Different fermentation experience..

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
Tempe, AZ
I brewed up a batch Friday and experienced something different than I ever had in the past. Wanted to run it by you all and see what the story may be.

Here is the recipe I used.

12 lbs Pale Malt (2 Row)
1.25 Crystal 60
.5 oz magnum @ 60
.5 oz Pearle @ 30
1.0 oz Cascade @ 10
2.0 oz Cascade @ Flame out

Wyeast 1056 American Ale

This is an attempt at a SNPA Clone.

Mashed 16.5 qts ended up mashing at 155.5 for 60 mins..

Batch sparged 4.2 gals and ended up with what I had planned.. 6.5 gallons, boiled down to 5.5 gallons.

Chilled with the IC

OG ended up at 1.060

I pitched one smack pack with no starter. It swelled but not as much as they have in the past. I then cut the smack pack open and one of the little packets inside was not broken. I cut it open and dumped it in the carboy as well.

The only other thing I did was strained the wort while going into the Carboy (I don't think this was the beer I wanted to do this with after the fact.)

So fermentation....

Woke up Sat morning and everything was chugging/ churning away as expected. Sunday night still some krausen but not as violent. Today.. pretty much done, no krausen.

I am going to give it a couple days then take a sample.

Was I not right to make a starter with this being a bit of a higher gravity beer? That un broken little pouch was just yeast nutrient correct?

I ended up getting out of work early unexpectedly and decided to brew so this was a last minute thing.

I will let it do its thing but was just curious as to what you guys think..


yes, its always best to make a starter with liquid yeast - you can do a search on here, you'll find lots of discussion about it.

as for your fermentation, even if the krausen has fallen, I'd let it sit at least a week or two before taking a reading and/or moving it to secondary. lots of folks don't move to secondary at all, keep it in primary for three or more weeks.
yeah I have been leaving them sit in the primary my last 4 or 5 batches. I am pleased with those results.

Since I went to all grain I have been sticking to lower gravity brews and trying to duplicate some of the better extract recipes I have enjoyed.

I have used this yeast in the past and I remember it fermenting much slower and more mellow. (lower original gravity and extract)

This went nuts for about 30 sumptin hours then puttered out of steam.

Time will tell I rekkon. I am sure I will have beer in the end.
here is a pic just cause people like to look at pics.


Apfelwine in the back, Honey Blonde in the plastic, and the beer in question up front.
Not sure if anyone was worried about this lame thread but...

I snuck in there and took a sample..

fermented down to 1.013...

another reason to just relax and let the beer do its thing. tasted awesome!! prolly one of my personal best. IMO

its funny how when you think things have gone wrong they usually turn out just fine in the end.

its been about two weeks in the primary, going to give it another two weeks, cold crash then keg it up.

just an update.

thanks for all your help forum wide.

Yeah, most of the time the yeast will just take care of everything while we look on, worrying. I was a little nervous that my latest batch (1.093 OG) was going to have trouble getting down to FG, but the WLP001 was hungry and made short work of it...actually got down to a couple points lower than I expected.

Glad to hear yours turned out.

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