Words and phrases I hate

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Not exactly a "word or phrase", but tonight on FB, a former coworker of mine posted a question: "We're thinking we want to get a dog. Any suggestions?" Myself being the owner of (or is it owned by) a Labrador Retriever, and knowing her husband is an avid hunter - including waterfowl - I suggested a Lab immediately.

The next post? "Get a black cat! Cats are the greatest!"

Um... They're looking for a dog. Last time I checked, there was no breed of canine called "black cat". I bet you're the kind of person that hears someone is looking for a 4wd truck, and recommends a Schwinn.

This **** happens all the time on this forum! Someone will ask a specific question, and someone else answers without paying attention. I just saw a thread where a person was asking about which Wyeast strain to use, and some idiot replies with a strain from White Labs.

Sorry, that's the end of my rant. I just can't stand when people are so eager to post, but they don't care whether they're being helpful or not.
A friend of mine posted to his facebook that his 5 year old son tortures him by setting up the best "thats what she said" jokes imaginable... and he cant take the bait.
A friend of mine posted to his facebook that his 5 year old son tortures him by setting up the best "thats what she said" jokes imaginable... and he cant take the bait.

Yeah, I've got a three-month-old at home. My wife and I have been in an endless battle to come up with the best "TWSS" joke, and there are so many things that can be said when we're talking to or about our daughter, but it just doesn't sit right.
"Hey, let me aks you a question." Aks, acks, axe, whatever. I hear this one far too much. I get it, though. Three letters in a row, who wouldn't get them mixed up, repeatedly. Makes me want it literally punch them in the face, literally.
One word that gets used incorrectly around here all the time is "seen." As in, "I seen you walking your dog yesterday."

It surprises me how many people say that around here. It pisses me off every time I hear it.
One word that gets used incorrectly around here all the time is "seen." As in, "I seen you walking your dog yesterday."

It surprises me how many people say that around here. It pisses me off every time I hear it.
My mother's side of the family is a little....redneckish. As such, grammar gets slaughtered on a regular basis. Every now and then, Mom slips and says something the way her family would.

This past weekend, we (my immediate family) were at my sisters house for my nephews 6th birthday. I forget what we were talking about, but Mom said "That don't matter". My nephew looked at her and said, "That DOESN'T matter, Grandma"
Exercise is healty.
Healthy food.

That's healthful, and it bugs me, and it's absolutely everywhere.
I CAN'T STAND "long story short"

Me: What happened to you?
other guy: *explicit detail about an event*
*30 AGONIZING minutes later*
other guy: and well to make a long story short...
Sorry, but there was nothing short about that

which leads me to...

Then you have no sense of humor.

Kidding. Sort of. It definitely has been overused, but when used properly, it can be simply amazing. (That's what she said...)

My buddy had one of the best ones I've ever heard while using an air gun to put a roof on a house
Buddy: (being a pain in the ass) I can't stand using this gun, the blow back on my face is unbearable.
Boss: (extremely irritated at this point) Yknow what tyler, I'm sick of your ****!!! I've been taking it in the face all ***damn day
buddy: *not wasting a second* THATS WHAT SHE SAID

They both had to take a break from the laughing :D
"Poosh" - for push
"Pellow" - for pillow
"Worsh" - for wash
"Melk" - for milk

Ye haw, y'all, yins, honky tonk. I could go on. I was a city boy until I moved to southern ohio. I'm the only one who doesn't seem to speak this way, in these parts that there.
This **** happens all the time on this forum! Someone will ask a specific question, and someone else answers without paying attention. I just saw a thread where a person was asking about which Wyeast strain to use, and some idiot replies with a strain from White Labs.

Sorry, that's the end of my rant. I just can't stand when people are so eager to post, but they don't care whether they're being helpful or not.

I hate cats too!!!
Fuzzymittenbrewing said:
Probably already been covered but I HATE when a grown ass man says nom, noms or nom nom when referring to food or drink.

I hate that too. I think I actually mentioned that a while back. I want to beat people when I hear or read nom, noms, or nom nom.
But, I must be honest. I also hate it when someone uses the term "grown ass man."
Other than that, you're okay in my book Fuzz. ;)
I hate that too. I think I actually mentioned that a while back. I want to beat people when I hear or read nom, noms, or nom nom.
But, I must be honest. I also hate it when someone uses the term "grown ass man."
Other than that, you're okay in my book Fuzz. ;)

Ha! I don't usually say that but noms tick me off that much!
"Cheer up! Somebody, somewhere is having a worse day than you!"

My response, "Well, that may be, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm still having a pretty sh!tty fooking day, now does it?!!!"

I absolutely hate that cliche phrase!
"Poosh" - for push
"Pellow" - for pillow
"Worsh" - for wash
"Melk" - for milk

Ye haw, y'all, yins, honky tonk. I could go on. I was a city boy until I moved to southern ohio. I'm the only one who doesn't seem to speak this way, in these parts that there.

so if someone said "we had to worsh the melk out of the pellows so we could poosh them back where they belong", that would irritate you? :D
A new application of the term "out of pocket" finding its way into corporate speak, as a way of saying "unavailable." Example: "Eddie is out of pocket all this week."

I think most people normally use the term as "out of pocket expenses." If someone is unavailable, just say "unavailable."
Nothing makes me more crazy than when my great and all powerful boss gives a speech about "I-deers at work". We will all come up with wonderful Ideers that help productivity and share those Ideers in group meetings where all Ideers can come together and live happy. That man makes quadruple what I do and he has to say "um" ever other word. Worst public speaker ever.
Tolerance & Intractability I hate it, it is used a lot at work in reference to the cultural diversity at work. Its funny because if an english major of meager intelligence hears an Engineer drop a ya'll bomb or place an (r) in the word wash, he is automatically branded a knuckle dragging troglodyte. The hippies, hipster's, & yuppies are the ones preaching tolerance with the coexist stickers on the back of there Subaru and Prius' right? The hypocrisy of unintelligent but yet educated scares me. I guess they have never read any Faulkner.:(

I hate knuckle dragging troglodyte as well, but I used it verbatim.
I and myself used together in a sentence

As in "I myself try not to sound like an idiot when I speak or write" (Uh, too late)

I myself? WFT is that? How about just "I"

People that say this are probably the same people that say " See Bob or myself if you have any more questions".

They need to be in the coffee table book

I hate it when a series of numbers is given and the middle is left out.....for example instead of saying ....I drink 5,6 or 7 nights a week or I drink 5 to 7 nights a week, I hate when someone says I drink 5 or 7 nights a week ....as if they never would drink 6 nights a week.

For some reason I hear 8 or 10 a lot. Really annoying!!!
I hate it when a series of numbers is given and the middle is left out.....for example instead of saying ....I drink 5,6 or 7 nights a week or I drink 5 to 7 nights a week, I hate when someone says I drink 5 or 7 nights a week ....as if they never would drink 6 nights a week.

For some reason I hear 8 or 10 a lot. Really annoying!!!

I think those people who say they drink 8 or 10 nights a week are the ones who really have a drinking problem.
Tolerance & Intractability I hate it, it is used a lot at work in reference to the cultural diversity at work. Its funny because if an english major of meager intelligence hears an Engineer drop a ya'll bomb or place an (r) in the word wash, he is automatically branded a knuckle dragging troglodyte. The hippies, hipster's, & yuppies are the ones preaching tolerance with the coexist stickers on the back of there Subaru and Prius' right? The hypocrisy of unintelligent but yet educated scares me. I guess they have never read any Faulkner.:(

I hate knuckle dragging troglodyte as well, but I used it verbatim.

When I was in law school here (a hipster-rich environment, BTW), I had a classmate who was a transplant from NC, east Carolina drawl and all. Immediately, a number of students automatically assumed he was some kind of ignorant redneck. There were plenty of snide remarks about the "hillbilly from NC." It didn't take long for them to get schooled. During in-class discussions and debate, that guy from NC would run circles around most of us.
Good Morning!...............................Nope just Morning if it was good I'd have a beer in my hand and wort starting to boil:p People that have no life outside of work.

I have to agree. Just say "Morning" if you must greet me first thing. Not only am I likely not having a good morning, but the phrase "Good Morning" sounds like an incomplete question or else you are pushing your agenda of happiness on me, which I may not want. In fact, let's put the u into morning and call it what it is, mourning. Mourning the fact that it is, in fact, morning, and we are likely being verbally assaulted by some co-worker that feels the need to start the day off with a smile and a friendly greeting. D*cks.
How about "acrossed?" Nope, it's just across.

Thats my second post in this thread. Theres more, but I'm stopping at two. It makes me wonder how many stupid things I say that make people want to punch me on the face.
"We're pregnant!"

Unless you are a lesbian couple and both of you are pregnant, this is inaccurate. Your wife is pregnant. She is also the one "having a baby." You, sir, "have a child on the way" and "are about to become a father."

Whenever someone says "we're pregnant!" I want to yak.