WTF up with your pants? Get a belt!

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I'm not old. I'm well seasoned. Very well seasoned. I'm so fooking seasoned I can hardly walk. Oh crap, am I soooo seasoned. :(

+1, this is what LGI really looks like.



Note the suspenders to keep his pants up.
I thought the whole fad started by guys in prison wearing their pants down low to show they were ready for the other inmates to jump them... It eventually ended up on the outside when they were released back into society.

I was always told that it had something to do with not allowing belts. Belts could be used as weapons, or to hang a guy (or yourself, if you're suicidal). Don't know if it's true or not, but I'm pretty sure that it did start in prison and followed "outside" when people were released.
"Old Guys?" true the OP is showing his age a little, but the practicality of wearing pants that would keep you from running or fighting when you are trying to be a GANGSTA is so laughable, so.............enjoy your other thread skippy, typing is one activity that can be done sans pants.

"Hey EZ, Why you wear your pants like that?"

"for easy access baby";)

Funny, I never had any trouble "Gaining access" even in pants that fit properly. Hell, sweatpants probably offer the most accessability and functionality if that is really the reason. If you get SO much a$$ that unbuttoning pants is causing tennis elbow or carpal tunnel or something, GET SOME SWEATPANTS SKIPPY!
If Bruce Banner had worn pants like that he wouldn't have to walk around naked all the time! (only half-naked).

Are you suggesting that they dress like that on the off chance that they suddenly "hulk out"?

Like some sort of rapture?

"On judgement day, all the worthy will get really big and green, and will suddenly fit their clothes."

Man the hulk movie SUCKED. (I haven't seen the more recent one)
What has 100 teeth and a monster behind it?

MY ZIPPER! (bada tsh!)

I enjoyed the Hulk movies. Solid entertainment. Actually I'm not sure I saw the latest one either... Is that the one with Jennifer Connelly? I remember THAT one! ;)

My friend's kid went to her work recently to get a birth certificate. She works at a Dentists Office. He came in with his pants down below his butt. She was PO'd. No wonder he was kicked out of the house and living with a friend (whose parents tolerate his recurring habits..) Man that kid is going nowhere. Have fun looking all cool and stuff while collecting welfare!
I thought the whole fad started by guys in prison wearing their pants down low to show they were ready for the other inmates to jump them... It eventually ended up on the outside when they were released back into society.

Thats what I was told back in ROTC when I had it one year in high school. Not to be racist at all it is just worth mentioning because it fits in with the whole wearing pants low, but it was a predominantly black high school and I was the only white male in my graduating class. So anyways If i can remember I think it was my first year of high school in 9th grade. Couple days in our ROTC teachers( again all black) are getting pissed off at all the guys wearing their uniform pants below the specs. And the only reason I post this story is because it is one i will remember forever due to the Sargent's visual he gave us.

Sargent: " You know where wearing your pants low originated from?"
Class: "No"
Sargent: " it originated from being in prison, you wore your pants down because you were someones *****, so they could take you whenever they wanted"
Sargent then tells us story of his cousin in prison back in the day, who had to wear his pants down everyday.
It may not be funny reading it, but here is why I will never forget this story, After being told the story of his cousin in prison that always had to wear his pants down, he proceeded to go up to a wall and demonstrate what happens.

So he goes upto the wall spreads his feet, places his hands on it, and starts shaking his ass up and down like he is being man rapped in prison.

Probably one of my greatest high school memories.
Had a guy with dropped pants at the restaurant last month.
He walked around and they fell to the floor.

In front of a group of kids.

I told him to get' em up or I'd have him hauled off by the popo for indecent exposure.
Yeah, because "the gays" are all about raping each other. No, people in gangs are generally not too bright (although that's not always true, I've seen some really intelligent, but perhaps uneducated, gansters); people who indelibly mark that affiliation in a highly visible area are probably less bright. But from reading your disrespectful and downright ignorant post, I would assume you're not that bright either, and maybe a coward to boot. Way to go, pot.

By the way, I am neither gay, nor do I have any tattoos; I just couldn't sit idly by while someone spouted this kind of drivel linking prison rape with homosexuality and tattoos with suicidal tendencies.

Seriously what the fuc is wrong with people?

sorry you got raped by a man, it doesnt mean your gay.

butt if you liked it you might be.

and if you dont like it keep your gay ass out of the drunken ramblin section
My thinking exactly. The pants and hats worn backward or askew drive me nuts. Wearing a hat other than the way it's meant to be worn is disrespectful and, quite honestly, retarded. It shows that you don't know how to wear a hat and that's it.

Could not possibly be any worse than improperly using the word retarded.
It has nothing to do with being old or fashionable.

It's just another way for some people to show their disrespect for the rest of society and to basically say F-U to everyone.

chuckling... I rest my case.
Ha Funny! I never look at the profiles - didn't realize it showed the age (even though my preferences say to NOT show it).

But point being - someones perspective of this topic really has nothing to do with age.