Sewage in kettle

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Holy cow. Just... Holy cow.

There is a special place in my heart that is reserved for only the very best.

I've put this thread in there today.

I will take it with me wherever I go, for as long as I live.

Thank you, Mell. And good luck.

Hi mom. Yes I can be there the 12th of December but I need to have the pick up truck back to the shop on the 14th of December so I will not be there when uncle James is there. I am sorry but I cannot make it work. Yes, spaghetti and meatballs is fine. I'm sorry to be so short, I am in the truck and using voice to text for typing. I will call you when I get back to the house. Goodbye.

Ugg, i'm sorry this was posted in error. This has not been my best week is an understatement.
Can someone explain the Fred the cat reference?

How much time do you have to read some hilarity? thread

We had a good brew session. I used the cupcakes

What?! Someone changed conversational gears without benefit of the clutch.

wait, so I can use claw-footed tubs for brewing now?

Better than rusty 55 gallon drums, depending on the enamel coating...

I have suddenly lost all further interest in ever being a homebrew competition judge.

Got that right.

I will never get the past 15 mins of my life back but this thread was win.

You need to read the True Beer thread to waste serious time.
How much time do you have to read some hilarity? thread

What?! Someone changed conversational gears without benefit of the clutch.

Better than rusty 55 gallon drums, depending on the enamel coating...

Got that right.

You need to read the True Beer thread to waste serious time.

Already done. was a TRUE waste of time.
Originally Posted by ismellweird View Post
Hi mom. Yes I can be there the 12th of December but I need to have the pick up truck back to the shop on the 14th of December so I will not be there when uncle James is there. I am sorry but I cannot make it work. Yes, spaghetti and meatballs is fine. I'm sorry to be so short, I am in the truck and using voice to text for typing. I will call you when I get back to the house. Goodbye.

Ugg, i'm sorry this was posted in error. This has not been my best week is an understatement.

Multitask-postings can be confusing at best and hazardous at its worst.

Think how confused Mom is right now reading the post about tainted kettles YOU THOUGHT was being sent to us here on the forum.
My buddy who works for CDA in town came over and checked everything out. We talked over the steps, what went wrong, how I cleaned. Unlike you all he has now seen firsthand and heard firsthand and he confirms what I did is enough and he confirms officially there should be no public danger posed by my stout. This takes the weight off my shoulder and can proceed with a good couscous. I have put serious thought into how some of the replies on this thread could affect a future brewery plan that I have as these posts are public. But know that the brewery won't be using this pot, tank or pump. The equipment i inherited is for much larger scale. Most of it is shrinkwrapped and truly no piece of that has been touched by my sewage, which should elliviate all concerns, I want to make that clear. Next step is to wait for fermentation to end and carbonate and bnottle. I will be entering in the contest.
On a serious note, Stainless steel can be cleaned and reused... its not porous. Thats why stainless tankers are used to carry different chemicals and food ingredients.
This is one of those things were people think and comment based on non factual fears and stigmas..I think at least some of those people would cringe if they new more about the food they eat and the water they drink and where its often been and even come from.. (This number seems to have grown tremendously with millennial's who more often have no idea of such things) We are not talking radioactive waste here or crap for that matter. Do you replace your kitchen sink every time the drain backs up and the same thing happens??

I would disassemble everything and clean and sanitize it and call it a day (boil for piece of mind) ... If done right it doesnt matter if it was mold, bacteria or human waste. It will be just as clean afterwards. if the contamination came in contact with other non metal porous objects I would replace them.
My buddy who works for CDA in town came over and checked everything out. We talked over the steps, what went wrong, how I cleaned. Unlike you all he has now seen firsthand and heard firsthand and he confirms what I did is enough and he confirms officially there should be no public danger posed by my stout. This takes the weight off my shoulder and can proceed with a good couscous. I have put serious thought into how some of the replies on this thread could affect a future brewery plan that I have as these posts are public. But know that the brewery won't be using this pot, tank or pump. The equipment i inherited is for much larger scale. Most of it is shrinkwrapped and truly no piece of that has been touched by my sewage, which should elliviate all concerns, I want to make that clear. Next step is to wait for fermentation to end and carbonate and bnottle. I will be entering in the contest.

I love talk to type. Proceeding with good couscous. LOL
Wash all the residue out, boil some water in it (lid on for steam sanitization), then use as normal. No matter the source, it's just bacteria.
My entire point isn't that you have to worry about the stainless - though there's no way in hell I'd quaff anything from "Triple F Brewing Company's" offerings...Faecal Frosting Froth just doesn't make say, "I'll have another, brother."

My point is there's a reason we have sanitary fittings. Because they can be sanitized, and other options, cannot truly be, without an incredible degree of difficulty and diligence. Screw interfaces, improper welds, etc. - we're talking unreachable microorganisms, not macro-deposits of poop.

Anyway, like I said above, I'm hugely into raw milk, cheese - and I know how close that off-white deliciousness is drawn to some brown-green undeliciousness. Everything has its process. I was an OR scrub corpsman, yes, French chef longer than the two gents who decided to call me ignorant and overly emotional have likely been alive, played a very small part in daily QC at Goose Island (micro sampling in packaging; dO2 and dCO2). In each world, there were requirements; and this is one, with its requirements.

There is no absolute and it all comes down to risk, and what you're willing to live with. Call me risk averse to any food surface, of any kind, contaminated with oodles of poo goo.

Faecal Frosting Frothery. Free, it's yours, troll-P.

One thing I would add here is reputational risk. Word will get out your kettle was full of **** and people will always think twice about drinking your beer. Science is on your side but people in the main will think otherwise.
One thing I would add here is reputational risk. Word will get out your kettle was full of **** and people will always think twice about drinking your beer. Science is on your side but people in the main will think otherwise.

Exactly. And the power of suggestion is incredible. People will swear it tastes off even if it doesn't. I had a regular wheat on tap once and told some friends who tried it that I put jalepeno in it. It was crazy how many people insisted they could taste it.
The contest? Which? Be more specific.

Also, change your name, even here on HBT. Nobody gets the mell is weird reference, and it makes you look stupid.

Nobody has to get my name jay jay and I don’t need to be more specific. What’s got you so angry tough guy.
I did some searching and I guess I understand now. Anyone that has a different idea on here is a troll and there’s a witch hunt. A game for the regulars I guess to feel superior.
I did some searching and I guess I understand now. Anyone that has a different idea on here is a troll and there’s a witch hunt. A game for the regulars I guess to feel superior.

Care to share some of your "searching". Myself and thousands of others have found this website nothing but helpful with the occasional funny thread discussing using hops in beer or making turd flavored beers
I did some searching and I guess I understand now. Anyone that has a different idea on here is a troll and there’s a witch hunt. A game for the regulars I guess to feel superior.

As an avid observer of this thread please understand that the vast majority of us are not out to troll, harass, or project any type of superiority over anyone else...well, most of us anyway. You have to understand that threads like this do not come up everyday and the pure joy that this topic is bringing the neighborhood is unparalleled. We're all so used to does this look infected, what hop should I use, what mill gap, blah, blah, blah. Then this poo kettle gem comes up and oh, my! Unfortunately, tone of voice and body language is lost in internet chat rooms so what comes across as dickish or rude may just be playful ribbing.

Don't know if it's been said yet, but welcome to the forum... stay a while, try the veal.

Care to share some of your "searching". Myself and thousands of others have found this website nothing but helpful with the occasional funny thread discussing using hops in beer or making turd flavored beers

No I don’t care to share that with you to be honest.
No I don’t care to share that with you to be honest.

Why not!? I have been nothing but pleasant to you in this thread and I'm genuinely curious how you came to the conclusion that "Anyone that has a different idea on here is a troll and there’s a witch hunt".
I’m sorry I may be losing track of who is being pleasant and who is being condescending on here and it’s been an overwhelming week starting with literally pumping my own feces into my brew pot and the police at my house was overwhelming. And as I Am trying to redeem myself I post a pubic message to my mother that was meant as private. And they Saying I’m making poop flavored porters. My head is spinning but I plan to shut everyone up with my scores. I won’t be deterred and I will post
My progress for the ones who actually are following my progress and there are many who have messages me privately so I know who you are.
Internet forums are all a little different, and this one is no exception.

There are a scattering of "wisen-heimers" on this one that will agitate for entertainment purposes.

But the majority of them here are genuinely kind, thoughtful, helpful and polite...
...Oh wait, never mind, that was on the quilter's forum.:)

A little thick skin will serve you well here. Carry on.
Well no, it's not driven by emotion, it's driven by a life in the profession of delivering food, where the risk of getting people sick is a risk with a very low tolerance threshold. I've already admitted my presumptions. I've also been a cheesemaker, pasture-based smallhold farmed, and been a forceful advocate for the right to drink raw milk, so I don't have a kind of "yuck" when it comes to food.

That doesn't mean I remain unaware. I don't really think it's some kind of "emotionalistic, non-scientific" mindset to keep in mind, I don't know - cholera pandemic?

If a sewer backs up into a restaurant, yes, those parts that were exposed are discarded. They're not cleaned and treated with bleach solution. Do you honestly believe any restaurant would even claim, much less do, otherwise?

At any rate, as I've said a few times, simply my opinion. Each to their own.

Just my opinion (and apparently a lot of others) I worked in a rather large restaurant for about 13 years as the maint dept as well as just about every other position and when the sink drains backed up, we certainly did not remove all the stainless 3 bay sinks and replace them. (To be fair we also didnt pump feces into them either) bleach and a thorough cleaning will kill any germs just as it would kill salmonella or any other form of bacteria or parasite ..
There would have to be actual crevices and places for things to hide and be resistant to the cleaning and yeah if we were talking weldless fitting and such id toss those but it sounds like he has a somewhat professional system which I imagine has TC fittings.. that said when I made the comment above I didnt see the feces comments... at this point I honestly have little faith in any product that comes from the OP since that mistake clearly couldnt be made unless precautions were ignored and health codes ignored. The cupcake beer comments dont help with credibility.

All this said im still having a hard time understanding what even happened to the op here... I love how he totally changed his story here because people now now what he did with the kettles he inherited.. OP If I were you I would just start over with a new identity here and wipe your old profile.. Like others mentioned people wont understand...
Internet forums are all a little different, and this one is no exception.

There are a scattering of "wisen-heimers" on this one that will agitate for entertainment purposes.

But the majority of them here are genuinely kind, thoughtful, helpful and polite...
...Oh wait, never mind, that was on the quilter's forum.:)

A little thick skin will serve you well here. Carry on.
Dont forget the "trolls" that make up almost unbelievable stories far fetched stories and try to see how far they can go pulling a fast one on others... I honestly was convinced thats what was going on here by some of the almost unbelievable comments made by the OP...Especially when the OP goes by a handle like "I smell weird" I'm sorry but there are some things that should just never be shared with a room full of strangers or posted on the net... This was one of them. No need to make it seem even more ridiculous (and tragically comical) with the comments about pumping your own feces and such. I still honestly dont know if this is for real or we are being trolled here. Part of me expects the Jerky boys to pop in any time now as sad as it sounds but my gut tells me this is for real.
Poe's Law is an Internet "law" that barring any significant signifier either way, it is impossible to create a parody or satire of extremism so ludicrous that someone will not mistake it for actual extremism.

It applies to other realms as well. Like trolling.


Especially when the OP goes by a handle "I smell weird”

That’s not my handle as I have tried to explain. I feel stuck in a big loop here. It seems like many of you enjoy the fake threads and maybe in your head are hoping this is fake and so every post becomes more of a mystery for you, but in my case I’m just like you, a guy who wants to brew and experiment. In most cases people come here maybe with some prior experience. I never dreamed of brewing , don’t have the finances for it, but I have inherited the setup so now I dive in. I admit I feel like a dish out of water here. To top it off the more I talk the more trouble I seem to create for myself here. I am not the type that has spent time on message boards. The only one I’ve ever used i remember was on prodigy many years ago, before the internet, at a buddy’s house who had money. That should tell you the type I am! Not tech savvy. Put a gun in my hand I will get you dinner but a keyboard gets me fouled up every time.
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