Mucus in lungs after binge drinking

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May 27, 2016
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So I have a keg and im told they can have sulfides in beer, alcohol can trigger allergy response.,

Any one have this? Its way better now that iv cut beer down about 40% and dont have a beer before 7pm.

Went to the Dr and they thought it could be a mass in my neck. But im gagging on mucus, I know this already. Lots of thin snot,

Yet no congestion! :tank:


Any one experience this gag refulx from so much snot after drinking?
The title says "binge drinking"....not preaching, but your body is telling you something. Its up to you to listen. (not to me, to your body) Do you drink and get drunk? Can you have one beer or two and stop?
Perhaps its a good time to quit drinking for a week or so and evaluate?
Best wishes and good luck to you.
I can have one beer and stop. I can go on 30 day juice fasts with no alcohol easy. I went camping where the people were beer haters and stayed 2 weeks with out a single beer.

I do get drunk and can take out 6 pints a night or more.

I live in the country and have a keg at all times and its 100F right now!

I was reading home brew can have no sulfides, but I see its naturally occurring.
I think this is what my issue is allergy's to Sulfides.
Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS) is a sulfur compound produced during fermentation of beer that has the aroma of cooked or creamed corn. As part of my ongoing series on flavors in beer (
Might be reflux. When intoxicated the stomach sphincters can relax and let small amounts of stomach content run back up to your throat and windpipe resulting in irritated bronchial and lung tissue. I get that when I drink liquor but I guess a large amount of beer might also trigger it.
Do you get the same reaction when you drink wine? If so it is probably a Sulfites allergy.
im starting to think it might be allergies. Iv been asking around town and we had more rain then the past some 10 years.
all the trees are blooming dust. iv never had allergies,.

And I don't think waking up with a hangover helps,

I sound like an old man clearing my lungs ever few seconds.

And the alcohol depresses the immune system
im starting to think it might be allergies. Iv been asking around town and we had more rain then the past some 10 years.
all the trees are blooming dust. iv never had allergies,.

And I don't think waking up with a hangover helps,

I sound like an old man clearing my lungs ever few seconds.

And the alcohol depresses the immune system

I assume you don't smoke? If so, that would obviously be a much more likely culprit than the alcohol, even if it hadn't caused problems in the past.

Definitely sounds like allergies are the main cause, though, based on the pattern of your symptoms. Try some claritin or zyrtec, and see if it helps.

Is the mucus the only reason your doctor thinks it might be a neck mass? Definitely the kind of thing you want to confirm is NOT a problem, early on, while treatments are more likely to be successful. If there is any reason at all to think there is a mass, such as difficulty swallowing, change in voice, etc., definitely follow up on it ASAP.

Good luck!
thanks, non smoker. no warning signs that lead to a tumor what so ever. I got some claritin and it has beef gelatin so I gave up on that until tomorrow.

Now time for some Blue moon on tap!

PS: making cider this year with a nutrafaster 450, same as jamba juice store.

When you binge drink, you're poisoning yourself. That will lower your immune system, and anything that's lying in wait will present itself.

A lot of the time, you catch a common cold and never know it because your immune system keeps it in check. A night of heavy drinking can lower your immune system just enough for the cold to peek out... and a runny nose or thin flem is usually a result.

U know i didnt have allergies for over 35 years then all of a sudden whamo! I coukd harxly breathe due to seasonal allergies. Throat closed so i jad to get a rescue inhaler for a season. Then just as fast ad it came it left. Been fine for the last 4 years. Pretty much anyways. I think our bodied change and react to tbings differently throughout time. That being said- as others have mentioned i feel better if i listen to my body and react smartly.

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