Things about your co-workers that annoy you

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Standing desks are the ultimate in bourgeois privilege.

"Boo hoo. My desk job is so easy that I feel the need to stand all day just to stay challenged."

**** off. Let's ignore the fact that we all went to college in the hopes that one day we would have a nice desk job instead of actually working on our feet all day. Remember how great your feet felt after standing for a 10 - 12 hour shift? I do. It wasn't a good feeling.

The guy in the cubicle next to me somehow convinced HR to pay for a standing desk even though weeks ago, HR sent out an email saying they wouldn't pay it without a doctors note. I understand if you have severe back pain from an accident or a chronic injury, but this kid is young (22) and is just fat.

It's bad enough that I can't stand his voice or even his face. Now I get to put up with him standing over our cubicle row all day. Except, EXCEPT, he only stands maybe for an hour total during the day. The rest of the time he sits in a tall stool with his feet up on his desk. The cost of this annoyance? $650. That's $650 that isn't going to be going to raises, improvements, anything. It's a total waste of money.

Everyone in this office who previously had a standing desk has been fired over the last year. I can only hope that this trend continues.
Standing desks are the ultimate in bourgeois privilege.

"Boo hoo. My desk job is so easy that I feel the need to stand all day just to stay challenged."

**** off. Let's ignore the fact that we all went to college in the hopes that one day we would have a nice desk job instead of actually working on our feet all day. Remember how great your feet felt after standing for a 10 - 12 hour shift? I do. It wasn't a good feeling.

The guy in the cubicle next to me somehow convinced HR to pay for a standing desk even though weeks ago, HR sent out an email saying they wouldn't pay it without a doctors note. I understand if you have severe back pain from an accident or a chronic injury, but this kid is young (22) and is just fat.

It's bad enough that I can't stand his voice or even his face. Now I get to put up with him standing over our cubicle row all day. Except, EXCEPT, he only stands maybe for an hour total during the day. The rest of the time he sits in a tall stool with his feet up on his desk. The cost of this annoyance? $650. That's $650 that isn't going to be going to raises, improvements, anything. It's a total waste of money.

Everyone in this office who previously had a standing desk has been fired over the last year. I can only hope that this trend continues.

This is pretty much what I picture when someone asks for a standing desk.
So maybe this is more of a "Brett has a conscience" thing, but my coworkers are horrible with actually being at work 40 hours a week. The project I am on its near impossible to accomplish any work remotely. Maybe there is an hour or two per week that could be handled outside the office. So how then do my coworkers hit 40 hours a week when the come in at 9 and leave at 3?

They don't.

Then there is the guy who didn't show up on Monday and none of the managers noticed... Don't know if he had an excuse or told everyone. Same guy conveniently has to "work from home today" (friday) cause of plumbing issues at his house (remember its not possible to accomplish anything remotely).

Problems is I have been on the team the longest and know the software insde and out so everyone comes to ask me questions. I overslept one day and didn't make it in until 10 and everyone wondered where I was...fml

OK, end of rant. I need a beer :mug:
Today I realized as I looked around. The shop.... I'm the Milton Waddams type, gonna set the place on fire..... You bust your ass getting **** done and forever more it's the baseline, today went something to this effect... "what do you mean, you started the the repair at 1pm, pulled the blown engine out, assembled the new engine and installed it by 3:30pm (your quitting time) but it's not gonna be ready till tomorrow morning??? Can't you stay late and have it running tonight????"

It's an 18 hour job....

'Clink' goes the zippo....
Standing desks are the ultimate in bourgeois privilege.

"Boo hoo. My desk job is so easy that I feel the need to stand all day just to stay challenged."

**** off. Let's ignore the fact that we all went to college in the hopes that one day we would have a nice desk job instead of actually working on our feet all day. Remember how great your feet felt after standing for a 10 - 12 hour shift? I do. It wasn't a good feeling.

The guy in the cubicle next to me somehow convinced HR to pay for a standing desk even though weeks ago, HR sent out an email saying they wouldn't pay it without a doctors note. I understand if you have severe back pain from an accident or a chronic injury, but this kid is young (22) and is just fat.

It's bad enough that I can't stand his voice or even his face. Now I get to put up with him standing over our cubicle row all day. Except, EXCEPT, he only stands maybe for an hour total during the day. The rest of the time he sits in a tall stool with his feet up on his desk. The cost of this annoyance? $650. That's $650 that isn't going to be going to raises, improvements, anything. It's a total waste of money.

Everyone in this office who previously had a standing desk has been fired over the last year. I can only hope that this trend continues.

If someone told these asshats they HAD to stand, they wouldn't stand for it.

We actually had a DC try it. The Maint dept got a row of PCs to do work orders on. He thought putting in seats would encourage loafing. Maybe he didn't think NOT putting in seats would encourage rioting. They got seats.
can i complain about my housemates? On brew/bottle day i can't find anything because the old nag went and organized my brew supplies. I've currently gone over the house and can't find my bottle brush anywhere, and i can't think of another way to clean this carboy, because i don't have access to pbw or oxyclean without paying insane shipping rates and waiting several weeks.
can i complain about my housemates? On brew/bottle day i can't find anything because the old nag went and organized my brew supplies. I've currently gone over the house and can't find my bottle brush anywhere, and i can't think of another way to clean this carboy, because i don't have access to pbw or oxyclean without paying insane shipping rates and waiting several weeks.

Obsessive-compulsive roommates always organizing your stuff?
There's an app for that...

There's no way to say this without grossing you people out, so I"ll just come out and say it. I notice a lot of people on this thread are complaining about bathroom hygiene (I'm still only on page 52, atm). Assuming you're wearing clean laundry, and assuming a daily morning shower, I think it makes more sense to wash your hands BEFORE using the bathroom. Unless you end up touching your own poop, or get splashback from a urinal.

Assuming you're clean, then everything is neatly kept inside your (freshly laundered, hopefully) shorts. It's not out and about getting dirty. But your hands are.


I'm a healthcare worker and the most annoying thing about my co-workers is all the bull**** heroics. Why can't you just do the job you get paid for without constantly lauding yourself? And #2 is the idea that I might work with people who think like the quoted post. I am dumbfounded.
I'm a healthcare worker and the most annoying thing about my co-workers is all the bull**** heroics. Why can't you just do the job you get paid for without constantly lauding yourself? And #2 is the idea that I might work with people who think like the quoted post. I am dumbfounded.

I'm in charge of janitorial for 200 people. I wash my hands if you look at me weird.
But I don't wash after I piss. I'm a mystery wrapped in a riddle.

I say wash before and after but I did infection control reports for 12 years and know what a huge percentage of infections are caused by cross contamination related to poor hygiene.
I say wash before and after but I did infection control reports for 12 years and know what a huge percentage of infections are caused by cross contamination related to poor hygiene.

I thought we weren't discussing @Bucknuts 'ing anymore? ;)

My coworkers were complaining today about having to clean up ****. Both were saying if the had to do it again they'd quit. Really? After years of doing this line of work I'm no longer phased, especially since we work in geriatrics... it's like a phlebotomist trying to avoid blood. :eek:
I thought we weren't discussing @Bucknuts 'ing anymore? ;) :

Different thread lol but yeah I'm done here as well proper hygiene just doesnt matter to guys who pee in the yard their kids play in then man the grill without hand washing to serve up a side of c@ck with their burgers. I waste to much effort trying to educate but I can't help it part of my job is public health educator.
I thought we weren't discussing @Bucknuts 'ing anymore? ;)

My coworkers were complaining today about having to clean up ****. Both were saying if the had to do it again they'd quit. Really? After years of doing this line of work I'm no longer phased, especially since we work in geriatrics... it's like a phlebotomist trying to avoid blood. :eek:

I've taken to chanting (usually in my head, but sometimes aloud) "eight more years, eight more years." Until retirement, when I hope to be responsible for only my own butt.
I've taken to chanting (usually in my head, but sometimes aloud) "eight more years, eight more years." Until retirement, when I hope to be responsible for only my own butt.

I would try that approach but chanting 25 more years repeatedly would cause me to become depressed.
Sorry I couldnt resist. I'm looking forward to visiting the great state of Texas in a couple weeks.

It's a hoot. Enjoy the Ironic and Non Ironic "Howdy". I hear it a lot but it seems there's a special twang to it when people know you're from out of town. It's all "Look an out of towner. Lets make them think we're all illiterate country folk.".
It's a hoot. Enjoy the Ironic and Non Ironic "Howdy". I hear it a lot but it seems there's a special twang to it when people know you're from out of town. It's all "Look an out of towner. Lets make them think we're all illiterate country folk.".

I usually get the opposite when I'm traveling and tell people where I'm from:

"Really? You don't sound like you're from Kentucky."

"Uh, thanks...? Neither do you."
It's a hoot. Enjoy the Ironic and Non Ironic "Howdy". I hear it a lot but it seems there's a special twang to it when people know you're from out of town. It's all "Look an out of towner. Lets make them think we're all illiterate country folk.".

I'm spending time in San Antonio and Austin and I'm a little concerned about all the reports of flooding and flood damage. I'm not arriving in Texas until June 30th should I be concerned?
I usually get the opposite when I'm traveling and tell people where I'm from:

"Really? You don't sound like you're from Kentucky."

"Uh, thanks...? Neither do you."

People ask where I'm from and when I tell them I'm Texan born and raised they tell me I talk to fast for a Texan and with not enough of an accent.

I'm part of the TV generation. No one has an accent, everyone makes a ton of money and the only wants we have are based in comedic happenstance.

I'm spending time in San Antonio and Austin and I'm a little concerned about all the reports of flooding and flood damage. I'm not arriving in Texas until June 30th should I be concerned?

Are you driving? If not I wouldn't be to concerned. Our roads flood out quickly but aside from that I wouldn't worry about it.
Back on topic... it annoys me when my co-workers are always coming up to me and telling me how smart and good-looking I am.

I get it, I'm awesome. No need to keep reminding me... and probably just makes them feel worse about themselves.
Are you driving? If not I wouldn't be to concerned. Our roads flood out quickly but aside from that I wouldn't worry about it.

My wife wants to visit a couple spots along the way so very much against my will we are driving
Do prisoners count as co-workers, if I work at a jail?

I've got so many stories there, but I'm not really allowed to share them :(

At the airport I also work at we've got a manager who loves to micromanage, but she's just left on maternity leave, so we're free for at least 12 months. Everybody else is fairly laid back and easy to get along with.
People ask where I'm from and when I tell them I'm Texan born and raised they tell me I talk to fast for a Texan and with not enough of an accent.

I'm part of the TV generation. No one has an accent, everyone makes a ton of money and the only wants we have are based in comedic happenstance.

Are you driving? If not I wouldn't be to concerned. Our roads flood out quickly but aside from that I wouldn't worry about it.

my oldest sister is an accent chameleon. her and her ex moved to SC. within 2 weeks she had the full southern accent. she and her current were stationed in England. it only took 1 week for her to develop a full British accent. they are now stationed in Texas. again, only 1 week to get the full on Texas TV twang.
Back on topic... it annoys me when my co-workers are always coming up to me and telling me how smart and good-looking I am.

I get it, I'm awesome. No need to keep reminding me... and probably just makes them feel worse about themselves.

Probably. I have a Tshirt I wear telling people about your awesomeness. They're all "Who's Psylocde?" to which I just snort, and say something along the lines of

"Pffft. You wouldn't know. Plebe.".

My wife wants to visit a couple spots along the way so very much against my will we are driving

Which areas? Heads up Austin is the worst city in the world to drive in. Well, the worst I've driven in. Don't go anywhere from 6-10, 11-2, 3:30 - 7.

Then if you go out in any of those windows plan at least an hour just to get through town.

Oh I hate it so much. Traffic is what keeps me and most of us out of Austin.

my oldest sister is an accent chameleon. her and her ex moved to SC. within 2 weeks she had the full southern accent. she and her current were stationed in England. it only took 1 week for her to develop a full British accent. they are now stationed in Texas. again, only 1 week to get the full on Texas TV twang.

I know people like that, or families with multiple accents although they all came from the same region.

Accents are cultural. I have a buddy in Russia that only speak English when he teaches it, and his only native discussions are with me so he tries to make it sound like he hasn't picked up the local accent and tempo but he has.

They speak slower than we do it seems. Makes sense. We have stuff to do. Being Russian basically consist of being awesome and doing what you want. On your own schedule you slow things down.

I want to move to Russia...
my oldest sister is an accent chameleon. her and her ex moved to SC. within 2 weeks she had the full southern accent. she and her current were stationed in England. it only took 1 week for her to develop a full British accent. they are now stationed in Texas. again, only 1 week to get the full on Texas TV twang.

Apparently I sound like a cowboy... which I was just told recently, but I read everything you write in a Cockney accent.

Probably. I have a Tshirt I wear telling people about your awesomeness. They're all "Who's Psylocde?" to which I just snort, and say something along the lines of

"Pffft. You wouldn't know. Plebe.".

I appreciate that, but find it kind of hard to believe that they haven't heard of me.
I wish I could do accents. One reason I can't learn other languages is that I can't make a lot of their sounds.

I can't roll my R's, I can't tell the difference between Q and K in Inuktitut, and as much as I wish I could, I can't seem to sound Irish or Scottish.