Words and phrases I hate

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I had a Japanese customer years ago that over used that statement a lot. I was explaining her service to her and every single time I finished a sentence she replied...Oh Rearry? She must have said it 50 times in the span of a few minutes. It was all I could do to remain serious and professional.

All time top of my list: Trust me.... If I did I wouldn't be where I am today.
Wheelchair Bob
Rbeckett said:
All time top of my list: Trust me.... If I did I wouldn't be where I am today.
Wheelchair Bob

That's a good one.. The only reason we even have the word "promise" in our language is because people are inherently untrustworthy.
How about this one? MY BAD This just illustrates the persons inability to complete their assigned task and their complete incompetence to do same.
Using misnomer incorrectly

A misnomer is a wrong name for something. It is not a fallacy or wrong belief.

Not sure if it's been said yet, but how about 'Thanks in advance'? Like, in a business email, where some annoying coworker asks you to do some annoying task that really isn't your job anyway, and completes the email with 'Thanks in advance!'. Great. Now that they've thanked me for something I haven't done yet...I'm obligated to do it. Dangit.
Near miss....? At work when an accident/injury is narrowly avoided, we have to file a "Near Miss" report. I consider the avoidance a complete miss, or a near "hit".
Wouldnt a near miss be a direct hit?
Obama wins

Dont get me started

Press hard, there's three copies(when signing a traffic ticket)

I'm late for my period

Colder than a witches tit
A soldier I had will always say "alls" as in "Alls I said was," and "Alls I know is..." I yell at him every time I hear that crap. What's worse is that he writes that way too.
AND my last name is Pride, so every where I go where people see my name (which is everywhere with I'm in uniform) they HAVE to make a comment about having pride in what I do. Oh they're so original and witty. Similar to people making the comment to tall that they "must" play basketball, or be good at basketball.
Get the second one free!! Just pay separate processing and shipping...

Some folks still don't realize that you are still PAYING for the second product anyhow! And who needs two double sided pancake pans anyways?? If you are physically incapable of cooking eggs in a normal pan, what makes you think that you will not sling grease and egg goo all over the kitchen when it's time to flip the double sided pan? Oh don't get me started on the acting when they show somebody demonstrating how performing whatever task is too hard doing it without using this special product! Cause I always scream as loud as I can when I accidentally touch my eardrum with a q-tip.
Gixxer said:
Get the second one free!! Just pay separate processing and shipping...

Some folks still don't realize that you are still PAYING for the second product anyhow! And who needs two double sided pancake pans anyways?? If you are physically incapable of cooking eggs in a normal pan, what makes you think that you will not sling grease and egg goo all over the kitchen when it's time to flip the double sided pan? Oh don't get me started on the acting when they show somebody demonstrating how performing whatever task is too hard doing it without using this special product! Cause I always scream as loud as I can when I accidentally touch my eardrum with a q-tip.

Why does it seem like all the threads I'm in spill into each other?
Jaybird said:
Politically correct! When has politics EVER BEEN CORRECT!!!!

I hate being P.C.
One time my old boss was telling a story about a white guy and an African-American gentleman. What the f... Why use those words? I don't demand people refer to me as a European-American
brick_haus said:
Near miss....? At work when an accident/injury is narrowly avoided, we have to file a "Near Miss" report. I consider the avoidance a complete miss, or a near "hit".
Wouldnt a near miss be a direct hit?

You just blew my mind...
"I could care less." - So you care at least a little more than the minimum?
When ordering something "can I get "
"Can I get a beer?"
No you can't, I will get it for you and then you may have it.

I don't know why this bugs me, but it does.
To Hell in a handbasket

What does that even mean? WTF is a handbasket and how is it different from a regular basket??
To Hell in a handbasket

What does that even mean? WTF is a handbasket and how is it different from a regular basket??

hand baskets are baskets that are easily carried with one hand, unlike many other baskets that should be carried with two hands. hand baskets are really quite handy for the modern hellion on the go.