Regular Bourbon County Stout 2015 Infection

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He confirmed 10/21. I'll try and get the batch numbers from him when he gets home on Sunday
So it's later this week, aren't we supposed to be hearing from their Brewmaster, Jared Jankoski?
I'm pretty sure I've decoded the Facebook messages to imply that Jankoski is doing this week's GBH podcast which either comes out late Friday night or Saturday at some point. I could be wrong but I did get my ******** decoder ring from Ovaltine.
Good Beer Hunting's balls are immensely touched by all of us. No one spends thousands of dollars on inventory otherwise trying to say you're not a shill.



The title got cut off in my screen shot but it says "Our Readers Sponsor our Content"

Good Beer Hunting's balls are immensely touched by all of us. No one spends thousands of dollars on inventory otherwise trying to say you're not a shill.



The title got cut off in my screen shot but it says "Our Readers Sponsor our Content"


Jesus how many shirts is GI gonna have to buy this time?
Good Beer Hunting's balls are immensely touched by all of us. No one spends thousands of dollars on inventory otherwise trying to say you're not a shill.



The title got cut off in my screen shot but it says "Our Readers Sponsor our Content"


I'd give this about 8 out of 10 Wakefields.
No further reports on regular BCBS, but we drank a '15 Prop the other night and it was absolutely turrible and infected.

We opened '15 BCBBW & '15 BCBCS too and tall 3 had the same spoiled/sour nose and sour/metallic finish. Drain poured them all.

Rare was very good though with no signs of changing, FWIW.
"We'll be telling you a lot more later this week!"
"With Good Beer Hunting? You realize that could look really, really bad if you do it wrong, right?"
"........ yes?"
I didn't even know who GBH was until he was mentioned in this thread, which is, I suppose, a win for him.

However, his mention in this thread made me google "good beer hunting shill" which produced this as the first result:

In which he uses phrases like the following in an attempt to disprove the argument that he's an AB shill.

So batch (I think that's what the numbers are) 1336 from 9/30 definitely had that sour finish/tart flavor. Even on the nose.

Batch 1422 from 10/21 tasted as great as usual to me....
I didn't even know who GBH was until he was mentioned in this thread, which is, I suppose, a win for him.

However, his mention in this thread made me google "good beer hunting shill" which produced this as the first result:

In which he uses phrases like the following in an attempt to disprove the argument that he's an AB shill.


Is that bc he couldn't even take the time to proof his own shill?

Well the podcast is finally live as of a little bit ago. I may have time to listen at lunch. It is categorized as GBH Hype and not a regular podcast, so to that end they're fully embracing that there is a relationship there. Not trying to give any sort of guise of independence. We shall see what is said over that 50 minutes.
There was about 10 minutes of useful information in the 50 minute podcast.

Useful: confirmed there is a strain of lacto present in coffee and barleywine, no official confirmation for other brands, it is a lacto strain which was previously (somewhat) unknown and disregarded in beermaking, and very slow growing in tests which is why it didn't show up on their plating.

The other 40 minutes was various repeated rephrasings of:
"Gee this must be tough for you, how are you feeing?" "It's tough, I'm not feeling great about it".

"You guys are looking into this right?" "We're looking into it."

Saved you all 50 minutes.
There was about 10 minutes of useful information in the 50 minute podcast.

Useful: confirmed there is a strain of lacto present in coffee and barleywine, no official confirmation for other brands, it is a lacto strain which was previously (somewhat) unknown and disregarded in beermaking, and very slow growing in tests which is why it didn't show up on their plating.

cliff's notes: AB purposefully sabotaged the product by rushing it to market in an attempt to destroy craft beer.
There was about 10 minutes of useful information in the 50 minute podcast.

Useful: confirmed there is a strain of lacto present in coffee and barleywine, no official confirmation for other brands, it is a lacto strain which was previously (somewhat) unknown and disregarded in beermaking, and very slow growing in tests which is why it didn't show up on their plating.

The other 40 minutes was various repeated rephrasings of:
"Gee this must be tough for you, how are you feeing?" "It's tough, I'm not feeling great about it".

"You guys are looking into this right?" "We're looking into it."

Saved you all 50 minutes.

Yeah, this. Mostly just nonsense. One addition to the above is that they also confirmed that the ph is off in regular, which indicates that there is a problem, but the say they don't know what it. GI brewer went so far as to describe is as "out of profile."

No comments as to how they will handle it.

As a side note, I credit GBH for admitting up front that it's not unbiased because GI-AB is a *client*. That being said, that admission makes the "I'm not a shill" "We're supported solely through fans buying t-shirts" all that much more funny. The cognitive dissonance between all his positions must get pretty painful.

Also, the fact that they opened up a regal during the interview was pretty funny. I guess the only choice was between that and rare to avoid the likelihood of opening something infected.
There was about 10 minutes of useful information in the 50 minute podcast.

Useful: confirmed there is a strain of lacto present in coffee and barleywine, no official confirmation for other brands, it is a lacto strain which was previously (somewhat) unknown and disregarded in beermaking, and very slow growing in tests which is why it didn't show up on their plating.

The other 40 minutes was various repeated rephrasings of:
"Gee this must be tough for you, how are you feeing?" "It's tough, I'm not feeling great about it".

"You guys are looking into this right?" "We're looking into it."

Saved you all 50 minutes.
He also admitted to finding PH issues with regular and Prop but that nothing was conclusive and no platings have shown this strain of lacto.

There's no information as to where or how the beer became impacted. There's no talk at all about the bottling line and if that played any role. There's no talk about any additional information specifically for consumers holding regular or Prop. There's no info regarding platings of filled active barrels in the brewery. No mention of any research on Regal or Rare. There really was about 40 minutes of unnecessary fill.
Ive cracked two regulars in the past three weeks and you could definitely taste off flavors. They werent drain pours but there was some odd flavor developments like a slight metallic flavor and the nose was really bad. No real souring or anything but I would say its not long before something happens.
Ive cracked two regulars in the past three weeks and you could definitely taste off flavors. They werent drain pours but there was some odd flavor developments like a slight metallic flavor and the nose was really bad. No real souring or anything but I would say its not long before something happens.
No one is buying any this November, right?

I am going to buy what I'll drink in 2 weeks tops. Not going to "stock up for the year" again after this joke of a release. They did reimburse me but it's just dumb. If the **** doesn't show signs of infection months out I'll just trade for it.
I've seen serious, non-ironic posts out there complaining that Regal is infected because it tastes like tart cherry.
Hey don't mock me!!!

It's funny that my most-liked post on TB was me making this Regal joke on the other BCBS thread. There wasn't even a picture of reubens or boobs in it.
Was curious after catching up here. Tried 12NOV15 tonight, super delicious.

Is there a list of suspected bad bottle dates somewhere?