[Version 2 Release] RaspberryPints - Digital Taplist Solution

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How to disable screen blanking in the Raspberry Pi?

sudo apt-get -y install ttf-mscorefonts-installer x11-xserver-utils unclutter

Edit /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart and add these lines:

@xset s off
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
@chromium --kiosk localhost

OR...fwiw, I just did a quick look at a kiosk solution for Jessie and Chromium and this is what was suggested to be added to the same startup file as above:

@lxpanel --profile LXDE
@pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE
@xset s off
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
@sed -i 's/"exited_cleanly": false/"exited_cleanly": true/' ~/.config/chromium Default/Preferences
@chromium --noerrdialogs --kiosk [URL] --incognito --disable-translate

How to disable the bluetooth keyboard/mouse from going to sleep?

No idea. Don't have an RPi3, rarely use a kb or mouse on my RPiB and 2B systems, and when I do it's a $5 mini kb/mouse with some proprietary dongle...

The Raspberry Pints instructions directs us to install the LAMP stack using
sudo apt-get -y install apache2 php5 mysql-client mysql-server php5-mysql phpmyadmin

I know php is now version 7. Is there a newer/different LAMP setup to use for Raspberry Pints and a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B?
The Raspberry Pints instructions directs us to install the LAMP stack using
sudo apt-get -y install apache2 php5 mysql-client mysql-server php5-mysql phpmyadmin

I know php is now version 7. Is there a newer/different LAMP setup to use for Raspberry Pints and a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B?

I believe that php5 still works. I would use that if I were you because that's what everyone here is using and you'll get better troubleshooting assistance.

I think wbarber was forced to use php7 because he was setting up a Windows machine.
Raspberry Pints is running in the browser in the Raspberry Pi. However, the browser isn't filling the whole screen (kiosk mode). I followed the instructions "sudo reboot
to test the autostart, then when it comes up press F-11 to go into full screen followed by Alt-F4 to close it out. Now when it runs it is going to start in full screen mode."

Also, I can see the Linux bar at the top of the screen. I guess I should set the menu bar to hide and show on hover. Thought I could do in the Appearance Settings-> Menu Bar, but I can only set the size and position. There is no option to hide the menu bar. How to do?

OK. Got the kegs, taps and beers working. Now I notice on the beer list the color is a rectangle and the color is outside of the glass. Checking the RaspberryPints website homepage I see, in the example shown, the beer color (SRM) is within the glass.

Why is my SRM colors outside of the glass?
I entered 3 beers into the My Beers (in the Admin page). Everything was accepted. The "My Beers" show the data I entered. However, return to the tap list and nothing is shown. Why?

Most likely you entered a or tab or a hard return. Don't do that.
Try a very simple entry with just standard text characters - no tabs, no returns - in all fields...

I'm having no luck stopping the screen blanking. I followed the instructions

sudo nano /etc/kbd/config
o Change the following settings:
Sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
o Add the following lines:
@xset s noblank
@xset s off
@xset –dpms

Screen still blanks out
I followed the instructions posted in this forum for those using Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. Here is the line

"Install iceweasel because chromium not supported on Jessie
sudo apt-get -y install iceweasel"

How to run iceweasel (aka Firefox) in kiosk mode?

No idea, never done it.

You can install Chromium on an RPi3 though. Just need to use the correct procedure, which can be found here:

OK. Thanks. I will take a look. Perhaps, this is also why the SRM colors are not within the glass (using a different browser).

I can't remember which browser - may in fact have been Firefox/Ice Weasel - but there was a browser that didn't handle the masking that is used to keep the colors inside the glasses...

Ice Weasel (aka Firefox) is definitely causing the left hand glass coloring problems. Closed Ice Weasel. Opened Chromium and browsed to localhost/index.php Everything renders as desired.

Rats! Now I have to undo the Ice Weasel auto start up things!

DO NOT use Ice Weasel/Firefox for Raspberry Pints.

Still having NO success disabling/turning off the screen blanker.
Ice Weasel (aka Firefox) is definitely causing the left hand glass coloring problems. Closed Ice Weasel. Opened Chromium and browsed to localhost/index.php Everything renders as desired.

Rats! Now I have to undo the Ice Weasel auto start up things!

DO NOT use Ice Weasel/Firefox for Raspberry Pints.

Still having NO success disabling/turning off the screen blanker.

I'm not at home so I don't have my notes or computer in front of me, but you may need to look under the home directory instead of /etc for the auto start file.

Edit: found it. Try putting the commands here ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
Still having NO success disabling/turning off the screen blanker.[/QUOTE]

install xscreensaver

sudo apt-get install xscreensaver -y

After that just go to the main drop down menu and screensaver is now in the menu, turn it off and you don't have to worry about screen blanking.
I modified the /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart as suggested.

Chromium is not auto starting. What should I check?

Check ~/.cache/lxsession/LXDE-pi/run.log for errors. On my setup, the browser executable is chromium-browser. I also had to use xset to disable DPMS. Here's the relevant data in my ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart:

@chromium-browser --incognito --kiosk localhost
@xset s off
@xset dpms 0 0 0
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
How I hate linux. Too many files in too many places. For me, for the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B user file is


All along, following the Raspberry Pints instructions and the instructions in this forum and I'm modifying the wrong start up file. This is why I wasn't getting the autostart.
Yeah, it's the worst, except for all the others :)

The project and documentation haven't been updated in years, so there's some drift to be expected.

Is anybody actively maintaining the project? There are a bunch of forks on github with minor tweaks and I've spent a few hours adding some non-trivial features that I'd like to share back.
Yeah, it's the worst, except for all the others :)

The project and documentation haven't been updated in years, so there's some drift to be expected.

Is anybody actively maintaining the project? There are a bunch of forks on github with minor tweaks and I've spent a few hours adding some non-trivial features that I'd like to share back.

So what ya got ?:rockin:
After being absent for awhile I installed everything new and having a problem with the Temp logger. It show on the web page but does not automaticaly plot the temp. I have to run the "python script" manualy for it to work.
I did the cron job in both "www-data" and "root" and it is set for 1 min.
And the graph is gone too.
Any help would be gr8.
So what ya got ?:rockin:
Lots of small things, but the biggest is adding support to display different containers/glassware for each beer in the gravity/color column. I ended up using SVG images to style on the fly for coloring instead of the overlay. I just realized this renders correctly in epiphany, which may help performance on older hardware like my first-gen B+.

I may try a similar technique on the alcohol scale so the glassware matches.

I also spend considerable time (I suck at web design) modifying the layout to vertical columns per beer.

I updated the sql.schema with my database changes, so It should be simple to package up if anybody wants it, but unless you're comfortable modify the database schema manually, you'd have to delete your existing data.
Hello all, I built my Keezer a year ago and its awesome. I came across RaspberryPints a few months ago but now I finally have the time to purchase everything and do the install. I went back about 15 pages and did a search but only came up with a few answers so hopefully people can give me some help. I purchased a RPi 3 from Amazon with case. My next question is flow meters and Arduino controller. I have 4 taps so 4 flow meters at $60 is steep. What are some cheap alternatives? I saw these in an earlier thread but they never responded on how they worked. Also I have the same question about the Arduino controller(i need one right), do I just get the $16 on amazon?

Those should be all the things I need correct?
Any help would be appreciated. Im still going back thru the 200+ pages

Edit: Placed an order for RPi3, Arduino uno and I found these flow meters on ebay, that should work from the information I gather from everyone.
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I think wbarber69 might have used a similar flow meter to the one linked.
There is a constant in the R'Pints code that has to be changed to support any meter other than the SF800, but otherwise any meter you can get mechanically working should be supportable.

As for the Arduino, you don't have to use the AlaMode shield, you can use an inexpensive Uno instead, connected to an RPi USB port. I wrote that up a while back and the change is trivial...

Hello all, I built my Keezer a year ago and its awesome. I came across RaspberryPints a few months ago but now I finally have the time to purchase everything and do the install. I went back about 15 pages and did a search but only came up with a few answers so hopefully people can give me some help. I purchased a RPi 3 from Amazon with case. My next question is flow meters and Arduino controller. I have 4 taps so 4 flow meters at $60 is steep. What are some cheap alternatives? I saw these in an earlier thread but they never responded on how they worked. Also I have the same question about the Arduino controller(i need one right), do I just get the $16 on amazon?

Those should be all the things I need correct?
Any help would be appreciated. Im still going back thru the 200+ pages

Edit: Placed an order for RPi3, Arduino uno and I found these flow meters on ebay, that should work from the information I gather from everyone.

I actually went pretty in depth on those meters. id suggest you go with the 1/2 inch versions for many reasons. the flow count will be different like day_tripper stated. you'll have to go back a lot farther than 15 pages to find my notes. I had to drill mine out and use like 15 wraps of Teflon to get to where I'm at now so really it's kinda uncharted territory. I got good flow sense but I was never really able to get around pouring beer through my system.
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