40+ Proof ALL FLAVORS Including Water Melon (No Playing, Party Favorite)

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Oct 31, 2010
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Southeast Indiana
After a year of research and over a $1,000 invested, I would like to post my findings. I read, read, read, until my eyes bleed. I have seen all the ingredients and wine equipment I needed and a whole lot more. I hear of this person and that one aging this and that for years and years, but you know what? I am too impatient. Here is a thread of my adventure.

So I just went and pored me another glass of watermelon wine and still wonder where everyone is at.

I am getting to the recipe, just hold it.

So anyway, after being burnt out on beer and whisky, I decided I needed a change. I decided I would make wine. I figured out what I needed and hit th local store. I purchased a wine making kit and went from there.

Now this is the basic fermenter bucket and carboy, and such that you always see but I had some plans. When I bought the wine equipment, I seen this 'Turbo Yeast' That caught my eye, which promised 20% or 40 proof in 5 days. So here we go.

I obtained the basic Kroger brand apple juice and the recommended sugar amount and put it all together. It wasn't bad but I looked for more.
I can't tell the story fast enough. I am sorry.

Here's the great thing about the internet- we can't "hear" you until you hit "post". I know you know how to hit post- you've done it three times already! It'll get easier.

Type your story. Proofread it. Edit if necessary. THEN hit "post". No need to rush, and hit post before you're ready.

We can wait. If you can't do it in two posts, then perhaps you should start a blog. Somewhere else, not here.
2 mods in 1 thread in 14 posts me thinks

Make that EIGHT times. I merged his first 5.

hahaha- ok, eight times.

Here's the deal. Tell your story. Or not. But do it in three posts or less.

As riveting as I'm sure this tale is, we have to moderate each posting. Pissing off two mods in your visit probably isn't something you really want to do. Most people are welcomed with open arms. You're just flippin' irritating.

My dad does something similar. He'll start a story in his slow southern drawl. It'll start, "Hey- guess who dropped dead yesterday?" Who, dad?

"Well, I think it wasn't yesterday. It might've been Thursday. No, wait. Friday. Because I had to cash my check. The bank is closed at noon on Friday's because of the security guard is taking a break. The bank had a break-in last fall and now the guard is there whenever the bank is opened. So I know it was Friday. Anyway, I saw Ralph. Remember him? He lived next door to your grandma's best friend Freida?"
OMG, dad, Frieda died?
"Oh, no, not Frieda. I'm getting to it. Ralph said that his uncle, who farmed in West Virginia in the 70s, when the economy was still good- well, the economy sure has changed, hasn't it. I don't even vote anymore because of the economy crap. His uncle went bankrupt in 1985, and hasn't been the same since."
Ralph's uncle died? "No! He's still in the Nursing Home"
An hour later, I found out that my dad's dry cleaner's neighbor had cancer.

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, MAN- either tell me or don't tell me. But I can't take any more.
So, you got yourself some turbo yeast and made some cheap hooch!
You dumped in some artificial watermelon flavor and slurped it down.:drunk: Now your too messed up to tell your story.
End of story!
Hope you don't go blind!
Hello? This thread still open?

What do you have against my dad's stories? I can alway share LOTS more. I know more about people that I've never met than you can imagine. Like, did you know that a guy on my dad's friend Baker's mail route has a serious drinking problem? He hids the bottles in the mailbox.

And I bet you didn't know that Lou had a mistress for 40 years. Well, I think he was talking about Lou. It could have been Lou Ann- he lost me when the story went on about their crippled cat they had in the 60s. but someone had a mistress for 40 years! And the wife never knew. Or maybe she did. I didn't quite get that part either. Or maybe instead of a "concubine", he bought a new "combine". I think he was a farmer. Oh man. I bet Lou had a COMBINE for 40 years. Geez.
What do you have against my dad's stories? I can alway share LOTS more. I know more about people that I've never met than you can imagine. Like, did you know that a guy on my dad's friend Baker's mail route has a serious drinking problem? He hids the bottles in the mailbox.

And I bet you didn't know that Lou had a mistress for 40 years. Well, I think he was talking about Lou. It could have been Lou Ann- he lost me when the story went on about their crippled cat they had in the 60s. but someone had a mistress for 40 years! And the wife never knew. Or maybe she did. I didn't quite get that part either. Or maybe instead of a "concubine", he bought a new "combine". I think he was a farmer. Oh man. I bet Lou had a COMBINE for 40 years. Geez.

I'm only 33, but my co-workers gave me a birthday card one year that had an old guy pointing out at a pond. He said - "you see that stick up over there; they call it that because it's a stick that sticks up." Was that your dad on the cover of that card?

And one of the gals signed it with: "young enough to be my son, old enough to be my g'pa."

Just thought that story fit here somehow. :drunk: