Would I like an oatmeal stout?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2006
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With my second batch, a kit IPA, going into bottles in the next few days I was thinking about doing something a little different for the next batch. I really like the idea of brewing an oatmeal stout, but I don't know for sure whether or not I'd like the taste...since I've never had one before. I like most all beer, with Shiner Bock and Sam Adams Boston Lager being my two favorites at the moment (as far as store bought stuff goes).

So, all that aside, do you think I'd like an oatmeal stout?
I recommend tracking down a commercial version, many brewpubs will have one, as an oatmeal stout is about as far from bocks & lager as one can get. If you drink strong coffee without milk & sugar, then maybe. For what it's worth, the Brewer's Association description:

Oatmeal Stout
Oatmeal stouts include oatmeal in their grist, resulting in a pleasant, full flavor and a smooth profile that is rich without being grainy. A roasted malt character which is caramellike and chocolatelike should be evident — smooth and not bitter. Coffee-like roasted barley and roasted malt aromas (chocolate and nut-like) are prominent. Bitterness is moderate, not high. Hop flavor and aroma are optional but should not overpower the overall balance if present. This is a medium- to full-bodied beer, with minimal fruity esters.
None of the pubs in my area actually brew any beer themselves, and the beer stores are pretty pathetic. I have a hard time finding anything other than Bud or Coors. So, without driving several hundred miles to find a store that had a beer that is primarily brewed my regional microbreweries and not widely marketed I thought I'd ask here.

the_bird said:
I don't get how you expect any of us to be able to answer this for you.

To be quite honest, I knew that whatever answers I received would be subjective at best but my options are limited. I know that there isn't any comparison to the beers I listed above, but if I'd just asked if I would like the taste of an oatmeal stout, someone would have replied with something like, "What do you normally drink?"

Lou said:
no, absolutely not.
i think it will make you vomit.

Were you trying to be funny or are you serious?
You could post your location & people might be able to help.

BMC stout: One warm BMCs, tablespoonful of instant coffee.
Do you like Guiness? If so, then you will probably like Oatmeal stout. Lol... we cant tell you what you will like, but its damn good IMHO :)
I didn't mean that to be smart-alecky, but there's really no way to know unless you try it. You didn't mention anything positive or negative about other stouts you may have tried (like Guiness). Some people love stouts; others don't. Personally, I'm not a huge fan, but it's nice sometimes especially as it gets cooler (my wife loves stout, hence my latest batch). For me, it's the kind of beer that I'll drink one of at a session.
I think stouts tend to make the beer last longer too. These are generally very heavy rich beers that you can sip off of for 30-60 minutes. I can pound down 3-4 belgian wits for every 1 stout, no problem.
I haven't had Guiness in so long that I don't even really remember the taste, although I do remember that I didn't hate it. I'll pick up a few and see if my tastebuds like it or not. Then I'll decide on the oatmeal stout.
nice name on your stout bird!!

I know your BMC stores will have some guiness. If you like guiness (I think the US marketed guiness tastes watery) you have a good chance of liking an oatmeal stout.

Or you could buy one bottle of a bunch of stuff and have it shipped:

I'm sorry to hear your stores don't have a decent micro selection.
Hey Exo, do I detect another Raindog in the room?

I've decided to name all my brews after lyrics from "Alice," since I've pretty much sung it start to finish to my little girl most nights for the past nineteen months. She's either going to be very twisted when she grows up or have a healthy appreciation for the macabre.
Raindog? Is that when my dog is outside and it's raining? Like right now? :p
The name of my stout is from a Tom Waits lyric, off the album "Alice."

I thought that was what you were commenting on.

Tom Waits fans (such as myself) refer to themselves as "Raindogs," after one of his older albums. Raindogs, as defined by Waits, are:

"A Rain Dog is - you notice it more in lower Manhattan than anywhere else - after a rain in New York all the dogs that got caught in the rain, somehow the water washed away their whole trail and they can't get back home so about 4 in the morning you see all these stranded dogs on the street and they're looking around like - won't you help me get back home, sir, please - excuse me sir - excuse me sir - can you help me find my way back home - all makes and models, the short ones, the black ones, the tall ones, the expensive ones, the long ones, the disturbed ones, they all want to get home. So that's a Rain Dog. It's like falling asleep somewhere and you thought you knew where you were and when you woke up - it's like Mission Impossible - they changed the furniture and the walls and windows and the sky turned a different colour and you can never get back and most of the stories in this record have to do with people in New York who are experiencing a considerable amount of pain and discomfort."

So, alas, I thought I had found a fellow Raindog on the board... I'll have to keep looking.
No, but I did like the photos on your linked site.

I'm more of a Strait-dog, or a Cash-dog...maybe a Merle-dog... :p
You know what, a lot of what Johnny Cash sang about and what Tom Waits sings about is not all that dis-similar. They both come from a very dark place. I'm not a huge country fan, but I really like and respect Johnny Cash a great deal.
I like Guiness a lot. I tried an Oatmeal Stout at a local microbrew pub (their own recipe) and thought it may have even been better than Guiness (to me).


The watered-down Guinness that is exported and shipped worldwide by the massive conglomerate that bought Guinness, is weak-like. I've brewed up stuff better than World-Shipped Guinness in my sleep.

Please, folks, don't mislead this guy. The difference between Guinness and Sam Smith is akin to the difference between Miller Lite & Sam Adams Ale.

Just because you like Worldwide Guinness doesn't mean you'll like Oatmeal stout...unless you use a recipe for 5 gallons, and add water until you have 7 gallons. THEN, maybe, it'll be similar. But, dude, if your foray into dark bears consists of Shiner Bock, I'd be careful. A real-deal Oatie is madness...try Sam Smiths, and nobody else's. That is where to start, that is the benchmark. From there, you can try Anderson Valley and a few other stateside micros. Order them online if need be, but I wouldn't brew a whole batch unless you're sure.

Then again, you could always brew it up, see how it turns out, and if you don't like it, send it to me :D
Evan! said:

The watered-down Guinness that is exported and shipped worldwide by the massive conglomerate that bought Guinness, is weak-like. I've brewed up stuff better than World-Shipped Guinness in my sleep.

Please, folks, don't mislead this guy. The difference between Guinness and Sam Smith is akin to the difference between Miller Lite & Sam Adams Ale.

Just because you like Worldwide Guinness doesn't mean you'll like Oatmeal stout...unless you use a recipe for 5 gallons, and add water until you have 7 gallons. THEN, maybe, it'll be similar. But, dude, if your foray into dark bears consists of Shiner Bock, I'd be careful. A real-deal Oatie is madness...try Sam Smiths, and nobody else's. That is where to start, that is the benchmark. From there, you can try Anderson Valley and a few other stateside micros. Order them online if need be, but I wouldn't brew a whole batch unless you're sure.

Then again, you could always brew it up, see how it turns out, and if you don't like it, send it to me :D

But if you check out the OP's replies he says that there are no stores near him with a decent beer selection, Bud and Coors are about it. Guinness was suggested as it is the one Stout you can find anywhere.
I just happened to make it by a Market Street in McKinney today, so I took a stroll down their beer isle. I picked up a 12 pack of SNPA and a pint of Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout. It is definitely different, but I like it. To be quite honest, it is a lot like I thought it would be. The smoothness is awesome. Brewing an oatmeal stout is definitely in my future, I've just got to find a good recipe.
I dont particularily like guinness however I do like oatmeal stout and other stouts, ie samuel smith imperial stout etc. Mclausen (spelling) oatmeal stout. I think once you start homebrewing and trying different stuff there isnt a style you will dislike, thats me anyways... each style offers somthing different for a different time, mood etc.
I made a Chocolate Oatmeal Stout about a year and a half ago. It was one of the best brews I'd ever had the pleasure of making - very smooth, aromatic, full bodied, refreshing and nicely balanced at 8.5%!! My brews usually go quickly with friends and family, but this one set a record. Even peps who were traditionally "afraid of the dark", slurpped thuis stuff down like they couldn't live without it. When it was gone, some folks were willing to pay good money for a 22oz (that no longer exsisted).

I'll make a batch this fall, but this one will be on nitros. Either way it will be a big hit. If you would like the recipe let me know and I'll post it.
