For you conical fermenter owners...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Oregon City
So I have been buying and selling home brew gear for the last year or so in order to supplement this expensive hobby. I generally purchase large lots of gear, break them down, fix, clean..etc. Then resell them individually or as packages.

The other day I landed a pretty amazing deal... This guy in BFE Oregon posted a huge lot of all grain and kegging equipment. Included in the deal was a "7” gallon blichmann conical. It in fact is a 14.5 gal.

I had intended to sell it, but now I'm on the fence.

I will more than make my money back on the equipment (and turn a pretty decent profit of a few hundred dollars because there are some big ticket items in this lot) while keeping the conical, but I'm wondering if they truly are that spectacular?

It'll hold 11 gal batches (I brew 10-12 gal batches). I can extend it to 25 gal (for 20 gal batches) for $250, but the main issue is the size and weight. I can't brew inside to fill it. I don't brew in the basement where I could ferment... So I'm just not sure if it's practical. But I feel as if I'll kick my own ass if I sold it.

Opinions of those who own and use them would be great. Thanks!


The lid and stuff are inside, so it is complete.
Why can't you carry 5 gallons of wort to it a couple times? Thats what I do.
Why can't you carry 5 gallons of wort to it a couple times? Thats what I do.

I guess I could, but again I'm trying to stream line my process. I run my boiled wort through my plate chiller that has a built in thermometer and o2 aeration. It goes straight to my fermenters. I feel this wouldn't add benefit to my current process by carrying and dumping 5 gallons at a time... That's kind of where my hold up is.

Is it really that amazing that it's worth keeping and adding more to my process (including heavy and messy lifting and dumping)

Also how would I dump it while it's inside a fridge for temp control? I'd have to carry the wort down a bunch of stairs, dump it into the conical then lift the 10 gal filled conical into the fridge? I don't see that happening lol
They have this new contraption called a "pump" it can move a liquid from one place to another;) If you have enough height difference gravity will do the work for free. lol
What do you ferment in now? Knowing your current rig would help determine whether it's worth it...

FWIW I've thought about a conical, but I don't think it would fit in my fermentation fridge for 11-gal batches. Today I ferment in a 15.5 gal Sanke with the below fermentation kit. I love that it has handles, can be steam-sanitized on a burner, and that I can transfer beer with CO2 rather than racking with siphon. It might be rough carrying a Sanke down your stairs to the basement, but easier than a conical...
They have this new contraption called a "pump" it can move a liquid from one place to another;) If you have enough height difference gravity will do the work for free. lol

Ya I thought of that. I have two march pumps. But it's not practical to pump the distance it would need to go. And filling 5 gallons then pumping from that to the conical also doesn't seem very practical.

What do you ferment in now? Knowing your current rig would help determine whether it's worth it...

FWIW I've thought about a conical, but I don't think it would fit in my fermentation fridge for 11-gal batches. Today I ferment in a 15.5 gal Sanke with the below fermentation kit. I love that it has handles, can be steam-sanitized on a burner, and that I can transfer beer with CO2 rather than racking with siphon. It might be rough carrying a Sanke down your stairs to the basement, but easier than a conical...

Ya, look in my sig... I came up with a method to create a cheap version of that. So I currently have six 1/4 slim kegs that I use. They all have the dip tube set-up and a spunding valve. I love my fermenters now, but the appeal of the conical is I can do. 10 gal at once. It can be used as a brite tank (if needed) and I can harvest yeast easier. Plus, it's easier to clean. Not that my kegs are that bad to clean. It just takes longer with soaking.

Again, I'm not sure if those advantages are enough to bother keeping it.

I should probably try to figure out how to fill and temp control it. Then at least run a batch through it to really see if it's worth it. If it was 7 gal, I'd sell it. Being 14.5 it's a hard choice. If my brewery was in the basement, I'd probably keep it. And I am planning on trying to get it down there at some point... But when is the question.

So ya, I'm seriously torn.
Sell it.

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Or sell your ball locks and hire someone to walk your wort down the stairs.

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Or sell your ball locks and hire someone to walk your wort down the stairs.

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Hahaha... Man I feel like I could hire you to do all sorts of labor around my house and pay you in ball lock kegs.

Help me finish my yard, fire pit and outdoor living room, and paint my house and the 13 kegs are yours! That and free beer while you work, but only the low ABV stuff. :mug:
Lol ya big douche. I hate you (but it's a deal!)

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