This Really Annoys Me Pet Peeve Thread

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I have enough time and distance to turn right now.
And now.
Still, but it's close.
This oncoming driver will have to brake if I turn now.
He'll have to brake hard now.
Okay. Now I'm going.
People in my neighbourhood are weird. I live on a corner lot and can see the stop sign from the kitchen. I have seen people stop for that sign plenty with no traffic coming, but get a car that might "get in front of them", and people will roll through that intersection at 20+ MPH (the speed limit is 25) so they don't have to "stop for someone else".

Millennials aren't the only self-entitled, self-absorbed kittens out there. As a wise man once said, "****-birds come in all ages."
I'm simultaneously annoyed and enamored with football.

I'm annoyed at how much time it takes away from work. The way it makes meetings start late. The way important work conversations and activities get interrupted by the phrase, "How bout them Cowboys/Baylor."

But then, I'm enamored with the way when a game is on, I have free reign over so many places. The grocery, parks, fishing spots. All empty, because football.
People who dump their coffee/soda/milk/etc...
Nobody wants that nasty, sticky crap on their shoes!
End rant.
Regards, GF.
People who dump their coffee/soda/milk/etc...
Nobody wants that nasty, sticky crap on their shoes!
End rant.
Regards, GF.

If your coffee is sticky, you're doing it wrong.

But then, if ordering your coffee requires more than two words*, you're doing it wrong.

*Ordering coffee should only require one word: Coffee.
Maybe a second if the place has multiple sizes to choose from.
And thanks to the triple soy, gluten-free, no-foam, organic soy, 17 creams, 3 cups of sugar, and forty-seven pumps of carmel crowd, a third word has become necessary... "black".

Any more than that, and you're not ordering coffee.
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People who dump their coffee/soda/milk/etc...
Nobody wants that nasty, sticky crap on their shoes!
End rant.
Regards, GF.

People who spit gum on the hot pavement. Having to drive to Lowes for Goo-Gone because a$$holes can't spit it in a trash can. Had gum on my shoe and the floorboard of my car, with strings of gross sticky gum hanging across the door instep also stuck to the paint under the f'ing door.


If your coffee is sticky, you're doing it wrong.

But then, if ordering your coffee requires more than two words*, you're doing it wrong.

*Ordering coffee should only require one word: Coffee.
Maybe a second if the place has multiple sizes to choose from.
And thanks to the triple soy, gluten-free, no-foam, organic soy, 17 creams, 3 cups of sugar, and forty-seven pumps of carmel crowd, a third word has become necessary... "black".

Any more than that, and you're not ordering coffee.

A waitress here in South America gave me pre-sweetened coffee yesterday. First coffee with sugar I have drunk in twenty years. I should have complained loudly but since the coffee, two eggs, arepa and bread totaled about $1.00 I let it slide. But I won't go back to that place.
Heh heh. Google "vanilla bullsh*t." Curb your Enthusiasm fans know what I'm talking about.
A waitress here in South America gave me pre-sweetened coffee yesterday. First coffee with sugar I have drunk in twenty years. I should have complained loudly but since the coffee, two eggs, arepa and bread totaled about $1.00 I let it slide. But I won't go back to that place.

If you were eating an arepa you must be in Venezuela. Apparently, sugar is still available there (they used to have a thriving sugar cane industry). Have you tried the cerveza Zulia or Oso Polar (are they still available)?
If you were eating an arepa you must be in Venezuela. Apparently, sugar is still available there (they used to have a thriving sugar cane industry). Have you tried the cerveza Zulia or Oso Polar (are they still available)?

It's been years since I have been to Venezuela, but I did enjoy the arepas and more than a few cold Polars. I feel for the people there because food is scarce now.

No, I am living in Colombia. The arepas are a little thinner, but a staple of the diet. They have some good lager here (eg, Club Colombia) but I haven't gone completely native. There is some Belgian beer in the frig. (I'm still working on the supply chain for homebrew supplies).

And I just updated my profile to show Colombia.
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Hollywood writers

from season premiere of American Horror Story:

Shelby (actress) to Lee (actress), heading downstairs where they hear voices: so, where's your gun?

Lee (actress): Locked up... where it should be

[if I had written the teleplay] Shelby (actress): um, so it should be where it's absolutely ****ing useless?
I'm at a chili fest here in Chicago. I'm in line getting my chili and some lady after me asks the server if it's hot. Then says she doesn't like hot food....

My thought. (You at a chili fest and you don't like hot spicy food.) What a dumba$$. They are only dishing out about 2-3 tablespoons per batch, with 60+ types available, and its free, so what does it matter? Throw it away if it's too much.

The guy serving doesn't know how to answer the question. "It depends what you consider hot". "I don't think it's hot." So she takes one.

Well it was definitely hot and spicy. I was rather amused.

She didn't like it... LOL
People who leave the dishrag/scrubby/sponge in the sink when they're done using it. Don't leave it in the sink, where it will stay wet, get coated in whatever else is dumped into the sink & end up blocking the drain, so that somebody has to reach into that bunch of liquid nastiness & pull it out. Just squeeze it out & put it on the edge of the sink by the faucet, where it'll be ready for use & not causing a mess.
Seriously, is it that tough to figure out?
End rant.
Regards, GF.
We've a little caddy for the scrubby and the brush. It drapes between the two sides. Drain holes in the bottom.
People who leave the dishrag/scrubby/sponge in the sink when they're done using it. Don't leave it in the sink, where it will stay wet, get coated in whatever else is dumped into the sink & end up blocking the drain, so that somebody has to reach into that bunch of liquid nastiness & pull it out. Just squeeze it out & put it on the edge of the sink by the faucet, where it'll be ready for use & not causing a mess.
Seriously, is it that tough to figure out?
End rant.
Regards, GF.

I have several sponges in good condition in a basket under the sink. After one or two uses it goes into the top rack of the dishwasher. This way I always have pretty clean sponges to use, its like having a brand new sponge every time.
I cannot stand people who start off their sentences with "So,...". It's like, ya know, the valley girls from like, the 80's, who like, start everything with "like...". Also, avoid words like "Alright, ...." and "Alright so...". It shows a lack of education and makes the writer sound like an idiot. Knock it off.
+1. Also, "Up-Talkers." As in, people whose voice pitches up at the end of each sentence, as though they were asking a question. Drives me nuts.
People who leave the dishrag/scrubby/sponge in the sink when they're done using it. Don't leave it in the sink, where it will stay wet, get coated in whatever else is dumped into the sink & end up blocking the drain, so that somebody has to reach into that bunch of liquid nastiness & pull it out. Just squeeze it out & put it on the edge of the sink by the faucet, where it'll be ready for use & not causing a mess.
Seriously, is it that tough to figure out?
End rant.
Regards, GF.

Stinky sponges and dishrags in general are just horrible, but what's worse is when someone uses one to "clean" a table or countertop -- yuck! You've taken your table or countertop from a condition of maybe a couple of crumbs or a stain here or there now to a stench of 100% bacterial infection all over the entire surface!! Sponges for me are almost a one-time use commodity. If not immediately squeezed and set into the sun to dry out it will immediately stink foreverafter. Clean dishrags also should only be used for a few hours and thrown into the laundry at the end of each and every day. Anything else is just icky. I actually had to teach my wife what bacteria smell like. I told her "when the rag stinks like this, it's time for a new one." Now that she knows what that smell is, she hates it almost as much as I do, thank heavens.
I cannot stand people who start off their sentences with "So,...". It's like, ya know, the valley girls from like, the 80's, who like, start everything with "like...". Also, avoid words like "Alright, ...." and "Alright so...". It shows a lack of education and makes the writer sound like an idiot. Knock it off.

+1. Also, "Up-Talkers." As in, people whose voice pitches up at the end of each sentence, as though they were asking a question. Drives me nuts.

vocal fry is the worst

Oh man - there's a young reporter on my local NPR station who every damn sentence is upspeak, vocal fry and this incredibly annoying unnatural sing-songy delivery. I change the station as soon as I hear her name.

"With more on this story, here's _______."
If you want to start a public radio sucks thread in the debate forum, knock yourself out.
Agree. Why the hell do young women think that they should sound like they have smoked 2 packs a day for 20 years.

I read an article that said that the only people that find vocal fry irritating are old white dudes.

Guilty on both counts...

GrogNerd comes from the French word grognard, which translates literally to "grumbler" but is a colloquialism for "mean old man" (see! it's up there under my username!)

in Spanish it is gruñon, and I introduce myself to Latinos as "El Gringo Gruñon"

"mean old white dude"

so, yeah... vocal fry is very irritating
If you want to start a public radio sucks thread in the debate forum, knock yourself out.

JonM is right or correct here.

your tax dollars are paying her salary

they get away with it because YOU allow it

even worse, if you're one of the idiots who pledge that ****. hope the NPR logo swag is worth it

This borders on politics.... if you recall; (I believe you're thinking of the last YES. I sense you have a strong opinion on the matter. NPR leans ... best leave it be or take it there.)

General Rules,

NO - To posts about politics, race or religion

YES - To stories about any whiney, bitchy people.

YES - Your own whiney bitchiness.

YES - To the jacked up system

YES - To stories about jerks.

YES - To anything that makes you want to stick a fork in your eye. (and is not about politics, race or religion)
This thread, recently.

But, soldiering on, every Lincoln commercial with Mcconaughey...

Cheers! (btw, what's with the spelling of that name, anyway? :drunk:)
People in town with outdoor cats.

Damn near every municipality has leash laws. News flash, they don't just apply to dogs. Cats too. You don't want my dog coming on your property? Guess what... I don't want Fluffy, Sparkles, or Mr. Snoogiepants coming on mine either. In my opinion, if you let your cat roam free, you do not have a pet cat. You have a feral cat that you are dumb enough to help feed - because it's finding food other places, too.

There's been an orange fleabag sitting on top of my jetski in the driveway every night when I've come home for the last 4 days. Confronted the neighbor about it. "Oh, yeah. Can't let it starve because someone didn't want her. She's declawed and neutered." Like that makes it okay. "She climbing on stuff? She climbs on my car all the time." Told her no, so far as far as I know it's just the jetski - but the day I find paw prints on my truck, kitty is disappearing.
People I don't know parking on the street in front of my house. I know, it's a public street, I know they have the legal right to park there...
It still irritates the livin' $hit out of me. I consider that space to be mine.

I have a driveway & I park there, they have driveways too, in the back alley, they're just too damned lazy to use them. I know there's nothing I can do about it, which just adds to the frustration, but it just pisses me off.
End rant, resume normal activity.
Regards, GF.
people parking in front of my house bugs the snot out of me, but yeah.... can't do squat about it

had one parked there for 3 months, thought it was abandoned, but the county wouldn't do anything because the tags/inspection/tax decal were all up-to-date

also had a neighbor parking on their lawn until some busy-body a-hole (teehee) dropped the dime on them to the HOA and County Zoning
So... You don't want them parking on their lawn and you don't want them parking in front of your house?
So... You don't want them parking on their lawn and you don't want them parking in front of your house?

that is correct.

there is nothing I can do about them parking in front of my house (except ***** about it; I am in the proper thread, aren't I?), there's no rule or law says they can't

there are, however, HOA rules and County zoning ordinances against parking on lawns
I used to have two neighbors that fought over parking in front of the house. One neighbor would park in his own drive as would his wife side by side.

The other neighbor usually had a dually pickup with long trailer with skid steers. His trailer would block half of the neighbors drive way. On the wrong side. Not his own.

To give you a mental picture, I'm in the center of the cul de dac, my neighbors on either side kind of half in and out of the circle. Practically right across from each other.

They fought back and forth on this. I called the police once it escalated to pouring concrete at midnight with stadium style lighting. All of us had two acres a piece, so it's not like we were on top of each other.
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