This Really Annoys Me Pet Peeve Thread

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customer calls me about a fried hard drive and so glad he has a free cloud backup

free backup. great

except the restore costs $175
I honestly didnt know that there were "cheap vs expensive" trash bags. I just kinda always figured they were all pretty inexpensive and part of being an adult living in a house. Even if you sort them into expensive vs cheap categories, whats the price differencial? Like 2-3 cents per bag? Totally worth it in my opinion. I dont want the trash bag breaking on me when I carry it to the trash. If I dont have to take time to clean up nasty trash, totally worth the extra cash.
Look at the thickness of the bags. Usually labeled in mils. 3 mils is the thickest bag I've found; they run about $20 for 30 bags I think. But I've also had so much stuff piled into a 50 gallon bag that it took two people to lift it - and it never ripped.

Your 'cheap' bags are usually something like 0.3 mil -- a good sneeze can blow through them.
Look at the thickness of the bags. Usually labeled in mils. 3 mils is the thickest bag I've found; they run about $20 for 30 bags I think. But I've also had so much stuff piled into a 50 gallon bag that it took two people to lift it - and it never ripped.

Your 'cheap' bags are usually something like 0.3 mil -- a good sneeze can blow through them.

Oh I get it that there is a difference in the quality. Im just saying that the better bags are well worth the money
Look at the thickness of the bags. Usually labeled in mils. 3 mils is the thickest bag I've found; they run about $20 for 30 bags I think. But I've also had so much stuff piled into a 50 gallon bag that it took two people to lift it - and it never ripped.

Your 'cheap' bags are usually something like 0.3 mil -- a good sneeze can blow through them.
HD sells "demo" bags (42 gal) and they're 7 mils thick. 20 for $25. My wife likes to buy the most "inexpensive" kitchen garbage bags. What does she care? She's not bringing out the garbage. I make sure we have thicker bags in the house so that doesn't happen. Sorry about continuing the derail...
not really a derail, because it's something the BigHair does which annoys me: buys the cheapest/least expensive whatever

yeah, we're saving money in the short run, but having to replace whatever faster than buying the more expensive option (usually better quality, but not always)

or, in the case of trash bags, having to double bag = NOT saving money
not really a derail, because it's something the BigHair does which annoys me: buys the cheapest/least expensive whatever

yeah, we're saving money in the short run, but having to replace whatever faster than buying the more expensive option (usually better quality, but not always)

or, in the case of trash bags, having to double bag = NOT saving money

This basically sums up my purchasing philosophy, I buy strictly based on the value proposition of the product at hand.

For instance tools. In most cases I have very nice hand tools, mostly SK, with some Matco and snap on mixed in. Occasionally I will buy a single task tool from harbor freight, but only if the reviews indicate that it is up to the task.

I am all about low cost, but I can't stand anything that is cheap.
This basically sums up my purchasing philosophy, I buy strictly based on the value proposition of the product at hand.

For instance tools. In most cases I have very nice hand tools, mostly SK, with some Matco and snap on mixed in. Occasionally I will buy a single task tool from harbor freight, but only if the reviews indicate that it is up to the task.

I am all about low cost, but I can't stand anything that is cheap.


if it's twice the cost, but lasts 3x longer, it's the better value

example: the BigHair needed new wiper blades, so she went to the autozone and purchased the cheapest set, for like $4. a month later, they needed replacing.

so I went and saw the $4 set, an $8, a $12 and some for $20. I bought the ones for $12 and they're still on the car, 2 years later

if it's twice the cost, but lasts 3x longer, it's the better value

example: the BigHair needed new wiper blades, so she went to the autozone and purchased the cheapest set, for like $4. a month later, they needed replacing.

so I went and saw the $4 set, an $8, a $12 and some for $20. I bought the ones for $12 and they're still on the car, 2 years later
A man will pay $15 for a $10 item he needs.

A woman will pay $10 for a $15 item she does not need, because it was on sale.

Trying to sell the house. Realtor is an hour late for our initial meeting.

I don't believe in "time"

oh, sure, as a natural 4th dimensional concept to mark sequences of events and distinguish identical events occurring in the same point in space, yeah

but as a man-made construct to divide & measure those sequences of events, not so much

still, being late is a dick move and you should find another realtor. one who won't be wasting your time
Here in Ottawa, we have the most expensive public transport, and apparently while I've been away they switched to a payment process called "presto". This involves waving a card at a reader (or, if you've had a few, thrusting your pelvis at the reader with the card in your pocket), and the device reads the info from the card and compares the data on the card to some database somewhere at HQ.

I was all for this process, until my card failed. Now the drivers never believe me when I say "i have a pass, but you can't see it because it's on this broken card". There is a replacement process, which involves getting to one of the major bus stations (apparently not by bus), waiting in line, and then asking the lady behind the bulletproof glass to issue a replacement. She tells me that I'll need to find a way around town on my own for two days while the transfer takes place. Apparently it's 24 hours to cancel the card, then 24 hours to transfer the card.

"Can I get a paper pass, then?"

Apparently not. Even though she has a screen in front of her that says I have a pass to ride the bus for the month, she cannot hand me a paper pass for the month.

"Can I get some bus tickets to get me to/from work for 2 days?"

Apparently I can, if I pay for them. Which I can't, because my ass is so broke I can't even afford to pay attention.

She was, however, nice enough to give me a daypass for the remainder of yesterday, which I didn't need.

Now I need to find a way to work tomorrow. Because they can't give me what I paid for.
I needed to get a prescription refill for blood pressure. My old doctor got promoted to hospital administrator, and they moved all of his patients over to this new doctor.

Online with the Walmart app, I find I'm out of refills. I call the doctor's office, tell them I need refill. They say no refills, that I need to make an appointment and see the new doctor. I'm like ok. Schedule me in.... It's April 1st. She goes May 23rd. I'm like you mean April 23rd. She says no May. You mean I need to wait nearly two months to get a refill!!! I'm like come on.... Please extend another two refills.

They agreed and asked for the pharmacy where I want it sent.

I go to the pharmacy the next day, no refill. I call them ask for it to be sent again. Later that day at the pharmacy no refill.

At this point I'm about to go postal.

I call the doctor the next day. They say the pharmacy has it....

Again at pharmacy, I give name and date of birth. They say oh we have one prescription for Amlodypine. They ask for my middle initial. I tell them they say nope. Not yours sorry.

I'm like what? Yeah it's for Charlie D. Papazian. Not Charlie E. Papazian. I'm like you gotta be $hitting me.....

Again I'm total f-ing postal. I'm like it's a GD refill prescription mistake. Blood pressure has to be through the roof high.

I spend two hours talking to the two pharmacies one where I work and where I live. Nothing. They can't do a damn thing for me. I then call the doctor's office, it's now after hours so I get the hospital answering service and tell them to page my doctor. I tell her what's going on she says she'll fix it send it to the Walmart near home. I get it the next day all is well.

On Monday, while at work the doctor's office calls me and said I see you need a refill. You need to make an appointment. I'm like have one and got the refill already.

She argues with me. Says I'm not on the schedule. I tell her the date and she says no I don't have an appointment. At this point I just want to mess with her.....

I tell her look at the doctor's appointments for the 23rd. I say to her look to see if Charlie E Papazian has an appointment. She's like, "oh you're right." Yeah I know I called last week and made it.

I said by the way you might want to call the pharmacy and tell them to cancel the Charlie D Papazian prescription. I'm Charlie E Papazian.

What's the chance two people in a small town have the same, first name, same last name, same date of birth, and the same doctor???

The only difference was the middle initial and my billing address.

Glad I don't need surgery.
Not huge peeve for me but the MD vs pharmacy runaround has tested me a few times. I've gone to mail order and it's far.

My BP has never been high. At home it's always in the neighborhood of 105/70. My cardiologist is busy so a typical wait is 30 minutes or so every time I go. I don't watch TV at home but CNN is on in their waiting room every time. I hate it. First thing they do when I get into the exam room is check my BP and it's usually 120/80. Can't be any good for those having a hard time managing their hypertension.
Not huge peeve for me but the MD vs pharmacy runaround has tested me a few times. I've gone to mail order and it's far.

My BP has never been high. At home it's always in the neighborhood of 105/70. My cardiologist is busy so a typical wait is 30 minutes or so every time I go. I don't watch TV at home but CNN is on in their waiting room every time. I hate it. First thing they do when I get into the exam room is check my BP and it's usually 120/80. Can't be any good for those having a hard time managing their hypertension.

I was out of BP meds on Easter weekend. Not taking it for two weeks seems to make me fly off the handle easy or at least I feel the stress of situations differently. I had to lie low that weekend to not go ballistic with in-laws.
Not huge peeve for me but the MD vs pharmacy runaround has tested me a few times. I've gone to mail order and it's far.
Was on auto re-fill for several months. The pharmacy would send out a pre-recorded message to come and pick it up. Then they didn't, so I had to call and get put back on the list. Thirty days later, same deal. Thirty days after that again, no auto refill. Paid them a visit. Oh we'll fix it... The price for my refill (Pradaxa®) went from $75 to $95 to $150 a month! When I inquired they said it was BC/BS's fault. Called BC/BS, it's a non preferred (?) medication (no generic yet). If I went mail-order it would be $105. I figured okay great, that's a little savings. So, I asked if that was per month. They said no, for a three month supply! I asked why didn't they tell me this before. They said we sent out a letter about two months ago... Oh there it is on my dresser. I thought it was junk mail from them. So mail order is saving me $345 every three months!
So mail order is saving me $345 every three months!

Cost is the main reason I switched but the savings are only $60/3 months here. Pharmacy folks know me, have my Drs. info in their computer, will call to confirm if there is a question. When there has been a hitch in Rx renewal they gave me five days worth to carry me through uninterrupted till they officially got the renewal for the full amount. I hold no hopes for service like that from the mail order outfit but I've had no Rx changes for two years and don't see any on the horizon. Should be okay.
Cost is the main reason I switched but the savings are only $60/3 months here. Pharmacy folks know me, have my Drs. info in their computer, will call to confirm if there is a question. When there has been a hitch in Rx renewal they gave me five days worth to carry me through uninterrupted till they officially got the renewal for the full amount. I hold no hopes for service like that from the mail order outfit but I've had no Rx changes for two years and don't see any on the horizon. Should be okay.
It seems like every time I go to the pharmacy, it's different people. I've asked about a few to hold me over until I get it straightened out and they look at me like I asked for a handful of Oxycontin....
Pay at the pump gas pumps that won't start pumping until you decide if you want s receipt or not. I can make that decision while it is pumping. If I forget, or don't press a button, just don't print one.
Lazy fooks who can't put their grocery store shopping cart into the cart corral.

Today is really windy, so people who leave carts in parking space wind up being blown into your car.

Lazy fooks who can't put their grocery store shopping cart into the cart corral.

Today is really windy, so people who leave carts in parking space wind up being blown into your car.


I'm the laziest POSMF around and even I put my cart in the corral
Lazy fooks who can't put their grocery store shopping cart into the cart corral.

Today is really windy, so people who leave carts in parking space wind up being blown into your car.


I saw one the other day that I just had to say something to her. She was parked one spot away from the cart keeper. She unloaded her cart and left the cart in the middle of the parking space next to her car, which was right next to the cart keep. WTF you can't walk 10 extra feet to put the cart away, and also block a parking spot for someone else.
Must not be that lazy. Unless you have the wife or kid do it for you.

Ever notice how some folks look at you really weird when you do put the cart away? As if this behavior so foreign to them that they have no clue what you're doing.

I like to park pretty far from the store entrance and grab a loose cart somewhere out in the middle of the parking lot on the way in. Sometimes I grab a couple & park one. That really get's 'em staring. Sometimes they shield their kids as I walk by.
How about people with carts talking to each other in the aisles of the store so no one can get by. I've gotten some dirty looks for saying "excuse me can I get through" like I'm the one in the wrong.

At Home Depot once instead of dealing with that I left my cart parked on the side of the aisle (out of the way) with a few things in it while I walked down a couple aisles looking for something elusive. Came back a minute or two later to find I had acquired a dirty diaper in my cart. I searched that store for someone with a baby so I could return their misplaced item but never found them.
Almost as bad as not brushing before going to the dentist.

Especially if you ate gyros with tzakki sauce at lunch.

With Oreos for dessert.

I went to the dentist last week to get my fangs cleaned. They had this fluoridated mouthwash foam stuff to use after the cleaning. Okay. I hold out my hand for the brush, and she says, "I got it. Just relax". She brushed my teeth. I can't remember anyone ever brushing my teeth for me. It was oddly arousing.
With Oreos for dessert.

I went to the dentist last week to get my fangs cleaned. They had this fluoridated mouthwash foam stuff to use after the cleaning. Okay. I hold out my hand for the brush, and she says, "I got it. Just relax". She brushed my teeth. I can't remember anyone ever brushing my teeth for me. It was oddly arousing.

Why? Did you get some unexpected boob rubbage during the activity?
With Oreos for dessert.

I went to the dentist last week to get my fangs cleaned. They had this fluoridated mouthwash foam stuff to use after the cleaning. Okay. I hold out my hand for the brush, and she says, "I got it. Just relax". She brushed my teeth. I can't remember anyone ever brushing my teeth for me. It was oddly arousing.

Oh man. Optometrists that remove/insert your contact lenses for you. Holy crap is that weird.
With Oreos for dessert.

I went to the dentist last week to get my fangs cleaned. They had this fluoridated mouthwash foam stuff to use after the cleaning. Okay. I hold out my hand for the brush, and she says, "I got it. Just relax". She brushed my teeth. I can't remember anyone ever brushing my teeth for me. It was oddly arousing.

Try getting that kind of service at the fertility clinic.
Y'all know that the supermarket employs people to round up the unreturned carts? Every time you put your cart back you deprive a cart wrangler of wages. Cart Wrangler junior goes hungry that night.
You horrible horrible people probably clear up after yourselves at McDonalds too. Shame on you.


Why? Did you get some unexpected boob rubbage during the activity?

No. It was the teeth brushing that did it. I really don't like going to the dentist or the doctor. I don't like any of that intrusive stuff. People fumbling around with me. Trespassing upon my closed systems. Do not like. But this teeth brushing. The foam. Her doing it for me. Something about that...
An orthodontist assistant managed to get her boobs in my face every time she checked out my braces. Almost made up for the awkwardness of having braces as a teenager.

Yeah, I asked the question because I've been at the dentist laying back, arms crossed, having my fangs sharpened only to have her boobs rub up my arm as she tries getting floss on the molars.

Doesn't bother me either, i had an itch there.

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An orthodontist assistant managed to get her boobs in my face every time she checked out my braces. Almost made up for the awkwardness of having braces as a teenager.

I loved having braces as a kid! 5 lovely assistants and one happy orthodontist in that place!

I'm so old now that the last of the lovely assistants retired a couple of years ago. She was still hot though.
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How about people with carts talking to each other in the aisles of the store so no one can get by. I've gotten some dirty looks for saying "excuse me can I get through" like I'm the one in the wrong.

At Home Depot once instead of dealing with that I left my cart parked on the side of the aisle (out of the way) with a few things in it while I walked down a couple aisles looking for something elusive. Came back a minute or two later to find I had acquired a dirty diaper in my cart. I searched that store for someone with a baby so I could return their misplaced item but never found them.
This is acceptable grounds for murder. WTF is wrong with people?
No. It was the teeth brushing that did it. I really don't like going to the dentist or the doctor. I don't like any of that intrusive stuff. People fumbling around with me. Trespassing upon my closed systems. Do not like. But this teeth brushing. The foam. Her doing it for me. Something about that...

talk to me when you have had a staff of people controlling everything that goes in, and out, of your body. you lose your sense of dignity pretty quick
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