Malt extract and grain

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Jun 6, 2012
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new york
So I never tried brewing before but i went to my local homebrew store and picked up a kit. When I brought it home I realized I was given two 3.3 lbs of malt extract containers and I was also given about 3 lbs of actual grain. My kit is 5 gallons so I'm wondering how I should approach my first batch. Should I use both the malt extract and the grain or just one? Thanks
The kit is for a single 5 gallon batch probably. Sounds like it... Are there instructions in the kit?
Did your kit come with instructions? I would venture to guess that you are meant to steep the grains for a bit, then remove and boil the malt extract in the same "wort" (water that had the grains steeping in it)
It came with a booklet but the booklet is giving me directions for an all malt extract beer, so i'm not really sure where the grain comes into play.
You have a partial mash kit. Did they include a bag for the grains? Google partial mash to figure out how to proceed, or wait for someone with experience with that to help, I really can't.
To be honest I'm not sure if it is supposed to be a partial mash kit. Do you think it would be a good idea to brew my first batch this way?
You need to go back and get some instructions.

Another question: Is the extract a hopped? Or are hops included. If you have them you need to know the timing on when to add them to the boil.

I would get these answers and if it is not easy I would find an new LHBS!
I'm sorry, I found the instructions crumbled up in the bottom of the box. It actually is a partial mash. Thanks a lot guys. It says to steep the grains for an hour then add the malt and 1 1/2 lbs of sugar (which isn't included). It feels like 6.6 pounds of malt extract plus 1 1/2 lbs of sugar plus the grain is a lot for a 5 gallon wort, but I guess I don't know what I'm talking about because this is my first time. Also do you guys have any specific sugar you would recommend? (it is a belgian blonde btw) Thanks so much guys
At first glance I would think that you had picked up an extract kit with specialty grains, but the 3 lbs. of grain seems pretty high for the specialty grain kits I've seen (most seem to have somewhere around a pound of grain). The amount of grain you have seems to be more inline with what a partial mash kit would have. Are there any labels on the grain bag that would help give some more insight on what type of malt you have? What style of beer is this kit?

(jinx: I was a little slow in my response as it looks like you figured out you had a partial mash on your own)
Also it recommends adding whirlfloc , but I am unable to go back to the brewshop tomorrow to pick some up. I heard that unflavored gelatin works as a clarifying agent too so do you think that would be an acceptable replacement? Or do you guys know of any other things that can substitute for whirlfloc that i could pick up at a supermarket or even walmart if i make the journey?
Indianhead_Brewer said:
Don't sweat the whirlfloc if you don't have it. Your beer will turn out just fine without it.

+1. Whirlfloc/gelatin are only for appearance. Taste is all that really matters to me so I never use it but most of the brewers I know use some type of clearing agent.
Ya i suppose you guys are right, especially when I'm a first time brewer. I will get some for my second batch tho and see if i like the difference (because I do like clear looking beers).

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