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burnsie said:

the guy who wrote this tried to compare a supermarket discount card to someone rummaging through your personal emails or a video camera on every block. I'm sorry those are not even close to the same thing.

let's face it, you want to see the future of our country, just look across the pond.

Look at how long it took all the great Empires to die off throughout history. How long have we been a "free" country? Our time is about up. :tank:
What the hell were they doing putting cameras in Bellows firkin' Falls for? Was there something specific they were trying to combat?
Todd said:
the guy who wrote this tried to compare a supermarket discount card to someone rummaging through your personal emails or a video camera on every block. I'm sorry those are not even close to the same thing.

let's face it, you want to see the future of our country, just look across the pond.

Look at how long it took all the great Empires to die off throughout history. How long have we been a "free" country? Our time is about up. :tank:

I see your point but on the shopping cards although...

It starts by us, the citizens, voluntarily giving up power to our government in the name of security, or cost savings, etc. The point is, our info is out there, the wheels are in motion.

Look at the "slippery slope" possibilies. Like gun control: They start by not allowing fully-automatic weapons (which I agree with, as does just about everyone in the country), then they move to "Assault Weapons" even though they are only semi-automatics, next comes high-capacity handguns. Handguns altogether are already banned in some areas, soon it will be more areas. The eventuality that gun-grabbers are pushing for is a complete confiscation of all firearms, even historical relics and hunting arms. Don't buy it? Like you said, just look across the pond. Or for that matter, up north.

Once the second amendment goes - so goes the first amendment...completely. Then we're really F-ed.

I also agree with you about us being "free", and our time being almost up. Its amazing how many laws are passed every day by local, state, and fed governments. Even the lawyers and judges have no hope of keeping up to stay legal, certainly not citizens.

When the tax code is longer than the Bible (which it is), you know you're in trouble.
burnsie said:
I see your point but on the shopping cards although...

It starts by us, the citizens, voluntarily giving up power to our government in the name of security, or cost savings, etc. The point is, our info is out there, the wheels are in motion.

Look at the "slippery slope" possibilies. Like gun control: They start by not allowing fully-automatic weapons (which I agree with, as does just about everyone in the country), then they move to "Assault Weapons" even though they are only semi-automatics, next comes high-capacity handguns. Handguns altogether are already banned in some areas, soon it will be more areas. The eventuality that gun-grabbers are pushing for is a complete confiscation of all firearms, even historical relics and hunting arms. Don't buy it? Like you said, just look across the pond. Or for that matter, up north.

Once the second amendment goes - so goes the first amendment...completely. Then we're really F-ed.

I also agree with you about us being "free", and our time being almost up. Its amazing how many laws are passed every day by local, state, and fed governments. Even the lawyers and judges have no hope of keeping up to stay legal, certainly not citizens.

When the tax code is longer than the Bible (which it is), you know you're in trouble.

you know I thought for sure I was going to get flamed for that comment. I guess I fall into the masses that don't really think about things like the giant bonus card and stuff. What exactly does that put out there?? It is just my address and name and I guess giant can try what I buy. Why would they want to or why would I really care?

You are right though these small things lead to bigger things and while I don't really care so much about these little things I do care about the big things.

I'm just going to stop, the BP is already rising.

Goosfrabah.. Goosfrabah..

Did I offend you? I thought we were just having a conversation. I didn't think my response qualified as "flaming". Don't let your blood pressure get up there - its all in good fun and company. I even said "I see your point, although...", and I do see your point.

Just talking man.

Please refrain from posting political threads. We don't condone that here. I know your subject was put into the right area, but it had potential to ruffle some feathers.


Mod team

Dude said:
burnsie said:
I do think that is pathetic and sad that you would censor important political conversations because of the "potential to ruffle some feathers", especially in an adult only forum labeled NSFW. Its censorship like that which allows people to be taken advantage of due to a lack of information. Its an ages old tradition for laymen to gather in the pubs and converse on the politics of the land.

Where is this rule posted?

burnsie said:
I just need to know if this is a standard policy, or your personal opinion, because if it is a standard policy - that free speech in regards to politics is not acceptable here. I want to be removed from the site.

When you signed up to this site you agreed to the following terms:

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Although the administrators and moderators of Home Brew Forums will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of Home Brew Forums, nor Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.
By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.
The owners of Home Brew Forums reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

Please read the last statement that I made bold. The administrator of this site has given the moderators firm instructions to delete threads that may be questionable and/or serve no purpose. A political thread serves no purpose here other than to incite arguments. You are not the first to have a political thread deleted.


Ok, I've read your statement - and I understand that you think that political threads have no purpose other than to incite arguments - which makes me realize there is no point in talking to you about this any further. I understand your right to delete my thread - so only your judgement is in question. Please feel free to remove me from your site. Thanks.
burnsie said:

Did I offend you? I thought we were just having a conversation. I didn't think my response qualified as "flaming". Don't let your blood pressure get up there - its all in good fun and company. I even said "I see your point, although...", and I do see your point.

Just talking man.

No you didn't offend me, I get fired up when I think about all this wonderfullness.. Not you at all.
I am posting this on this thread because Burnsie is no longer accepting PMs.


Moderators have a roll to keep things in line with the forum's agreed upon policies. We take the actions we feel are needed based on our best judgement. If you do not want to abide by these rules or feel the enforcement of the same is offensive then I suggest another forum might be the answer. We are not looking to remove people from this forum and welcome your participation under the guidelines all users agree to.

I personally find it insulting to be called a sheep, but beyond that I do not feel it is appropriate for you to make personal comments about individuals in a public forum. That is why there are PMs and E-mails. You can call me whatever you wish privately, but I would ask you show some respect in public.

As for further action in this matter, I will leave this to the mods as a group.

burnsie said:

Please refrain from posting political threads. We don't condone that here. I know your subject was put into the right area, but it had potential to ruffle some feathers.


Mod team

Ok, I've read your statement - and I understand that you think that political threads have no purpose other than to incite arguments - which makes me realize there is no point in talking to you about this any further. I understand your right to delete my thread - so only your judgement is in question. Please feel free to remove me from your site. Thanks.


Don't do this. PMs are PRIVATE MESSAGES between the two parties, NOT for public viewing unless both parties agree. I did not agree for this to be publically displayed.

I am simply following rules given to me by the administrator of this site. I have the right to delete or edit something that I deem "unfit" for this site, and political threads fit into that "unfit" category, IMHO. This individual didn't like that, so he is banned. I fully expect him to come back under a different user name similar to "dudeiscool" and continue to try to get under my skin. If you guys see this happening, please contact a moderator.

Bottom line, if you guys want to talk politics with each other, keep it in PMs or find one of thousands of other forums to let it all hang out. I've never once been in a political or religious thread that didn't get ugly eventually. We'll not have that here. Period.
This is one of the coolest, most flame free forums out there and I can't help but think that avoiding political subjects has a lot to do with it.
God Emporer BillyBrew said:
This is one of the coolest, most flame free forums out there and I can't help but think that avoiding political subjects has a lot to do with it.

Probably very true...

However, I think something is slipping by us, kind of under the radar like...

Just exactly WHEN did the good Pastor become a Mod???

Was I drunk and I missed something???

The world is going to hell in a handbasket I tell ya!!! ;)

:D J/K BP.

It was divine providence I tell ya. I saw a flash of light and this big voice, sounding a lot like Charlton Heston, came booming out of my computer, telling me to go and remove all wickness from this forum. So immediately threw Cheesefood out and have been editing posts ever since.

Actually, I would never throw Cheesefood out. If I did we would lose half our postings!
he's been a Mod for as long as I can remember (which is about a month) :D
burnsie said:

Please refrain from posting political threads. We don't condone that here. I know your subject was put into the right area, but it had potential to ruffle some feathers.


Mod team

Ok, I've read your statement - and I understand that you think that political threads have no purpose other than to incite arguments - which makes me realize there is no point in talking to you about this any further. I understand your right to delete my thread - so only your judgement is in question. Please feel free to remove me from your site. Thanks.


You post in violation of board policy, and a mod is decent enough to contact you in private about it. You then post the entire contents of a private conversation for all to see. Boo fukcing hoo.
Hold up!
Just WAIT!!:mad:
Wait 1 F'ing minute!!!:mad:
This is total BS:mad:

There is actually a city in Oklahoma named Midwest City?
Oklahoma isnt in the Midwest!!!
I really don't mean to fan any flames but... er... you don't have to fill out any of those loyalty card forms to get any discount at the grocery store. (Yes, thats what they call them in the industry, loyalty cards). Only one of mine has any of my real personal info in it at all, and that's my employee discount card. All my other cards are registered to such whimsical names as IP Freeley at 6969 yomomma's house ave., or Anita Mandic at 123 Fake St. Most people don't know you can do that though, so I just thought I'd share.
Pumbaa said:
Hold up!
There is actually a city in Oklahoma named Midwest City?
Oklahoma isnt in the Midwest!!!

Yeah, and the city isn't in the Midwest part of Oklahoma either and it's east of the capitol. It's always bugged me that it's named that, but never bad enough to figure out why.
Oops, I didn't realize he'd actually been banned. His member title is still "registered member." I wouldn't have bothered flaming him.
I'm glad this thread didn't get deleted. Not because I like the political banter but because I now understand why another thread with MUCH more possibly inflammatory content was deleted. I HATED that other thread (entitled, "Please watch this..."), posted in it against my own better judgment, and now I'm glad it's dead. I have to agree that this forum is pretty damn civil, and it's almost TOO enjoyable - I spend WAY too much time here. Thanks, everyone, for making it so.
Yuri_Rage said:
I'm glad this thread didn't get deleted. .

Personally, I HATE deleting threads. I completely respect freedom of speech. However, political and religious threads will not stand here. I've never seen either of those two topics stay civil in 10+ years of surfing the internet.

I kept this one alive because I wanted to show an example of what not to do--specifically regarding PMs. The "P" in "Private" means exactly that--don't share it with parties that aren't part of the conversation between the PRIVATE messengers. It is rude and totally uncalled for.

In hindsight, I'm just really glad I was nice to him. ;)

He got banned because he asked to be removed from the site. I'd have loved to have kept him around a while for you thugs to kick him around a bit. :p It's only been a few days since we've had an incident, I know ya'll were getting antsy. ;)
Dude said:
Personally, I HATE deleting threads. I completely respect freedom of speech. However, political and religious threads will not stand here. I've never seen either of those two topics stay civil in 10+ years of surfing the internet.

I kept this one alive because I wanted to show an example of what not to do--specifically regarding PMs. The "P" in "Private" means exactly that--don't share it with parties that aren't part of the conversation between the PRIVATE messengers. It is rude and totally uncalled for.

In hindsight, I'm just really glad I was nice to him. ;)

He got banned because he asked to be removed from the site. I'd have loved to have kept him around a while for you thugs to kick him around a bit. :p It's only been a few days since we've had an incident, I know ya'll were getting antsy. ;)


While I agree these types of threads can turn ugly, I think it is also of use to have some of these topics brought to others attention. Maybe let the thread start then lock it before arguing starts??

Todd said:

While I agree these types of threads can turn ugly, I think it is also of use to have some of these topics brought to others attention. Maybe let the thread start then lock it before arguing starts??


Why? What purpose does that serve?

If you really want to talk about politics, you can find hundreds of other forums and debate until your heart is content. Just my 2 cents.
I'm sure a certain Saints fan over there would love to argue with Burnsie...
Yuri_Rage said:
I'm glad this thread didn't get deleted. Not because I like the political banter but because I now understand why another thread with MUCH more possibly inflammatory content was deleted. I HATED that other thread (entitled, "Please watch this..."), posted in it against my own better judgment, and now I'm glad it's dead. I have to agree that this forum is pretty damn civil, and it's almost TOO enjoyable - I spend WAY too much time here. Thanks, everyone, for making it so.

It was everything I could do Monday night not to jump all over that thread. I literally had to get up and away from the computer. I don't freaking come here to get into politics. If I want to do that I'll go elsewhere. Leave the political agendas to the political boards.

Everyone has a right to say what they say and believe what they believe but there is a place for it. Stirring the pot at a site dedicated to brewing your own beer, (and drinking beer for that matter) is just a way of being a sh$% disturber. And if that's what someone is here to do, I have NO time for them.

End of rant. :eek:

It's hard, sometimes, to separate out drunken ramblings from political discussions, but I'm glad this board's policy is what it is. Hell, if I knew your personal politics, I problably wouldn't like half you mo'fos :D
Ize said:
It was everything I could do Monday night not to jump all over that thread. I literally had to get up and away from the computer. I don't freaking come here to get into politics. If I want to do that I'll go elsewhere. Leave the political agendas to the political boards.

Everyone has a right to say what they say and believe what they believe but there is a place for it. Stirring the pot at a site dedicated to brewing your own beer, (and drinking beer for that matter) is just a way of being a sh$% disturber. And if that's what someone is here to do, I have NO time for them.

End of rant. :eek:


I totally agree.

I'll say this again--if you guys ever see a questionable post/thread--report it. That will go directly to the e-mail of the moderators and we can take care of it quickly. When someone reports a thread to me, I immediately check it and then PM or e-mail the person that reported it to tell them what I am going to do with the thread--whether that is deleting it or letting it ride. I personally appreciate the "watch dog" approach because the mods can't be here 24/7 or see every single post.

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