Things about your co-workers that annoy you

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I miss cooking. Its the only job I've ever had that it was acceptable to show up completely hungover and just knock out some killer food until it was time to go home and get wasted again. The dishwashers though, man those guys were shady... always eyeballing the food, being all sketchy in the walk-in.

I was a dishwasher for 2 years in high school. Fun, no stress job. But I was a least shady one there. I was surrounded by drug dealers and felons.
yesterday I went into the bathroom where we have 3 urinals. I stood at #1 another guy came in shortly after me and occupied urinal #3. While i was draining I farted in what felt like 2 days of built up pressure.
The guy next to me acted shocked and declared "excuse you".
I just let the aroma speak for me and left.
if I cant fart in the $hitter, where can I?
Anyway, one of my office mates just found G*d. She watches a daily bible/preaching session on her computer loudly, twice a day.
To each their own, but I think she has a master plan to "save me".

She should talk to the Dr Bob people, if I wont join that club, I aint joining Jebus!
I used to work with that person...the one that doesn't feel happy unless they're suffering through a diet, while making sure the entire office is aware of their martyrdom:

Today is National Donut Day. I brought donuts (so did some others; donuts as rewards and punishments are part of our project's "culture"). She bitched me out for not bringing fruit. Why the flocc would I bring in fruit on National Donut Day? :smack: If you want fruit, YOU bring in fruit, lady.

People bring in snacks I choose not to eat all the time, it's never occurred to me to go ***** at them for being generous in a way I personally do not approve of...WTF.
...I farted in what felt like 2 days of built up pressure.
The guy next to me acted shocked and declared "excuse you".

I do that every morning and my wife says the same thing... and then I pull the sheets over her head. If you're gonna complain, you get the oven. Them's the rule's.
People bring in snacks I choose not to eat all the time, it's never occurred to me to go ***** at them for being generous in a way I personally do not approve of...WTF.

I brought my friends a case of beer every Friday, until they started complaining about free PBR. Now they get to buy their own weekend beer, which usually consists of a couple 40's of Colt.
I didn't even know it was possible to complain about free donuts. Free donuts are the greatest. That's like complaining about free beer.

I brought my friends a case of beer every Friday, until they started complaining about free PBR. Now they get to buy their own weekend beer, which usually consists of a couple 40's of Colt.

Mother of God. :eek:
Man, now all of a sudden I want to play EFH. I haven't done that since high-school.

Last time I played it (grand champion 2 years straight) I face planted on the sidewalk trying to run outside. Ended up Edward Shardsofglass-Hands. I'm retired from that game. Thanks.
Man, now all of a sudden I want to play EFH. I haven't done that since high-school.


Only drinking game we ever played in College was "YOU CHUG"!
Which if you dont know the game or rules, you are over thinking it!
Then again we drank alot and were not that smart!
I got this one kid who constently whistles the same few bars of the same song over and over and over all day long

I've had "if i only had a brain" stuck in my head since SEPTEMBER 2010. As a result, I've been whistling the first few bars over and over, and occasionally sing the whole thing.

Oh that would Piss me off to no end. I cut meat and sometimes the night guys avoid the 20 "community" knives and take mine out if my wrapped up knife sheath, then to top it off, leave my knives and steel scattered around the wet sink to rust overnight (and you can bet your balls they have figured out how to get them dull everytime).

But if I were you billy, I think I would lose it

I've spent a couple years in a meat shop, and I know exactly what you mean. This one guy never used the steel, and eventually couldn't even cut open a bag to get to the meat.

We have the guy who's hot all the time, wears short sleeves in the dead of winter, and likes the thermostat on 64 all the time...The rest of us are wearing our coats all day indoors.

Sounds a little like me. For some reason, I like having the thermostat set around 17 (not sure what that is in american....62?) because I can't stand being too warm. The only problem is that while my skin loves the cool temps, my lungs don't, so I'm coughing up a lung whenever it's not warm and humid.
Only drinking game we ever played in College was "YOU CHUG"!
Which if you dont know the game or rules, you are over thinking it!
Then again we drank alot and were not that smart!

I played "Drink the Beer" when you finished your beer you won... Another beer. Unless you were out. Then you won the right to go to the store and buy the next case
It was usually a race to first, and we never stole from one another. I only remember blacking out once, because I have forgotten all the other times, most likely.
It was usually a race to first, and we never stole from one another. I only remember blacking out once, because I have forgotten all the other times, most likely.

I honestly would never steal anything other than smokes from my friends, but I am averse to waking up with a Snidely Whiplash sharpie mustache.
The guy who replies to all emails with excessive use of exclamation points... It really gets on my nerves for some reason

I honestly would never steal anything other than smokes from my friends, but I am averse to waking up with a Snidely Whiplash sharpie mustache.

Once, we shaved a guys eyebrow. Not both, just one!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rather than shaving the other one off he hid in his room for almost a week and a half before putting a hat on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know this isn't the "things about your coworkers that disgust you," but I just witnessed this.

After some vigorous computer use (at work, nothing inappropriate here), you all know the dusty buildup that can occur on/near the keyboard. Skin cells, food debris, whatever.

I just walked around the corner of my cubicle to ask the woman next door a quick questions. As I peaked my head around, I noticed her wipe her middle finger along her vinyl wrist rest (covered in dusty debris)...then lick it!

I slowly pulled my head back and went back to my cube. She didn't notice me. Must have forgotten her lunch.
I know this isn't the "things about your coworkers that disgust you," but I just witnessed this.

After some vigorous computer use (at work, nothing inappropriate here), you all know the dusty buildup that can occur on/near the keyboard. Skin cells, food debris, whatever.

I just walked around the corner of my cubicle to ask the woman next door a quick questions. As I peaked my head around, I noticed her wipe her middle finger along her vinyl wrist rest (covered in dusty debris)...then lick it!

I slowly pulled my head back and went back to my cube. She didn't notice me. Must have forgotten her lunch.


The other day, my department admin (we'll call her Jane) came by my desk and asked if it was ok for her to accompany another (new to the job) admin (let's call her Sally) to pick up some supplies from another office in Frankfort. Sally wasn't familiar with the other building, and needed help finding it. I gave Jane the go-ahead to help her out. Later in the afternoon, Sally's boss comes in:

-"Did you tell Jane she could go to Frankfort?"
"Yeah, she said Sally wasn't familiar with the area."
-"Are you sure that's a good idea? Jane has a 'history'." (She had a dispute with my predecessor about misuse of FMLA leave, but she kept everything within the guidelines of the law, so nothing could really be done about it. She was just gone a lot.)
"As long as she notifies me first, I don't mind if she gets out once in a while."
[Internally: "Dude, the company trucks all have GPS trackers. You know this. If they bailed on work for shopping and massages--or even just driving around aimlessly--it'll show up in the records. I'm not worried. Chill."]
-"Well ok, but..."

He had been searching the entire office trying to track them down, and for no particular reason. I've had people coming to me for days now asking what Jane did that had him so up in arms. When I tell them, they just respond, "that's it?"
I miss cooking. Its the only job I've ever had that it was acceptable to show up completely hungover and just knock out some killer food until it was time to go home and get wasted again. The dishwashers though, man those guys were shady... always eyeballing the food, being all sketchy in the walk-in.

For me, it was also the only job I was ever any good at that I actually enjoyed doing. I am apparently really good at being a cashier/store clerk but I hate that freakin' line of work. I am proficient in cleaning out empty rental properties, but that's not something I want to do, I just do it because I need money. I loved cooking in my sister's restaurant. I really did.
I played "Drink the Beer" when you finished your beer you won... Another beer. Unless you were out. Then you won the right to go to the store and buy the next case

Did you & a bunch of friends once get together and watch a video tape of the Statue Of Liberty until she got hot, as well?

There's no way to say this without grossing you people out, so I"ll just come out and say it. I notice a lot of people on this thread are complaining about bathroom hygiene (I'm still only on page 52, atm). Assuming you're wearing clean laundry, and assuming a daily morning shower, I think it makes more sense to wash your hands BEFORE using the bathroom. Unless you end up touching your own poop, or get splashback from a urinal.

Assuming you're clean, then everything is neatly kept inside your (freshly laundered, hopefully) shorts. It's not out and about getting dirty. But your hands are.

There's no way to say this without grossing you people out, so I"ll just come out and say it. I notice a lot of people on this thread are complaining about bathroom hygiene (I'm still only on page 52, atm). Assuming you're wearing clean laundry, and assuming a daily morning shower, I think it makes more sense to wash your hands BEFORE using the bathroom. Unless you end up touching your own poop, or get splashback from a urinal.

Assuming you're clean, then everything is neatly kept inside your (freshly laundered, hopefully) shorts. It's not out and about getting dirty. But your hands are.


There's no way to say this without grossing you people out, so I"ll just come out and say it. I notice a lot of people on this thread are complaining about bathroom hygiene (I'm still only on page 52, atm). Assuming you're wearing clean laundry, and assuming a daily morning shower, I think it makes more sense to wash your hands BEFORE using the bathroom. Unless you end up touching your own poop, or get splashback from a urinal.

Assuming you're clean, then everything is neatly kept inside your (freshly laundered, hopefully) shorts. It's not out and about getting dirty. But your hands are.


You'd be going on the honor system that everyone else is also washing beforehand. All it would take is one person with horrible hygiene touching the toilet handle before you to blow that theory out of the water.
You'd be going on the honor system that everyone else is also washing beforehand. All it would take is one person with horrible hygiene touching the toilet handle before you to blow that theory out of the water.

And I work with just such a fella.

Not to mention someone else here decided it was a good idea to hose down an entire stall today. People are disgusting. Don't give them too much credit.
There's no way to say this without grossing you people out, so I"ll just come out and say it. I notice a lot of people on this thread are complaining about bathroom hygiene (I'm still only on page 52, atm). Assuming you're wearing clean laundry, and assuming a daily morning shower, I think it makes more sense to wash your hands BEFORE using the bathroom. Unless you end up touching your own poop, or get splashback from a urinal.

Assuming you're clean, then everything is neatly kept inside your (freshly laundered, hopefully) shorts. It's not out and about getting dirty. But your hands are.


No question about it, the dirtiest thing in the workplace is the handle you touch going INTO the restroom. As a rule, everyone touches that when they are the longest time from washing their hands.

Also urine is nominally sterile, unlike your computer keyboard.
You'd be going on the honor system that everyone else is also washing beforehand. All it would take is one person with horrible hygiene touching the toilet handle before you to blow that theory out of the water.

The only thing that touches the toilet handle is my shoe.

Urinals included. KIII YAIIIII!
No question about it, the dirtiest thing in the workplace is the handle you touch going INTO the restroom. As a rule, everyone touches that when they are the longest time from washing their hands.

Also urine is nominally sterile, unlike your computer keyboard.

So, you're saying I need to pee on my keyboard to clean it up?