of things that weren't in the books, such as last seasons confrontation between the men of the Watch and the White Walkers. I suspect the series will largely arrive at the same place, just via different paths, but I'm curious to see the other paths.

GOT trailer looks goooood. I am actually excited not knowing what's going to happen.
I'm curious to see how things will turn out and how accurate various predictions will be. Lotta hype riding on this.
End of April is coming.. but is winter coming?

Great episode tonight. Still no sign of Bran though.

I think they want you to forget about Bran for a while until he comes back and saves everyone. IMO I think the problem with the walkers (and Winter) is that the person who lives under the tree in the North is the one who keeps them at bay and he is sorely in need of replacing. Bran is his replacement.

Until the big final conflict we have to be content to watch the others play at keeping peace or usurping power, as the case may be.

I fully expected the Red Woman to revive John Snow as has been seen before. Thoros (had to look it up) resurrected someone previously and Melisandre was witness. Maybe she lacks the power.
Great episode tonight. Still no sign of Bran though.

According to the preview it looks like next episode is pretty much all about Bran, Cersei, Jaime, Sansa and maybe just a touch of Tyrion, so they should have Bran covered.

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I think they want you to forget about Bran for a while until he comes back and saves everyone. IMO I think the problem with the walkers (and Winter) is that the person who lives under the tree in the North is the one who keeps them at bay and he is sorely in need of replacing. Bran is his replacement.

Until the big final conflict we have to be content to watch the others play at keeping peace or usurping power, as the case may be.

I fully expected the Red Woman to revive John Snow as has been seen before. Thoros (had to look it up) resurrected someone previously and Melisandre was witness. Maybe she lacks the power.

Well, Melisandre being as old and frail as she is, I imagine resurrecting Jon would probably kill her, remember that Thoros could only do it for so many times (and in the bookx it was strongly implied he died to create Stoneheart). I suspect this is what will happen and Jon will come back and kick some ass.
This episode left more questions out there & answered NONE of the cliff hangers from last year.

Ugh! ;) I'm hooked.

P.S. I've read the books too, and I can speak from my experience, I think the TV show is even better. Now I would have done things a little different, but this is a huge improvement. YMMV. I hated the books, but they did make me think.

I agree that Jon is not dead. The fact that he was not in the preview is even more proof he's coming back.

Just think of what those cavemen will do when the dragon shows up!? Will Daenery use them for her ultimate purpose?

Well, Melisandre being as old and frail as she is, I imagine resurrecting Jon would probably kill her, remember that Thoros could only do it for so many times (and in the bookx it was strongly implied he died to create Stoneheart). I suspect this is what will happen and Jon will come back and kick some ass.

I don't think Thoros dies resurrecting Catelyn Stark. IIRC when Brienne meets the party and discovers Stoneheart Thoros tells her that Beric is gone. Thoros is pretty weak at this time, but I don't know if that's because of him using his power, or because Beric is dead.

One quote I just found says that Beric loses a piece of himself each time he is brought back. Specifically it says is loses little pieces of memory.
Ah you are right, it's been a while since I've read the books, and quite frankly the whole Stoneheart thing never really stuck with me. In any case, I think if Melisandre rezzes Jon it's the end of her.
Someone theorized he might be back as a White Walker, but I don't see how. He wasn't killed by one.

Another theory is that he suddenly Warg'ed himself into his Direwolf's body. I find this one somewhat plausible and there were subtle hints that it might happen.

TBH I don't really care as much about John Snow as most every else seems to. I understand his story arc may be one of the most important (Winter is Coming, after all) but I'm more intrigued by Arya, Kahleesi, The Imp, Stansa/Reek... I just find their characters more engaging.
remind me how what's her face got blind

Arya revenge killed one of her multiple enemies and was subsequently blinded by potion by her mentor. I think it may be a form of punishment for not following their code, or maybe it was just time for her to take the next step in her training.

She may learn to see even better without sight.
So, that was an absolutely jam-packed episode. Obviously super mega huge spoilers ahead!

Jon Snow is Back!
The series may have made us wait roughly two episodes for it, but Jon Snow is back in some way. I'm not so sure it was Melisandre's magic that did the trick though, but perhaps I'm wrong in that. Magic in Game of Thrones usually has a cost commensurate with its effect though, I can't help but wonder the cost of a resurrected Jon Snow might be.

Hodor has a name!
Hodor's name is actually Willis! We also got to have Bran see some of the distant past, including Lyanna, Brandon and Eddard when they were young. It looks like next week we actually get to see what happened at the Tower of Joy, according to the preview.

Roose Bolton is Dead?!
One of my favorite bad guys, Roose Bolton, is dead, killed by Ramsay at the news that Walda Frey had given birth to a boy. This means that the "bad guys" of the show like the Bolton's and Lannisters no longer have any sort of long view leader to plan things. Somehow I think that Ramsay Snow, err Bolton, isn't long for this world anymore. Also, I loved that scene because it wasn't initially clear who killed who. When Ramsay held his little half brother I thought he was just going to bash the kid's head against the rocks, but instead he had the dogs do his dirty work.

Tyrion Unleshes the Dragons (Phrasing!)
Tyrion, smart dragon expert that he is, figures out that the reason the dragons in the tunnels aren't growing is because they're locked up; he managed to unlock their chains without getting chomped or fried in one of the more tense moments in the show. Maybe Tyrion can actually control them somewhat?

That's what stood out to me, what about you guys?
John Snow had been dead for a little while. I think I remember Catelyn Stark was dead for 3 days before she was revived. I'm not sure what affect the process has on them. IIRC Stoneheart was mostly just pissed off, and had trouble speaking, but then she did have her throat cut... It will be interesting to see John Snow as a deity for his miracle. They hinted he will be Godlike to the Wildlings. And at least Stansa Stark will have someone familiar to return to when she makes it to Castle Black (IF she makes it to Castle Black... It always seems that things don't progress just the way they planned in this story. Especially to Stansa.)

I can't recall exactly how Hodor got injured and became the way he is.

The plot lines from the books are rapidly dwindling.

It seems as if there are almost too many threads going this way and that. It's hard to keep track of everything. Especially with all the time off between seasons.
John Snow had been dead for a little while. I think I remember Catelyn Stark was dead for 3 days before she was revived. I'm not sure what affect the process has on them. IIRC Stoneheart was mostly just pissed off, and had trouble speaking, but then she did have her throat cut... It will be interesting to see John Snow as a deity for his miracle. They hinted he will be Godlike to the Wildlings. And at least Stansa Stark will have someone familiar to return to when she makes it to Castle Black (IF she makes it to Castle Black... It always seems that things don't progress just the way they planned in this story. Especially to Stansa.)

I can't recall exactly how Hodor got injured and became the way he is.

The plot lines from the books are rapidly dwindling.

It seems as if there are almost too many threads going this way and that. It's hard to keep track of everything. Especially with all the time off between seasons.

I went to look and it doesn't look like its been stated how Hodor was injured, I want to say that they added something to the TV show about an accident in the stable but I cant back it up with anything (I am going to assume they'll reveal that and it will be significant to some story line).

The preview for next weeks episode though. They threw in a little easter egg and it looks like we will finally get at least a tiny peek at the Tower of Joy event :ban:
I went to look and it doesn't look like its been stated how Hodor was injured, I want to say that they added something to the TV show about an accident in the stable but I cant back it up with anything (I am going to assume they'll reveal that and it will be significant to some story line).

The preview for next weeks episode though. They threw in a little easter egg and it looks like we will finally get at least a tiny peek at the Tower of Joy event :ban:

I swear it was mentioned in the books. I can't remember what they said though.

EDIT: I can't find anything online. I may have dreamed it.

I do think I remember the books mentioning he liked to masturbate a lot when he was young. But then that's pretty normal anyway.
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