Words and phrases I hate

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My seasonally appropriate one is "Merry Xmas!"

We're not celebrating the birth of Malcom X, the holiday is to celebrate the birth of Christ. It's ok if you don't follow those beliefs but then stick to the generic "Happy Holidays"

HUMBUG! I don't believe in any of that crazy bible crap but I still celebrate Christmas because it's just as much fun today as when Christians made the whole thing up 2000 years ago.

Telling me to say "Happy Holidays"... why i oughtta!!! But it's Christmas so I'll give you a hug instead.

Hey you do know that Jesus Christ wasn't even born in the winter right?
You are right. December 25 was designated as a day to celebrate the Savior by the "Romanization" of Christianity. I think that day coinsided with a pagan festival. So in order for Roman citizens to get behind 'The Way', that date was no longer dedicated to paganism, but Jesus.

Sorry to get way off topic. Have a hug! Tis the season
like a boss
Just sayin
"Nom-nom" (I think this refers to eating. But it's stupid no matter what it refers to)

.............. barf

OMFG!!! I was going "Nom-Nom" like a boss on this ice cream. but now I'm ROFL! amazing!

edit: you ain't rowdy. I'm in the pop.

old guy.jpg
Has anyone mentioned "epic" yet.

Epic is putting a man on the moon, not the effin' cheeseburger you got from the Daily Grind.

Epic is "The Odissy", not the four foot swell you rode past the Canadian tourists.
Designations such as "not/not". That second not just seems superfluous. And even worse is that people think it looks cool so once one person uses it everyone else adopts it.

Wouldn't that be a double negative? "it's not not beer" ="it's beer"... If I am not not reading that right...
Wouldn't that be a double negative? "it's not not beer" ="it's beer"... If I am not not reading that right...

No you are missing the fact that the puncutation changes it, it is either:
(gramatical) it is not or not beer - what's the need to say it is not twice?
(mathmatical) something divided by itself = 1 - it is one beer, so we are not talking about if it is beer or not now but the quantity of beers? Huh???
Everywhere I walk, like in the store all I hear is, I know, right?

Like totally gag me with a spoon with that phrase its so 2010's...
Has anyone mentioned "epic" yet.

Epic is putting a man on the moon, not the effin' cheeseburger you got from the Daily Grind.

Epic is "The Odissy", not the four foot swell you rode past the Canadian tourists.

Epic was the birth of... ME HAHAHA OMG LOL
I had some young guys working for me who whenever I asked how they were doing would reply "just chillin"

It annoyed the crap out of me.

I'm getting old ... Then again, teenagers always annoyed me, even when I was one
One that seems to rear its ugly head this time of year.


I get it that it was witty when the person first coined it, now hearing it 15 times in 3 commercials I want to injure someone.
One that seems to rear its ugly head this time of year.


I get it that it was witty when the person first coined it, now hearing it 15 times in 3 commercials I want to injure someone.

if any martha floccer busts my door, I'll bust their skull!

right now the word that I hate is "job". and follow that up with "boss". I don't have a magic welder, jackhole! it'll get done when I finish it!
"Preventative" as in "preventative care".
It's "preventive" you flocking idiots! No wonder you can't even build a website!

Interestingly enough: preventative is actually a word, a synonym for it is preventive, but preventative is a medical term while preventive is a general term.

EDIT: it seems this way from an initial reading, but could also be more complicated than that (but preventative seems to be used by the medical community often). Basically, both are right in their own ways.
Interestingly enough: preventative is actually a word, a synonym for it is preventive, but preventative is a medical term while preventive is a general term.

EDIT: it seems this way from an initial reading, but could also be more complicated than that (but preventative seems to be used by the medical community often). Basically, both are right in their own ways.

I only think it has become accepted through constant misuse. If "preventative" is a word, it's root is "preventate". As in: I want to preventate anyone from using this silly word.
I only think it has become accepted through constant misuse. If "preventative" is a word, it's root is "preventate". As in: I want to preventate anyone from using this silly word.

preventative is a word - just google it (there's one that gets to me sometimes - google, do I have no other choice of search engine now that you have commanded that I use that one? :D). One source says it has the same meaning but preventative is used less often - 3:1 I think. I have always know it from preventative maintenance. But I agree that the use of a non common word in place of the well know preferred one just to sound smarter is annoying.
preventative is a word - just google it (there's one that gets to me sometimes - google, do I have no other choice of search engine now that you have commanded that I use that one? :D). One source says it has the same meaning but preventative is used less often - 3:1 I think. I have always know it from preventative maintenance. But I agree that the use of a non common word in place of the well know preferred one just to sound smarter is annoying.

People who use search engines other than google also are 100% guaranteed to use internet explorer. They have also likely installed a few "helpful" toolbars in to said browser.

Annoying phrase: "touch base"
Annoying word: champion. As in, Mr. Herpderp championed this retarded waste of time project. Or, "I think we should stop wasting time with all these meetings and just send an email." "VERY GOOD idea Mr. Paulster - perhaps you'd like to champion the email distribution?" "**** off and touch base with me later."
Now that I've started, I can't help my self:
"Ramped up" and "untracked". Frequently used in sports reporting, both are nonsense. You can't ramp anything, and tracking is following. I really want to preventate this style of commentation.
Or are you that arrogant enough that you cannot admit fault sometimes? If this doesnt apply to you then,um, my bad? :confused:

Read the title of the thread. Sorry if my "arrogant" post annoys you. Actually, I'm not sorry. Chill out, dude.
Read the title of the thread. Sorry if my "arrogant" post annoys you. Actually, I'm not sorry. Chill out, dude.

Sorry man, I was drunk and trying to make a joke and it didnt come out right. I wasnt freaking out or anything. My Bad. Ha,ha.:cross: I dont think "your" arrogant. I meant it in context of My bad's meaning and somebody admiting fault and the joke went all haywire. Chairs flying,glass breaking,looting.. you know the whole 9 yards. Any way again, my bad, my bad joke.:eek::confused: I think somewhere in there I was just being a drunk smartass and I still cant figure out what the hell I was thinking or reading. That said, I apologize if I offended you and my bad.:) I think now, Im just really entertaining myself. Hey, at least nobodys drinking and driving-this is like totally safe texting and stuff.
MaxStout said:
When people turn nouns into verbs. This is especially common in corporate jargon. E.g., "let's dialogue on this issue before the meeting. Or "can we liase with the client this week?"

It's called verbing, which is one of the most autological words I can think of.
People who use search engines other than google also are 100% guaranteed to use internet explorer. They have also likely installed a few "helpful" toolbars in to said browser...

Touché :D I admit i still use IE at home because I am too lazy to get anything else... no extra toolbars though
People who use search engines other than google also are 100% guaranteed to use internet explorer. They have also likely installed a few "helpful" toolbars in to said browser.

well, actually... not quite 100%

I use bing search, google chrome, no toolbars, 3 extensions

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