Most annoying response when you tell someone you're a homebrewer?

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BMC wouldn't literally spend more than a billion dollars on advertising, year after year after year, if it didn't work...

They spend billions of dollars and are great at making question the best at making money in the beer world but yet after all those billions of dollars spend and all that high tech brewing gear, they cant seem to get a 1 on ratebeer..Anyway everyone has their taste
Then I got all upset and concluded the argument by pointing out that all beer is "craft" beer. Since beer doesn't just spring up out of the ground, nor was it directly handed down from some higher being. Brewing itself is a learned craft and no matter what level of automation a brewery has, there is still at least one brewmeister for every facility.
Then I got all upset and concluded the argument by pointing out that all beer is "craft" beer. Since beer doesn't just spring up out of the ground, nor was it directly handed down from some higher being. Brewing itself is a learned craft and no matter what level of automation a brewery has, there is still at least one brewmeister for every facility.


Then I got all upset and concluded the argument by pointing out that all beer is "craft" beer. Since beer doesn't just spring up out of the ground, nor was it directly handed down from some higher being. Brewing itself is a learned craft and no matter what level of automation a brewery has, there is still at least one brewmeister for every facility.

Then I got all upset and concluded the argument by pointing out that all beer is "craft" beer. Since beer doesn't just spring up out of the ground, nor was it directly handed down from some higher being. Brewing itself is a learned craft and no matter what level of automation a brewery has, there is still at least one brewmeister for every facility.

Anybody can grill a steak too, in the literal sense. But, there is a big difference between an overcooked hunk of old shoe leather and a properly-cooked, juicy, flavorful cut of meat.
Anybody can grill a steak too, in the literal sense. But, there is a big difference between an overcooked hunk of old shoe leather and a properly-cooked, juicy, flavorful cut of meat.

But if you can just get the charred shoe leather exactly the same every time, wherever you do it and if you spend billions of $ to convince the public...not that I mind charred leather, I love it!
Me: I mess around with brewing some of my own beers from time to time.
Person: Yea I've heard that is kind of taking off as a hobby, can you make me some bud light?
Me: Die in a fire.

Haha a tried to explain this to this church nut I work with. He asked if I could make something good and "full bodied" like heinekin...

I said: you self identify as a christian right? Well you asking me that is like a flamboyantly gay person asking to join your church. No he can't, and it pisses you off that they asked
Haha a tried to explain this to this church nut I work with. He asked if I could make something good and "full bodied" like heinekin...

I said: you self identify as a christian right? Well you asking me that is like a flamboyantly gay person asking to join your church. No he can't, and it pisses you off that they asked

I hope he starts a thread called "most annoying responses from homebrewers."
Had a guy try to explain to me why he didn't like craft beer. "They don't use the same brewing process a real brewery…" smh
Me: you're a special kind of stupid aren't you (In my head). Tell me then what differentiates the two?

Them: well I'm not sure but I know they don't use the same kind of ingredients.

Me: oh, what ingredients do they use at pbr?

Them: I don't know but I do know that the process is totally different.

Me: so, what's the lautering/mash process then?

Them: I don't know it's just different

Me: you're an asshat

You can't have your beer and drink it, too.

Look around this forum and see how many times someone criticizes the mass produced beers for using "cheap adjuncts" like corn, rice, sugar, or corn syrup (ingredients). Also note the number of times things like "beechwood aging" is criticized, or other shortcuts for speeding production up (process).

So while you're friend doesn't know the specifics, he is not wrong (and likely not an asshat) about the fact that the ingredients and processes differ between large and small breweries.

And if this were flipped around, one might say that "craft" breweries use different processes and ingredients, which makes the beer "better." In fact, you'll find a billion threads here extolling the virtues of certain ingredients and processes that are different than how large brewers do it.

So if the processes and ingredients are the same, what makes "craft beer" different (and, by implication, better)?
Haha a tried to explain this to this church nut I work with. He asked if I could make something good and "full bodied" like heinekin...

I said: you self identify as a christian right? Well you asking me that is like a flamboyantly gay person asking to join your church. No he can't, and it pisses you off that they asked

Why get so defensive about it? Heineken may very well be the best beer he's tried yet. You could've just as easily said, "I'm not really a fan of Heineken, but I make a good _____ that you might like." If the intention is trying to wake people up to better beer, you'll usually get farther with the carrot than the stick.

[Now, if he starts criticizing your taste first, by all means go full-on beer snob on him.]
personally, I like using the stick because I'm an a-hole. I'm also a snob because I won't drink things I don't like nor pay homage to giant companies mass producing things I don't like.:pipe:
personally, I like using the stick because I'm an a-hole. I'm also a snob because I won't drink things I don't like nor pay homage to giant companies mass producing things I don't like.:pipe:

I believe I saw a video paying homage to a mass produced beer. Of course it was properly aged. ;)
personally, I like using the stick because I'm an a-hole. I'm also a snob because I won't drink things I don't like nor pay homage to giant companies mass producing things I don't like.:pipe:

What if a giant company mass produced something you did like?
What if a giant company mass produced something you did like?

see now, Captain Crunch, that happens all the time. Coca Cola and Dr. Pepper for instance. I don't dislike BMC's because they are giant corporations, I dislike them because they TASTE LIKE CRAP. it has nothing to do with the size of the company, it's what they produce.
One of the most telling "comments" I've gotten is when my wife and I are together somewhere and she'll happen to mention to someone that I'm now brewing my own beer. And their only response is pregnant silence followed by a reluctant smile. And maybe a nod. What do you suppose they might be thinking? Maybe something like, "I don't know how to respond, so I'll just be polite and smile. And nod." But, I can accept it because I can put myself in their position, where I know NOTHING about the nature of someone else's hobby. For example, if we ran into a couple and the woman mentioned that their husband has recently gotten into making wall clocks out of squirrel hides, I'm not sure but what I'd just smile. And nod. Maybe out of ignorance. Or fear of hearing a litany of details I had absolutely zero interest in hearing about.

Ultimately, if the guy is happy doing what he's doing, he doesn't require my approval or interest in order to validate him.

Which is why I brew beer.
we ran into a couple and the woman mentioned that their husband has recently gotten into making wall clocks out of squirrel hides

if he had to deal with the types of pig-effing ignorants we have to deal with, he would at this very moment be posting on in the 'most annoying response when you tell someone you're a clockmaker' thread
ones I get all the time: 'oh... you make clocks? do they tell REAL time?' or 'I don't like DARK time'
see now, Captain Crunch, that happens all the time. Coca Cola and Dr. Pepper for instance. I don't dislike BMC's because they are giant corporations, I dislike them because they TASTE LIKE CRAP. it has nothing to do with the size of the company, it's what they produce.

Then why did you mention giant companies and mass production? That's got nothing to do with the taste.
You can't have your beer and drink it, too.

Look around this forum and see how many times someone criticizes the mass produced beers for using "cheap adjuncts" like corn, rice, sugar, or corn syrup (ingredients). Also note the number of times things like "beechwood aging" is criticized, or other shortcuts for speeding production up (process).

So while you're friend doesn't know the specifics, he is not wrong (and likely not an asshat) about the fact that the ingredients and processes differ between large and small breweries.

And if this were flipped around, one might say that "craft" breweries use different processes and ingredients, which makes the beer "better." In fact, you'll find a billion threads here extolling the virtues of certain ingredients and processes that are different than how large brewers do it.

So if the processes and ingredients are the same, what makes "craft beer" different (and, by implication, better)?

I dont get a headache if I drink 6 of my beers.
Then why did you mention giant companies and mass production? That's got nothing to do with the taste.

quit trying to pull politician BS. I'll refer you to the latest BMC love/hate thread. I encourage you to read the whole thread. I don't have a problem with large companies or corporations, I have a problem with bland products. it gets even worse when some jackhole tells me I need to go suck said companies d*** because they have great consistency and millions of people buy their product, hence them being the best in the universe. you can twist it how you want. you can go cup BMC or McDonald's balls if you want, but I'm not gonna praise them because they consistently put out mediocre products that I don't like.
quit trying to pull politician BS. I'll refer you to the latest BMC love/hate thread. I encourage you to read the whole thread. I don't have a problem with large companies or corporations, I have a problem with bland products. it gets even worse when some jackhole tells me I need to go suck said companies d*** because they have great consistency and millions of people buy their product, hence them being the best in the universe. you can twist it how you want. you can go cup BMC or McDonald's balls if you want, but I'm not gonna praise them because they consistently put out mediocre products that I don't like.

I couldn't have said it better myself. My taste in beer is just that MY TASTE. Do I expect anyone else to like what I like? Heck no.

Will I raise a glass to the consistency of an inferior product made in so many different locations? Sure. That takes some work and planning. Does it make me feel they are the "greatest and best" because of it? Nope. Will I be raising a glass with their product to toast them? Hell no! I don't like their product!
quit trying to pull politician BS. I'll refer you to the latest BMC love/hate thread. I encourage you to read the whole thread. I don't have a problem with large companies or corporations, I have a problem with bland products. it gets even worse when some jackhole tells me I need to go suck said companies d*** because they have great consistency and millions of people buy their product, hence them being the best in the universe. you can twist it how you want. you can go cup BMC or McDonald's balls if you want, but I'm not gonna praise them because they consistently put out mediocre products that I don't like.

Nice language, first off.

I'm not sure if you're responding to what I said, or talking about some other thread somewhere. But I'm pretty sure I didn't say that you had to give props to a product you didn't like just because it is consistent or because millions of people buy it.

I'm pretty sure that what I said and implied is that you have a problem with large companies as well as not liking their products. I suggested that the size of the company and the fact that they mass produce their product isn't really relevant to whether or not the product is good or if it is something you enjoy or not. The size of the company has nothing to do with that.

So, while I think it's fine to say, "I don't drink X because I don't like the way it tastes," AND I think it's fine to say, "I don't drink X because I don't like the company's business practices," I think you're making a leap to say/imply, "Company X's product is bad because they're a giant corporation that mass produces their product." It's just not a very smart way to form an argument.

Again, you don't have to like or even respect a product for its consistency - I never said that. You don't have to like companies and the way they do business. The fact that you mention the size of the company sort of shows that it's not just the taste that you don't like.

The fact that you mention McDonald's is hilarious. Last I checked, they don't brew beer. Since we're talking about the TASTE of certain beers, I don't see how it's relevant. Except for the fact that they are another big corporation, not because they make bland beer.
Nice language, first off.

I'm not sure if you're responding to what I said, or talking about some other thread somewhere. But I'm pretty sure I didn't say that you had to give props to a product you didn't like just because it is consistent or because millions of people buy it.

I'm pretty sure that what I said and implied is that you have a problem with large companies as well as not liking their products. I suggested that the size of the company and the fact that they mass produce their product isn't really relevant to whether or not the product is good or if it is something you enjoy or not. The size of the company has nothing to do with that.

So, while I think it's fine to say, "I don't drink X because I don't like the way it tastes," AND I think it's fine to say, "I don't drink X because I don't like the company's business practices," I think you're making a leap to say/imply, "Company X's product is bad because they're a giant corporation that mass produces their product." It's just not a very smart way to form an argument.

Again, you don't have to like or even respect a product for its consistency - I never said that. You don't have to like companies and the way they do business. The fact that you mention the size of the company sort of shows that it's not just the taste that you don't like.

The fact that you mention McDonald's is hilarious. Last I checked, they don't brew beer. Since we're talking about the TASTE of certain beers, I don't see how it's relevant. Except for the fact that they are another big corporation, not because they make bland beer.

did you actually read my post or just skim though it? did you read the thread I posted the link for that was referencing what I was saying, or just ignoring it? my point was mediocrity, not just beer. and if you read the thread, I was using McDonalds as a point of comparison. and as I stated: I don't have a problem with big companies or corporations. I know I mentioned them in a point of mediocre products, not because they are mass produced. again, read the thread I was referencing. and actually read and try to comprehend what I'm saying.
quit trying to pull politician BS. I'll refer you to the latest BMC love/hate thread. I encourage you to read the whole thread. I don't have a problem with large companies or corporations, I have a problem with bland products. it gets even worse when some jackhole tells me I need to go suck said companies d*** because they have great consistency and millions of people buy their product, hence them being the best in the universe. you can twist it how you want. you can go cup BMC or McDonald's balls if you want, but I'm not gonna praise them because they consistently put out mediocre products that I don't like.

And you know i did not intend to make a BMC love/hate thread..but BMC is just industrial beer aimed to make money(great for them) bland, boring, no character beer(bad for us)..and i really dont know why people think it is good quality..I mean it has a lower score then god damn old english 800 on rate old E good people? they sell a whole lot of must be good then..either way i try not to hate on anyone or anything i just wanted to know what technique was used to produce such a bland product..cause as a homebrewer i can drop 1 grain into a cup of hot water and have more malt presence then a bud...whatever people want to drink fine with me..they can drink ram piss if they want