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Hey, you got one with carbonation. They year I tried (2013, I think) was completely flat. They had some issues that year, I heard.

I didn't even know they made sours. I've only seen a couple beers from them here. It was a free pour since I shared the Sucrè here.
I didn't even know they made sours. I've only seen a couple beers from them here. It was a free pour since I shared the Sucrè here.

Their sours are actually quite nice. That particular one has been hit and miss but they do a very good job overall.
I didn't even know they made sours. I've only seen a couple beers from them here. It was a free pour since I shared the Sucrè here.

They've actually lost the one co-owner and restructured towards sours and Belgian styles in the last year or so. I haven't tried most of the other new stuff, but they had a bourbon barrel pumpkin sour at the taproom last fall that was really mellow and good (speaking as someone who doesn't go for sours much).
I havent had a PB choc porter yet this year. My favorite so far is Wingman's Peanut Butter Cup that I had last year. Loved it. Surprisingly to me it has poor reviews online. Buncha morans.

I have a kegged RIS that's a bit too sweet for my tastes. Debating on throwing some coffee beans or hazelnut flavoring in it.
I havent had a PB choc porter yet this year. My favorite so far is Wingman's Peanut Butter Cup that I had last year. Loved it. Surprisingly to me it has poor reviews online. Buncha morans.

Yeah, I'm not knocking it. I feel like I just can't really pick out any defining characteristics between different ones. They're all kinda middle-of-the-road.
Yeah, I'm not knocking it. I feel like I just can't really pick out any defining characteristics between different ones. They're all kinda middle-of-the-road.

That's bourbon stouts for me. Don't think I'll ever buy another bottle. Wind up spending way too much for a mediocre stout that tastes like it had a half shot of bourbon poured in. No thanks, I'll just drink some bourbon straight when I want that.
Your wasting O2, get it till it breaks the surface, then stir with the wand, the reason I like it so much, you can see the bubbles coming out of the stone but not breaking the surface, dissolved into the wort.
I get a lot of batches out of a tank.

2 mins at just enough pressure to create a just barely perceptible simmer on the surface.

All that foam in the earlier picture I showed is a combo of sanitizer foam in the FV and foam from when the wort is pumped through the chiller from BK to FV.

FV at the ready

The $10 O2 tanks last a long time. Just opened my 3rd ever for my New Years Day brew. I don't anticipate needing another one till 2017 but I've got one stored just in case. I thing 10 batches/tank in the manner I describe is a conservative estimate. 15 is more realistic. $1 a batch or $0.02 per beer is a high side estimate of cost.
I think oxygenation and yeast health are probably bigger factors than mash ratio, but all should be taken into consideration when looking into your process. I know buying more equipment isnt always an option, or for some just dont want to, but I would recommend an oxygenation stone if you dont have one. I have this one and love it. For the price of a larger batch, it will ensure your yeast are in a good environment every time.


This is the bad side of brewing, there is always something else you can brew to help or improve beers. Its a slippery slope haha. :mug:

Thanks Fins. Money is no object..according to me and the credit card with only my name on it!
Hey @finsfan , whoever left the crap in the bottom of your siphon, must've came over here and smashed my sour only siphon. Used it last Sunday and now, only a week later, it's mysteriously cracked. Weird. It was perfectly fine when I put it up to dry.
View attachment 331210

My son thinks siphons make great swords.

He hasn't been to your house, to my knowledge.
Better be drinking some of that Mild by the coming Saturday!

Saturday is doable I think. Ramping the temperature to 68F over the next few hours to ensure maximal attenuation, leave it there at 68F till tomorrow, then comes the cold-crash, fining and burst-carbing in the keg.