[Version 2 Release] RaspberryPints - Digital Taplist Solution

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Yeah I saw that a few posts back. So now I've got ALL of the rpints files and folders in the www/html/ folder but still no good, I got a different missing file error plus a fatal error. I'll bring it back up at some point so I can post the errors verbatim.
When they say unpack the files there they don't mean move them with your mouse. there's permissions to be defined and file structures and files that you may not be able to view in a file browser window. in the instructions there are detailed steps to git the files from the server and properly unpack them to /www/ you will follow these instructions, only instead of typing in …/www when it says to you should type …/www/html instead.
Hmm, so you're saying that using the terminal unzip command and then the mv command is different than doing it from the GUI? The results of the unzip then copy and paste via the GUI "look" the same to me, same files, folders etc. However I will clean everything out of my www/html folder and try it again using the terminal commands. (I did that originally, but that was before I knew that everything has to go into the html folder).
Gui doesn't give root access privilege. when setting anything up that uses multiple methods and servers and scripts that need to communicate with one another it's standard to follow the outlined procedures verbatim. even doing 2 steps in the wrong order can have its setbacks.
Thanks for that info. I'm getting closer! I got it installed finally, there were a few error messages but it said it installed successfully. I've got my beers entered and can see the taplist when I click the logo button, but for some reason my Pi is not starting up in Chromium kiosk mode. I'll go back and review all of those display setup instructions and check my autostart file edits compared to the instructions. Is there anything different about the new hardware and/or software that needs different autostart commands than the Rpints site instructions list? I have a Pi 3 model B, and all the latest software downloaded & updated over the last week or so.
Thanks again!
My autostart file is this:
@lxpanel --profile LXDE-pi
@pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE-pi
@xscreensaver -no-splash
@xset s off
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
@chromium -–kiosk localhost

I've read on several sites that to disable the screensaver that # needs to be added to the beginning of the screensaver line, is this correct?

Also is localhost correct after @chromium --kiosk ?

edit: I searched this thread for "kiosk" and found some possible solutions, I will experiment with those
I got it sorted out I think, after following instructions from a post a while back about adding a desktop file. Now I start in kiosk mode. Question: does the kiosk page update or refresh itself after I edit my tap list? Or do I need to restart it?
Since the tap list is php I'm considering setting up a VM with ubuntu and doing the install as a practice. That way, when it's time for the real install, I'll know most of the steps.

There are a LOT of posts in this thread. Does someone have a step-by-step guide to doing the install without reading thru all of the posts?

Since the tap list is php I'm considering setting up a VM with ubuntu and doing the install as a practice. That way, when it's time for the real install, I'll know most of the steps.

There are a LOT of posts in this thread. Does someone have a step-by-step guide to doing the install without reading thru all of the posts?


Head over here... http://raspberrypints.com/
Since the tap list is php I'm considering setting up a VM with ubuntu and doing the install as a practice. That way, when it's time for the real install, I'll know most of the steps.

There are a LOT of posts in this thread. Does someone have a step-by-step guide to doing the install without reading thru all of the posts?

If you have the environment to leave the VM running, save yourself some work and leave RPints running there. Just install Chromium on the Pi and pull up the page.
I'm getting ready to complete my 4 tap keezer and am in the process of getting all the parts that I'll need to run RaspberryPints w/ flow meters. Is the Alamode the only shield that will work or would it be possible to use the Arduberry (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K1KYHGC/?tag=skimlinks_replacement-20). I will be running the 4 flow meters and 2 temperature sensors.


I'm wondering how it worked to link your flow meters in to RaspberryPi using the Arduberry shield. Can you share your experience?
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RaspberryPints will not allow me to add a keg. I enter all the required information, hit save, and I am returned to a blank keg list. Is there a bug?
Or a $3.50 wemos and you don't need wires from the kegger to the Rpi

Ok, now I'm intrigued. I'm just getting started on setting up Raspberry Pints, and I am started well out of my depth. I can follow directions well, but trying either the UNO clone or the wemos would require some direction. I'm happy to re-read what has already been hashed out, if someone can give me some direction. I'm especially intrigued by what the wemos may do. It is possible to use wemos to monitor flow sensors with direct wire connection, i.e. Wirelessly? Any and all input will be appreciated.
That wemos may be a typo. I got 2 wemos and they don't even work for lightswitches. second worse product from belkin ever made
The wemos is arduino compatible with wifi on board, Rpints needs a serial connection for sensors, how that connection takes place is neither here nor there. The issue that comes to mind for flow sensors is you'd likely need a level shifter, and you be limited to 4 or 5 usable pins.

The other question that springs to mind is has anyone tried an Arduino mega for larger installations?
Ok, now I'm intrigued. I'm just getting started on setting up Raspberry Pints, and I am started well out of my depth. I can follow directions well, but trying either the UNO clone or the wemos would require some direction. I'm happy to re-read what has already been hashed out, if someone can give me some direction. I'm especially intrigued by what the wemos may do. It is possible to use wemos to monitor flow sensors with direct wire connection, i.e. Wirelessly? Any and all input will be appreciated.

Check out post #2183 in this thread. Day_trippr gave a very good write-up on how to use an UNO and bluetooth instead of the Alamode and wire to connect to the flow meters.
Apologies if it's been asked but I searched this thread and didn't find an answer:
When I go to tap a keg the only field that I cannot select is Keg Number
It has a drop down but the only option is "Select One" even though I have 3 separate kegs. I fiddled with it and got one working but not sure how to make this consistent.

RPi2, model B. Stock install, 2.1 version (latest as of this writing.)

Edit- Only thing I can see is the keg can't be "serving" so you can select it.
You need to have the status of a keg set to " clean" in order to tap it. Go into the keg section and make sure at least one is set to clean and it will show up on the drop down list for you.
You need to have the status of a keg set to " clean" in order to tap it. Go into the keg section and make sure at least one is set to clean and it will show up on the drop down list for you.

Thank you, much appreciated. Thanks to the devs as well- I'll be donating soon enough as this is perfect for what I'm doing. If I ever got around to having any free time, I'd help code if need be. Thanks!
As it's on the server it should update automagically with any changes you make...


This doesn't work on my setup for some reason. I have updated the database (edited a beer I have on tap) yet the displayed web page is still the same as before until I reboot or just refresh via the keyboard. Not a huge deal since the data won't be changing frequently, but it would be cool if I could get that part working too.
This doesn't work on my setup for some reason. I have updated the database (edited a beer I have on tap) yet the displayed web page is still the same as before until I reboot or just refresh via the keyboard. Not a huge deal since the data won't be changing frequently, but it would be cool if I could get that part working too.

Sounds like you're editing from a different station - correct? If that is the case, then no, the tap display won't normally refresh until the page is refreshed in the browser.

You can fix that though by adding a meta tag within the <head> section of your index file.

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="600">
The content value is in seconds. Change it to how frequently you want the page to auto-refresh.
True, remote edits won't be reflected at the local console, just as pours aren't immediately reflected at remote browsers. He stated he was running in kiosk mode but didn't state he was editing the 'Pints page remotely.

I have the refresh meta tag in my 'Pints index.php set for 120 seconds so my scrolling temperature logger data shown on the tap list is reasonably current...

Thanks guys. Last edits I made I was at a remote device. But I'm 99% sure that I've made local edits that also didn't show up when I toggled back to the tap list. I'll try again. I'll also try adding the refresh code, as I don't intend to keep a keyboard plugged in at this time. Although I'm also thinking of plugging the pi into my big screen TV and I could use it for other entertainment stuff too. Thanks again for the info!
I have a brewpi and raspberry pints running concurrently on one raspberry pi out on my fermentation chamber however without flow meters. Im considering purchasing an additional pi and parts to go with the "with flow meters" installation. I have some very basic raspberry pi knowlege that came from setting up brewpi raspberry pints and some home automation stuff as well but I still find it all a little intimidating and blunder my way through it which makes me intimidated to stray from the origional instructions. Anyways as parts come and go and become unavailable I was wondering what you all recommend first of all the alamode board is showing mostly obsolete I was able to find one for 70 bucks on amazon and was thinking there is no reason I shouldnt be able to use this instead correct? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K1KYHGC/?tag=skimlinks_replacement-20
This one is 15 bucks? Any words of caution or advice as to how this install would be different? how programming would differ from the instructions? Or different things I would need? It sounds pretty straightforward like it sits on the PI without soldering. Another silly question I have is what kind of cable or connectors do I need to actually connect to the flow sensors? Also is the swissflow the only recommended option still as far as sensors? I notice alot of cheaper stuff on amazon?! The only place I can find the swiss flows is on their website for 60 bucks a piece plus 20 dollar shipping. I'm sorry I'm sure alot of this has been asked but it is alot to sort through I could only read through 50 pages of this thread before I wound up more confused from other peoples questions and posts. I appreciate the help :)
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You can use a regular arduino just like your brewpi controller, it doesn't have to be an alamode or alamode clone. you can use cheaper flow meters but there is a lot more trial and error to get the pour count just right. it's not impossible to do what you want to do… it'll just require a lot more reading of this forums past posts.
Dumb question but has anyone gotten kiosk mode working on Pixel/Jesse?

A bunch of googling landed me with "~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart" instead of "/etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart"'

Neither seem to work for me.
Hello All,

I hope someone out there might be able to answer, or direct me to the thread, on a few questions?

1. Being a MS Visual Studio and Dreamweaver guy, If I was to want to make changes to the looks and feel of the program (screen sizing, layout size, ect.). Which development environment/tool would, should, or think was used to write all the PHP and python for this project. I would love to use one package if at all possible?

2. Some of the changes I had in mind was to run two screens. I am aware that I would need to have two pi's but could both pi's be getting the flow sensor data from one UNO?
Having the 2 pi's and one UNO connected via USB and just changing the unint8_t number and pulse pin reads would it work??

If one pi was set to read:
//This line is the number of flow sensors connected.
const uint8_t numSensors = 4;
//This line initializes an array with the pins connected to the flow sensors
uint8_t pulsePin[] = {8,9,10,11};

And the other pi read:
uint8_t pulsePin[] = {5,6,7,8};

Would the UNO or pi be confused??

This way I could have 4 beers on one screen and 4 on the other while having one UNO reading the flow meters!
I realize it might be easier to just run two pi's and two UNO but then I would have two data bases from the two pi's to deal with if I wanted to grab that flow data for what I want to use. With one UNO I could grab all the flow data from 1 place.

Thanks for now
I tried reading the thread as much as I could but did not seen any hint of the answers!
Purchased the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Complete Kit for use with Raspberry Pints. I'm having a difficult time inserting the Pi into the supplied plastic case. I don't want to force and crack the Pi board. Any suggestions on easily putting the Pi into the plastic case? Thanks.
I finally got the board into the case. Had to carefully angle it and gently push it into the case.

Now, another problem. The complete kit came with an SD card. Why? The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B card reader is a microSD. Unless I am missing something, the SD card included with the complete kit is useless.
Now, another problem. The complete kit came with an SD card. Why? The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B card reader is a microSD. Unless I am missing something, the SD card included with the complete kit is useless.
You sure there's not a micro-SD slid inside it?
