New post a picture of your pint

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My second Lager, a Munich Dunkel, drank a lot of this in 1983 when I was in that city for a month.
Were they very common back then? They're not exactly popular today and only few places have them on tap.
I also find most commercial versions by the local breweries quite lackluster... I guess it's often just Helles with some Sinamar added for colour.
Posted this the other day on what are you drinking. However the aesthetical characteristics of the pint warrant appreciation in this thread also. For some reason color, body, flavor, and head retention all came together in this brew.

Same beer - different days. Needed both to show the clarity.

This is my buddy's FAFO series beer. We like to brew beers and every once in awhile we FAFO and call them "FAFO beers". This is a lager with WLP860 fermented at 72 the whole way. A touch too much munich and using temperature control would have changed this beer from a good beer to a great beer. The munich hides a bit of the flavor from the yeast fermented at that temperature. I believe he pressure fermented. No fining agents used.
Looks amazing! Would you be able to share the recipe? I've been wanting to brew a Saison with New World hops.


Sure, here's a link to the recipe. I've brewed this beer several times and one of my favorites!

Mash at 149F for 90 min

Pitch at 68F and set fermentation temp to 72F until 70% attenuation reached (roughly 3 days), then ramp up to 77F or higher. Within 5 days from pitching it's usually at final gravity, but monitor until stable (assuming you can take samples without introducing O2)

Make a 2 liter starter with one pack of the omega yeast. Oxygenate as you would a normal ale strain of <1.060. 1 minute of pure O2 with a stone.

You can ignore the chemical and other salt / sugar additions in my recipe. Those are specific to my process.

You should aim for a yellow dry profile in Bru'n Water. 105 Sulfate, 45 Chloride, 50 calcium.

Add enough acid malt or lactic acid to achieve a low mash PH of between 5.2

I don't sparge so my efficiency is relatively low, so just adjust the grain amounts based on your efficiency to hit somewhere between 1.055 to 1.058 OG.

The saisonstein yeast is a beast and should attenuate 95%+

This batch finished at 1.002

For the whirlpool hops add them at 165F and hold for 20 min. You don't want the IBUs too high on this beer due to the dryness

Any other questions DM me

Good luck & cheers! 🍻🌈🌞
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Looks great! Still waiting on my festbier to clear naturally but I was a late bloomer and it's only 20 days old right now and I don't use any finings. Can't wait for the beer to smooth out. Next time I'll make them way earlier in the year.
Yeah if you’re waiting for them to clear up naturally it does take a bit of time. I tend to cheat most of the time and use silafine or biofine just so they clear up faster. Doesn’t help with the overall flavor change that comes from a long conditioning period but it does make prettier beer a little faster.

This one has been conditioning for 70 days. The märzen, however, I brewed in March. Still have a few gallons left and it’s now at 219 days of conditioning, which is definitely the longest I’ve ever had a beer in inventory 😂
Got a couple of new Boulevard Brewing glasses in the mail today.
They're a bit understated for my taste, but the chimney style glass is perfection imo..
This one was full of my All Your Citra [Are Belong To Us] :)


Got a couple of new Boulevard Brewing glasses in the mail today.
They're a bit understated for my taste, but the chimney style glass is perfection imo..
This one was full of my All Your Citra [Are Belong To Us] :)

View attachment 860820

Nice glass! Love the reference to zerowing. What did you burn down before that pour, a nice pumpkin spiced candle? 😜

Rice lager. Summer staple. First one with S23. Definately wont be the last. Keg version was crystal clear, this is a bottle of the same batch, with slight haze, not sure why, but not fussed at all.

Behind it is my tabasco plant, starting to come alive again. I ate lots last year, and still had 500g left after it stopped. Im guessing 2nd year will be more.
Ran into a classic cornelius style keg issue this evening: I had just put a keg of my Julius clone on tap this afternoon - the mate to the keg that just kicked from the same 10 gallon batch - and the first pour attempt was 50/50 foam/beer. As such defects just don't happen around here (anymore ;)) it definitely caught my attention.

The pour was smooth foam - no spitting - but I still suspected the root cause would be found under the Out dip tube flange. So I opened the keezer, popped the gas QD off the problem keg, latched the PRV open, then wrenched the Out post off and pulled the dip tube. This is what the O-ring under the flange looked like:


Looks pretty rough - there's a deep gouge on the inside around 7 o'clock, and a couple of inside dings around 5:30 all in the left picture, and a frayed perimeter around 4 o'clock in the right. I do not as a rule remove posts between keg fills so it's a bit of a mystery how all that happened - and why it hadn't caused issues before.

Anyway, I replaced the O-ring, sanitized the dip tube and post before applying them back to the keg, hooked gas and beer lines up, closed the keezer lid - and poured the below. Problem definitely solved :rock:

