[Version 2 Release] RaspberryPints - Digital Taplist Solution

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With an RPi3B you need Raspbian Jessie, plus the latest Apache2.
Between the two there are some small changes from the installation procedure shown on the raspberrypints.com page, but nothing too challenging.

Scanning back I think drunklejon's script might be the most concise...


Thanks. So I gotta be honest. I've always considered myself pretty computer literate, but I'm no professional programmer. I have no idea what the two things you just referenced above mean. I'm assuming software, or maybe an operating system? Short of reading all 2200+ posts in this thread, are there a few good beginner posts in here that I should look for, or some other online resources where I can find the info I need to make the proper hardware and software decisions for my future setup?
Raspbian is the operating system most folks are using on all flavors of RaspberryPi. "Jessie" is the latest version of Raspbian; its well-worn predecessor is "Wheezy". An RPi3B needs "Jessie", while all older RPi models can use "Wheezy".

Apache2 is the web server that serves up the tap list pages. The latest version of Apache2 moved some default folders for purported security improvements (eg: in-bound html requests are now resolved at /var/www/html where they used to default to /var/www). That requires some adjustment to the RaspberryPints installation procedure.

It wouldn't hurt to start at the Raspberrypints.com pages and going through the descriptions and installation procedures. Beyond that I can't say...

Please help. I have installed Raspberrypints on a Rpi3 and finally have everything working with the exception of the motion sensor. It will not turn off the screensaver. I had a dud sensor originally, received two more and they both work when running the test, but once xscreensaver gets involved, nothing happens. I initially followed the latest instructions by DunkleJon and when that didn't work, I started over and used day trippers original instructions. This is my first experience with any code writing, so I'm hoping I missed something simple and I don't have to start over. Again. Any (more) help is appreciated.

BTW, this forum is awesome and has been invaluable in getting me where I am. Thanks for all your contributions!
I have the motion sensor running on Jessie and the command string to run it ['sudo python pir_run.py'] goes in /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart.

Thanks day trippr, that did help... sort of. Only issue now is my sensors (all three of them) either constantly register motion and the screen saver won't activate, or they don't register motion at all. There is no adjustment in between that works properly. Has anyone else had this issue, or am I the only lucky one?
Make sure you're adjusting the correct pots per their function, and that the jumper is set as shown:


Looking at the board from the edge so the two pot "knobs" can be visualized, I set the delay pot to about 9 o'clock, and the sensitivity pot to around Noon...

I will give that a try tonght, but I think I've tried every combination there is. Once I set the time delay to noon or past, it never detects motion. And set to 10 or less it says "motion detected" about every 5-20 seconds. I just don't think I'm meant to have this enabled.
fwiw, you could disconnect the sensor and use a jumper wire to tie GPIO7 to GND or 3.3V (NOT 5V!) to verify the software side is working properly. Tied to GND the screensaver kick-out should never happen, then moving the GND end of the jumper to 3.3V should immediately kick-out of the screensaver.

If that much works, you're down to tuning those two pots. Note that turning the Delay pot too far from full-counter-clockwise could extend the re-trigger delay for a long time. I haven't actually tested the full scope of that control but at a little past 9 o'clock it's in the 4-5 minute range.

Also...below is an edit of pir_run.py that adds an LED indicator to the RPi, with the anode connected to GPIO8 and the cathode connected to GND. When motion is detected the LED will light for 3 seconds. Might be helpful as you don't have to wait for the screensaver to kick-in while tweaking the pots.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

cmd = 'xscreensaver-command -deactivate'



	GPIO.add_event_detect(PIR_PIN, GPIO.RISING, callback=MOTION)
	while 1:

except KeyboardInterrupt:


I actually run a modified version of pir_run.py that replaces the 3 second delay command with playing an audio mp3 file. But that requires additional software and is not germane to solving the basic function of the PIR...

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

cmd = 'xscreensaver-command -deactivate'
playsound = 'mpg321 /home/pi/tada.mp3'



	GPIO.add_event_detect(PIR_PIN, GPIO.RISING, callback=MOTION)
	while 1:

except KeyboardInterrupt:



Day trippr, you beautiful SOB you! It works! And I honestly have no idea what was wrong. First I tried your sensitivity and delay settings, then I test with a ground wire to see if I could force it to work. No go. So I tried your modified LED code and couldn't get that to work either. I was about to give up but decided to give it a try one last time and for some reason it works perfectly. I'm so confused but so glad it works.:ban: I'm celebrating tonight! :mug:Thanks for all the help!
The mystery continues. I was playing with it in my office, giddy that it was actually working, even made my wife test it out. It was working flawlessly. So I shut it down, took it downstairs and mounted it on top of my fridge and fired it up. Screen saver came on and wouldn't kick out. I was jumping like a fool for it to detect me. The test was working perfectly but it wouldn't kick out the screensaver. Shut it down, made sure nothing came loose during transportation and fired it up again. This time the screensaver never activated, but again, pir_test worked great. Shut it down, walked away for a bit, came back later and turned the sensitivity all the way down and it seems to be working fine again. I really hope we don't have a power failure. Ever. Fingers crossed it keeps working.
I have a problem, hopefully someone can help, I've had my pints working flawless , but after an hr or so it freezes, the pours don't update, I'm clueless as to why this is happening everytime I reboot, same thing happens.
Raspbian Jessie with PIXEL: Everything is up and running except motion sensor script! Test script runs fine and terminal command (sudo python pir_run.py) works!! Tap list loads full screen in chromium on boot and xscreensaver kicks in. It appears motion script is not executing.
Scratching Head...
I have walked through all the steps of installing RaspberryPints and am stuck on Step 6 (without flow meters).

I have downloaded the .zip file "RaspberryPints-2.0.1.zip and am attempting the next step of:

unzip RaspberryPints-x.x.x.x.zip and I am entering as follows:

unzip RaspberryPints-2.0.1.zip and receive an error message of "cannot find or open RaspberryPints-2.0.1.zip"

Can anyone help or direct me to where I can get find a solution?

The zip file is in the /home/pi/Downloads.

I downloaded it in the web browser and can see it at the bottom of the page when I click on "Source code (zip)".
Figured it out just before your reply :)

Raspbian Jessie with PIXEL
Image with PIXEL desktop based on Debian Jessie

* SSH disabled by default; can be enabled by creating a file with name "ssh" in boot partition
* Prompt for password change at boot when SSH enabled with default password unchanged
* Adobe Flash Player included
* Updates to hardware video acceleration in Chromium browser
* Greeter now uses background image from last set in Appearance Settings rather than pi user
* Updated version of Scratch
* Rastrack option removed from raspi-config and Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Ability to disable graphical boot splash screen added to raspi-config and Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Appearance Settings dialog made tabbed to work better on small screens
* Raspberry Pi Configuration now requires current password to change password
* Various small bug fixes
* Updated firmware and kernel
* New PIXEL desktop environment - new icon set, window design, desktop images, splash screen and greeter
* Chromium web browser included
* Infinality font rendering patches included
* RealVNC server and viewer included
* SenseHAT emulator included
* Rfkill entries added to Wifi and Bluetooth panel plugins
* Updates to various standard applications, including Scratch and NodeRED
* Various bug fixes, tweaks and translation updates
* Updated firmware and kernel (https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/commit/ad8608c08b122b2c228dba0ff5070d6e9519faf5)

PIXEL? You mean the phone? :confused:

Go here and read forward...

For anyone that doesn't want to have the motion sensor tripping from a greater distance than a few feet or having to mess with the sensitivity setting, then mount it on the back bottom edge of your monitor, facing down! Mine triggers about two feet away...
I have tried it all types of different ways and no luck.

If I have the files extracted and unzipped in the /home/Pi/Downloads can I do anything at that point?
I liked the fact that I didn't have to install "Chromium". I like that the Raspberry Pi Configuration menu is accessible from the start menu. The "look" appears more appealing IMA. Nice to have youtube pre installed which seems to work well! Havn't had much time to look into it much but for now, I like it. :mug:

Excellent! :mug:

Gotcha. So how would you compare PIXEL to LXDE?

I use WINSCP (mentioned in the install Step 6) and putty for remote terminal commands! Sure made my life a lot easier. Typing on a 3" X 5" BT keyboard just wasn't muck fun with the install. lol

I have tried it all types of different ways and no luck.

If I have the files extracted and unzipped in the /home/Pi/Downloads can I do anything at that point?
I have tried it all types of different ways and no luck.

If I have the files extracted and unzipped in the /home/Pi/Downloads can I do anything at that point?

I'm wondering if this was an ownership issue.

No matter. Just move the entire folder as the instructions say.

sudo mv RaspberryPints-x.x.x.x/* /var/www/

Ah...wait. Are you installing this on Jessie, or Wheezy?
If Wheezy then /var/www is correct.
If Jessie, the path wants to be /var/www/html

I'm wondering if this was an ownership issue.

No matter. Just move the entire folder as the instructions say.

sudo mv RaspberryPints-x.x.x.x/* /var/www/

Ah...wait. Are you installing this on Jessie, or Wheezy?
If Wheezy then /var/www is correct.
If Jessie, the path wants to be /var/www/html

See, I tried the sudo mv RaspberryPints-x.x.x.x/* /var/www/ command and nothing.

I guess I can give the /var/www/html command a try.

Perhaps this is a silly question, but, it shouldn't matter that I was downloading the most recent Hotfix, right?
See, I tried the sudo mv RaspberryPints-x.x.x.x/* /var/www/ command and nothing.

I guess I can give the /var/www/html command a try.

Perhaps this is a silly question, but, it shouldn't matter that I was downloading the most recent Hotfix, right?

Not silly at all - you pulled the correct file.

Still no idea why you're having problems with simply unpacking the archive and moving it entirely to the proper folder.
How did you actually get the file unzipped?

Not silly at all - you pulled the correct file.

Still no idea why you're having problems with simply unpacking the archive and moving it entirely to the proper folder.
How did you actually get the file unzipped?

I believe it worked when I just right clicked and did an extract. I was trying a bunch of different things last night because I was getting irritated but I believe this is what did it.
Ok, I rarely use the desktop, preferring to use Putty and WinSCP remotely (highly recommended for caring and feeding a fleet of RPi systems).

If that worked but you're having trouble moving the files to their final destination, perhaps you could move the archive file there, then do your right-click/extract thing there...

Ok, I rarely use the desktop, preferring to use Putty and WinSCP remotely (highly recommended for caring and feeding a fleet of RPi systems).

If that worked but you're having trouble moving the files to their final destination, perhaps you could move the archive file there, then do your right-click/extract thing there...

So I am guessing I have screwed something up along the way and will likely wipe everything and start over.

I finally made it to step 7 (pretty sure everything finally worked in step 6) and when I open a browser on my Mac and enter the IP address, I get the Apache2 Debian Default page.

When I did the sudo rm /var/www/index.html it said no such file or directory existed so I thought I was good.
As I alluded earlier, any new Apache2 installation defaults in-bound web requests to /var/www/html, not /var/www. You can either change that default, thusly:

Change html document root from /var/www/html to /var/www:

- edit /etc/apache2/sites-available
- change DocumentRoot from /var/www/html to /var/www

Or you need to root the raspberrypints files at /var/www/html

Original Raspberry Pints instructions call for using Raspberry Pi Model B 756-8308 Motherboard (RASPBRRYPCBA512).

There are newer Raspberry Pi since the instructions were written.

Is it OK to use the newest Raspberry Pi with Raspberry Pints? Or, is Raspberry Pints written for a specific version of the Raspberry Pi?

Original Raspberry Pints instructions call for using Raspberry Pi Model B 756-8308 Motherboard (RASPBRRYPCBA512).

There are newer Raspberry Pi since the instructions were written.

Is it OK to use the newest Raspberry Pi with Raspberry Pints? Or, is Raspberry Pints written for a specific version of the Raspberry Pi?


You can use any model Pi, but you'll need to review the last few weeks of posts to see the changes for getting Chromium running on the newer models and for where the newer versions of Debian store the Apache files. Other than that, the instructions still work.
You can use any model Pi, but you'll need to review the last few weeks of posts to see the changes for getting Chromium running on the newer models and for where the newer versions of Debian store the Apache files. Other than that, the instructions still work.

Be my luck I'll spend days reading thru the prior posts and miss something. Are there complete or almost complete instructions for getting Raspberry Pints setup and running on the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B?

Use the newest release, Raspbian Jessie with PIXEL. It includes the chromium browser! Install raspberrypints in /var/www/html/ folder. Other than that, just follow the guide.

Be my luck I'll spend days reading thru the prior posts and miss something. Are there complete or almost complete instructions for getting Raspberry Pints setup and running on the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B?

and this why I don't have a system.......I am technology jinked.
Some of you folks can set up a system in 5 Seconds Blindfolded with Both Hands tied behind your Back while others like me spend 10 hours and the end result is a smashed systems from a hammer.