Plumber's Cider

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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2024
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Escondido, CA
Day 6 and my first taste test

Took a sip room temp or actually garage temp around 60ish and very good apple flavor still with some sweet. Not much alcohol yet as it has been in the 40-60F range daily since day 1.

Still bubbling and foaming

and generally behaving as expected.

I starred this madness some eleven days ago with about a gallon of 100% apple juice from concentrate, a small pinch of champagne yeast Lalvin EC 1118, 1 cup cane sugar and a pint of bottled water

Day 11 and going strong.

6 days ago I stole about 2-3 ounces to start the cider and replaced that amount with more juice. With the low temps the cider was taking it's sweet time so I added just a touch of yeast to each bottle. It may or may not have helped but all 3 1/2 gallon bottles are now cooking.

After reading too many recipes and how to and diy's, here and elsewhere the past couple months I came to the conclusion I could do this without any special equipment except for the yeast and oh look🤪

The plan is to bottle the cider in the next few days into 2 ltr soda bottles and keep in the fridge until it's gone, like maybe an hour or two🤣

The wine will no doubt go on for another month plus with these temps and I bet it will be way to hot to brew wine in the summer here. Brewing cider should be fun all year but I bet this cold brew will be way better than my summer efforts in 80-100+F.

That taster went down way too quick and tasted way too good. Damn.

I'll be buying another couple gallons of juice next trip to Walmart. Hell of hobby ya'all got here😉
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Welcome to HBT and the fermenting obsession, @SoCalPlumber ! You're hell of a hobby. I'm in AL and it gets hot here in the summer, too. What I do to brew beer and make cider is to get a container of a size that I can set my fermention vessel (fv) in and fill with water to a depth to reach most of the way up the side of the fv. Then I freeze bottles of water and add them to the vessel my fv is in to keep the temperature of the water around the fv in the range I want. I rotate them out, refreeze and reuse. You only have to do this for a few days, maybe 4-5 then you should be able to let it come up to room temp. Good luck and happy cider making!
Welcome to HBT and the fermenting obsession, @SoCalPlumber ! You're hell of a hobby. I'm in AL and it gets hot here in the summer, too. What I do to brew beer and make cider is to get a container of a size that I can set my fermention vessel (fv) in and fill with water to a depth to reach most of the way up the side of the fv. Then I freeze bottles of water and add them to the vessel my fv is in to keep the temperature of the water around the fv in the range I want. I rotate them out, refreeze and reuse. You only have to do this for a few days, maybe 4-5 then you should be able to let it come up to room temp. Good luck and happy cider making!
I've got 2 3' refrigerators and with the current success in this cold I was thinking of setting one bearly on and using it to ferment in, maybe year round. That yeast has a very low temp tolerance and producing a nice cider, so far. Would love to produce a gallon a month or so.

AND, got a loquat tree that produces hundreds of pounds of fruit every March/April. I eat a half dozen a day when they're ripe. Can't wait to make loquat cider and wine😉
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welcome welcome. cider is scary easy. especially the way you are doing it.

quick start more cider especially if this ones is good.

you will want more.

if any of them come out too dry just add a few drops of any syrup you want to the glass and viola perfect cider.

carbed cider is better than still in my opinion are you planing to carb it.

i like to use the first batch as a starter. you can either pour new juice right onto the cake after you rack this cider off the yeast. or buy several bottles of juice and then instead of dumping the dregs just give it a swirl and then add about a tablespoon or two to each new juice bottles. you will have enough fresh healthy live yeast for several other batches. with included dead cells as nutrient.

i have done this many times

this video contains alot of info:
welcome welcome. cider is scary easy. especially the way you are doing it.

quick start more cider especially if this ones is good.

you will want more.

if any of them come out too dry just add a few drops of any syrup you want to the glass and viola perfect cider.

carbed cider is better than still in my opinion are you planing to carb it.

i like to use the first batch as a starter. you can either pour new juice right onto the cake after you rack this cider off the yeast. or buy several bottles of juice and then instead of dumping the dregs just give it a swirl and then add about a tablespoon or two to each new juice bottles. you will have enough fresh healthy live yeast for several other batches. with included dead cells as nutrient.

i have done this many times

this video contains alot of info:

I am planing on keeping a bit of the must for any new brews and of course a continual brew as long as i can keep it going😉

Today's taster was carbonated of course and I do like it that way so yes, had planned to refrigerate before all yeast activity is done to keep some sparkle and/or a pinch of sugar when bottled. I don't think 1 gallon will last long. I do have a couple 5 gallon bottles I'll have to clean and use pretty soon.

I've been reading about fermenting kool-aid, help me! But seriously thoughts of fermenting sugar water and then adding sugar free flavoring packets for 16oz bottled water are dancing in my head tonight. I have no clue how that would taste and haven't read about anyone giving it a try so who knows. Maybe a citrus lemonade flavor with a dry cider and any fruity flavor with a sweeter cider? The possibilities seem endless.
whats cool about unpasteurized beer and cider which is what most of us make is that the yeast never really finish cleaning up. there will always be some live yeast in there . 1 gallon wont last long and wont stay carbed in the fridge especially in that bottle. rack it off into two 1 liter coke bottles. add a lot of sugar like 2.5 table spoons to each . leave it in a warm place and then when it gets rock hard like after five days chill it in the fridge for a week . (DONT DO THIS WITH GLASS BOTLLES) it will be very carbed and very good. ciders carb up quicker then beer in my experience. then you will have 2 liters of ice cold hard fizzy cider. the added sugar will get eaten producing a lot of gas but when you put it in the frdige it will stop getting carbed and leave residual sweetness that will make you a great cider. swimbo loves this.

when serving its best to either pour it all off into a 1 liter pitcher and drink at leisure so you dont distuurb the sediment. or if you want to dbe fancy dispense it with a carb cap tee piec like this:


for sediment free carbed cider.
you can either sweeten to taste or add more sugar when priming. (DONT DO THIS IN GLASS)
all ciders get better with age. so make lots so you can age some. start a new cider or go buy juice today trust me.

kool aid - no
thats mostly cane sugar and fructose and artifical flavor.

i didint watch the vidoe because im not about to drink or even try to make femrented cool aid. thats prison wine basically. too hootchy for me.
the most sugar ill ferment is edworts applewine and tbh i descided i like ciders much better. edworts is way to dry and too strong for me. and takes a long time to get real good. i think the best thing about edworts was the simplicity of it. but now any good apple juice can be made into good cider with a decent yeast a little nutrient, tannin. maybe some acid and backsweetening if needeed. the turbo alcohol yeast that i started seeing 10 yeasr ago or so. claimed to fement pure sugar clean to high tolerance like 10 percent or more to make liquors. those intrigued me a little. but fermenting sugar like you are talking about and adding flavor sounds liek kilju - another hootch from finland that has gained some recent respect sort of.

there are a few kilju threads here that have some info.

i dont particularly care for the latest hard seltzer craze but they now sell hard seltzer kits all over the place and people say they make good clean hard sletzers. with no off flavors. i imagine the heavy sugar content and flavorings can hide off flavors from the yeast but i havent tried them.

maybe the seltzer yeasts really do ferment pure sugars tasteless. idk.
iwould just add a splash of vodka and fresh fruit juice to club soda rather than brew hard flavored seltzer. if i wanted that.
the possibilites for cider flavoring is endless.

whats cool about unpasteurized beer and cider which is what most of us make is that the yeast never really finish cleaning up. there will always be some live yeast in there . 1 gallon wont last long and wont stay carbed in the fridge especially in that bottle. rack it off into two 1 liter coke bottles. add a lot of sugar like 2.5 table spoons to each . leave it in a warm place and then when it gets rock hard like after five days chill it in the fridge for a week . (DONT DO THIS WITH GLASS BOTLLES) it will be very carbed and very good. ciders carb up quicker then beer in my experience. then you will have 2 liters of ice cold hard fizzy cider. the added sugar will get eaten producing a lot of gas but when you put it in the frdige it will stop getting carbed and leave residual sweetness that will make you a great cider. swimbo loves this.

when serving its best to either pour it all off into a 1 liter pitcher and drink at leisure so you dont distuurb the sediment. or if you want to dbe fancy dispense it with a carb cap tee piec like this:

View attachment 838530
for sediment free carbed cider.
you can either sweeten to taste or add more sugar when priming. (DONT DO THIS IN GLASS)
all ciders get better with age. so make lots so you can age some. start a new cider or go buy juice today trust me.

kool aid - no
thats mostly cane sugar and fructose and artifical flavor.

i didint watch the vidoe because im not about to drink or even try to make femrented cool aid. thats prison wine basically. too hootchy for me.
the most sugar ill ferment is edworts applewine and tbh i descided i like ciders much better. edworts is way to dry and too strong for me. and takes a long time to get real good. i think the best thing about edworts was the simplicity of it. but now any good apple juice can be made into good cider with a decent yeast a little nutrient, tannin. maybe some acid and backsweetening if needeed. the turbo alcohol yeast that i started seeing 10 yeasr ago or so. claimed to fement pure sugar clean to high tolerance like 10 percent or more to make liquors. those intrigued me a little. but fermenting sugar like you are talking about and adding flavor sounds liek kilju - another hootch from finland that has gained some recent respect sort of.

there are a few kilju threads here that have some info.

i dont particularly care for the latest hard seltzer craze but they now sell hard seltzer kits all over the place and people say they make good clean hard sletzers. with no off flavors. i imagine the heavy sugar content and flavorings can hide off flavors from the yeast but i havent tried them.

maybe the seltzer yeasts really do ferment pure sugars tasteless. idk.
iwould just add a splash of vodka and fresh fruit juice to club soda rather than brew hard flavored seltzer. if i wanted that.
the possibilites for cider flavoring is endless.


Before falling asleep last night I'm thinking I've got to buy some soda in 1 ltr bottles this week🤣🤣🤣 Damn bug has got me.

I think the most surprising thing is this yeast still churning when it's getting down into the mid 30's. It's like putting it in a very cold fridge every night for 8+ hours. Obviously it will continue to sone extent bottled in the fridge. I was under the assumption it would cease completely in the fridge. I do have and will use 2 ltr plastic soda bottles with this batch, it's what I got.

Pretty sure my next few projects will be 5 gallon and even then I can't see keeping even a few pints for 3, 6 or hell a year down the road🤣

Honestly if I can produce a few gallons a month to sip on the weekends and after real hard physical days (as a 65yo plumber I have those days far too often) I'd be happy.

We humans have been doing this since the beginning of time. With our explosion of knowledge and ability to produce whatever beverage and flavor we'd like there's still a tried and true method that we can do ourselves that's pretty damn good and enjoy doing it. Total Win Win😉
Day 7 40F 9:30am

It was 35F when I got up at 5am. Expecting sunny and 60F today.

I've give it another taste tonight. Beginning to doubt if the whole gallon plus will last until the weekend😉
yeah sometimes you hit a real winner and cant wait for it to carb. motts on top of an ale yeast cake was so good one time i drank a ton of it straight from the fermenter before even bottling.
in terms of keeping it . brew a lot and brew often suddenly you will surpass your ability to keep up with production and you will be surprised how you can devleop a collection of aged homebrews. i have some meads from 2019 and some ciders hitting 4 months. and some stouts aged about 2-3 months now.
i have lagers that are finally lagering. it just takes a steady pipeline.

yes we have been doing this a while. its easier than most people think

doesnt sound like your latest batch will have a long shelf life>😜
adding sugar free flavoring packets
I've done some carbonated ciders using Crystal Light to flavor and sweeten with good results. I used 1/4 the amount recommended per volume so it isn't too sweet and doesn't overwhelm the taste of the cider. I've also done the fermented sugar water for hard seltzer but prefer the flavored cider. Lots of options!
I've done some carbonated ciders using Crystal Light to flavor and sweeten with good results. I used 1/4 the amount recommended per volume so it isn't too sweet and doesn't overwhelm the taste of the cider. I've also done the fermented sugar water for hard seltzer but prefer the flavored cider. Lots of options!
Yeah I've read about the current trend on seltzer, meh. Zima was $10 a 6pk last i saw which is ridiculous but I never liked it or drinks like it. Mainly a Guinness drinker when I drink beer or Mother's Milk as I call it. Not often these days. Probably gonna go this cider for a bit and be happy.
yeah sometimes you hit a real winner and cant wait for it to carb. motts on top of an ale yeast cake was so good one time i drank a ton of it straight from the fermenter before even bottling.
in terms of keeping it . brew a lot and brew often suddenly you will surpass your ability to keep up with production and you will be surprised how you can devleop a collection of aged homebrews. i have some meads from 2019 and some ciders hitting 4 months. and some stouts aged about 2-3 months now.
i have lagers that are finally lagering. it just takes a steady pipeline.

yes we have been doing this a while. its easier than most people think

doesnt sound like your latest batch will have a long shelf life>😜
This has been a blast and the cider

has been way better than just "drinkable." This evening I'm going to drink a bit of it, at least 2-3 glasses.

In the past 24 hrs it hasnt changed a whole lot, still between sweet and dry and still actively fermenting with a good apple flavor but not quite as good as last night. A good learning experience on how quickly flavors can change but this is still a good drink.

No clue on ABV but I'd guess no more than 2-3 which is fine. I'll continue testing🤣 the rest as we go along. More on hands learning, I'm down.

I'm going to stay with making ciders and wines for awhile. The loquats in a few months should give me plenty of juice to play with. Maybe even try some quick mead and wild yeasts.
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Day 9
First glass. A little less apple and a little drier but still between the two. I could bottle here and drink over the next few days/week and be happy and do a gallon every other week. I'm not a big drinker these days so that would be plenty.

The gallon of wine is still cooking along. Day 13 but I'm beginning to doubt it will see next month. With a cup of sugar I'd guess you could taste the alcohol by now and I may just have to taste it 🤣 sometime soon.

Glass 2

and I'm starting to feel it. There's maybe 10-12 ounces left in the bottle so maybe 6 drinkable. I'll bottle and fridge the dregs if I must😉
Day 12

I can't wait any longer and in the fridge to crash. Monday night will be my first taste and I know it won't last long.

The bottom of that one was nasty and I just got a small amount in my last glass. I'll pour off those two above into 2 ltr soda bottles, and have a sip or 5 before putting them in the fridge.

This did take a lot longer than expected, almost 2 weeks instead of one but I understand how yeast works or lives rather.

Wine is still bubbling 🍾 I'm guessing at least another month and it's been close to 3 weeks and another 3 or more to go I'd assume which will give me some time to consider additives. No sulfates but acid and tannins. I do love a dry wine that tastes like wine and if I can get this first gallon close I'd real happy.

We eat a lot of tacos (hey, this is a brewing site - chill, I'll get there) and I purchase cooking oil in 3 gallon containers

I've been tossing them into the recycle bin but did save the last couple and will be washing them out with Dawn dish soap this weekend. These will save me a few bucks. I'll order some airlocks and set these up for wine and cider😉
pour off those two above
Putting them in the fridge for a few days before decanting will help them settle out more and kinda set the lees so it's easier to keep the gunk (a fancy fermentation term) out of the bottles you are pouring into. Be careful not to let any glugging occur when pouring. You seem to be really enjoying this! Cider on!😀
Putting them in the fridge for a few days before decanting will help them settle out more and kinda set the lees so it's easier to keep the gunk (a fancy fermentation term) out of the bottles you are pouring into. Be careful not to let any glugging occur when pouring. You seem to be really enjoying this! Cider on!😀
Yeah, old dog learning new tricks.

I've always wanted to brew but thought I didn't have the time or wanted to put out a lot of effort and especially now $

I read an article that basically says you can make wine using wine yeast, sugar, store bought juice and nothing more. I was intrigued🤔 so I started doing research, was here often, okay, a lot and learned a lot and had to try.

I pretty much love all the different fruits and I've been thinking, alright, dreaming about an apple and pear mix and I really want a semi-sweet purple grape cider that still has that wonderful grape flavor. So many wants so little time.

Haven't even bought more juice yet and I avoid the stores on the weekends. Long week, tired and just need to rest and get some cider in me🤪 I'll just do some more research and call it a day.
Had a taste. Okay, 2 glasses🥰 it's pretty dry now and not much apple flavor left. This has baffled me somewhat. I can blame it on the yeast (bad yeast, down boy) or better yet it's ability to reproduce under 8-10 hours of fridge temps per night. It was 38F on the patio at 7:30 this morning and didn't hit 40 until I left at 8. After all I had read I thought that yeast would have a real hard time replicating in these conditions.

This is some happenin' yeast. I'm prepared to drink this stuff fizzing it that what it takes. Oh WAIT😜

All kidding aside I'll have to work on timing to where there's still some apple juice flavor, or maybe just add more juice at the end, if I had any juice that wasn't fermenting🤣🤣🤣

I'll never drink fruit juice again❣️
A week later and he's getting into the wine, that for some reason has more apple flavor than the cider, God rest its soul. Enjoyed very much so finally bought two 96 ounce apple juice Wollyworld special $2.98.

So I'm really digging on this and here we go again. I've got 2 live cultures going in half gallons, one in the fridge and one on outdoor temp. I'll use both as they both had a carbonated bottle. I've also got a yeast starter in 4oz sugar water in a cloth covered glass on the patio table that I'll use. 3 or 4 days now old. This some fun and fruitful times here.

I got a pound of Blueberries in the deep freeze awaiting. I plan on adding day 9iah, thawed and soaked in pure water. I'm going to try to add to the flavor for just a few days before the fridge crash.

Why didn't ya'all tell me bout this sooner? 🙃
this thread is insane. It’s 100’s of juice wine recipes that can be made for few dollars a gallon. i stopped making beer and switched over to wine for 2 years because of this thread. It was just too easy to go to the supermarket and have an unlimited variety of juice to try. Blue berry / red grape juice makes the most amazing wine.

btw. Juice quality has the biggest impact on fermenting with Supermarket juices. Perhaps even more so with ciders. Although it’s tempting to buy the cheapest juice , spending a few more dollars on good juice or waiting for it to go on sale will really make a huge difference.

Batch 2 Day 3

I used both the must of 2 of the 3 bottles and the rehydrated yeast i had going in sugar water for 4-5 days on the patio table. By day 9 the apple flavor will be about gone and I will add fresh frozen thawed & smashed Blueberries. I'm only going to use about a half cup per half gallon of cider then rack and fridge crash after 3 days. I'm only doing this for flavor but I will also be refilling those containers with fresh juice so the next batch I'll have to add either more berries or other fruit on day 9ish for flavor. This could really get interesting quick.

I haven't read about anyone else doing this so I have no idea how it will work. I do know that in 3 days the yeast won't be able to use up the sugar in the berries so that should leave some sugar and flavor in the cider. I also know that after 9ish days in the current conditions most of the apple flavor is gone and the alcohol is nice, guessing around 4-5%. It does the job😉

If this works I'm afraid of how much booze I'm gonna start drinking again. Irish and all, what's ya do?
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this thread is insane. It’s 100’s of juice wine recipes that can be made for few dollars a gallon. i stopped making beer and switched over to wine for 2 years because of this thread. It was just too easy to go to the supermarket and have an unlimited variety of juice to try. Blue berry / red grape juice makes the most amazing wine.

btw. Juice quality has the biggest impact on fermenting with Supermarket juices. Perhaps even more so with ciders. Although it’s tempting to buy the cheapest juice , spending a few more dollars on good juice or waiting for it to go on sale will really make a huge difference.

I will of course be digging in. Thanks man!
Putting them in the fridge for a few days before decanting will help them settle out more and kinda set the lees so it's easier to keep the gunk (a fancy fermentation term) out of the bottles you are pouring into. Be careful not to let any glugging occur when pouring. You seem to be really enjoying this! Cider on!😀
You bet. Ya know, you've been awesome to me🥰 Now I don't wanna take long showers together into the wee hours of the night or nothing but thank you. Seriously, thank you. Any and all advice from those who have come before me is always listened to and respected.

Ya'all got a cool site here. Mucho respect😘
Had an early day and stopped at Vons for a couple things and I find this:

10 for $10, juice or cider. They only had 2 ciders left so now I have 4 gallons of juice and a gallon of cider. The possibilites are almost endless🤣
Batch 3 Day 1

Removed 4 ounces of juice from each and put that into Batch 2. I'm getting to know how full I can make the bottles. I used the must from Batch 1 half gal #3 to make the 2 half gallons of Batch 2. Also learning how little yeast I need. Really just for the first Wine batch. I did play around and rehydrated a small amount (0.2+/- gm?) of yeast in 4 ounces of sugar water. Left that on the patio table and I covered the glass with a dark soft cloth (roof over the patio so no direct sunshine) and used it along with the must from Batch 1 to make the 2 half gallons of Batch 2.

If you just got confused like I did I feel for ya but I'm fnishing off the last 20 oz's of the gallon of "wine" I started this crazy adventure with while enjoying the first sunshine after a few days of rain. And here in sunny so cal we legalized herb a bit ago so I'm feelin' very little pain😉

This is a hoot and can't remember that last time I paid $2 a gallon for booze. Maybe a keg for graduation 1977 with 3 buds? I worked at the local liquor store through high school. I was kinda popular😅
yo thats great

10 gallons for 10 dollars are you serious i have never seen juice that cheap.

one word of advice the yeast will eventually get tired if you keep reusing it . so you might want to use a fresh pack every 5 to 7 batches.

have you tried grahams cider its one of the best cider recipes. and with juice at that price i wouldl make 5 gallons.

Graham's English Cider
5 gallons Treetop (or equivalent) Apple Juice
4 black teabags (English or Irish Breakfast)
3 key limes (or one regular lime)
1 pack s-04 yeast
(yeast nutrients as needed)

the tannins and citric acid really help ciders made from juice IMO

also try backsweetening with different cordials. sweetening (even just a little bit) your cider really brings out the apple flavor.
blood orange , black berry, cherry, pomegranite. all make wonderfull additions to dry cider
yo thats great

10 gallons for 10 dollars are you serious i have never seen juice that cheap.

one word of advice the yeast will eventually get tired if you keep reusing it . so you might want to use a fresh pack every 5 to 7 batches.

have you tried grahams cider its one of the best cider recipes. and with juice at that price i wouldl make 5 gallons.

Graham's English Cider
5 gallons Treetop (or equivalent) Apple Juice
4 black teabags (English or Irish Breakfast)
3 key limes (or one regular lime)
1 pack s-04 yeast
(yeast nutrients as needed)

the tannins and citric acid really help ciders made from juice IMO

also try backsweetening with different cordials. sweetening (even just a little bit) your cider really brings out the apple flavor.
blood orange , black berry, cherry, pomegranite. all make wonderfull additions to dry cider
Awesome. I will give it a try. Thank You😉
Had to stop at wallyworld for a few things and bought a 96oz of Grape and 96oz of White Grape juice, about $5 ea. So...
Batch 4 Day 1

I'm going for a 15+/- day Grape Cider, if I can keep myself from testing it🤪 There's no one policing this🤣 I heated 1 ltr of water mixed in 1/3 cup cane sugar then split that between the two half gallon bottles with a very light sprinkle of yeast, Lalvin EC-1118 "Champaign" yeast. The stuff is a workhorse in our cold conditions but remember, I consider anything under 70F C.O.L.D! True story😉 I bought 5 packs of the yeast for like $8 on Amazon to try this crazy idea and have maybe used half of the first one I opened. Half or even gallon bottles do not need much yeast to get them started and using a lot is a waste. I could have used an oz of liguid from Batch 2 to start this grape but wanted a clean slate. The 1118 also have a good "flavor" among fermenting yeasts from what I've read and I'd have to agree and very happy with my purchase. 5 🌟 but

This is hoot and a nanny and I highly recommend everyone who enjoys a bit of the bubbly 🍾 to start fermenting. You need juice and yeast, that's it. Hell of a hobby❣️

Really bummed I'm currently out of the good stuff😥🤣
Batch 2 Day 8

Not much alcohol but still nice apple flavor. Tomorrow I add Blueberries and hopefully rack 'n crash within the week.

Grape juice has started and the other 2 half gal apple juices are humming right along.

I've got a 96 oz bottle of white grape just sitting doing nothing🤔
Batch 2 Day 9
Added about a half cup of fresh, frozen, thawed and mashed Blueberries to one and more apple juice to the other.

I almost added just the little bit of blueberry juice but thought the skins should bring some tannins to the party.

Batch 3 Day 6

Batch 4 Day 5

Got 3 gallons cooking and will start the gallon of white grape this coming week while racking and fridge crashing Batch 2.

I really missed not having any cider this weekend and can't wait to mix and match the apple and grapes with some more berries.

I added LED lighting to my greenhouse and starting to get strawberries

Total of 24 plants so strawberry cider will be on the menu soon😍
Batch 2 Day 10

Blueberries added in one. I wasn't sure what to expect. Now I know, the fruit will float. The yeast in the cider with the berries really took off. I'm going to have to do one with fruit in the juice from day 1 and that maybe just for the tannins. The extra sugar doesn't hurt either.

It's becoming apparent that without adding sweetener at the end will give me a very dry cider, something I like but I'm gonna play around and see all the options. I'd much rather try natural fruit to sweeten the cider then any processed sugar. Of course honey is always an option even though I'm not a big fan of mead. Maybe a hybrid cider using the honey near or at the end?

So many questions. Having a ball searching for those answers🥰

Later this afternoon I'll try an ounce or two of the blueberry and continue to monitor for the next few days. I still expect to rack 'n crash within 3 days.

Maybe even crash in the freezer for a couple hours before the water in the juice freezes? I'm not going for Applejacks, 5+/-% ABV cider is fine😉
you will be surprised how little color and or flavor the bluebrerries will impart.


Bilberry (wild eastern european blueberrys) juice, if you can find it, imparts the most blueberry flavor and color i have found. either in the fermenter or as a backsweetener (this tastes amazing)

bilberry wine with 2:1 white grape juice makes amazing blueberry wine. (the white grape makes the color beautiful blue purple. redgrape makes it purple - black)

by the way apple white grape 2:1 with half a kilo of table sugar makes an amazing fruity white table wine

cider on!
and i think apple and honey is technically cyser or also a type of melomel.

graf i think is apple with malt

if you want something stronger try edworts apfelwein
or pappys pub cider
those will mess you up if thats what you are looking for
Yeah, I've been going through that Wine recipe page. Wow, literally and saw many WOW's.

I haven't tried any tea or citrus, yet. Had a thought just a bit a go, treating the fermenting chamber (bottle in my case) like I would a sourdough starter🤔. Rack and then split in half, half to drink and the other half add fresh juice and sugar and give it another week. Rotate say a couple of those bottles a week. Probably keep them going for some time and when they slow mix up new batches using a bit of the old.

Cyber, that's it. Still learning the terminology. We have a Meadery that opened a few years ago. Took our eldest and his girlfriend who live in Washington these days last year. It's alright, wasn't thrilled. Too sweet and heavy, I guess.

I'm guessing there won't be too much added flavor from half cup of berries and 3 days of heavy fermentation, just hoping to add a small amount. I don't want it too sweet but you never know. Again, haven't read of anyone else doing it like this. Not trying to reinvent the wheel but looking for ways to improve it to my liking.

Found these in a cupboard

Maybe add one of these 6oz per 1/2 gallon after racking? Natural 100% juice, only vitamin C and Monk sweetener. I'm gonna try it all. Gotta give that Blueberry mix a try today, just an oz or so. See how 24 hours worked. It's all just a big science project for me with fringe benefits. So far it's all been great🤣
you may be doing something similar to a solera or may want to.

get a barrel. and keep adding half of every batch you make to it, you can drink the other half.
when the barrel gets too full tap it and drink it and then keep adding new cider to it.

in time you will have a never ending barrel of aged cider that will prolly be amazing. but you are going to have to keep an eye on oxygen ingress and infection potential. imagine the longer you do it the better the cider will be. you are practically doing thsi anyway

do it in a whiskey barrel if you have the funds.

the fruit will float
Yep, you'll need to swirl it around or punch it down at least once a day so it doesn't dry out and let mold start to grow.
Maybe add one of these 6oz
That'll probably work. I've used Lemonade Crystal Light to backsweeten Skeeter Pee and it does great. I also use monk fruit to backsweeten mead.
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Yep, you'll need to swirl it around or punch it down at least once a day so it doesn't dry out and let mold start to grow.
Didn't think about that and the same with the strawberries and loquats and any other fruits. I guess it's time to set up buckets and order some mesh bags and some clarifier. It's getting to that point.

do it in a whiskey barrel if you have the funds.
The thought had crossed my mind🤣 I really like the bottles so I can see what's happening. A glass carboy would be the same but heavier.

you may be doing something similar to a solera or may want to.
More research😉
I just downed about 20oz of day 10 and replaced that amount with fresh juice. Feeling GOOD. With a herniated L4-L5 disc many days I don't feel good so this is nice. Not a real high ABV but a nice head and body buzz. Relaxing even. Gotta still try the Blueberry. Btw, I grow a Blueberry Hash Plant that smells like Blueberries. It helps me tolerate the pain as well.

Going to start some bread yeast in sugar water, boil it and then use it as yeast nutrient.

Thinking I can make a go of the perpetual bottles for a bit😘
It's becoming apparent that without adding sweetener at the end will give me a very dry cider, something I like but I'm gonna play around and see all the options. I'd much rather try natural fruit to sweeten the cider then any processed sugar. Of course honey is always an option even though I'm not a big fan of mead. Maybe a hybrid cider using the honey near or at the end?
I sweeten with maple syrup. It pairs beautifully with cider. A classic New England approach.