What's your brew space/hangout spot look like?

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What are those tap handles? Look like man parts!!

3 guys walked in trying to hand me some pamphlets about why I should go to their church on Sunday mornings instead of brewing. They left with an understanding that my brew time is MY sacred time...
I've gone through lots of brew spaces/hangouts over the years (been brewing since 1989).

In 2011 we built what I hope is my last 'brew / hangout' space in our basement:








More pics and complete constructions details in my signature.

Jesus I was going to post a pic but how can I follow that? My wife wants to chop my balls off for how much I spend already. I might bust out your plans just to screw with her. Tell her I'm cashing in the kids college funds... I mean look at him over there eatin crayons... He won't need that $$$$
Pardon my French Kal, but holy balls that is a sweet space. I want to go to there.
Holy sweet jebus man! You spent some serious coin on that basement! We are all humbled by your awesomeness! :rockin:
Jesus I was going to post a pic but how can I follow that? My wife wants to chop my balls off for how much I spend already. I might bust out your plans just to screw with her. Tell her I'm cashing in the kids college funds... I mean look at him over there eatin crayons... He won't need that $$$$

Life without balls isn't that bad. The brewery was worth it.
Yup. Already had my kids. Don't need 'em anymore. Small price to pay. Priorities man!

Holy smokes Kal, that's insane! I'm also in Ottawa, and now I need to know where you live so I can move in...

Who did the renovation, out of curiosity? SWMBO is an architect with Barry Hobin, and I need to pass along the photos of your place to her since she's been charged with designing my brewspace when we buy a house next year!
That's an amazing brew space. What do you do for a living?
Lots of different things. ;) The brew space/home theater space is a culmination of these two hobbies over the last ~20-30+ years (Home Brewing and Home Theater) which are related to two different websites I created and run: CurtPalme.com Home Theater and TheElectricBrewery.com which is a step by step guide to building a brewery. I'm also a technical consultant for a large multinational. Stuff comes and goes... I've never done "one" thing for a living.

Who did the renovation, out of curiosity? SWMBO is an architect with Barry Hobin, and I need to pass along the photos of your place to her since she's been charged with designing my brewspace when we buy a house next year!
Norm Lecuyer of Just Basements Ottawa: http://www.justbasementsottawa.ca/
Complete details of our reno (step by step) here in my basement blog: http://www.theelectricbrewery.com/basement

I like Barry Hobin's stuff! Our backyard landscaper (Abloom) does a lot of work for him so they stole some "Barry Hobin"-esq ideas when they had to build us an out-building/pool house. ;)

Lots of different things. ;) The brew space/home theater space is a culmination of these two hobbies over the last ~20-30+ years (Home Brewing and Home Theater) which are related to two different websites I created and run: CurtPalme.com Home Theater and TheElectricBrewery.com which is a step by step guide to building a brewery. I'm also a technical consultant for a large multinational. Stuff comes and goes... I've never done "one" thing for a living.


Ah, sweet. You're a very ambitious individual.
Nothing fancy here...We have a mother in-law apartment and I use its kitchen for my brew space. I actually brew outdoors ( already shared that picture )so this is just mostly storage and conditioning area. I use our main kitchen for bottling also pictured below.
Grains are in plastic bins, yeasts are kept in our main fridge and hops in the main freezer.
The bottles on the floor in front of the grain bins are bottle carbing on a large pet heat mat controlled by an ink-bird. The ones on the left are all cleaned and rinsed ready to go. I will be building a better storage method for those soon from Idea borrowed from Terek's brew space..

There are 11 gallons of wine from our own grapes conditioning under the desk to the left.

As you can tell I haven't gotten into the whole remove the label thing..I'm a corner cutting Lazy brewer after all...I have an image to up hold...;)



@ScrewyBrewer - Nice spot! You must not get a lot of snow there or really not use the garage for you car like you said! In the spring I have 2" of crud and crap on my garage floor. ;)


P.S. @ yinkin

My work in progress spot [img*]http://financeisok.com/loan/images/37.gif[/img]
[img*]http://financeisok.com/loan/images/39.gif[/img] [img*]http://financeisok.com/loan/images/41.gif[/img]

Go away spammer... you've been reported! (He's got hidden 1x1 GIF images embedded in his post who's intent is to try to get their financeisok.com domain ranking increased because everyone who views this hits their site. Google the domain and you'll note similar posts across the 'net in various forums).

@kal thank you. Its true, since SWMBO is very understanding, and I've agreed to clean the snow off of the cars myself, I ended up having an awesome dedicated brewing space. It's a good thing for me too because we don't have a basement.