The "Dear" , "Sincerely" thread

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Dear people posting to this thread,
I think we all agree that posts about driving and sports are not any fun and we're sick of them. Posts of Billy-Klubb punching posters of such topics in the berries are still amusing, however, and will be appreciated.
Someone who wants to see some berry punching
Dear New LHBS,

You guys are nice, and I like talking with you, but coffee grinders are for grinding coffee, not malted barley... Your $h!tty crush is f*:k!n& killing my efficiency.

Now I Have To Buy My Own Grain Mill Because You Can't Crush Grain Like I Did Myself At My Old LHBS
Dear Hoperation Overload,

Why is the 9.6% ABV not more obvious on your can?

Jacked On A 4 Pack
Dear water heater place,
Did you seriously just tell me that "An on demand system requires more wattage to heat the same volume of water as compared to a tank system"? You're an idiot.
Sincerely, Guy with a clue
Dear Annie,
Thanks for your letter. It was great. You sound neat. We're very excited about meeting you in New York on Valentine's Day and seeing if we are M-F-E-O. See you soon.
Sincerely, Sleepless in Seattle.
Dear poop,

Thanks for leaving (most of) the good stuff behind.

Dear pissed off adult,

Might I suggest scheduling the appointment with the proctologist? The foot should be in much less pain than the ass.

Parent of a teenager with similar near future diagnosis
Dear Thursday at Work,

Please make it quick and painless.

You can take our lives, but you'll never take our freedom!
Dear kitty
If you don't want your little toes stepped on please quit taking off the collar with the bell. I cannot see you without every light in the house on.
Sincerely, damaged 4th cranial nerve
Dear Arnold Palmer,

Your sport of choice sucks, but your beverage is might tasty.

Thirsty lad who laughs at people playing <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">hit a ball with a stick and chase it</span> I mean <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">one person fetch</span> I mean golf
Dear Beer Judge at the 2014 COHO Spring Fling,

8+3+16+3+8=38 and not 35 as the total was shown on my scoresheet.


Hefeweisen Entry #0127

BTW: I still wonder that if the scores were added up correctly, would it have medalled.
Dear Hefeweisen Entry #0127
As a judge at this event, but not in your category, I could ask who judged that flight at next month's meeting, but maths are hard when you have to judge as many beers as we did this year, but the the medals go to what we thought was best. Also, sorry for not seeing this earlier. Also, one of the guys who judged my beer at this event forgot to put his name on my score sheet. I'd like so sign him up for one of Billy-Klubb's berry punches.
We can get a little drunk judging
Dear Fellow Blue-Collar Workers,


Overworked Drawing Machine

ps. See you on the other side...
Dear Me,
Don't hit that keezer yet. Don't crack any bottles yet. You have to finish assembling control panel and electric kettle. Buckle down and get it done.
Sincerely, Responsible me.

Dear Responsible me,
You're no fun.
Sincerely, Me.
Dear coworkers,
You guys are a bunch of rocket surgeons. You people are the model of efficiency. I really hope the boss doesn't take any quick turns. Mostly because you will all suffer broken necks. Plus you should also be nominated for Billy- Klubbs berry punches.
Breaking in to the secret stash
Dear Monday,
Feel free to take a vacation this week. Sunday said he'd fill in for you.
A baker who does not look forward to not having any help next week.

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