This Really Annoys Me Pet Peeve Thread

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When I was in grad school, right between my apartment and school was Library Mall, which is where all the clipboard people hung out - can't walk three feet without someone in your face "Free Mumia!" "Stop sweatshop labor!" I pretty soon figured out that if I walked with a very purposeful gait and put a not-quite-scowl on my face and stared straight ahead, no one would f*** with me. Occasionally I'd see someone start to approach and I'd give a subtle shake of the head, and back they go. Got really good at it over three years.

Fast forward to this summer 18 years later. I approached the farmers market and saw clipboard people. "I know how to handle this," I thought. I'm obviously out of practice.
My pet peeve is people that will use vulgar language instead of simple expression to get attention whether written or spoken.
My pet peeve is people that will use vulgar language instead of simple expression to get attention whether written or spoken.

People who only use vulgar language come across as being morons: cursing requires very little brain power, although some situations can't be dealt with by anything less than a rousing F##$ YOU!
People who only use vulgar language come across as being morons: cursing requires very little brain power, although some situations can't be dealt with by anything less than a rousing F##$ YOU!

When I was in the Marine Corps the word was rarely said out of anger......

However, we used it as a noun, verb, adverb, adjective, pronoun, preposition and a conjunction. Basically it fit the situation in nearly every form of our daily communication.

Most jarheads would be able to approach the "spewing" person with touretttes and probably still be able to have a meaningful conversation.
BTW - Wikipedia has a good write up on the use of the word. My sophomoric mind found it amusing since it was used rather frequently and I was not actually reading an x-rated paperback.


Wikipedia - False etymologies - Another theory is that of a royal permission. During the Black Death in the Middle Ages, towns were trying to control populations and their interactions. Since uncontaminated resources were scarce, supposedly many towns required permission to have children. Hence, the legend goes, that couples that were having children were required to first obtain royal permission (usually from a local magistrate or lord) and then place a sign somewhere visible from the road in their home that said "Fornicating Under Consent of King," which was later shortened to "______." This story is hard to document, but has persisted in oral and literary traditions for many years; however, it has been demonstrated to be an urban legend.[13]
i'm at work and I've just wasted the past 15 minutes looking up how to use **** as an adverb

not so sure about the one I found: **** YEAH!
I get noun ("You f***!"), verb ("Let's f***."), and adjective ("You f***ing maggot!"), but adverb? "He walked f***ly?" Pronoun? Preposition? Conjunction?

I will be the first to admit, I'm no grammar expert. I was really joking in the sense of its use.

This seems rather amusing too. Examples: NOT WORK SAFE!
<-- former US Navy squid, so I'm in the same boat as the Jarhead (speaking metaphorically, but since it's always a pleasure giving a Marine a ride to whatever beach needs taking, I'm also speaking literally)

I think I've used up my alloted F-Bombs for one lifetime. I try and use something else to compensate.

like EFF or FLOC or FRACK
Bicyclists who whiz through a 4 way stop and almost get hit by two cars and don't even look around.

we have a pack of about 30 who ride down the center of the road like they own the place, blow thru stop signs/signals

makes me wish for a roof-mounted .30cal minigun with one of those helmets that aim where you're looking
Bicyclists who whiz through a 4 way stop and almost get hit by two cars and don't even look around.

I have been known to pull up beside them with the windows down, give a honk, and tell they have too stop at the stop sign too.

They look at me like I'm a psycho and I am generally amused from the wild-eyed look I get from them. - I might have saved their life in the future.

However, I can understand kids under 16 years on age but NOT adults. They probably don't know rules of the road. I just assume they may not stop. I don't do this ^^^ to kids.
I literally almost hit one last month going through a four way stop. I stopped at the stop sign, looked to make sure it was my turn, and then started driving through when a bicyclist on my right going the same direction as me suddenly veered to the left right in front of me to make a turn. I had to jam on my breaks and was honking the horn and swearing out of the window.
<-- former US Navy squid, so I'm in the same boat as the Jarhead (speaking metaphorically, but since it's always a pleasure giving a Marine a ride to whatever beach needs taking, I'm also speaking literally)

I think I've used up my alloted F-Bombs for one lifetime. I try and use something else to compensate.

like EFF or FLOC or FRACK

"Feck off!" Father Jack
Bicyclists who whiz through a 4 way stop and almost get hit by two cars and don't even look around.

I've done a lot of walking since the recession pushed me into early retirement. I pay a lot of attention to what goes on around me and I am amazed that a lot more bicyclists aren't run over.
As a long time cyclist who actually obeys the traffic laws. (Heck, I won't even pass cars to get to the front of the line at a red light. I'll just roll up 5,6,7 cars back, wherever my legal spot is. The way I look at it is if you have safely come by me prior to the light I will gain no advantage by passing you. I am not faster than you and making you pass me again will only serve to piss you off.) I'm a commuter so I see a lot of the same people each day and want to be respectful.
But I agree that there are A LOT of fu*ktard cyclists out there that give everyone a bad name.
You sir, are a rarity (for many reasons, but I'll stay on topic since the BY is long dead lol)
there are A LOT of fu*ktard cyclists out there that give everyone a bad name.

You absolutely cannot ever say this phrase enough.
I live in a "bicycle friendly" area. I have yet to see a single one of these people stop, hell even slow down at a stop sign. Make no mistake, I am all about sharing the road, no problem. But the bottom line, without ability to even formulate any possible argument or response is: you weigh, WITH your chosen mode of transport, no more than 300lbs (hey, us fat guys ride too, ya know). EMPTY, my pickup and I weigh easily 20 times that. You will lose, and most likely die in any altercation. IS IT WORTH IT just to say 'hey you should stop for me'?!? Just like if I decide to tangle with a semi. That's just stoopid on my part. I may be right, I may have the law on my side, but in the end, the only one going to enjoy any part of that situation is my widow, who will most like spend half the year in Hawaii and the other half enjoying her latest boy toy (mix that year up any way you choose, it would probably be 12 months of both [emoji57])
customer: ooh... this connection has a bad echo. I'm gonna call you back

me: ok

customer: yeah, it's really annoying. I'm gonna call you back

me: ok

customer: wow. really bad echo. I'm gonna call you back

me: ok

customer: yeah, I'm gonna have to call you back

me: ok

customer: is it OK if I call you back?

me: call me back. **CLICK. HANG UP**

customer: ooh... this connection has a bad echo. I'm gonna call you back

me: ok

customer: yeah, it's really annoying. I'm gonna call you back

me: ok

customer: wow. really bad echo. I'm gonna call you back

me: ok

customer: yeah, I'm gonna have to call you back

me: ok

customer: is it OK if I call you back?

me: call me back. **CLICK. HANG UP**


I can hear the echo from here.

Haha. Beer could be a low protein diet. Right? :tank:

PKU or Phenylketonuria is a rare genetic disorder in which the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase that converts phenylalanine (an amino acid in protein) into tyrosine does not work properly or at all. In this case the phenylalanine builds up in the blood stream and becomes toxic to the central nervous system. This can cause nerological complications like a lack of concentration, mood disorders, loss in IQ, memory loss, and sometimes severe mental retardation. There is no cure for PKU but the treatment includes low-protein diets and medical formula that gives you your lacking nutrients. PKU has been tested for at birth in the USA sine 1965.
not surprising.

to Google it's just another day. nothing of note happened on this day, ever, in recorded history

eff Google

this humble sailor salutes the 2403 killed at Pearl Harbor, especially his 1177 shipmates still on board USS Arizona, 75 years ago today

Why can't they commercialize a national tragedy like a GOOD company?

so, acknowledging it happened and honoring those who died is "commercializing" it?

someone owns a dicked-up dictionary

or has a grossly dicked-up view of the world. I guess a moment of silence on 9/11 is making a buck off those who were vaporized when the Towers fell
You know Google isn't just in America, right? Should they splash the homepage with the bodies of French journalists every January 7 (Charlie Hebdo)? Or tributes to the hundreds of thousands killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki every August 6 and 9? And a tribute to women's rights every December 6 (yesterday!) for the École Polytechnique victims in Montreal? How about that South American soccer team that died in that plane crash a few days ago?

If you extend this out to the whole world, I'm pretty sure we can cover every single calendar day of the year with some violent tragedy and ensure we're perpetually depressed or reminded of our guilt.

Or how about it just let me search for stuff.
I'm so damned that when I die the devil will get demoted.

My mom was a real mean nasty woman. When she died, my toast to her by the bonfire with my siblings and spouses: yes we'll miss her, and we think that some where in there was a good heart. But we do know she's in heaven, cuz the devil doesn't like competition.
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