Can the wife make a starter and pitch?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2011
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From an earlier thread of mine.... had some yeast that are done broke and got in contact with Austin Home Brew about it and they shipped me out some new yeast (and promptly I might add!). Will get here tomorrow, but I will be up in the hills camping. Sooooooooooooo, I was thinking of having the wife make a starter and pitch the yeast while I am gone. She has no experience with home brew other than complaining when it takes longer than she thinks it should.

Bad idea?

The other idea is just to wait until I get home on sunday and do it myself. How long is too long to let yeast sit at room temp before making a starter?
If she has any cooking skills, she can make a starter. As long as you correctly explain how to sanitize everything.

It all depends on who is worst. Your ability at giving good directions that a novice can follow. Or her ability to follow those directions.

+1 to what Gameface said.
why not just have her pitch the yeast as is?

if I would have made a starter in the first place.... I wouldn't be in this mess (would have know the yeast were dead), so I am not going to pitch without a starter this time.

I am pretty good at giving directions and would probably get everything set up (as much as I could), but from talking to Austin Home Brew.... it sounds like my wort will be just fine for up to a week as long as everything is sanitized (which it is). Probably just have her stick it in the fridge and do this when i get home.

And come to think of it... after someone mentioned cooking..... this would be a bad idea to have her do this. She is not so great at following directions.
given this wort has been sitting in a sanitized fermenter since monday night.... should I re-aerate before pitching? or is that taking too much of a risk with sanitation (I would just pour back and forth between sanitized buckets).?
I work in IT and I get questions similar to this all of the time. "Do you think I can do it myself?" Usually the answer is, "If you have to ask, then no."

I am in IT too, so I know what you are talking about.... To me, this seems like a very simple thing (making a starter and pitching), but wanted to see if any of you guys have had the wife do something like this.
It all depends who your wife is. Is she mentally handicapped? Even if she is, she could likely do it right. Does she what to do it? This is the more important question, and you've hinted at the answer being; no or maybe more of a "yeah, I guess, if I have to".
It's not hard if you care to do it right. Why not ask her and see if she wants to, rather than asking a bunch of drunks on the internet. If she is at all interested in doing it; great. If she has no interest but would do it grudgingly as a favor, then maybe you should just do it your self.
Why not ask her and see if she wants to, rather than asking a bunch of drunks on the internet.

lol.... I like your style... unfortunately my wife doesn't do what I tell her when I tell her to do it, so I guess I would have to ask her to do it :)

I am kinda new around here, so instead of asking another "how do I improve my efficiency" question.... thought I would throw out a "would you trust your wife to do something important in the brewing process" type question hoping to get
a) real answers
2) funny stories
iii) some information that i haven't thought of
4) possibly ease some fears by getting back a bunch of "heck yeah... wife helps do this kinda stuff all the big deal" answers
my vote is to do it yourself. My wife is a great cook, but she couldn't care less about my homebrew, so I dont know if she would have everything in to it.
We don't know anything about your wife, so we can't really make any judgment on how she'd do if asked to make up a batch of yeast.
Why not make the starter yourself, put it in the fridge and when your stuff arrives ask your wife to take the thing out of the fridge and pour the yeast in after shaking it up. Put the cap on and you are done.

Even if she doesn't do it, forget whatever, you still have a mess of wort to quickly do a starter on your own.
Why not make the starter yourself, put it in the fridge and when your stuff arrives ask your wife to take the thing out of the fridge and pour the yeast in after shaking it up. Put the cap on and you are done.

Even if she doesn't do it, forget whatever, you still have a mess of wort to quickly do a starter on your own.

that's not a bad idea... pretty hard to mess that up.
No way in hell I would trust my wife to do such a thing. Just like if she asked you to pick out a pair of shoes for her to wear so you go to the closet and grab the closest ones, there shoes right! But of course she didn't want those shoes. But in this case its not as easy as returning the infected batch of wort to the closet and grabbing another batch of wort. Yes I am rambling, and I have not even started drinking.