How much do I drink a day

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May 30, 2019
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Hi all,
Am I an alcoholic ? ..... Na
I like my beer.
But talking to people I know that brew or buy beer, I drink too much.

Before I brewed my own, I would probably drink around 8 stubbies an evening.
Now I drink about 10 x 330ml glasses over an evening.

I don't drink to get drunk (or even tipsy), I simply like the taste.

Is that what you would consider excess ? :(


P.S. I am healthy,happy, and have a good life.
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I don't judge the consumption of others:

Does drinking x amount affect your ability to perform normal daily tasks etc.?

Doe it negatively affect relationships?

If no then seems fine to me.
I'll add, is it negatively affecting your health?

I usually have one or two pints per night, and I've started making session beers more often than not because I am trying to maintain a healthy weight and I enjoy being active and running and hiking.

If it's interfering with your life and you're doing it anyway, that might be a sign that it's time to cut down.
So much of how one reacts to beer depends on a number of variables, including the ABV of the beer itself, the individual's size, how much they've eaten beforehand, and over what time period the beer is consumed.

You're drinking the equivalent of 11 12-ounce bottles each evening--almost a 12-pack. I'd consider that a lot, but it depends on the type of beer and ABV as to what effect that is having. How many calories are you pounding down each evening? Even if it is a light beer you are drinking, that's over 1000 calories a night, each and every night. That doesn't strike me as overly healthy.

One way you can do an initial test of alcoholism is to ask whether you can have one beer in an evening and stop there. Another is whether you can skip a day or two without issue. If you *have* to drink beer every day, I'd consider that an issue with which you might wish to come to grips.
The ability (or need, if that’s what it really is) to drink TEN 12-oz beers a night, every night, even if lower abv beers, is not a good sign. I am a physician and I hate to judge, but if you’re serious about that amount it is not at all healthy. Please seek help.
You are on a forum exclusively full of alcohol drinkers. Nearly all answers will be biased towards drinking as the responders probably drink a similar amount. 10 bottles of beer a day is a huge amount of beer and is far too much. Go ask a physician if that is too much a day and I'll be able to guess what the answer is. Depending on the ABV you are close to having the recommended weekly "safe" level of alcohol each day.
Here's the test: Drink one 12oz beer per night for 30 days. If during that 30 day test period you find any reason to have more than one it's a negative, if it's easier to have no beers than it is to have one it's a negative.

Only you can determine if there is a problem and if so how much it affects you and your life style due to all the variables. There are many functioning alcoholics in the world who are perfectly happy and who lead productive lives.

I don't subscribe to the common belief that more than two 12oz. beers per day is a problem, there are far too many variables imo.
10 per day every day seems a lot to me. Everyone's tolerance is different but that seems like an awful lot, even for low ABV as other people have noted.
If you're asking us if you have a problem, you're asking the wrong people.
If you're asking if that seems excessive, my answer would be yes. I've been known to put away 10 (maybe more) on a few Saturdays if I start early but those days are few and far between because I sure do feel it the next day. Your tolerance might be much higher than mine though.
As a side note, if you're just drinking homebrew that would work out to be polishing off a 5 gallon batch every 6 days or so. Is that where you're at?
At that amount of beer every night no wonder you don't get drunk or tipsy. But, I bet you do, but that might be a "normalized" state for you. Built on accumulated tolerance. Unless you're a very big guy.

Don't drink for two weeks. Then after the two weeks don't drink for one more. Try that.
For those suggesting quitting cold turkey, even for a couple weeks, that might not be healthy either. Definitely should consult a physician.
10 per day every day seems a lot to me. Everyone's tolerance is different but that seems like an awful lot, even for low ABV as other people have noted.
If you're asking us if you have a problem, you're asking the wrong people.
If you're asking if that seems excessive, my answer would be yes. I've been known to put away 10 (maybe more) on a few Saturdays if I start early but those days are few and far between because I sure do feel it the next day. Your tolerance might be much higher than mine though.
As a side note, if you're just drinking homebrew that would work out to be polishing off a 5 gallon batch every 6 days or so. Is that where you're at?

Hello Cheesy Goodness (and others),

Thanks for your responses.
I have to admit that it was probably too narrow a statement to say 10 x 330ml glasses EVERY day.
Some days when I have drank 10 glasses it is when I have been in my workshop and started at around 5pm and finish 11pm.
Some days it may be 5 glasses in the evening.
On occasion I simply take a break for a week or 2 and not drink at all (maybe tea, not coffee).

I am retired (not doing a 9 to 5 job) and depending on what I am doing with my day, alters how much I drink.
Of note, I don't like to drink whilst eating; I don't like to drink till maybe an hour after eating.

Again, thanks for your responses.
For those suggesting quitting cold turkey, even for a couple weeks, that might not be healthy either. Definitely should consult a physician.
Absolutely right. DTs are a real possibility when withdrawing from this much alcohol.
So that’s about a gallon a day. Near 1/2gal other days? I think it doesn’t matter if you drink it in 1hr or 15hrs. Still is near a gallon. I can have that one day at a party. But every day I don’t have even a gallon of water. Only thing I would say is to watch it. I had a friend that started like that. Then he just felt he needed it. That’s when he stopped completely. I hated it because he was my beer drinking buddy. Now he only drinks Oduls. :-(
No judging but it seems excessive. I usually take Monday Tuesday off completely, weds and Thursday just one or two, and weekends all bets are off....gotta give your body some time off to recover.
As big as Andre the Giant? When do you start drinking? I think you already know your answer if you are asking the question... Drinking less is probably a good option.
It seems like a lot to me.
However, most of us are not health professionals, mental or physical. You may want to consult one of those.
If the 10x 330ml is an outlier, OK, but if it's that much more often than not, you may have a problem.
Like others have said, try cutting back. If you can, great. You'll probably end up healthier in the end. If you can't then I would say it's a definite problem, and recommend talking to someone.
First, I think this topic is important to discuss openly , especially given the hobby we have. I think this can go over-looked or ignored because of that hobby; thanks for posting.
I think this is an important question we should all ask ourselves regularly as beer/alcohol drinkers/brewers. Being addicted to alcohol isn’t a binary thing; it’s more of a spectrum of dependence. There is lots of info on this out there. From what you describe (the amount and consistency, friend’s telling you it’s too much, not feeling a buzz/dunk, etc.) I would definitely agree you should start talks with your doctor.
All said w/o judgement, hoping the best for you.
Hello again all,

Thank you for your replies and comments.
For those concerned, I have never had a bad health report from any doctor since a chainsaw accident over 30 years ago.
I am considered healthy and I am sure the doctors I have seen over the years would tell me otherwise if there was a problem.

I have been drinking beer for about 40 years now and over that time the general average would be about 6 stubbies for at least 5 days a week.
Even if I go to a party, it is still the same (I don't do the "all bets are off" trick as I don't drink to get plastered).
I don't get hangovers and I never wake up feeling like I would like a beer.

Not everyone is the same; I have known people that wobble after 1 glass of beer, others that can mix drinks all night and get up and go to work the next morning right as rain.

Personally, I am more concerned about my health due to Fukushima.

Cheers .
Hello again all,

Thank you for your replies and comments.
For those concerned, I have never had a bad health report from any doctor since a chainsaw accident over 30 years ago.
I am considered healthy and I am sure the doctors I have seen over the years would tell me otherwise if there was a problem.

I have been drinking beer for about 40 years now and over that time the general average would be about 6 stubbies for at least 5 days a week.
Even if I go to a party, it is still the same (I don't do the "all bets are off" trick as I don't drink to get plastered).
I don't get hangovers and I never wake up feeling like I would like a beer.

Not everyone is the same; I have known people that wobble after 1 glass of beer, others that can mix drinks all night and get up and go to work the next morning right as rain.

Personally, I am more concerned about my health due to Fukushima.

Cheers .

There’s no way the human body can consume *that* much alcohol on a regular basis and not be affected unless you’re physically addicted.

The people who mix all night could be alcoholics. The people who wobble after one beer are not.
Hello everybody.
Here is an update on my daily consumption.

Today 15 glasses, yesterday 10 glasses, the day before 8 glasses.
I have made a scratch list to see what I pour from my keg.

Do I care.... NA

I don't eat the cr**p that most do such as MC donald/ Kentucky Fried and all the other rubbish
along with pizza rubbish.

I eat home grown vegetables/ drink mountain water and max on tumeric (home grown)

The reason for my starting this thread was that I was curious to see what others consume.

If you brew a batch/ bottle it or put into a keg and have 2 glasses per week. YOU are a sad person.

Beer is for drinking.

To brew that "once of" incredible beer, and then only drink 1 bottle is unspeakable.

Beer is brewed to be drank....look it up

I don't mean brew to get drunk. I mean brew to enjoy.

If you or anybody thinks " I drink too much and will die from it", tough luck.
I am healthy (my own reasoning AND my local doctors opinion of my health)

I enjoy drinking my beer.

Do I care that I consume 1gallon a day or more ..... NA

Do I care about my health ? .... yes ...fukushima (look it up)_
The reason for my starting this thread was that I was curious to see what others consume.

There was nothing in your first post about what others consume. You asked only for opinions on how much YOU consume. And now that the responses are not what you hoped for (not agreeing that 10+ beers a day is normal or ok), you are rationalizing. Good luck--I hope someday you accept that your consumption is a problem and do something about it.
Hello everybody.
Here is an update on my daily consumption.

Today 15 glasses, yesterday 10 glasses, the day before 8 glasses.
I have made a scratch list to see what I pour from my keg.

I won't comment on whether I think you have a problem but you certainly made me feel more comfortable with my drinking a beer or 2 a night during the week!
Humans have been self medicating since forever. If you are happy and not affecting others what does it matter?

I've known many people who drink as much or more than you are reporting. Some of them led happy, productive lives. They don't usually live as long as someone who consumes less but so what? Not everyone wants to live forever. Some just want to be happy while they are here and alcohol or other mind altering substances are a quick shortcut to temporary happiness.
Are you in the general Fukushima area or work there? If not I wouldn’t worry too much.

Hello Beardless and all those that have replied,

Firstly (for other peoples comments); yes, I am an alcoholic the same way some are chocolate o'holics or heavy smokers, any number of o'holics.

I have no problem if my consumption is regarded as alcoholic or not. I am healthy and don't have any other vices.
I was primarily interested to read reactions as to my drinking and now I have and it is interesting.

Beardless, the answer to your question.
No I am not in Fukushima or any where near it, but, unfortunately most people are unaware that where ever you are, you are being affected from it.
For instance, are you aware that they are pumping around 300 ton of radioactive waste into the ocean EVERY day and have been for many years ? Not 300 gallons, 300 tons.
Have you ever read about it ? probably not because the MSM certainly don't want people to know.

By the way, yes our oceans are vast, and many people that know, think that it will just dilute away ...... it doesn't, it gets into the food chain.
It is killing many living things in our oceans and has been for some time, but all we hear about is masses of dead fish or dolphins etc due to some mystery the scientists cant understand.

The scientists do bloody well know, the just are not letting on because of the panic it would produce.

So, Fukushima is more of a concern to my health than drinking 10 glasses of beer every day.

So, Fukushima is more of a concern to my health than drinking 10 glasses of beer every day.

I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure that upwards of 1500 calories of beer a day is more of a concern than the tiny amount of radiation we absorb in our daily lives, even discounting the alcohol in the beer.

What was your purpose in starting this discussion? It's pretty clear to see that ten beers a day is going to be considered excessive, even on a homebrewing forum, but you don't seem to be open to that possibility so why ask in the first place?

By the way:
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Here is an update on my daily consumption.

Today 15 glasses, yesterday 10 glasses, the day before 8 glasses.
I have made a scratch list to see what I pour from my keg.

If you brew a batch/ bottle it or put into a keg and have 2 glasses per week. YOU are a sad person.

Low dose radiation effects are still widely (and often hotly) debated.
My father was a radiation monitor in the Army during the 1950s and he participated in 60+ above-ground nuclear tests in Nevada and the Pacific. He was quite close to Ground Zero during the Nevada tests and he once flew in a helicopter that mistakenly entered the remains of a mushroom cloud post-test. He's still going strong at age 83, although some of his buddies died early of radiation-induced cancers.

My father has no idea of how much radiation he was exposed to, as his NCOIC handed everyone lead foil to wrap around their film badges. That way they wouldn't exceed the max dose and be sent back to their lame base in Alabama.
Read the reply yesterday. Started my reply and decided I wouldn’t justify it by that reply. However, I’ll say there is a ton of misinformation, but there are a lot of organizations and people out there with nothing to gain by lying. I was curious why being concerned about Fukushima would be something the OP would mention, which is why I asked. Looks like I fell for the bait.

Suffice it to say when you hear generalities like “pouring 300 tons of waste per day in the ocean” you should make sure it gets fact checked and understand that it can mean 300 tons of water that must be considered radioactive since it was onsite but was checked and is actually lower radioactivity than what instrumentation can measure (still considered a radioactive effluent), or it could mean (what some people want you to think) 300 tons of uranium/plutonium/various byproducts of fission. At least in US it is more like the former since there are annual limits based on the exposure the general population surrounding the release point would be expected to receive (which is regulated by the government and those limits are extremely low).