Don't Do That.

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Mow weeds in natural area in shorts before checking for yellow jacket ground nests. Found one! or rather they found me. One crawled up the back of my shorts...Don't do that.

Saturday night I hooked the Brew Kettle up near the nest and piped 8 gal of boiling water into the hole while having a couple of IPAs to dull the pain on my butt. Seems to have done the trick. Do that.
Or do like my uncle did with digger wasps. Find the hole, pour gasoline down it & toss a match on it. They burn their wings trying to fly out after you. I like the guys that pour molten aluminum down the hole & then use it as art sculpture.
Mow weeds in natural area in shorts before checking for yellow jacket ground nests. Found one! or rather they found me. One crawled up the back of my shorts...Don't do that.

Saturday night I hooked the Brew Kettle up near the nest and piped 8 gal of boiling water into the hole while having a couple of IPAs to dull the pain on my butt. Seems to have done the trick. Do that.

After reading these last few posts ive come to the conclusion that stinging insects do not like home brewers!! Saturday while cleaning up my gear, i got stung by 2 bees and today around 9 am i was stung about 8 times by yellow jackets. Four in the back of the head, once in the forehead, once on my jaw, my left shoulder and my right love handle. Good think im not allergic...

Or do like my uncle did with digger wasps. Find the hole, pour gasoline down it & toss a match on it. They burn their wings trying to fly out after you. I like the guys that pour molten aluminum down the hole & then use it as art sculpture.
After reading these last few posts ive come to the conclusion that stinging insects do not like home brewers!! Saturday while cleaning up my gear, i got stung by 2 bees and today around 9 am i was stung about 8 times by yellow jackets. Four in the back of the head, once in the forehead, once on my jaw, my left shoulder and my right love handle. Good think im not allergic...

Don't brew at erick0619's house.

Don't do that.
After reading these last few posts ive come to the conclusion that stinging insects do not like home brewers!! Saturday while cleaning up my gear, i got stung by 2 bees and today around 9 am i was stung about 8 times by yellow jackets. Four in the back of the head, once in the forehead, once on my jaw, my left shoulder and my right love handle. Good think im not allergic...

Methinks it's time to take the war to their doorstep!...or is that hivestep?
Was working on misfire problem with a heavy revolver. Stepped out on the deck and fired three quick rounds.

Forgot the ear muffs.

Don't do that.
Get out all bottling equipment, boil priming sugar, boil bottling spigot, mix sanitizer, run bottles through a 2.5 hour sanitize cycle, THEN open up your fermentor to realize that you forgot to dry hop the IPA you were preparing to bottle.

Don't do that.

Now I have two batches that are a week behind schedule. :mad:
one of my friends and his old rodeo partner made an O2/Acetylene bomb with a construction grade trash bag. don't do that.

Why didn't you tell me that when I was 12 ?
By the way.. gripping the trash bag on the torch tip while the bag fills can make small static sparks. Who knew.
I had a friend at uni who once got drunk and admitted she got a thrill from "hiding" chilies about her person. Quite literally, don't do that.
Place graduated cylinder with hot wort and hydrometer in freezer. Forget it about for 24 hours. Don't do that

Proceed to pull out only the skinny end of the hydrometer from the mostly frozen wort. Definitely don't do that
Putting your Pre-chiller in a cooler full of ice only, about 15 minutes before you need to use it. the water that is still in the coils will then freeze solid, and no water will flow when you need to use it and you'll be befuddled for 5 minutes.

Don't do that.
Eh? Don't get it. Why are you taking gravity readings hot?
Was using whole leaf hops, so I changed my process and kept basket in with boil and reused my BIAB bag (after emptying and rinsing) as a hop sack (I had run out of regular hop sacks). I kept the flame low to avoid boilovers and missed OG by a bunch. Good thing I checked before pitching or I would have ended up with watery 3.2 ABV ale.
Ahhh that makes more sense. I read your post and thought you were re-boiling to get the wort hot enough to take a gravity reading. Getting the wrong end of the stick, don't do that!
Was working on misfire problem with a heavy revolver. Stepped out on the deck and fired three quick rounds.

Forgot the ear muffs.

Don't do that.

Ouch. I forgot to put my plugs in once before a round of IDPA, and even with a just a 9mm, the concussions made me a little dizzy.
Make jalapeño poppers without gloves and then put contact lens in... Don't Do THAT
Making a spicy chicken dish and decide to add jalapenos from the garden. Wash hands. Take a leak. Wash hands. Moments later notice the "little man" is getting kinda warm. Don't do that. Wash hands repeatedly. End of the night, wash hands, remove contacts. Don't do that. Next morning, install contact. One eye burns and turns beet red. Don't do that. Learn a lesson about the persistency of capsaisin the hard way.
Drop a bottle of Fermcap on the kitchen tile. Clean up glass and liquid, but say "I'll just mop later." Forget about mopping. Come cruising into the kitchen later with socks on and skate into the stove. Don't do that.
I clean my MLT (aside from dump and rinse) maybe every 15-20 brews. No need to do it any more often than that. Grains are full of dirt and bugs (both insect and bacteria).

Wasting PBW. Don't do that.
Rip the trash bag full of wet grains on its way into the trash can, releasing all if it's contents into the bottom of a just emptied trash can a week before the next trash pickup in the middle of August. That s#!t got nasty.

Don't do that.
Solder in your underwear. Preferably on a guitar that rests on your lap. Don´t do that. Turns out 350C is hot, even though solder looses its temperature quickly.

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