Extract Vs. All grain

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Jan 15, 2006
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I am new to brewing and was just wondering how different the quality is when you use extract instead of doing the mash yourself? This sounds like it might be a common topic so Im sorry if this gets asked alot.
It's been a long time since I used extract, so I can't realistically copmpare quality, but I bought 25 KG of 2 row malt last weekend (enough for 7 or 8 brews).
It cost me $34.00.

Extract (in 3 lb bags) would have cost apprxomately $165.00

You can make super beers doing wth extract and specialty grains. It is much less time consuming but you are limited somewhat.

All-grain gives you the control to adjust the color pretty much exactly, to adjust fermentable sugars and mouthfeel.

It depends on what you want--but many people start extract brewing and can upgrade equipment quite cheaply to go to all-grain.

A definite advantage to extract brewing is if you are limited in space at all (apartment dweller) you can easily brew on the stovetop (3 gallons or so) and top up the batch with enough water in the fermenter to get 5 gallons.

I'm one of rare homebrewers that uses different methods of brewing depending on the style. I may use all extract for an IPA and focus on the hop profile. For browns, porters and stouts, I generally go all grain because these styles are very focused on grainy flavors. Some, like barley wines, I'll do mini-mashes, just because I don't have the capacity to do 20 lb. grain bills.

Sometimes, I'll use extract in a recipe, because I can't get the results I want consistantly using AG. Ales with big malt middles are elusive.

People make prize winning ales using all extracts and in the PNW, that's saying a lot.
Passload said:
I believe, IMHO better taste. Better control.

If you know what your doing. I believe extract is the way to go to begin and you could even seep grains which kinda puts you in a AG path. Have you read about the process of AG? I am starting to read up on it cause a lot of folks here has perked my interest, but it is a pretty involved process. I remember my first batch... I was worried about a lot of things.... to have begun with an AG I think I would have gotten a bit more frustrated then I had wanted.

Also remember you use all the same equiptment either method...you just add some more equipment when you do an AG.
I have a friend who brews extract with grains, and sometimes just extract, and his beers are fantastic. I know that I, personally, could not tell the difference between a well done extract and a well done AG beer. However, AG clearly gives you more latitude in the recipes you can brew and your control over adjusting the flavor, and if you're the type of person that makes pie crust instead of buying the shells, AG probably has an appeal.
There are so many new choices to make regarding recipe formulation. It's like being a kid in a candy store. :p

Plus you can control whether you want more or less non-fermntable sugars in your beer.

I started my first AG about a month or so ago and I'm already doing step mashes.

It's realy not the complicated, just time consuming. Though most of that is just waiting. Since you will be boiling the wort you don't have to be as anal about sanitation as the post boil side of brewing either.

Oh, and I rediscovered something I had read a long time ago and had forgotten about in Papizans "bible" about sour mash brewing vs adding bacteria to the post boil wort. Going to try that closer to spring.

Any body tried a lambic with some rye in it?
Hey Bloke, You can get really good results with just an extract, But they can improve outasite with a bit of extra grainy goodness. I only use tins cos I don't have the set up , Its quick , clean and tastes pretty good, (I've won two regional cpmps with extract based beers/ciders too)
Alx Rains said:
Hey Bloke, You can get really good results with just an extract, But they can improve outasite with a bit of extra grainy goodness. I only use tins cos I don't have the set up , Its quick , clean and tastes pretty good, (I've won two regional cpmps with extract based beers/ciders too)

Well, I did brew extract with specialty grains since '92 and just started AG at the very end of 2005... (though for 5 years I wasn't brewing due to small apts and roommates that thought the smell was to much.. wierdos!)

My best beer ever was an All extract Magnum IPA I made last fall. Any method and you can make great beers. And you can make some real flops too.. :)
i think you can brew good, quality brews w/ extract, as long as the ingredients are fresh, everything is cleaned/sanitized well, and the conditions are right for the fermentation. i think it all depends on the brewer, the time one wants to spend on the hobby, and the resources one has for the hobby wether one brews extract or all-grain. the last contest i entered was one by an all extract porter. mine was all-grain, scored a 37, but still.....
DeRoux's Broux said:
i think you can brew good, quality brews w/ extract, as long as the ingredients are fresh, everything is cleaned/sanitized well, and the conditions are right for the fermentation. i think it all depends on the brewer, the time one wants to spend on the hobby, and the resources one has for the hobby wether one brews extract or all-grain. the last contest i entered was one by an all extract porter. mine was all-grain, scored a 37, but still.....

Damn...37! Good job DeRoux.....

You said it well as far as extract goes too....I still say to this day, one of my best batches was an extract batch. Nothing wrong with extract, especially if you are new to the game.
Damn...37! Good job DeRoux.....

You said it well as far as extract goes too....I still say to this day, one of my best batches was an extract batch. Nothing wrong with extract, especially if you are new to the game.

yea, i was hacked! didn't even win a frigg'n door prize. i think i was the onlyone who didn't :mad:

i think my favoraite was an extract/grain batch too, Rye PA....kicked butt :drunk:
Nothing wrong with extract. Extract only is a little limited, but once you start steeping specialty grains, you're pretty much free to brew whatever.

AG allows the brewer more control, and I personally enjoy formulating recipes for AG more then I did with extract.

How well you can get your process down has a bigger impact on you beer then whether you brew with extract or AG, IMHO.
Yeah - the malt is just one piece of the puzzle. You can mix up steeping grains, hops and yeast to get an essentially unlimited variety of tastes and colors. I suggest, if you are new, staying more in the shallow end of the pool (extract) until you get some experience with basic techniques, then dive in the deep end if you still feel the urge.

Don't forget to use the best water you can get. And sanitize carefully!
Thanks for all the good advice. AND by the way ORRELSE... 'only cost a buck o fav' LOVE IT. It aint free... but its damn cheap.
all this jabber about AG vs. extract has me wanting to go retro and try a extract/specialty grains brew. been a while.....may be good w/ the cold/wet weather out......
DeRoux's Broux said:
all this jabber about AG vs. extract has me wanting to go retro and try a extract/specialty grains brew. been a while.....may be good w/ the cold/wet weather out......

Well, you'll probably be left wondering what to do with all the extra time left over on brew day. :)
Denny's Brew said:
Well, you'll probably be left wondering what to do with all the extra time left over on brew day. :)
Mow the grass, hang pictures, paint that room, go furniture shopping, move existing furniture...I'm starting to remember why I went AG and am considering trying a decoction... :p
BeeGee said:
Mow the grass, hang pictures, paint that room, go furniture shopping, move existing furniture...I'm starting to remember why I went AG and am considering trying a decoction... :p

oh yea! maybe i won't do the extract thing :D
thanks David 42 and BeeGee for reminding me.....:drunk: