Equally Obnoxious Hockey Trash Talk Thread, eh?

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jtkratzer said:
I can't stand Idiot Eddie. Milburry's not much better and Doc sounds like he's having a stroke or heart attack anytime the puck gets near a goalie. And then there's Pierre...he's almost tolerable.

I miss the Gary Thorne days of ESPN broadcasting games.

Doc's hilarious. I keep waiting for him to have a heart attack on a routine save.
I dont think semin will get as good of deal elsewhere. Very overrated imo and very inconsistent on a game to game basis
Seems that is due to a lack of competition. How many times is he retracting his comments these days. Quote" I'm just going to stop giving stats and concentrate on this offensive zone face off." They retired his number this year. That's like naming a memorial to you before you die.
Looks like Hunter's stepped down as Caps coach. So who knows what next season will be like...

I'm no Hunter fan, in fact I dislike him A LOT due to his play (as a player). However, giving up a big time NHL coaching job for family reasons (for real, as in to be with his family) brings him up a bunch of notches in my book.
emjay said:
8 shots to 6 in the first. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz...

I was happy. Not sure how the Devils only had 6 shots though, thought they carried the play. LA had 48 shots last night, didn't seem like it to me.
No score yet, but if the game so far is any indication of how the series is going to go, the Rangers are in serious trouble.
emjay said:
No score yet, but if the game so far is any indication of how the series is going to go, the Rangers are in serious trouble.

That's what I was thinking, but I can't. Don't wanna jinx. The Ranger fans suck, maybe it's so dark in there they can't even see the game?
sivdrinks said:
That's what I was thinking, but I can't. Don't wanna jinx. The Ranger fans suck, maybe it's so dark in there they can't even see the game?

Ironically, it seems like the Rangers are just not prepared for a really strong Devils forecheck (man that feels weird to type!)

Also, Girardi is looking like a total liability out there. Heck, he very nearly put the puck in his own net trying to make a pass between a Devil's legs.
That's what I was thinking, but I can't. Don't wanna jinx. The Ranger fans suck, maybe it's so dark in there they can't even see the game?

It's called a "theatre like" atmosphere. What better way to watch them administer new a-holes to every team that enters...........
Well, that's likely the game.

Definitely can't count NJ out of the series though.
Northjerzyg said:
It's called a "theatre like" atmosphere. What better way to watch them administer new a-holes to every team that enters...........

Do you go to these types of "theatres" often?
My god! What poor sports!!! I realize most of your teams are out, but don't randomly bash a team that sticks to their game plan from the get go. Where was that "domination on the boards"??? Not in our house. Not tonight.
Don't be cry babies. This is a feeling-out process. Game one. That's all. Match ups are developing. They were 2 GREAT GOALS! Cheer for a 19 year old kid that took the puck and ran with it.
By the way-- the Rangers were number one contenders from day one of this season.
ColbyJack said:
My god! What poor sports!!! I realize most of tour teams are out, but don't randomly bash a team that sticks to there game plan from the get go. Where was that "domination on the boards"??? Not in our house. Not tonight.
Don't be cry babies. This is a feeling out process. Game one. That's all. Match ups are developing. They were 2 GREAT GOALS! Cheer for a 19 year old kid that took the puck and ran with it.
By the way-- the Rangers were number one contenders from day one of this season.

Relax, friend... ONE New Jersey fan talking a relatively tiny amount of shìt *in a shìt-talking thread* - BEFORE ANYBODY EVEN SCORED A GOAL - and you're calling people poor sports? Please point out specific posts, as the only poor sport I can see right now is you.
MJ, no disrespect meant. None at all.

I get so angry by silly statistics like shots on goal. The Rags blocked 18 shots tonight. I love it. Why weren't Doc, Eddie, and Pierre smoking our pole for laying down in the shooting lanes??? I can't stand one sided commentating. And one of these guys won a cup with New York. I have no delusions that NYR are the best team in the playoffs right now, but I love that they haven't changed much all season, and keep succeeding.
There was a lot of clean play today. Marty had the best save I've seen in a LONG time.

I LOVE THIS GAME!!! I get way too wrapped up in hockey!!! Just ask SWMBO!!! I've been a NYR fan for no reason for a long time. It just happens that these last few years the NYR play hockey like I think it should be played.
Ok, Torts is a cun't, Brodeur was awesome, New Jersey has no offense. It may go five.....


This is actually what set me off. Tortorela is a Stanley Cup coach. I, for one, love the fact that he will climb the glass to hose an unruly fan!!! haha that sh*t was great. I was giggling like a school girl when he called the linesman over to discuss why he couldn't change his guys that had been out there for 1:30. Of course, Debbie fans were probably frothing at the mouth. It was clearly a strategy deal, not ignorance. I thought for sure we were headed to overtime after 2 periods.

Go Rangers!!!
ColbyJack said:
MJ, no disrespect meant. None at all.

I get so angry by silly statistics like shots on goal. The Rags blocked 18 shots tonight. I love it.

The shots statistic was only brought up because it reflected how I felt about the game up until that point (1st intermission) - not much going on at all, IMO. It wasn't a dig at either team, as I'm pretty neutral regarding this series and the Devils had even less shots. When I don't particularly care which team wins, I tend to find myself rooting for the underdog, but I really didn't feel as emotionally invested as I usually would, probably because NYR is a respectable team playing clean and solid hockey, and NJ has had their share of recent successes.

And it's definitely not about my team being out or having been knocked out by the Rangers... the Leafs weren't anywhere close to the playoffs. In fact, the other team I followed and rooted for most of the season was the Canucks, and they got blown away by LA, and anyone that's been paying attention knows I'm crazy about the Kings right now, so my feelings towards a particular team clearly have nothing to do with resentment towards teams that beat my team(s).

ColbyJack said:
Why weren't Doc, Eddie, and Pierre smoking our pole for laying down in the shooting lanes??? I can't stand one sided commentating. And one of these guys won a cup with New York.
Wouldn't know about that - as I mentioned earlier, we have different commentators for the Canadian broadcasts. They certainly aren't homers for either of these American teams. But even the neutral Canadian commentators talked about how New Jersey dominated most of the game. And having watched the whole thing myself, I agreed... just because your American commentators might be biased doesn't mean they were wrong... that's pretty much what went down.

Doesn't really matter though - the only thing that matters at all right now is a "W"... whether you do it in a dominating fashion or in a similar manner to how Homer Simpson wins boxing matches, that's the ONLY thing that matters. That the Rangers are doing so while keeping their hockey clean and respectable (unlike the Bruins last year, for example) is all the better.

ColbyJack said:
I have no delusions that NYR are the best team in the playoffs right now
Oh come on, that would hardly be a delusion. There's 4 teams left, and NYR is one of only two that are winning. They had the best season out of any of the teams remaining, and last I checked (after conference semifinals finished), Vegas had them favored to win the Cup, albeit tied with LA.

You could say NY is the best team in the playoffs with a straight face, and without sounding ignorant and stupid, and anybody who dismisses that opinion as such would instead be the ignorant/stupid one. Don't sell your team short by calling it a delusion... I may disagree with the opinion that the Rangers are the best team right now, but I'd still have to respect it.

ColbyJack said:
the NYR play hockey like I think it should be played.
That's exactly how I feel about the Kings right now... and since a short bit after Darryl Sutter took over, really.

Again, very impressed with the dialogue in this awesome thread.
I too am a Canucks fan. Really bummed with that outcome, but not with the way it happened. The Kings are a force right now. The Rangers are not. They are both winning, but how many 7 game series' can a team go through? I wonder what the stats are on that??? JT where are you?????? I was really sad to see Toronto have so many problems this year. They remind me of the Caps this year: couldn't keep a goalie healthy. Forgive me, what was your awesome goalie's name this year? Got a head injury or something? Was it Reimer??? He was badass, and the team was rallying around him.
I can appreciate the stark difference from coast to coast. No matter who wins these series', it will be interesting to see which style prevails.
Colby Jack
Being from PA I won't take the shut I normally would if NJ loses to NY like I would've if they lost to Philly so I'm pretty happy already. Being a Devils fan I know that taking out both teams in the same playoff year is monumental. I think the Devils were the better team last night, doesn't matter cause they couldn't score. I'm hoping the Rangers get tired and the Devils get the odd man rushes so they can shoot at just one goalie. I do respect Lundqvist, I think his chest protector is oversized but he's still very good. Not sure if Torts is a **** or not but he's definitely a cry baby, like an uneducated fan that thinks everything is a penalty. This is fun thread, let's not get too serious because after all, none of us are actually playing. Or are we?
I heard the american broadcast and I didn't think they were biased at all. You can hate that crew if you want but they call games more even than any other crew I can think of. People just get so used to their home feed, which is always biased, that they're angry when the opposing team gets some love. As far as Torts goes, he's always whining even when the call is obvious.

Here's your stat about game 7s since they wouldn't shut up about it last series. No team has ever played 2 7 game series' in the first 2 rounds and won a Stanley Cup. Lastly, stats are facts, how could a fact make you so angry?
rjwhite41 said:
I heard the american broadcast and I didn't think they were biased at all. You can hate that crew if you want but they call games more even than any other crew I can think of. People just get so used to their home feed, which is always biased, that they're angry when the opposing team gets some love. As far as Torts goes, he's always whining even when the call is obvious.

Here's your stat about game 7s since they wouldn't shut up about it last series. No team has ever played 2 7 game series' in the first 2 rounds and won a Stanley Cup. Lastly, stats are facts, how could a fact make you so angry?

Because Torts is a manchild.
Not over yet but that certainly sparked the Rags. Hafta see how many games the Queen wins them.

The way I see it, both goalies were awesome!! However, Mcdonaugh had a big part in keeping the shutout. Also, the Rangers offense found a way to get a couple by MAAAAARTY,
Debbies didn't. That doesn't sound to me like the Queen won the game for us, more like a well rounded TEAM effort.

The EXORCISM has begun!!!!!!!

LET'S GO RANGERS!!!!!!!!!!!
This is actually what set me off.

I have no dog in this fight, but EVERY time the camera is on him, does he have to make that whiny wincey face? Jesus, act like a man if you're going to coach hockey.

And when did the Rangers move to Alaska??
wildwest450 said:
And when did the Rangers move to Alaska??

Huh? Not sure if that's a jab or not. Since we obviously don't have a professional team in any sport, we have an incredibly diverse fan base here. Going to the bar or any given Sunday looks like draft day. You'll see jerseys worn from every team in the league.
I started following the Rangers in the '80s because nobody else liked them up here. They all loved the Redwings and Oilers back then. Then Scott Gomez came around, and everyone has jumped from team to team with him.
Devils had plenty of chances last night. Not sure if New Jersey led any stat last night. Find it funny that you guys think they were the better team. They got crushed in faceoffs.
You can bet your ass they will be working on faking a slap shot!!!
ColbyJack said:
Devils had plenty of chances last night. Not sure if New Jersey led any stat last night. Find it funny that you guys think they were the better team. They got crushed in faceoffs.
You can bet your ass they will be working on faking a slap shot!!!

The game I watched had them controling the puck and most of that time it was spent in the Rags end of the ice. Marty only had a couple of tough saves to makes.