Homebrew Rituals

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Jan 23, 2014
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Do you guys have a certain something you do every time you brew just for traditions sake? For me, I always have an epic movie playing in the background for my whole brew day. It keeps testosterone high which is ideal for brew day. Lord of the Rings, 300, Boondocks Saints, Dark Knight, that sort of thing. What do you always do?

God Bless
I drink at least one beer as not to anger the Beer Gods. I try to limit it to no more than 3 over the course of the brew-day as not to make any fatal errors.

There is usually some sort of tobacco use involved. Cigars, pipe, dip, cigarette... I gave up habitual tobacco use years ago, but still partake on brew days (also camping/hunting trips and vacations). No real reason, just a little indulgence to make brew day that much more special.

I keep telling myself I'm going to try the "hot scotchie" ritual, but I never seem to have any scotch on hand when brew day comes around....

Other than that I'm either listening to music or an audiobook while I brew, as I usually brew alone. I find it relaxing to zone out to whatever I'm listening to while I brew.
I just play some music while i brew. I normally save the beer for after i'm done since i like to start in the morning.
I find my working movie of choice is Shrek. But for brewing, I usually listen to music. Salsa, Cuban Son, or some folk rock.

Altho latley ive been just on a Zepp binge.
I generally begin my brews about 6 am in my utility room converted to brewery with blaring music. Generally start with blues (Stevie Ray Vaughn heavily influenced pandora channel), that leads to rock then by the time I have mashed out and started boiling I'm pretty deep into slipknot, disturbed with a little 21 pilots tossed in. When I start my hop additions, I start drinking precious homebrew. That's pretty much my ritual. Very little variation. Works for me. :ban:
Loud fuc*ing metal and plenty of pints. Only once got too inebriated and made mistakes. Beer still turned out alright. Also wear a t-shirt from either Deschutes or Rodenbach.
Start by drinking a cup of coffee towards the beginning, then switch to beer usually once I start the boil. I tend to begin with country music playing, then switch to alternative rock. Usually I'll have some sports playing on the TV in the background.

Towards the end I try to make it a habit to freak out about the yeast in one way or another, just to give myself a good scare. I also make a point to do this after the homebrew store has closed for the day, just to make sure I'm in big trouble if I actually do have a problem. Historically I have never actually had a problem; I just like to give myself a scare apparently.

And always wear something comfortable - usually a moisture wicking shirt from an old race.
I should also note that since I've moved to all grain I need to brew outdoors, so it's metal, reggae, merengue, bachata and salsa on Pandora. I get drunk so it's easier to clean up after the brew sesh. That 16 gallon brew kettle is a mo-fo to clean.
I brew inside my appartment, and we live on the 3rd floor of our building, so my choice of ritual is I always brew naked. Don't know how this habit started, but it started, and for some reason it stuck...
I brew inside my appartment, and we live on the 3rd floor of our building, so my choice of ritual is I always brew naked. Don't know how this habit started, but it started, and for some reason it stuck...


Ye Olde Pube

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My brewing buddy and I generally listen to music and kill a 12 pack of session brews and a few big beers. We will usually come up with some drunken ingenuity in regards to brewing and it never quite pans out how we expect. We keep talking about having a brew day where we don't get quite so drunk but it has yet to happen. Our beers turn out great so we figure the beer gods are smiling upon us.
I always make breakfast for the family while brewing, and listen to Brewing Network or Basic Brewing episodes. Oh, and water the yard/ beds with the chiller water of course.
I brew inside my appartment, and we live on the 3rd floor of our building, so my choice of ritual is I always brew naked. Don't know how this habit started, but it started, and for some reason it stuck...

I have burned my feet when brewing with flip flops on. I think you're crazy, but hey..whatever works for ya!

Watch out for boilovers! :mug:

Ye Olde Pube


Hmmm... something about the spelling of that doesn't look quite right.... :confused:


There, that's better! :rockin:
I normally play music and forget the irish moss.

Not necessarily in that order.

I forget that so many times, I figure I just don't use it anymore.

I have burned my feet when brewing with flip flops on. I think you're crazy, but hey..whatever works for ya!

Watch out for boilovers! :mug:

I brew and grill in sandals. Care must be taken.
I have burned my feet when brewing with flip flops on. I think you're crazy, but hey..whatever works for ya!

Watch out for boilovers! :mug:

Lol, maybe I am crazy... I only do 1 gallon beer batches, and I use a 4 gallon pot, but I mostly brew wine and ciders... but I do watch out for boil overs :)
I generally drink a LOT of something that's similar to what I'm trying to make
I like to watch drinkable movies like Beerfest or Strange Brew
Sometimes I'll smoke a meat on the grill.
No real rituals except for bottling day. On bottling-day I fill a large Pilsner glass as my hydro sample and drink every last drop after getting my FG
I generally drink a LOT of something that's similar to what I'm trying to make
I like to watch drinkable movies like Beerfest or Strange Brew
Sometimes I'll smoke a meat on the grill.
No real rituals except for bottling day. On bottling-day I fill a large Pilsner glass as my hydro sample and drink every last drop after getting my FG

Drinking the samples! Yes! Always. But that's more of a rule, like a step in the process, than a ritual.
I try and turn off my cell phone.

As Griz, who used to run the brewshop around here, used to say, "trying to brew while talking on a cell phone is like a monkey ****ing a football." ...not exactly sure what that meant but it always stuck with me.