Equally Obnoxious Hockey Trash Talk Thread, eh?

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Do you think he poses for the pictures so that his 'meaty portion' is dangling?

I bet he does, then he sends the pic's to Laverne and Shirley Sedin.

Holy sheet!!! That's the LAST time I crack a fifth of Jack on the first tee, I swear to god. Never again. More thoughts like that and I'm signing myself up for therapy.
You guys certainly fantasize a lot about MeatyPortion and his uhh... "Meaty Portion".
For some reason I doubt paul and cape are that far away from each other. In fact, they probably sit on each other while logging out and logging in, and then they log out/in online. All the while they are thinking about my body in a Bruins jersey. Man, never have I seen two guys get outed so quickly and definitively.
PTN is probably the sock puppet since Cape occasionally posts aboot making beer. I'm guessing he developed the PTN character to ask noob questions.

Either that or both personae are a nom de plume for some other masshole with multiple personalities.
She wouldnt take the pic would she?

Vancouver is acting quite childish. You hear Luongo's comments about the past two games? lmao

Refers to the Bruins wins as "luck".

Sorry bro, but scoring 12 goals on you over 2 games is a little more than "luck".
RMitch said:
Vancouver is acting quite childish. You hear Luongo's comments about the past two games? lmao

Refers to the Bruins wins as "luck".

Sorry bro, but scoring 12 goals on you over 2 games is a little more than "luck".

Um, did you even watch game 4? Look at each individual goal... there most certainly were horseshoes coming out of Boston's collective ass (figuratively, unlike Cape who is literally pulling horseshoes - and an assortment of other objects - out his ass, but that's entirely unrelated.) Not to mention some of the calls... e.g. the slashing penalty given to Sedin which NOBODY could possibly honestly support after watching the replay.

Game 3, Boston would have won with or without luck, although they still clearly have a leprechaun in their possession - hmmm... a TINY yet dirty, mischievous, unscrupulous, and annoying pest of a "man"? Must be Marchand. But the majority of goals were after the Canucks had already written the game off.

If the refs smarten up, the Bruins don't stand a chance in game 5.
The refs..

They got lucky...

The sun was in our eyes...

It was that time ofnthe month for the twins...

Jeeeeeesus. The pansyism runs deep with that organizations. Farking excuses excuses.
Um, did you even watch game 4? Look at each individual goal... there most certainly were horseshoes coming out of Boston's collective ass (figuratively, unlike Cape who is literally pulling horseshoes - and an assortment of other objects - out his ass, but that's entirely unrelated.) Not to mention some of the calls... e.g. the slashing penalty given to Sedin which NOBODY could possibly honestly support after watching the replay.

Game 3, Boston would have won with or without luck, although they still clearly have a leprechaun in their possession - hmmm... a TINY yet dirty, mischievous, unscrupulous, and annoying pest of a "man"? Must be Marchand. But the majority of goals were after the Canucks had already written the game off.

If the refs smarten up, the Bruins don't stand a chance in game 5.

Oh I agree...plenty of the goals Bruins have scored were absolute trash. But that is a problem on Vancouver's end, not Boston's.

And did you miss Thornton getting kicked out of Game 3 for no apparent reason? The calls have been going back and forth.
Um, did you even watch game 4? Look at each individual goal... there most certainly were horseshoes coming out of Boston's collective ass (figuratively, unlike Cape who is literally pulling horseshoes - and an assortment of other objects - out his ass, but that's entirely unrelated.) Not to mention some of the calls... e.g. the slashing penalty given to Sedin which NOBODY could possibly honestly support after watching the replay.

Game 3, Boston would have won with or without luck, although they still clearly have a leprechaun in their possession - hmmm... a TINY yet dirty, mischievous, unscrupulous, and annoying pest of a "man"? Must be Marchand. But the majority of goals were after the Canucks had already written the game off.

If the refs smarten up, the Bruins don't stand a chance in game 5.

Did YOU even watch games 3 and 4??? The supposedly best team and the most talented team, got totally dominated in every aspect of the game. I'll maybe give you game one, but game two could've gone either way and you we're lucky to get out of that game with a win, which would've put you down by two. I think the players in front of louongo are extremely nervous. Cape is dead on right, when he said the Canucks can't handle the physical play. They are scared to play this team. Where the Hell have the Sedin sisters, Kessler, Burrows been? They've been silent... The Canucks are 1-18 on the power play in this series. Didn't they have the best PP % in the NHL... Not to good.

If, and I say if Tim Thomas plays like he has played in the last three games, the Bruins are going to be hard to beat.
You better win tomorrow night, because if you don't, I think the B's win at home in 6. IMHO
Bruins just need to keep the front of the net clear. Thomas will stop 2 on 1 and breakaway shots all day...its when we got multiple Bruins and Canucks standing in front of him, blocking his view that he most frequently lets goals in.
The refs..

They got lucky...

The sun was in our eyes...

It was that time ofnthe month for the twins...

Jeeeeeesus. The pansyism runs deep with that organizations. Farking excuses excuses.

Not to mention the Canucks coach Alain Vigneault whining to the league about Timmy's goaltending. Stop crying and play the game...
Agreed. Lightning could turn the game around at the drop of a hat. It was all a matter of how quick they wanted to drive the puck. With Vancouver, not so much.
Hey I post about making beer all the time, but unlike you dbags I don't need to ask 500 times "is this batch ruined?".

I've ruined enough batches over the years that I know right away when one is spoiled. I put those aside for a few years to develop the funkification. Then I get back online to share my wisdom with the rest of you foos. You can thank me later.
I hate the sense of entitlement hockey fans from Canada have about the Cup. Far too many of them act like its their birth right. That is why I will always cheer for the American team in the finals, even if it means cheering for the Pens, Devils, or Rangers (as a Flyers fan).

Go Boston!
I started out rooting for Boston, because a friend is from there. Then when they actually started playing, I switched to Vacouver because my wife took Boston (we always root against each other in the big games!)

Now I'm thinking Boston has got it going on! The past few games have been fun. Always nice to see some physical play.
It's impossible to separate violence from hockey, and the Bruins play exceptionally dirty.

How was that?

I anticipated disagreement, but to call my assertion asinine and outrageous is actually pretty ironic. I never said that the Bruins were the sole and exclusive offenders - in fact, like you, I explicitly stated that both teams were part of the problem. But there are obviously only two teams in a game, and since it's pretty unlikely from a practical standpoint for both teams to contribute to the problem exactly equally, one of the teams DOES have to be the majority contributor to the problem, and suggesting that it's Vancouver is beyond delusional.

Don't wiffle waffle. You said that the Bruins have played exceptionally dirty, not just the majority.

Further, these games would hardly be chippy if Burrows hadn't bit Bergeron in game 1, if Lapierre hadn't taunted Bergeron in a classless manner in game 2 (I know that Recchi and Lucic both responded during game 3 - key word 'responded') or if Rome hadn't illegally and cheaply knocked out a very important player from the Bruins line up for the rest of the series.

It all comes down to the classic question: What comes first? The egg or the scrambled egg? Because in this case Vancouver laid the egg and the Bruins have beat the crap out of it since.

Look for this to continue tonight (the Bruins domination, I mean).
Hey I post about making beer all the time, but unlike you dbags I don't need to ask 500 times "is this batch ruined?".

I've ruined enough batches over the years that I know right away when one is spoiled. I put those aside for a few years to develop the funkification. Then I get back online to share my wisdom with the rest of you foos. You can thank me later.

WTF? Looks like PTN got lost somewhere. Not surprising. :p

Bruins lay the wood again tonight.
Vancouver is a bunch of pansies who like to flop and ***** and moan if they don't get the calls (I've known that all year). Boston is a dirty bunch of dbags who will do whatever it takes to win the Cup (I don't watch the East much so I just learned that recently). Boston isn't angry over the bite, I don't buy that, but they are certainly using it everytime they get in a fight to taunt Burrows. The Rome hit was late but not dirty, keep your effin' head up. I'll tell you it is really hard to root for anyone in this series and the last two games have been a trainwreck and bastardization of the game of hockey. I don't think the officials (by that I mean Bettman) will allow that in any game played on network television in the states. For that reason, I see a lot of cheap penalties tonight and the physical play of the Bruins to be watched very carefully leading to a Canucks victory. Of course, if Luongo chokes again nothing can save them. By the way, I don't see how the Cup is a god given right to Canadians when they haven't won it in 18 years. I drink coffee in the morning but a little whiskey in it never hurts. That's my 2 cents you can now return to your insults and homophobia.:fro:
LOL... NO idea why it is blocked at work but the Toronto Sun article on "Fickle Canucks Fans Turn on Their Heroes" is beautiful....

and I quote:

"The Canucks are a thoroughly unlikable team, what with the biting and diving and Maxim Lapierre and those two 'men' prancing around in green tights"

BWAAAAAA HAHAHAHAH!!! Even Canadians are talking about what pansy floppers they are!!!

"One Canuck-themed items on sale in the store is the Gnome Bank. Maybe it's me, but the Gnome, with his reddish beard and impish smile, looks a lot like Henrik Sedin. Actually, the Gnome looks tougher."
