What's w/the old threads?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2011
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I've been on this site for a few weeks now, and I've noticed something odd: old posts, I mean years old, appear as if posted yesterday. I just responded to a post on the Recipe board about Anchor Steam, then noticed it was from 2007. What gives?
I think it has to do with spammers. We've had a lot of strange crap lately, but I think some of these spammers who create accounts months in advance to get around the blocking of html links, then they randomly bump old threads. But then I think the mods delete the posts then and leave the thread bumped....maybe.

But folks often bump old threads up.
Alright. Well, it is a good topic - good beer, as far as I'm concerned. Wish I could have one now, but I guess it's bad enough to be d_ _king around on the internet when I should be finding something to do. 13 hours to an ice cold Big Sky IPA.
You are probably looking at the "New Posts" section in the forum. Posts and Threads are two different things. A thread is series of posts. A thread might be years old, but if a new post is made within that thread it will get bumped to the top of the New Posts section.
You are probably looking at the "New Posts" section in the forum. Posts and Threads are two different things. A thread is series of posts. A thread might be years old, but if a new post is made within that thread it will get bumped to the top of the New Posts section.

Yeah, but what he's asking is why does it seem lately that a lot of old threads are getting bumped....Or as well call them zombified. Sometimes it can go for weeks without this happenning, and sometimes you have a period where a bunch of threads get bumped.

I looked at the one in question....I didn't fall for it, because Biermuncher hardly ever posts, let alone starts threads. SO I knew it was a bump. I think Boswell was just bored and reading threads.

Another thing that happens on occasion is that search randomly starts putting results older threads first. ANd if you're just looking for something you might not realize it's an older thread when you reply. I can be searching along happily and getting recent posts and suddenly the first post on a search string can be ancient. An I know there's been a more recent version.
I've been on this site for a few weeks now, and I've noticed something odd: old posts, I mean years old, appear as if posted yesterday.

That's not how I interpreted his question, but you're Yoda so who am I to argue.
Another thing that happens on occasion is that search randomly starts putting results older threads first. And if you're just looking for something you might not realize it's an older thread when you reply. I can be searching along happily and getting recent posts and suddenly the first post on a search string can be ancient. An I know there's been a more recent version.

I will agree with this. Most of the time I use google and it brings me back here for the info. Some of the threads are years old, but if you don't look at the date before typing, a "Zombie" is awaken. I know I have bumped or tagged an old thread so I have an easier time finding the info in it later.
Especially one of his recipes with no final review. His other threads are a million pages long with multiple people brewing them, oh, and because after 4 90 minutes, and 3 Sam Adams Irish Reds, you look through your subscribed threads.
Especially one of his recipes with no final review. His other threads are a million pages long with multiple people brewing them, oh, and because after 4 90 minutes, and 3 Sam Adams Irish Reds, you look through your subscribed threads.

And you weren't even the one that bumped it after 3 years. Someone else did last month because they tried it for the first time....
I think I'd rather see an old thread necro'd than a new thread started on the same topic. IMO, I'd rather have all the pertinent info in one place, rather than having to sift through 12 different threads on the same topic. But I will admit, I get peeved with myself when I read something, think it's new, and then realize that the conversation has been dead since 2008. Oh well. I still get to learn something, even if I don't end up weighing in.
I think I'd rather see an old thread necro'd than a new thread started on the same topic. IMO, I'd rather have all the pertinent info in one place, rather than having to sift through 12 different threads on the same topic. But I will admit, I get peeved with myself when I read something, think it's new, and then realize that the conversation has been dead since 2008. Oh well. I still get to learn something, even if I don't end up weighing in.

YUP. That's why with the "secondaries" threads that pop up daily I refer them to the Jamil/palmer thread. it's got everything in there.
djfriesen said:
I think I'd rather see an old thread necro'd than a new thread started on the same topic. IMO, I'd rather have all the pertinent info in one place, rather than having to sift through 12 different threads on the same topic. But I will admit, I get peeved with myself when I read something, think it's new, and then realize that the conversation has been dead since 2008. Oh well. I still get to learn something, even if I don't end up weighing in.

Same, I like when I read a post, then the exact same question a few pages on. Oh well, sonce I have HBT on my spacephone I'm on here way to much.

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