Earliest Time it is "Acceptable" to drink on brew day...

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I know this is all tongue in cheek and that all of you are responsible drinkers who understand that more than 2 a day isn't healthy. Right?

Oh wait you said more than two, I figure 2 a day is pretty much my daily dose of B vitamins. :mug:
This is what's awesome about working nights. Drinking in the morning is acceptable, drinking at 5pm on the weekends is also alright. No hard and fast rule applies.

I think sample glasses of no more than 6oz at a time are good on brew days, one at mash time, one or two during boil, one during cooling and one after pitching. Of course, there is no rule to this either. Drink when you wanna, as long as you arent driving.
robtotten, I am with you. There is something about noon with me that say's enough time has passed.
If it is pre-noon then I drink out of the little 4oz'er from world beer festival. After noon it's on!
WooHoo #100
On my brew weekends I usually start drinking about the time I get thirsty. This method works for me very well since by the time I pitch yeast the beer gods have been appeased.
If you have have to put a time constraint on your drinking, you may have a problem.

I say open your eyes, whenever you wake up, and enjoy if you like.

Unless you have a problem of course.

Was wondering this morning as I am waiting for my mash to finish up...It is 1030 AM, I am brewing and feel like having a homebrew. What is the earliest you guys will dirnk on a brew day?!

I look at it this way.

I'm a responsible adult who happens to like beer, and if I want to have a beer at any particular time, It shouldn't matter to me.... and it don't.
So here it is, brew day. I doughed in my robust porter at 8 am, bottled my Bell's Two-Hearted clone during the mash, pitched the yeast at noon and had it all cleaned up and put away at 1. Tended to the bees, did some lawn work, watched the overtime period of the Butler/Gators game and walked the dogs. Still haven't opened a brew and it's almost thirteen hours since dough-in. Is THAT acceptable?!?
So here it is, brew day. I doughed in my robust porter at 8 am, bottled my Bell's Two-Hearted clone during the mash, pitched the yeast at noon and had it all cleaned up and put away at 1. Tended to the bees, did some lawn work, watched the overtime period of the Butler/Gators game and walked the dogs. Still haven't opened a brew and it's almost thirteen hours since dough-in. Is THAT acceptable?!?

...you tend to bees?
I do. I keep bees. Harvest some honey. Eat alot of it, gift more of it, and brew a bit of mead.
So here it is, brew day. I doughed in my robust porter at 8 am, bottled my Bell's Two-Hearted clone during the mash, pitched the yeast at noon and had it all cleaned up and put away at 1. Tended to the bees, did some lawn work, watched the overtime period of the Butler/Gators game and walked the dogs. Still haven't opened a brew and it's almost thirteen hours since dough-in. Is THAT acceptable?!?

It is on the edge of acceptability. Right where it should be.
So here it is, brew day. I doughed in my robust porter at 8 am, bottled my Bell's Two-Hearted clone during the mash, pitched the yeast at noon and had it all cleaned up and put away at 1. Tended to the bees, did some lawn work, watched the overtime period of the Butler/Gators game and walked the dogs. Still haven't opened a brew and it's almost thirteen hours since dough-in. Is THAT acceptable?!?

I personally have no idea how you didn't open a brew. I couldn't have made it without one.:mug:
I once had a case of Guinness for breakfast with 2 friends. The case was finished off by 9am. Granted this was a long time ago and I was a lot youger and dumber but I think you can drink anytime you feel like it. I also agree that it's a must to be drinking something while you brew. How else are you going to make mistakes if your sober?

I think the earliest I've started drinking beer is 6am. Don't judge me, monkey!

my dear old Great Grampa had a saying..............

It's hard to drink all day if you don't start first thing in the morning.:mug:
I enjoy the beauty of a fine spring morning, as the sun rises and begins to warm the evening's chill from the air, but I have found that it pairs particularly well with a beer.
I enjoy the beauty of a fine spring morning, as the sun rises and begins to warm the evening's chill from the air, but I have found that it pairs particularly well with a beer.

Thank you son you have made my beer drinking/brewing day.
I start brewing usually by 8am and I always pop one open once my boil starts. The smell is too infectious not have one. Just pour a stout into a coffee mug and tell the wife and kiddo it's coffee ; )
After 2 brews it has become a tradition for me to drink tasteless 2.8 abv lager once the boil starts.
And when the yeast is pitched i RDWHAHB.
That's F'd up... Are you being punished for something? I'd rather drink water than that swill...

Sometimes they have it on sale, ~1$ for six tall boys, so I just fill up my inventory and so far it has been at the same time as brewing.
Usually I go for the same thing but with 3.5 abv, it's a lifestyle.
Sometimes they have it on sale, ~1$ for six tall boys, so I just fill up my inventory and so far it has been at the same time as brewing.
Usually I go for the same thing but with 3.5 abv, it's a lifestyle.

Wow... I think my mash tun would be pissed off at me if I put that little amount of grain into it... Even a 10 gallon batch would look like almost nothing... Well, actually, it would be closer to MY normal ABV brew grain bill. :D I normally do about 12-15# of grain in a 'normal' 5 gallon batch. I'd rather drink less pints of stronger/full flavored brew, than two or three times as many of a lower strength brew. I sometimes think of making something in the ~5% range, but it always seems to come out stronger. :D
Wow... I think my mash tun would be pissed off at me if I put that little amount of grain into it... Even a 10 gallon batch would look like almost nothing... Well, actually, it would be closer to MY normal ABV brew grain bill. :D I normally do about 12-15# of grain in a 'normal' 5 gallon batch. I'd rather drink less pints of stronger/full flavored brew, than two or three times as many of a lower strength brew. I sometimes think of making something in the ~5% range, but it always seems to come out stronger. :D

Not sure we're on the same page here, or how grain amounts came into discussion but my brews so far have been around 10-11 lb for ~4 gallon.

My traditional brewing drink while boiling/cooling:

Altough thats the 3.5 version, but the 2.8 tastes just as little.
I have standards about how much I drink. I don't even drink every day. Sometimes, however, I will drink early. Beer goes well with pancakes as another poster already suggested, and it goes with brewing beer.

Of course one should be responsible too...don't drink so much that you wont be able to function and drop a carboy on yourself or burn something while boiling.
A beer in the morning can be a beautiful thing. I think our culture has some pretty arbitrary standards when it comes to acceptable use of alcohol. To me it's less about the time of day and more about how you treat the alcohol in general. There are appropriate times to drink and inappropriate times to drink and those times have little to do with the rotation of the earth on its axis and a lot to do with where and why you're drinking. Just my $0.02.
A beer in the morning can be a beautiful thing. I think our culture has some pretty arbitrary standards when it comes to acceptable use of alcohol. To me it's less about the time of day and more about how you treat the alcohol in general. There are appropriate times to drink and inappropriate times to drink and those times have little to do with the rotation of the earth on its axis and a lot to do with where and why you're drinking. Just my $0.02.

A glass of a modest ABV breakfast stout would go great with so many things... I really do need to brew one of those soon, so that I can at least enjoy it on the weekends. :D
Golddiggie said:
A glass of a modest ABV breakfast stout would go great with so many things... I really do need to brew one of those soon, so that I can at least enjoy it on the weekends. :D

I like that idea. You could use oatmeal and/or maple in it to legitimize it's use as a breakfast item. Has anyone made a bacon beer before? Hmmm... :D
I like that idea. You could use oatmeal and/or maple in it to legitimize it's use as a breakfast item. Has anyone made a bacon beer before? Hmmm... :D

There's a coffee bacon stout recipe out there... I don't have the link handy, but I've read the site... Could be good... Personally, I'd rather EAT the bacon than drink it... I don't need breakfast in a glass... :D

Now, a nice chocolate coffee cream stout... mmmmmmmm WITH a nice stack of pancakes, bacon and sausages... I can almost hear my arteries clogging now, but it would be worth it.. Die with a smile on your face, and foam on your upper lip. :rockin: :ban:
Golddiggie said:
There's a coffee bacon stout recipe out there... I don't have the link handy, but I've read the site... Could be good... Personally, I'd rather EAT the bacon than drink it... I don't need breakfast in a glass... :D

Yeah, meat flavored beer might be where I have to draw the line. Not that I wouldn't taste it given the opportunity.
The earliest I have a drink (brewday or not) is when a beer or other drink sounds better than the alternative. I think arbitrary times defining you as a drunk are dumb and refuse to abide them. Sometimes I drink right when I get up. Most weekends I am having a radlermaß or a beer before noon. I don't like soda, juice is expensive and I drink it much to fast, and I can't drink coffee all day. When a beer sounds good, I have a beer.

-I didn't read any of this thread...

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