Are you brave enough to bring your spouse?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2008
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In this thread, Dpdawg made a post, and his missus registered and made a follow up post. I dunno, I just thought it was very refreshing to see and added a new dimension to that thread. Our spouses have a LOT to put up with from us brewers, and it was nice to see a spouse involved.

Do YOU have the testicular fortitude to tell your spouse to register and post in this thread? Maybe they could start a "Brewer widow's support" thread of their own! :D

I'll admit right now that I don't have the nuts to do it. I talk too much carp on here that I don't need her to see. Maybe, though some of you peeps could introduce the other halves just for sh1tz and giggles. I know there a million reasons this is a bad idea, but then ALL my ideas are bad. :)

Disclaimer: This is a genuine thread, not a cheap attempt to try and cop a feel of other peoples spouses.

Disclaimer: This is a genuine thread, not a cheap attempt to try and cop a feel of other peoples spouses.
I just noticed this and am now not only opposed to your idea, but deeply suspicious of it.

You got me. I just wanted to feel other member's people.....Or other people's members.

I get confused easily these days. Can we get some ladies in here? I promise not to touch them much! :(
I'm not worried what my wife would think of what I post here.... I'm more worried about what she would think of the crowd I "hang out" with.
You might not be brave enough to handle my wife if she did.

She has had no fear of getting into chat and talking all kinds of smack while logged in under my username, and I ain't encouraging her to do anything like this. You just don't know Z.
I'm not worried what my wife would think of what I post here.... I'm more worried about what she would think of the crowd I "hang out" with.

You don't have to hang out. you can put it away when she comes in. (Although I personally prefer to watch you hanging out)
Look, I'm just a gnome with a giggling problem that wants to see posts from ladies I've never met on the internet.

Frankly, I'm having a hard time seeing why that should be a problem for anyone.
oh hell no.

She already thinks I talk about brewing too much. Getting her involved in a forum would just be BAD. NEWS.

Now back to reading about water profiles :mug:
Here this is MR. BEDLAM (camera double for Tony Soprano). You want come touch MY member?

And don't disrespect my wife you degenerates. Without her, what would I drink?
LGI, you have definitely crossed the line here. Not that you never crossed it before.... I would rather take a beating.
My wife wouldn't come sign up here, but I've no problem with her reading anything I've written. Nothing I'm ashamed of or that I wouldn't say in front of her.

With that said, I don't think she DOES read anything here unless I leave the browser open and there's something interesting being talked about.

I also deliberately avoid her blog posts, I figure that's her space, I don't need to get involved in that. We comment on each other's Facebook posts all the time, but we kind of keep our forums to ourselves.
Let Bob in. I just got off the phone with you...Bob was part of the entire conversation...I could hear him you know.

Oh, sure. A Bob fan. Great. Soon you guys will be starting a "Let Bob In" petition. I know he was talking during the whole conversation, but I usually ignore him until he waves his arms. I didn't know you were listening to him.

I told him what you posted, and he said "As long as I get getting my steady supply of hoppy pale ales, I don't don't really care about what goes on in that forum."

So there!

(I didn't mention the fact that I announced that he was staggeringly drunk the other day. I figure, what Bob doesn't know can't hurt me!):D
Wait a minute, where's Ms. Gnomey? Any woman who can deal, day-to-day, with LGI is someone I want to get to know.

See, my opinion was exactly the opposite. Anyone who willingly puts up with LGI 24/7 must be bat-**** crazy and I'd rather steer clear.
See, my opinion was exactly the opposite. Anyone who willingly puts up with LGI 24/7 must be bat-**** crazy and I'd rather steer clear.

Good point. So, she might be an angel from heaven who puts up with unknown loads of carp or has been driven insane by the loads of carp. We need her to come on here to find out.

Gnomey, lead by example man - get your spouse on here!
Let bob in!

Oh, great. I just told Bob that you wanted to vote him in, and he said, "Oh, tell him 'thanks for the peppers- we use them every day and we love them. Thank you again'".

Well, sure, that's a nice guy. But geez. All I need is him being on here being a nice guy. That's ruin my reputation as a kick-ass whip wielding dominatrix. We can't have that.
My spouse has absolutely zero interest in reading, or posting in, a forum about making beer.
I have tried several times to get her to come with me to various parties and other events put on by local homebrew clubs to no avail. She will occasionally accompany me to beer festivals so long as I'm going with non-brewing friends.
I must be one of the lucky ones!!!! When I am home my Wife and I cook and brew together. When I said I wanted to start brewing,,,she shrugged and said, "well you spend every Saturday outside Smoking ribs and Brisket, Makes sense to make 10 Gallons of beer in the process. Thats just how we do things. Damn I miss that woman!
Look, I'm just a gnome with a giggling problem that wants to see posts from ladies I've never met on the internet.

Frankly, I'm having a hard time seeing why that should be a problem for anyone.

My wife's sister's husband had the same idea. Well - you can fill in the rest.

Now I can't let her see this post either.
My spouse has absolutely zero interest in reading, or posting in, a forum about making beer.
I have tried several times to get her to come with me to various parties and other events put on by local homebrew clubs to no avail. She will occasionally accompany me to beer festivals so long as I'm going with non-brewing friends.

I'm in the same boat. She does accompany me to various parties and events to be my designated driver, but that means I have to leave earlier than I want.
My wife would never come on to chat. She liked the people she finally met at homebrew day, but she is only really comfortable with her close friends. She likes to voyeur into other peoples lives, but I doubt homebrewing friends of mine would count. I think she couldn't care less about what we do on here.

And for the record, I also vote for Bob to be let in. I know eventually he will start to know enough about brewing to start trying to tell Yooper how to do it! And chaos ensues!
Well, sure, that's a nice guy. But geez. All I need is him being on here being a nice guy. That's ruin my reputation as a kick-ass whip wielding dominatrix. We can't have that.

But it's the nice, unassuming guys that frequent the dominatrixes...or so i'm told...:p

As for my SWMBO, it ain't happening either. She already says that every other word out of my mouth is beer, the last thing she needs is to read posts from others with the same "problem"...
Oh, great. I just told Bob that you wanted to vote him in, and he said, "Oh, tell him 'thanks for the peppers- we use them every day and we love them. Thank you again'".

Well, sure, that's a nice guy. But geez. All I need is him being on here being a nice guy. That's ruin my reputation as a kick-ass whip wielding dominatrix. We can't have that.

Well, if you were to post a few pics of you in your dominatrix outfit, with your whip, of course, I'm sure your rep would be safe. :mug:

I'm just sayin'............:D
You kidding? If my wife saw how much I post during my "work" day, I'd never have a free moment at home. "You don't do anything all day at work, do this ."
Oh, yeah...the OP. HELL NO!!! I don't bug her or stick my nose into her hobbies, I don't want her doing that to my hobbies...or their adjuncts. Although I DO let her make suggestions on what to brew.
Looks like noone nibbles LG.....Guess you get this week's


Award... :)

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