Since when did people become so stupid?

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Post any articles you've recently seen as examples as how stupid people are like this one with a woman and a Buffalo...

Happens just about every year. Oh sure, those bison LOOK peaceful over there, eating grass; but they're WILD ANIMALS, they're unpredictable & the bulls weigh in at about a ton & you'd be surprised just how fast they can move.

10,000 years ago these idiots were eaten or killed & were thus removed from the gene pool, now it seems, they're the majority.
Regards, GF.
Bison are pretty docile creatures... at a distance. around the Black Hills (my home land) I would see people get out of their cars because they wanted to "pet the buffalah" or take pictures next to one. those fences are not meant to keep them in, they are meant to keep you out. a bison can walk right through those fences. an angry bison can go through walls with ease as well as turning your fancy F350 dually over. don't get close to the "buffalah"!
When we went to Yellowstone, I saw such idiocy that I was amazed I didn't actually witness a death*. It prompted me to search for a book about Yellowstone deaths because I KNEW there had to have been tons of tourists who bite it every year. Turns out there are several:

*One guy with a big photo bag and cam did a hop skip and jumped up on a low rock ledge. When he got there, the top rock was loose and teetering with him on it. From ten feet away I watched him JUST regain his balance. If he hadn't it was a 450 foot drop.
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Happens just about every year. Oh sure, those bison LOOK peaceful over there, eating grass; but they're WILD ANIMALS, they're unpredictable & the bulls weigh in at about a ton.

10,000 years ago these idiots were eaten or killed & were thus removed from the gene pool, now it seems, they're the majority.
Regards, GF.

I heard recently on a podcast, cant remember which one. They had said that part of the reason we still have morons is that all the smart people left the cave every day to go hunt and explore, they would leave the dead weight idiots behind cause they would scare the animals away or eat up all the food while they were traveling. So the idiots would stay at the cave, spending all their time making additional idiots.

To stay on the Yellowstone theme since that attracts morons. When I went there with my dad around 10 years ago, we were driving around on some of the scenic roads in the park and saw a big bull elk in a clearing. We slowed down, stayed in the car, and took pictures, probably 100 yards off the road. Some dink stops behind us, gets out, with his child (couldn't have been more than 6-8 years old) and starts walking out into the field towards the bull elk. Other people pulled up and stopped so we drove off since we didn't want to see a child get gored (I assume elk are more docile than bison and would rather flee than fight unless its breeding time, but thats not a good assumption to make without a large rifle and having your child right next to you).
Bison are pretty docile creatures... at a distance. around the Black Hills (my home land) I would see people get out of their cars because they wanted to "pet the buffalah" or take pictures next to one. those fences are not meant to keep them in, they are meant to keep you out. a bison can walk right through those fences. an angry bison can go through walls with ease as well as turning your fancy F350 dually over. don't get close to the "buffalah"!

Was driving through the Badlands on Monday (went in through Sandy Creek Rd? by Scenic, Western entrance), and saw a bunch of cars pulled over on both sides of the road.

Wife and I were like, wtf? So we drive through and here's this huge Bison sitting on the road with cars parked within 5 ft of the thing. It grunted at us when we got within a couple feet of it and I kept right on driving. No thanks.
I heard recently on a podcast, cant remember which one. They had said that part of the reason we still have morons is that all the smart people left the cave every day to go hunt and explore, they would leave the dead weight idiots behind cause they would scare the animals away or eat up all the food while they were traveling. So the idiots would stay at the cave, spending all their time making additional idiots.

Sounds reasonable. I've always assumed it was the sympathy for or the acquiescence of the stupid by the smart that allowed them to not only live, but thrive. I'm surprised we haven't found archaeological evidence of warning signs next to the hearths of stone age man saying "Do not touch the fire."
Regards, GF.
Bison are pretty docile creatures... at a distance. around the Black Hills (my home land) I would see people get out of their cars because they wanted to "pet the buffalah" or take pictures next to one. those fences are not meant to keep them in, they are meant to keep you out. a bison can walk right through those fences. an angry bison can go through walls with ease as well as turning your fancy F350 dually over. don't get close to the "buffalah"!

No kidding. Those suckers are HUGE!! Pet a mounted head, and do nothing with the live ones except take pictures from far away.
Was driving through the Badlands on Monday (went in through Sandy Creek Rd? by Scenic, Western entrance), and saw a bunch of cars pulled over on both sides of the road.

Wife and I were like, wtf? So we drive through and here's this huge Bison sitting on the road with cars parked within 5 ft of the thing. It grunted at us when we got within a couple feet of it and I kept right on driving. No thanks.

Scenic, SD where tumbleweeds are born! you did the smart thing: kept on moving!

on the subject of other wild animals, wolves and bears are another to stay away from (as mentioned). people always (and my FIL is always warning) worried about coyotes. it's easy to scare off a pack of coyotes (hungry or not) with a little bit of yelling. a hungry wolf on the other hand doesn't scare as easily. and why the flocc do people think they can play with bear cubs? I know they are cute and do cute playful things, but mama bear is always real close and Hannibal Lechter your face in one swipe. female bears are super protective of their young and won't stop until they feel the threat is eliminated. bull elk, moose, and deer can be quite aggressive once they perceive you as a threat. these are animals that have a system of spikes growing out of their heads, people!
Wow - I just read through the article. It says people have to stay at least 100 yards away from bears and wolves. I wouldn't want to even be THAT close to a grizzly. A grizzly can close that gap surprisingly quickly.
They don't even need animals to snuff themselves, every couple of years or so, some idiot falls into the grand canyon...
The GRAND CANYON. What, did they not see it? They'll ignore the warning signs, climb the fence, get close to the edge & lean out to see the bottom; and then fall in.

BTW, anybody remember Binky the bear?

Regards, GF.
"YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. — Yellowstone National Park officials are warning tourists to keep their distance after a bison flipped a woman into the air as she posed for a selfie with the massive beast.
The dangerous encounter was the fifth run-in between park-goers and buffalo this year."

The Park Service should warn people not to get close to the buffalo also. Either that or only let smarter news people into the park.
They'll probably call that alligator a "man eater" and hunt down the poor thing. He didn't do anything wrong. He was only doing what came naturally to him--he sees food, he eats it. In fact, he was probably wondering why nobody bothered to offer him a toothpick and after-dinner mint.

Alligators thoughts: Ohhh I always wanted to try one of these......
I want to pet all the animals.

Interesting live wild creatures I have pet
Water moccasin
Black fin shark
Trigger fish
String ray
Honey bee
Some kind of fish that would school around our supply boat and let us pet them while they ate lettuce from our hands.
Spoonbill catfish
Skunk. Didn't get sprayed.
Armadillo. Didn't get leprosy.
Snapping turtle

Animals I have rode
Your mom
Sheep dog. I was a baby.
I want to pet all the animals.

Interesting live wild creatures I have pet
Water moccasin
Black fin shark
Trigger fish
String ray
Honey bee
Some kind of fish that would school around our supply boat and let us pet them while they ate lettuce from our hands.
Spoonbill catfish
Skunk. Didn't get sprayed.
Armadillo. Didn't get leprosy.
Snapping turtle

Animals I have rode
Your mom
Sheep dog. I was a baby.

A stingray? Crikey!

I want to pet all the animals.

Interesting live wild creatures I have pet
Water moccasin
Black fin shark
Trigger fish
String ray
Honey bee
Some kind of fish that would school around our supply boat and let us pet them while they ate lettuce from our hands.
Spoonbill catfish
Skunk. Didn't get sprayed.
Armadillo. Didn't get leprosy.
Snapping turtle

Animals I have rode
Your mom
Sheep dog. I was a baby.
dude. who hasn't? that's no exotic animal.
All wild animals are unpredictable and potentially dangerous.

There's a grey squirrel in my back yard that intimidates the **** out of me. That thing hisses and squawks every time I go in my own back yard. I give him lots of free bird seed and a wide berth. Even though he's just a squirrel, I'm pretty sure he can do some damage.