Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

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So, what's your point then? Goodell's a tool that wants to protect the NFL against (founded or unfounded) concerns regarding the League's integrity. That's real controversial.
It means that I will never believe Goddell's decisions have integrity, that the Favre fine is right in line with mock justice and that the destruction of evidence makes it impossible for the Patriots to ever substantiate their version of the facts.

Really, to me the outrage that should be focused on Jerry Angelo. Somehow, he is able to make the Cutler controversy about the Players Union and no one calls out his self-serving ass.

"I think it's crap," Angelo said. "I thought they were a union. If that's the way they unionize themselves, they've got bigger issues than the one they have with the owners. I'm very disappointed in that. That to me is dirty pool. It is what it is. People are allowed to say what they want to say, but that doesn't mean it's right and it certainly is not grounded."

Really??? The owners should lock-out to protect Cutler's honor? What a ****head selfish bastard.
I don't give a **** about Jerry Angelo, because every fan of every sport in every country on every planet wishes their team's owner was Bobby Kraft.
Well then you are all misinformed. This is an owner/GM clearly posturing for a lockout. It doesn't matter who your owner is or what your team is if no one is playing.
I'm already steeled myself for a lockout. I might have to become a hockey fan for a season or two (especially since the NBA's even more certain of closing down). Nothing Jerry Angelo says about Jay Cutler is going to influence the lockout one way or the other.
The actors leave the stage.

First of all. No one will ever know because they've been destroyed. Obstruction of justice and perjury are 2 very important pillars of the justice system. If you care convicted of either in the real world, you will do time. In the NFL, you get a fine. In other words, slap on the wrist.

Here's what we missed by seeing the evidence and the tapes: We, the public, miss the opportunity to make sure that the punishment fit the crime. We miss the opportunity to make sure that the people that are responsible for maintaining order are doing their jobs.

Here's one plausible explanation for an NFL cover-up:

Imagine ESPN overlaying the video a of a Rams Superbowl walk though with actual Superbowl game footage and arrows and diagrams showing Patriot response to the walk though.

The NFL is an interstate enterprise with some federal exemptions. There is an entire gaming industry worth billions of dollars that requires the NFL to be playing by transparent rules. Any video showing this type of transgression could lead State and Federal officials to investigate for a pattern of behavior. That would be an NFL nightmare.

Destruction of the evidence implies to me that there were other interpretations of the evidence. Ones that the NFL and the Patriots did not want open to scrutiny.

pfft.... pfft...



"obtruction of justice and perjury"?!?! OH MY GOD!!!! That's awesome. I'm sorry. That's tremendous. Obstruction of justice!!!! "Bill Belichick, did you tape the opposing team's sidelines?" "Yes, I did"... "YOU'RE OSTRUCTING JUSTICE BY SOMEHOW BREAKING FEDERAL LAW!!":

bwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaahahahahah!!!

Ok... ok... I've screwed around with you guys long enough. I will FINALLY come clean. I've SEEN the tapes. Know what is on them??? Half of them are of opposing teams' sidelines and the other half... are German snuff films starring Belichick himself!!! It's TRUE!!! Billy took a page out of the Packer playbook (get it???) and made some snuff films over in Hamburg during the early 2000's!!

The NFL is an interstate enterprise with some federal exemptions. Really??? which ones are those??

I think you and Moto had breakfast together this morning.
Destruction of the evidence implies to me that there were other interpretations of the evidence. Ones that the NFL and the Patriots did not want open to scrutiny.

ok.. ok... now I know this may sounds super kooky and sure, I'm a "fanatical" fan who's obviously just blinded by my loyalty and man-love for Belichick... that's a given... but...

What if... now go with me for a second... there wasn't some whacked out super conspiracy, the tapes DIDN'T show Belichick clubbing baby seals and the explanation for the "destruction of evidence" is just as the league said it was... "cause we had no more use for them".

I know, I know... I'm talkin' CRRRRAAAAAZY talk here but... what if... when the league asked Belichick and he said, "yes, I did it, here are all the tapes", they went back and watched the tapes AND.... it showed.... the Pats taping signals. WHOA!!! I know... crazy... THEN... the league basically said, "ok, we have everything we need from these tapes and the last thing we need is the publicity to be even worse by ESPN getting a hold on one of these things so lets destroy them"?

Yeah, it's probably my man-love for Belichick or my unhealthy hoody fetish but I'm a bit of a believer in Occam's Razor. (sorry Moto... just google it)
ok.. ok... now I know this may sounds super kooky and sure, I'm a "fanatical" fan who's obviously just blinded by my loyalty and man-love for Belichick... that's a given... but...

What if... now go with me for a second... there wasn't some whacked out super conspiracy, the tapes DIDN'T show Belichick clubbing baby seals and the explanation for the "destruction of evidence" is just as the league said it was... "cause we had no more use for them".

I know, I know... I'm talkin' CRRRRAAAAAZY talk here but... what if... when the league asked Belichick and he said, "yes, I did it, here are all the tapes", they went back and watched the tapes AND.... it showed.... the Pats taping signals. WHOA!!! I know... crazy... THEN... the league basically said, "ok, we have everything we need from these tapes and the last thing we need is the publicity to be even worse by ESPN getting a hold on one of these things so lets destroy them"?

Yeah, it's probably my man-love for Belichick or my unhealthy hoody fetish but I'm a bit of a believer in Occam's Razor. (sorry Moto... just google it)

yeah, THAT'S the most likely scenario. lets destroy evidence in an on-going investigation because the people who would like it hidden the most have seen it and "there's nothing to see there".

yeah, you're not blinded by fanaticism at all....just ignorance.

and i'm familiar with the razor. i am an engineer, after all.
HOLY CRAP!!!! I just noticed!!! Freakin' Meaty done stone cold straight STOLE our idea!! Freakin' "Equally Obnoxious Hockey Trash Talk"!?!?!?

Are you kiddin' me?!?

I feel violated. I don't like it. One bit.

I don't give a **** about Jerry Angelo, because every fan of every sport in every country on every planet wishes their team's owner was Bobby Kraft.

Huh????? Nuh-uh!!!!

Packers: NO OWNER!!!! much better.

Brewers: MarkAttanasio. Has turned the Brewers around 180 degrees since Wendy Selig ran the franchise into the ground. Hugely community-minded and very well-grounded.

Bucks: Herb Kohl. Well.......ya got me there. The guy's a tool x 1000. But I really don't care cause pro hoops sucks anyway.
Goodell has done plenty of other weird/shady stuff during his tenure. He caused quite a stir are these parts when he tried to solve the "Who gets the first home game?" Meadowlands controversy by performing a coin flip, in his office, alone, without any witnesses at all. Magically, his choice, the Giants, won this "impartial" coin flip. His explanation was that no one should question his integrity.
HOLY CRAP!!!! I just noticed!!! Freakin' Meaty done stone cold straight STOLE our idea!! Freakin' "Equally Obnoxious Hockey Trash Talk"!?!?!?

Are you kiddin' me?!?

I feel violated. I don't like it. One bit.


Meh, who cares? It's just hockey. :D

Maybe I should start one for baseball. Wait, not a good idea. The Brewers hafta show me something first.........
It means that I will never believe Goddell's decisions have integrity, that the Favre fine is right in line with mock justice and that the destruction of evidence makes it impossible for the Patriots to ever substantiate their version of the facts.

Really, to me the outrage that should be focused on Jerry Angelo. Somehow, he is able to make the Cutler controversy about the Players Union and no one calls out his self-serving ass.

Really??? The owners should lock-out to protect Cutler's honor? What a ****head selfish bastard.

meh, anytime NFL management can make the players look selfish, unorganized, bad in any light, they are going to take it, thats part of Goodell's plan too. Angelo gets that.
You don't know. I don't know. Cape doesn't know. ollllllllllllo sure as hell doesn't know. So what are we really talking about?

It sounds like you're finally realizing where you and Cape are at concerning football!
Cape. I'm not implying that the NFL has perjury and obstruction of justice laws. I'm drawing an analogy as to how important those concepts are to American Society.

And here's your first Federal exemption:


Summary: NFL exempt from terrorism lawsuits Cape is wrong.

I'll allow you a few hours to to misinterpret that and laugh in the privacy of your own home.
Here is another FEDERAL Exemption:


Here. I'll even help you spin it. You forgot about this one because the Patriots have been on TV because they're so damned good. But no. They sucked in your lifetime and they will again.

How many NHC beers before you admit I know what I'm talking about.
WOW... Ok... I will readily admit when I'm wrong and I'm wrong... I thought baseball was the only pro league that had antitrust exemption status from the Federal Government.

The terrorist one is a bit weak... but the anti-trust one... I'm surprised. Like I said, I thought that was just MLB.

All of that said, I still think your "they destroyed the evidence!!!" stuff is conspiracy whackoness. (yeah.. that's a word).

Oh... and not enough beers AT the NHC for me to admit that. I think you have SOME facts and have extrapolated an awful lot from it that doesn't exist. I think there are significantly easier explanations that make sense and for the 1.2 millionth time, no one has been able to explain to me the horrific crime that using a camera instead of a notebook is. For the 1.3 millionth time, YES, it was against the rules. They knowingly broke a rule and they paid a huge fine for it. I just think all of this other, "Goodell is covering up for them!", "They destroyed the tapes becuase there was super top secret bad stuff on them!" and all of the other stuff is... again... conspiracy whackoness.
I maintain that he was specifically protecting the Patriots because they were currently under investigation. He was most probably covering up a multi-team problem but most evidence at the time was centered on the Patriots.

Goodell destroyed evidence that the NFL had and any half-a-brain team had ample time to comb their archives and destroy the rest.
a "multi-team problem"... of what?? It's not illegal to steal signs.

So a multi-team problem of using a camera instead of a notebook??

And you're going to take the "reliable" side of your timeline to be Arlen Specter?? A politician from Steeler country??? Not saying the guy is crooked at all but Jesus... a politician grandstanding for his constituents when there's no real fire is a HELLUVA lot more believable to me than some massive conspiracy on Goodell's part... especially since... again... stealing signs is not against the rules.

Its not against the rules to steal signs and everyone does it. Belichick was a total ahole and directly broke a rule sayig you couldnt do it with a camera.

But again... His sole crime was using a camera instead of a notebook so explain what the huge multi-team cover up is actually covering up.

How many beers at the NHC before you admit you've been blowing this whole thing way out of proportion (like a ton of people have) for about 4 years now?
WOW... Ok... I will readily admit when I'm wrong and I'm wrong... I thought baseball was the only pro league that had antitrust exemption status from the Federal Government.

The terrorist one is a bit weak... but the anti-trust one... I'm surprised. Like I said, I thought that was just MLB.

All of that said, I still think your "they destroyed the evidence!!!" stuff is conspiracy whackoness. (yeah.. that's a word).

Oh... and not enough beers AT the NHC for me to admit that. I think you have SOME facts and have extrapolated an awful lot from it that doesn't exist. I think there are significantly easier explanations that make sense and for the 1.2 millionth time, no one has been able to explain to me the horrific crime that using a camera instead of a notebook is. For the 1.3 millionth time, YES, it was against the rules. They knowingly broke a rule and they paid a huge fine for it. I just think all of this other, "Goodell is covering up for them!", "They destroyed the tapes becuase there was super top secret bad stuff on them!" and all of the other stuff is... again... conspiracy whackoness.

yeah, the more plausible explanation is that we should accept the word of a cheater at face value.

as you said, he was told to stop, did it anyway. he knew what he was doing was wrong and that he'd get punished if they found out.
I hope so.... I don't wanna see the Steelers put another trophy in the cabinet. That'll be just one more year before the Pats pass them in Super Bowl wins

I notice you wrote "Super Bowl wins" and not "championships". Cuz we all know which franchise has the most of those........

Yeah... not sure anyone cares about "championships"... if they weren't wearing helmets at the time the game was played, I'm not sure it is really an apples to apples comparison
By that measure we'd have to reset world series wins as well. Back when they were smaller in stature, smoking and drinking in the dugout and few could even hit it out of the park.

If patriots were part of the big boys club of the NFL you'd be counting them :)
bah... Not buying that argument... baseball is still the same game. The "modern era" of the NFL doesn't really look anything like the good old "championship" days. I give credit where credit is due to the franchise though. It has a very "storied" history and a pretty impressive one.

I just don't think you can really compare "championships" to Super Bowls though.... and hey... it's not like the Pats have the most Super Bowl trophies so I'm not THAT biased.
Yeah, this is tough. Steelers win, they end up with even more SB trophies, the Pack wins, they have even more NFL championships. Any way the SB can end in a tie? ;)
bah... Not buying that argument... baseball is still the same game. The "modern era" of the NFL doesn't really look anything like the good old "championship" days. I give credit where credit is due to the franchise though. It has a very "storied" history and a pretty impressive one.

I just don't think you can really compare "championships" to Super Bowls though.... and hey... it's not like the Pats have the most Super Bowl trophies so I'm not THAT biased.

i can agree that the first 3 pack "championships" were really just the best record, but the next 6 during the 60's they did have a NFL Championship Game. and the final 3 were superbowls. do you really think the game changed that dramatically from the 60s to now?
i can agree that the first 3 pack "championships" were really just the best record, but the next 6 during the 60's they did have a NFL Championship Game. and the final 3 were superbowls. do you really think the game changed that dramatically from the 60s to now?

+1 The 60's ones count in my mind. Not as much a SB's I guess, but they still count for a lot IMO. The first couple were different. Different game, way fewer teams, not nearly the prestige of winning the later championships and Super Bowls.
Also, I hope no one is getting their hopes up for a pretty game. It is going to be ugly, 1960's style football this time. Big D's making a muddy mess of the whole thing.

I don't even know enough about the Steelers to make a good prediction other than I believe it will be an ugly close game that comes down to the final moments.

My Homer prediction for SB XLV:

Packers win 24 - 21 on a last minute 40 yarder from Mason Crosby. Both defenses come up with two turnovers. Packers get Big Ben to the ground 4 times. Rodgers throws two TD's and one pick.

Its not against the rules to steal signs and everyone does it. Belichick was a total ahole and directly broke a rule sayig you couldnt do it with a camera.

But again... His sole crime was using a camera instead of a notebook so explain what the huge multi-team cover up is actually covering up.

How many beers at the NHC before you admit you've been blowing this whole thing way out of proportion (like a ton of people have) for about 4 years now?

I think you have a 1980's idea about what video is. They don't haul out a camera and then slap a cassette into a VHS anymore. Have you seen what they do with video?

It's essentially a data dump of their playbook and their signals that they can write algorithms against using million dollar video computing stuff. It's not stealing them and deciphering them. It's flat out just getting them at an orders of magnitude faster than the ol' notebook.

That's why there is a restriction. It changes the game if 1 team has the edge AND it also changes the game if everyone has the same edge.

Of course, you must have rationalized that Goodell just hates technology or cameras or something.

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