Wildwest's brew lean-to (my almost dream build)

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Progress has been minimal this week. I got the exhaust fan framed in, it looks tiny but it's 12"x12" and plenty big enough to suck brew kettle steam out. I can't get my gravel inside, it's frozen solid! It's 16f here right now. As soon as I get the gravel in I will plywood and tyvec it, that should only take a day or two.

Wow it is crazy that its that cold there. I am in CT and it is right around freezing here. Craziness.

You aint kidding, my thinned out Yankee blood can't take this cold! It's supposed to be in the low 60's by Monday.
I got to say that is has been really cold here lately. I brewed up Jamil's Nutcastle last Saturday and I don't think it got above 35 all day. When I went to drop the Shirron plate chiller in some star san the foam bubble froze in about 10 minutes.

Brew Space looks awesome! Damn, I seam to be all thumbs on projects like these. My wife might be able to build it before me!
Finally got the plywood and tyvec on it. Progress will be slow for a while, I hope to get the overhangs boxed in and the door hung, then try to do cement. At least it's at a point where the weather can't hurt anything.

Nice... wish I could do that, if I put down the wrong color dry bark the HOA sends me a letter giving me 10 days to fix it. HOA's and all out beer brew craziness don't mix.
Wild West, it's looking very nice. Any problems w/ rainwater draining off the hill and running to your shed?

That's pretty cold for those parts, I grew up in Knoxville. However, living in Wyoming now I'd trade your weather for mine (at least this time of the year); it was in the negatives every day for a week, two weeks ago, and high for tomorrow is going to be 16.

Can't wait to see it all come together!

Wild West, it's looking very nice. Any problems w/ rainwater draining off the hill and running to your shed?

Good eye! I have one spot where it is draining under the treated board a little bit. I have a gravel "ditch", but I need to build up a bit more. Once the crusher run gravel hardens up it gets like cement and it won't be a problem.
We'll I had yet another stroke of good luck. It appears my neighbors cats have been living under my house, which is fine except their heating it with MY heat and using it for a toilet. The have severed my trunk line and collapsed the cold air return. Not to mention a LOT of cat poop in the crawlspace. The whole supply and cold air trunk has to be pulled out and replaced. It's a balmy 52f in the house as I type. That's $600-$800 I didn't have to spend. So the poor old brew shed will be on hold until spring, at least it's dried in.:(

Are you at least getting some free chinese food out of the deal? Neighbors not paying for their pets destruction?

He's been warned that all cats will be shot on sight, I can't prove anything, but I do have a live trap coming that will be placed under the house. He did offer to "chip" in on the repairs.
if you can prove they are his cats doing the damage by trapping them then you can put in a claim on his homeowners insurance. He is liable for damage done by his animals.
ugg. well if you trap them, you could always offer to sell them back to him. The build is looking great.
Here's the full monty. This is exactly what it looked like under the house, he did no more damage taking it out. You can see on the smaller ducts, they were shredded by something with sharp claws. The heat line was 90% torn in two.

Because i'm trying to maintain a decent relationship with my neighbors, he get's two chances. First cat in live trap get's delivered to his doorstep, the next one get's delivered to his doorstep, with a tiny Ruger 10/22 bullet in his head. End of story. I believe this is MORE than fair, as I can't afford to replace my HVAC duct work every year.


Awesome, right up to the part where some mangy critters destroyed your HVAC ducting. I second blocking the crawl space off with a wire mesh to keep critters out. Could make some kitty-claymores out of a .410 shell too :)
Ya that really sucks my grandpa used to have a live cat trap that he setup in his garden cause he was tired of cats ruining his crop so he would catch cats and drive about 5 miles and drop them off in a park or something, Sardines and Tuna work to catch them.
First cat in live trap get's delivered to his doorstep, the next one get's delivered to his doorstep, with a tiny Ruger 10/22 bullet in his head.

Not joking. It sounds like you are being very fair with your neighbor. I understand that you have already spoken with him/her about the damage his animals are doing to your house. Going to the expense of purchasing a live trap is being extremely fair and going to the extreme to protect/preserve the animals. After all of your good efforts I hope you can sleep well should you have to put down an animal. Destroying a cute animal is always hard and it is a shame that your neighbor forces this responsibility on you.
.22 scatter shot. Won't kill it, but will make it think twice about ever coming around again. Another person here that despises the critters. Think your doing the right thing, above is another option.
Last update, my neighbor agreed to pay the full amount, $580. Then a couple of hours later I get a phone call telling me he just totaled his work van(he's fine). Crap, I can't take his money now, I would feel like an ass. So I let him off the hook. Hopefully karma or something will smile on me.:eek:
Carl Spackler said:
To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case my enemy is a varmint. And a varmint will never quit - ever. They're like the Viet Cong - Varmint Cong. So you have to fall back on superior intelligence and superior *********. And that's all she wrote.

Too bad about the totaled van... Either way it sounds like a good neighbor for making the offer.
Cats are cool, try removing a family of skunk under the house especially when they got pissed off and sprayed. I had to have a contractor pressure spray under the house. I found an old cast iron vent broken off the house allowing a family of skunk move in.
Trap that cat and give it a pepper spray job plus a good water hose bath while in the trap it will never come back to your yard. This I did to a neighbors cat that was killing my Coi fish. Only one treatment application was needed, that cat sees me and it's gone. Across the street the neighbors bring home stray dogs and cats then find them homes. One year they had a real bad pit bull that killed two of their cats and a large beagle under their care, months later animal control came by as this Pit was out in the street chasing people. Then a animal control officer who wasn't ready was attacked being chewed up rather bad with his blood everywhere. I took action being I live in a city but anyway fired two rounds of Black Talon from my .44 Redhawk. This started a big animal rights case plus involved the police as discharging a firearm within city limits, case dropped instantly being a reserve backup for the police department. It was settled weeks later with no charges at all against me as we had many neighbor complaints about this homeless animal shelter home. They are now banned to have any Pit Bulls in that house or yard. Make note, next time use a subsonic caliber with a silencer. Time to seal off under the house for any other critters like mice and rats.
Trap that cat and give it a pepper spray job plus a good water hose bath while in the trap it will never come back to your yard. This I did to a neighbors cat that was killing my Coi fish. Only one treatment application was needed, that cat sees me and it's gone. Across the street the neighbors bring home stray dogs and cats then find them homes. One year they had a real bad pit bull that killed two of their cats and a large beagle under their care, months later animal control came by as this Pit was out in the street chasing people. Then a animal control officer who wasn't ready was attacked being chewed up rather bad with his blood everywhere. I took action being I live in a city but anyway fired two rounds of Black Talon from my .44 Redhawk. This started a big animal rights case plus involved the police as discharging a firearm within city limits, case dropped instantly being a reserve backup for the police department. It was settled weeks later with no charges at all against me as we had many neighbor complaints about this homeless animal shelter home. They are now banned to have any Pit Bulls in that house or yard. Make note, next time use a subsonic caliber with a silencer. Time to seal off under the house for any other critters like mice and rats.

i used to hang on a hunting/shooting site where the preferred method for in situ crat control was .22 subsonic or a higher powered pellet rifle.

edit: they were CB caps, they wouldn't even work the action on a semi-a rifle

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