What's your favorite bumper sticker?

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I used to have this on my '86 cutlass when I was in college:
Then I went over to Ireland for a few weeks right around the time of the Omagh bombing and had lots of talks with locals in Pubs. I learned one glaringly obvious thing: I did not have enough background or historical knowlegde to even pretend to think I knew the implications or ramifications of that sticker.

When I returned, I placed this bumber sticker over it:
View attachment work harder.bmp

Since then I really stopped thinking about my self as "Irish" because if you're born in America (even if your Grandparents are fom there and you have aunts, uncles, and first cousins that live there) the Irish don't think of you as one of them. I love my roots and all but I'm definately American and not hyphenated in any way.

Since I sold the cutlass I've never had another bumber sticker on a vehicle beacuse they're just too damned expensive to muck up with crappy $2 bumber stickers.
Huh. I didn't get the towel one either. I thought it was a South Park reference. That's incredibly racist and just kind of unfortunate. :/
Huh. I didn't get the towel one either. I thought it was a South Park reference. That's incredibly racist and just kind of unfortunate. :/

Hence the disclaimer. I grew up in a rural town in Michigan and the term "towel head" was very common.
"This car climbed Brokeback Mountain"

Oh, wait... I mean, I had this friend who... damn, I'm making it worse.
Funny that you have "vote freedom first" and "McCain 2008" on there. It's a bit like having both "I ♥ Nazi's" and "Support the Anti-Defamation League" on your bumper. :cross: (yay, Godwin's law in, what 6 posts! I rulz!)

So, has the Big-O given you any freedoms lately? Seems to me he's hell bent on taking away every freedom we have?

All I can say is "I told you so." and "I'm sorry we have to endure this over-regulation and over-taxation that this administration is pushing on us."
An oldie:
More people have died in Teddy Kennedy's car than in all U.S. nuclear accidents combined.

Really I had forgotten it until I saw how geeked up people get when you clown Ole' Teddy - Dwain
So, has the Big-O given you any freedoms lately? Seems to me he's hell bent on taking away every freedom we have?

All I can say is "I told you so." and "I'm sorry we have to endure this over-regulation and over-taxation that this administration is pushing on us."

Eh, what's all this? This is supposed to be a thread about funny bumper stickers, not mindless political bickering. Sure Evan! started it, but he always does. And the thread was saved from derailment pages ago.

Now on with the show!
White all caps text behind an American flag: "BOLD POLITICAL STATEMENT"

And one of those ribbon magnets reading "Support Roadhead"

I've always wanted one saying "My other car is blue."
This is my new favorite bumper sticker. I keep seeing it more often around Austin and I am surprised. There must be a increase in buyers remorse. :D

That's a good one.

My personal favorite of all time has been:


I would personally not drive a car with that on it, but it's pretty damned funny.
I keep finding cool stickers but none have been worth getting my car keyed over... It's unfortunate but not everyone is a fan of free speech.
An oldie:
More people have died in Teddy Kennedy's car than in all U.S. nuclear accidents combined.

A bit long and not true. The SL-1 reactor explosion in 1961, for starters.
These first two are quotes, but Ive seen em both....

“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” - MLK

“The tax which will be paid for the purpose of education is not more than the thousandth part of what will be paid to kings, priests and nobles who will rise up among us if we leave the people in ignorance” - T. Jefferson

"If these bumper stickers offend you, you are part of the problem!"
"I have the body of a God... unfortunately its Buddha"
"Don't be sexist... Broads hate that"
"I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather...
Not screaming and yelling, like the passengers in his car."
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity

A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer.
“The tax which will be paid for the purpose of education is not more than the thousandth part of what will be paid to kings, priests and nobles who will rise up among us if we leave the people in ignorance” - T. Jefferson

Jeez, you must have read that one on the side of a semi.
"People who think they are superior just annoy those of us who are."

"Mean people suck. Nice people swallow."

"I drive like this just to piss you off."

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