Is this label a little racist?

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Oct 7, 2010
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I feel like it can be taken that way, right?

If you have to ask…

That is always my motto. There was a strikingly racist label posted here a couple of days back. I cannot find it which means I am bad at looking or it was removed. It was clearly racist. Not 100% sure about yours except that my initial impression (because you point it out) is your choice in people is due to the use of blackberries. If that is spot on then I'd say it is lacking some class in spite of the nice artwork.
I could look at that label a thousand times and the term racist would never cross my mind. I would like to give the benefit of the doubt to the person who made the label, at this point of time to blatantly put out a racist label would be a huge detriment to the company. I honestly think that people are so hypersensitive to the issue, that racism is seen, by people, in things that it was never intended or in places it doesn't even really exist.
I don't see that label as being racist. What is offensive about it?
Is there some kind of cultural reference I'm missing that makes this racist?

Otherwise it just looks like a cool label to me. Am I being naive (possible)?
damn it took me some time but I found it...still, I don't think its racist...just word play. Were something similar be done with a Latino, i wouldn't be offended.
What specific components of the label would anyone consider to be racist???

In many cases, a racist perception is in the eye of the beholder, not the author.

I agree 100%, what I found is just word play:

Beer brewed with blackberries...named Barry Rye...[Berry] rye...with a black person on the label... Black berry Rye.

Just word play I think, like I said if it was done about my race, id probably find it amusing.
No. I'd say the person that came up with it thought it was a great pay on words. It has berries and it is white. Maybe they are even a Barry white fan? The only thing that makes this racist is the fear of racism, which often results on racism itself :(
Things have different meanings to different people, so it is what it is to you. It would be unfortunate for a person to have an interest in music and make a wonderful beer that they want to pair with that music, and be afraid to do it because people would be offended by a negative connotation. For example if you came to me and told me that a brewery I like was making a tributary beer to Mighty Joe Young and it happened to be a Black IPA...I would probably buy the beer, the glass, and the t-shirt. Things can be misunderstood as well. For example the beer below could be seen as sexist by a person who doesn't understand what it means:
The most offensive image on the label is the ginko leaf. We call 'em "stinko trees" because the ginko fruit smells rotten. Kind of an off-putting logo.
I don't necessary find it offensive or racist...but I do think it is important to be aware that the craft beer market and homebrew market is significantly made up of middle aged, white males. Those demographics do create a culture, whether one fits in or not. Not to say that there are not other social identities that exist within our craft, but awareness is necessary because impact is always greater despite intent.
You do realize that the dogfish label is the actual album cover artwork of Miles Davis Bitches Brew. Not racist at all, especially since Sam Calagione collaborated with the record company of Miles Davis for this beer and was granted permission to use the album artwork.

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Wow, you guys are reaching on this one. This is more of an homage to Barry with a play on words. African Americans have every right to be sensitive, but I don't think that non African Americans have to have a knee jerk reaction to every little thing unless it is blatantly racist, like the owner of the LA Clippers comments. Now that's racist, right?
Wow, you guys are reaching on this one. This is more of an homage to Barry with a play on words. African Americans have every right to be sensitive, but I don't think that non African Americans have to have a knee jerk reaction to every little thing unless it is blatantly racist, like the owner of the LA Clippers comments. Now that's racist, right?

No one is reaching at all. Relax.
The dude asked a question and if I personally had to dig around I could find what tight-pantied narrow-minded person might take issue with but no one is reaching here. Personally, I'm wondering why the OP thinks it could even be close to racist. Apples and oranges to compare this to the soon to be former owner of the Clippers.
You do realize that the dogfish label is the actual album cover artwork of Miles Davis Bitches Brew. Not racist at all, especially since Sam Calagione collaborated with the record company of Miles Davis for this beer and was granted permission to use the album artwork.

Sexist was the word the person used about the Bitches Brew label, and your point is exactly the point that was made in the post. It's not sexist, but someone who doesn't know the context may perceive it to be. It's a perception vs. reality thing.
I wouldn't think so but if I were to name a beer White Paul Blond, I might be labeled as a racist - my first name is Paul.

I do not have a beer with that name and I am not racist. :)
So it's the blackberries that make it questionable?

A good test would be, would you have used the same name and/or label if it didn't have blackberries, but some other kind of berries instead? Or did you use an African-American musician reference because of the blackberries? If the latter, I could see how that could be interpreted as racist by someone who's particularly sensitive.
Ah, I get it. Blackberries, dark rye ale + caricature of black man. It must be racist. ;)


Do the counter clerks at KFC ask their African-American customers if they prefer all dark or all white meat? Or do they simply avoid the question in the name of political correctness? :cross:
I was thinking of brewing a not-too-hoppy, wheat beer clone with watermelon.

Would it be racist if I called it "Eminem"?
The label, no. This debate, yes.

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It was brought to my attention by a coworker. And like somebody pointed out in the replies, he thought it could be considered racist due to the "black" berries and the African American used together. I believe it is a reach but can also see how people would find it insensitive, but not racist.
Wow, you guys are reaching on this one. This is more of an homage to Barry with a play on words. African Americans have every right to be sensitive, but I don't think that non African Americans have to have a knee jerk reaction to every little thing unless it is blatantly racist, like the owner of the LA Clippers comments. Now that's racist, right?

riiiigggghhhtttt.... the only folk in the world who has no right to be sensitive about anything is the white male (please note the sarcasm). mental/social segregation still exists out of unwarranted guilt and/or arrogance.
I have a feeling that would be the same beer label if they had used raspberries..

I would totally want to see a musician named Barry Rye.... it just sounds real....ha.
If you have to ask…

That is always my motto. There was a strikingly racist label posted here a couple of days back. I cannot find it which means I am bad at looking or it was removed. It was clearly racist. Not 100% sure about yours except that my initial impression (because you point it out) is your choice in people is due to the use of blackberries. If that is spot on then I'd say it is lacking some class in spite of the nice artwork.

Maybe your referring to my post few days ago re: what came in the mail. I had a set of labels made for a black IPA I brewed that I'm calling "blackzilla". But the photos were only screen shots from the Dave Chappelle show episode "Blackzilla", with the caps being a shot of Chappelle's crackhead character Tyron Biggums. The whole thing was nothing more than a clever tribute to one of the funniest shows in recent memory, one that was very funny but also perceived as incredibly racist as well; or perhaps it's better said that Chappelle satirized racism through his comedy.

I didn't consider my label even remotely racist, nor do I consider the label the OP asked about racist either.

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From here on out I would appreciate if the rules on hbt were changed so that any reference to color was censored. I think it is wrong to use color as a descriptor of any kind. I am going to pursue the bjcp standards and get the category names changed to take color out of beer......

People get to caught up trying to find problems with everything. To those who called him African american... what Africa is the guy on the label from? Id bet he was just a drawing based on an american. He fit the label just fine.

The real question is why wasn't it a woman on the label? A woman can't have the name Barry?!
Most of the time it is bigots who cry racism. Don't worry about it. PC is going out anyway.

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