Important Message for DIY Rhizome Ordering

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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2007
Reaction score
Lincoln, ND
I recently discovered that for some reason, orders for rhizomes from DIY won't be shipped out until the 31st of this month. Maybe it was a supply problem or something, but I have no idea. Probably should've ordered from Fresh Hops or a place with an existing reputation. To make the point clear, I ordered my rhizomes on the 16th and didn't find out until the other day that there'd be nothing going out until the 31st. Just a head's up to those of you who haven't ordered yet. At this point, it's not worth it to me to cancel the order and wait just as long, or longer, for a different place to make the shipment. :(
I am just curious if that is really an issue?

Do you have any idea when the last potential frost for your area is?

Realistically, you shouldn't plant the Rhisomes (outdoor at least) until after the last frost. In the midwest, historically, there is potential for frost up until April 15th. Sure, the Rhisomes can be stored in a fridge until after the last frost but, I mean really, it's not an ideal situation for the plant and plus, you have to monitor them for mold. After a week in a fridge a few of mine started to develope mold.
As far as outdoor planting is concerned, it's not a problem. I just see any delay as time lost that I could use starting the rhizomes up indoors. It's not as much of an issue for me, but it could be for those out there who have the opportunity to begin cultivating outdoors right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bad-mouthing DIY. I'm sure there's a good, valid reason for this. The point of this info is just to help others who may wish to order from DIY and would like their rhizomes to arrive in a certain time frame.
I also ordered from DIY, but I'm not at all surprised to hear that they won't be shipping until the start of april - that does seem to be a moderately common ship date, even though a few places did ship sooner. Although their site wasn't crystal clear about the ship date, it did say:
Please place orders before March 31 to ensure your rhizomes are ordered.
Which I understood to mean that they would be ordering the rhizomes from THEIR supplier(s) at the end of march and would then be shipping them out after that.

I do think it would have been nice to be informed in advance of the ship date, but I'm not losing any sleep over it. We've still got a lot of snow cover here so I don't anticipate being able to plant outdoors for quite a while anyway.
DIY is a Massachusetts based shop, having the rhizomes in MA prior to the start of April is not the best idea, he is getting them at just the right time for his MA customers. This guy is doing what is right for his local customers, which isn't necesarily right for those of you in say texas or georgia or southern california you can probably have your plants started already. Unfortunately he didn't explicitly state this, but I sent him an e-mail about it prior to ordering and he cleared it up, he is surprisingly good at getting back to people via e-mail.

Just as an aside, it was snowing here this morning, luckily none of it stuck, and once the sun came up it started raining, but I personally won't be able to plant my rhizomes at least until the end of April.
I as well ordered from DIY and still waiting. It does say on the website "Hop Rhizome pre-orders are now being taken. Rhizomes will ship in early april. " I guess there is not much that can be done but to wait. In AZ right now is a good time to get them in the ground. The wait will allow me to get my soil to the proper levels.

The price was right (4.50 + free shipping) for my first time growing hops and not sure how they will turn out here in AZ?
I just found this out yesterday when I checked after the website after another dissapointing trip to the mailbox. High is supposed to be 85 today here, I could definately have them in the ground already, but no sweat, they will be here soon enough.

It does kind of suck though, because I did order from them because my other order isn't getting shiped out until April either, and in a thread complaining about some people already having hops, he said we could order from him, and the not getting shipped until early April was definately not on the site when I ordered mine. Oh well, at least I have a long growing season down here.
The other reason the rhizomes take so long is that they have to be pulled from live plants as they are starting, most hop growing doesn't take place down south, it happens in northern california, oregon washington state etc. In these places it is just about the time to start pulling up the hop rhizomes, those of you who live in the south, in addition to having some difficulty growing due to climate are just going to have to wait till the product is available.

The people who got early delivery are lucky, they probably got rhizomes from farms that are in southern climates, which there are not that many of. I can't wait for spring, but as an avid gardner in new england, I have to say most of my seed starters aren't even in their pots yet.

I personally would prefer if they were fresh when they arrived to me instead of having them arrive early and then having to keep them in the refridgerator or in the basement, that is how they die you know.